The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 829 Emergency Rescue Mission (26)

Remember [new] in one second! The former heroine became my "sister-in-law"?

He Tiantian's feeling is slightly subtle.

Her original protagonist has never had anything to do with the male and female protagonists of the original novel.

However, if she had to, she wouldn't refuse it too much.

Because Qiu Guyu is not a top heroine, she has a very upright outlook on life, being diligent, kind, virtuous, and enthusiastic.

In He Tiantian's opinion, this is the heroine who agrees with serious novels.

"Panxia, ​​I made multigrain steamed buns for lunch, adding fine grains, and it tasted pretty good. I took a few, you and my third grandma should try it!"

Su Chuanxin got Mrs. Qiu's permission and built his new home next door.

They were really next door, not like Su Guochang, who said they were neighbors of Mrs. Qiu. In fact, the two families were still thirty or forty meters apart.

There is only a wall between the two families, and the wall is not very high.

Qiu Guyu, who is of medium height, can reveal half of his body when he steps on the stool.

She held a plate of steaming multi-grain steamed buns and said to He Tiantian with a smile.

"Thank you sister-in-law! I smelled the fragrance just now. The old lady also said that my sister-in-law must be steaming steamed buns. The smell is so delicious!"

He Tiantian did not refuse, but also stepped on a stool and lay on the wall.

After taking the plate, He Tiantian sniffed exaggeratedly and kept praising her.

She's not bragging, Qiu Guyu's cooking skills are really good.

The home-cooked dishes are well fried and the pasta is well cooked.

Ever since I married Su Chuanxin and moved into the big tiled house next door to Mrs. Qiu's house, there has never been any fragrance in the kitchen.

Steamed steamed buns, steamed flower rolls, steamed buns, steamed steamed buns, steamed meat dragons, baked vegetable cakes, as well as dumplings, wontons, pimple soup and so on.

Qiu Guyu is good at craftsmanship and generous.

Knowing that Mrs. Qiu and "Panxia" are good to their men and that they are neighbors, every time they make something, they will share a plate with them.

Of course, neither Mrs. Qiu nor He Tiantian likes to take advantage -

Just like this moment, He Tiantian would finish her daily compliments and jump off the stool with a plate in hand.

Entering the kitchen, he took out the cereals and steamed buns on the plate.

Fill a whole plate with the mung bean cold cake you made yourself.

She returned to the wall and said she was returning the plate, but it was actually an exchange of things.

"Sister-in-law, try the mung bean cold cake I made. I put honey in it and kept it at the mouth of the well after making it. It's very cool and relieves summer heat!"

He Tiantian smiled and handed the plate to Qiu Guyu.

Qiu Guyu didn't refuse either.

This is the case between people, only by coming and going can they last forever.

Not to mention neighbors who are not related by blood, even between blood relatives, if it is just one-sided contribution, it will be difficult to achieve perfection.

"Ban Xia, your cold cake is really good."

Qiu Guyu leaned against the wall, took a piece of cold cake and threw it into his mouth.

While she was eating, she chatted with Banxia, ​​"I was busy in the kitchen in the morning, and I suddenly heard someone coming here? Who is it? Is Zhao Zhiqing here again?"

What a good word "again".

Just one word is enough to explain that Zhao Zhiqing has become a frequent visitor to Mrs. Qiu's house.

"Well, he said that his family sent him some things and money. In order to thank me for my treatment, he specially brought two cans of malted milk as a gift!"

He Tiantian looked calm and said calmly, "But, I don't want it!"

Qiu Guyu glanced at He Tiantian quietly and saw that when she mentioned Zhao Zhiqing, she seemed to be talking about an insignificant stranger.

Qiu Guyu secretly felt relieved.

Fortunately, fortunately, "Panxia" is a smart and transparent girl.

Although she is simple, she will not be easily coaxed into confusion by those educated youths.

It is said that in her dream, in order to return to the city, those educated youths were willing to do anything that broke their outlook and exceeded their bottom line.

A male educated youth abandons his wife and children and never comes back;

Female educated youths are willing to "sacrifice" everything just to leave this poor place in the countryside.

Of course, I originally came from the city, and now I want to go back, which is reasonable.

However, in the process, hurting innocent people is a bit unjustifiable.

Especially those children...well, it's pitiful just thinking about it.

The future life shown in the dream even made a TV series to reflect this situation.

"Beautiful XSBN can't keep my dad..."

That dream was so real that even now, the theme song of that TV series is still floating in Qiu Guyu's mind.

Qiu Guyu didn't have much favorable impression of the educated youth.

Especially those male educated youths who take the initiative to court the girls in the village have ulterior motives and hidden evil intentions.

Forget about others, Qiu Guyu asked too many questions, and it was inevitable that he would be suspected of being nosy.

But next door to Banxia, ​​her man always treats her like a girl.

Even Qiu Guyu himself got along very well with the old lady and Banxia during the period of his marriage.

Qiu Guyu really didn't want to see Banxia being so fascinated by a male educated youth that she ended up being abandoned.

We really can’t blame Qiu Guyu for being unfounded. That educated youth named Zhao Qingping is really, really—

Qiu Guyu couldn't describe it. Anyway, she just felt that there was something fishy about Zhao Qingping.

However, people around him still say that he is kind, repays kindness and is a conscientious person.

Qiu Guyu had no evidence and failed to grasp Zhao Qingping's fault, so he could only hide this bad intuition.

She couldn't tell people directly, so she observed secretly, hoping Banxia wouldn't be deceived by a male educated youth!

Now seeing the indifference on Ban Xia's face, not the dreamy look of a little girl in love, Qiu Guyu felt slightly relieved.

However, Qiu Guyu had different opinions on the content of He Tiantian's words.

"...Why didn't you want it? You did save Zhao Zhiqing!"

Sugar-coated cannonballs are not terrible. The best thing to do is to eat the sugar-coated shells and throw the cannonballs back.

"I asked for his five yuan consultation fee."

He Tiantian smiled and winked mischievously at Qiu Guyu.

Qiu Guyu:......

Well done!

Silently gave a thumbs up.

It is indeed unusual for a girl to be valued by her cunning man.

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!

Just when Qiu Guyu thought about his man, he saw Su Chuanxin walking over in stride.

However, his face was not very good, and he seemed to be holding back his anger.

Qiu Guyu and He Tiantian stood on the stools, condescendingly looking at Su Chuanxin's appearance.

The two looked at each other.

He Tiantian: "Sister-in-law, Brother Shuanzi seems to be angry!"

Qiu Guyu glanced back, "Well, I'll go ask!"

The aunt and sister-in-law had a silent exchange and then hurriedly got down from the wall.

He Tiantian ran to the yard, opened the door, and said hello to Su Chuanxin: "Brother Shuanzi, are you back?"

"What? Didn't you reach an agreement with the captain?"

Su Chuanxin, who was walking quickly, paused when he heard He Tiantian's voice.

He adjusted his mood and forced a smile.

"No! Something happened. Liu Zhiyuan from Qiujiaping also wanted to take action. Captain Qiu said he would consider it!"

He had a good relationship with Mrs. Qiu and He Tiantian, and Su Chuanxin also "cooperated" with He Tiantian in private. Therefore, Su Chuanxin did not hide many things from these grandparents.

For example, his "career".

After getting married and having a wife, he would have children soon. Su Chuanxin would definitely not be able to do the business he had done in the past.

However, Su Chuanxin would not go to the ground.

So, after some thought, he came up with a plan——

Do business!

Yes, still doing business.

These days, personal trading is illegal, and it could lead to speculation.

However, if it is in the name of the production brigade, those things will not matter!

Su Chuanxin thought carefully. He wanted to persuade the team leader to mobilize the entire production team to sell eggs, vegetables, and agricultural and sideline products.

He is responsible for taking the lead and receiving certain wages and rewards.

Or, you can open a soy sauce workshop in the production team.

Ahem, Su Chuanxin actually got to know a lot of people who had been hanging around in the county all year round and were from various religions.

One of them is the owner of the county soy sauce factory, and it is said that he has a secret recipe.

Although the secret recipe was handed over to the soy sauce factory in the early years, there were always rumors that this profiteer, who was shrewder than the old fox, kept it secret!

In fact, the old fox did have selfish motives. He had two secret recipes in his hand, but only handed over one.

He wanted to leave the other to his grandson, but unfortunately, his grandson died of illness.

With his grandson gone, the old fox's tone became a little loose.

If there wasn't an old woman to take care of, he might have left with his grandson.

Su Chuanxin got acquainted with the boss by accident. He felt pity that he was a lonely old man, so he took care of him a little.

It was a rare act of good deeds and he brought back a secret recipe for Su Chuanxin.

Su Chuanxin never thought that before he came up with the secret recipe at this time, he still wanted to start some business of reselling eggs and other agricultural and sideline products.

Therefore, when he approached Qiu Changshun this time, he also talked about eggs, game and vegetables.

As a result, Cheng Yaojin suddenly appeared——

"Liu Zhiyuan also wants to take action?"

He Tiantian frowned.

Because of the incident of sending Zhao Zhiqing to the hospital last time, He Tiantian came into contact with Liu Zhiyuan, an old educated youth.

Based on her observations and what she heard from the villagers, He Tiantian could basically conclude.

Liu Zhiyuan is an honest person who is almost timid.

He will become the big brother in the educated youth community because he is the first to arrive and is willing to give guidance to the new juniors.

But if there were any "activities" at the Educated Youth Spot, Liu Zhiyuan never got involved.

He won't take the initiative to do anything.

It’s not that I’m incapable, but that I’m afraid of taking on responsibilities, and even more afraid of causing trouble.

In his early years, he would marry a girl from the production brigade. He also weighed the strength of the three villages before choosing Qiujiaping, which had the most villagers and the strongest strength.

Liu Zhiyuan is not a troublemaker at all!

In particular, this kind of thing may be judged as speculation.


How abnormal!

He Tiantian's brain was running rapidly.

According to her experience, there are three possibilities for a person to suddenly undergo such a big change——

First, he encountered a major change and received great stimulation, which led to a drastic change in his character;

Secondly, if you were "travelled" and had a new core, wouldn't that make you a different person?

Third, I was instigated and used by others!

He Tiantian studied it carefully and based on the recent situation, she eliminated the first one first.

Just after the summer harvest, the Advanced Production Team worked hard and were exhausted.

Even the most noisy shrews in the brigade have stopped. They are either resting themselves or trying to find ways to feed the strong laborers at home.

Without a big mess, Liu Zhiyuan would not have been stimulated.

And the second possibility, being transported through time or something, seems unlikely.

Of course, this kind of thing needs to be checked in person.

He Tiantian secretly kept this section in mind, thinking about finding an excuse to go to Qiujiaping tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

In fact, there is no need to make excuses.

He Tiantian saved Zhao Zhiqing on the field ridge that day, and everyone in the production team knew that she had medical skills.

Later, a pregnant woman suffered from severe postpartum hemorrhage, but He Tiantian stopped it with a silver needle in time.

Two lives were at the most critical moment, but He Tiantian turned the tide.

Suddenly, her reputation spread throughout the entire brigade, and there was a faint tendency to expand outwards.

Although He Tiantian has not yet entered the health center, there is an endless stream of villagers coming to see her for treatment.

He Tiantian doesn't charge any money. Everyone who comes to see the doctor either gets a few eggs or gives a few sweet potatoes and potatoes.

It does not cost money and can treat diseases, so the villagers naturally flock to it.

Therefore, in less than half a month, He Tiantian became a famous "goddess doctor" from all over the country.

"Well, a sister-in-law came to me two days ago, saying that she was not feeling well at her natal mother's place in Qiujiaping, but she was too embarrassed to come to me, so I just sent the doctor to her door!"

He Tiantian sent Su Chuanxin away and said to herself secretly.

I went to Qiujiaping to help my aunt look at gynecological diseases, and took the opportunity to observe and inquire about Liu Zhiyuan.

He Tiantian's plan was very good, and she implemented it the next day.

"...It's nothing, it's just some inflammation. I'll prescribe some external medicine for you, and I'll ask Sister-in-law Cuifen to bring it to you quietly tomorrow."

He Tiantian checked the aunt carefully and found that there was some inflammation.

This kind of situation cannot be avoided not only in this era, but also in future generations.

Even if a woman loves to be clean herself, she still has to prevent men from bringing inflammation to her without paying attention.

He Tiantian prescribed a prescription for external washing and told the aunt: "Boil those medicines, let them warm before scrubbing!"

"Also, you must pay attention to hygiene, wash frequently, and wash your underwear before exposing it to the sun!"

My aunt is almost 50 years old. It was her first time to see someone for treatment of such a private disease, and her face turned red with embarrassment.

Alas, if it weren't for the extreme itching and the unpleasant smell, the aunt wouldn't want to tell her daughter.

Not even going to see a doctor by myself.

Afraid of embarrassment!

Seeing the aunt's coy look, He Tiantian smiled and said, "There's nothing to be ashamed of. This is an illness, not a fault!"

Alas, this society has too many shackles on women.

Many times, despite being the victim, they still suffer criticism, abuse, and humiliation!

"...Thank you, thank you doctor!"

The aunt still felt uneasy, so she thanked her one after another and sent He Tiantian out.

Before parting, the aunt still seemed to be hesitant to speak.

He Tiantian understood and said seriously, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone!"

Doctors should keep privacy for their patients. He Tiantian strictly abides by his professional ethics...

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