The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 831 Emergency Rescue Mission (28)

Remember [new] in one second! Qiu Changshun’s pupils narrowed slightly and he looked straight at Su Chuanxin.

He has been the captain of the brigade for more than ten years, managing the villagers of three villages, and his dignity is even greater than that of the head of Qiujiaping Village back then.

Many of the younger generation can rarely withstand Captain Qiu's death gaze.

However, Su Chuanxin is not an ordinary young man. He is a well-known second-rate kid who hangs around county and provincial capitals all year round.

Qiu Changshun couldn't scare him at all.

He still looked playful and smiling, "Captain, please tell me whether it will succeed or not!"

"Everyone in our Sujia Village is waiting, and my old lady also said that she asked Uncle Guoming's old comrades in the provincial capital to help find experts from the technical station who know that we grow herbal medicine!"

Su Chuanxin's few simple words conveyed a lot of information.

Especially Mrs. Qiu's third son, Su Guoming, was mentioned.

Although this man has been sacrificed for almost twenty years, his old comrades and brothers have not forgotten him.

Especially since he died to save a certain Pao Ze, and that Pao Ze knew how to repay his kindness and fulfilled his filial piety for Mrs. Qiu instead of Su Guoming.

It can be said that Mrs. Qiu is able to live such a respected life in the advance brigade and even in the entire county. In addition to the row of red cards at the door, there is also the "godson" in the capital.

It's just that in the past ten years or so, Mrs. Qiu has lost her temper and has lived day by day, never thinking of using those connections.

It's different now. Mrs. Qiu has a pinellia by her side.

Su Chuanxin also joined in the fun.

The old lady's heart came to life again, and she was actually willing to do her best to help Banxia and Su Chuanxin!

She didn't have to do much, just call Jingcheng——


Absolutely not!

Whether it was to maintain Qiujiaping's leadership position or to maintain his authority as captain, Qiu Changshun could not let Sujiacun go it alone.

Isn't it just a side business? Speaking of which, if it can really succeed, it will be good for him, the advancement brigade, and the people in the production team!

"Growing herbs? Starting a new side business?"

Qiu Changshun had already made a decision in his heart, but did not express it directly.

He chewed these words in a deep voice for a while, and then seemed to think of something.

His eyes suddenly lit up, he punched the palm of his left hand with his right hand, and said excitedly: "Okay! This is a good idea! If it works, our production team can make a lot more money!"

“When we pay dividends at the end of the year, we can also get more money!”

"Okay! Okay!! Oh, Shuanzi, I've known for a long time that you are a promising kid, and you really didn't disappoint me!"

The last sentence has a slightly serious tone.

It seemed like it was squeezed out from between the teeth.

He's not "promising", so he dares to threaten him, the captain.

His authority was challenged, and Qiu Changshun always had a thorn in his heart.

Su Chuanxin seemed not to hear the dissatisfaction in Qiu Changshun's words.

Qiu Changshun is indeed the captain of the brigade, but the situation of their advancing brigade is more complicated.

Qiu Changshun can't cover up the sky with one hand.

Not to mention everyone in Sujia Village, just one old lady Qiu is enough for Qiu Changshun to be afraid of.

"Uncle Captain, are you agreeing?"

Su Chuanxin was secretly disdainful, but his face showed a respectful look.

Even the title changed from the formulaic captain to uncle captain.

Qiu Changshun:......

Huh, what a fake!

If you really knew how to respect your elders, you wouldn't be so arrogant just now.

"Promise! How could I not agree to such a good thing?"

Holding back his irritation, Qiu Changshun replied with a smile.

"Great, Uncle Captain Yingming! It happens to be the slack season now, so I'll make plans!"

Su Chuanxin slapped his thigh and his whole body was full of energy.

Qiu Changshun only felt it was an eyesore.

But I agreed to the promise and simply gave the favor to the end——

"Go. You will be the second captain of our forward brigade's sideline business from now on!"

Qiu Changshun gave Guan'er an envelope directly to Su Chuan.

As for why it is the "second captain" and not the "first captain", the reason is simple.

Don't forget, there is also Liu Zhiyuan.

People proposed to raise chickens and pigs collectively in the advance brigade.

With the breeding farm, a side business has also been opened up.

Moreover, his plan was earlier than Su Chuanxin's, so he naturally took the lead and became the "first captain."

Su Chuanxin didn't take it seriously.

Breeding is not easy.

The forward brigade also has the biggest flaw - inconvenient transportation.

Su Chuanxin himself started by reselling eggs, mountain products, and game. He knew very well how difficult it was to transport goods out of the mountains.

Especially eggs, tsk tsk, if you don’t handle one well, you will break many of them.

That's all money.

Herbal medicines are much better. The prepared medicinal materials are basically dry goods, light in weight, and not afraid of being beaten.

Select a dozen strong laborers and set off with a load in the morning. By noon, you can leave the mountain road and reach flat land, and then change to other means of transportation.

Su Chuanxin has received technical support from He Tiantian and has a basic understanding of planting and picking herbs.

He also visited many places such as county towns and provincial capitals for inspections and found that the herbal medicine business has great potential!

"...Thank you, Captain!"

Su Chuanxin thanked him with a smile and started to go back to make preparations.

Soon, the entire Forward Production Brigade learned two pieces of news——

First, the brigade headquarters built a breeding farm to raise chickens, pigs, ducks, geese, etc.

This is the sideline team, with Liu Zhiyuan as the captain.

Second, the brigade headquarters opened a herbal medicine plantation to plant ginseng, medicinal herbs, etc.

This is the second sideline team, with Su Chuanxin as the captain.

All members of the Advance Brigade want to join the First Side Team or the Second Side Team on a voluntary basis.

After joining, work points will be recorded according to regulations.

Of course, if there is any profit at the end of the year, everyone in the team will receive dividends according to standard proportions.

As soon as the news came out, it caused heated discussions in the three villages.

There is not much controversy about the first sideline team and the second sideline team.

Because no matter how knowledgeable people are, they heard that the brigade headquarters is going to start a side business, and they also know that ordinary villagers like them can also benefit from it.

The only point of contention between them was the selection of the two captains.

One is an old educated youth who married a local girl. Although he has been rooted in the Advance Brigade for more than ten years, he is still a city dweller at heart.

The other one is even more amazing, he is actually a famous second-rate man in their production team!

"Can Su Chuanxin also be the second captain?"

"That's right. He doesn't do his job every day and hangs out with a bunch of gangsters. How can he be the leader?"

"Yes, my dog ​​Dan is better than him!"

"Bah, your dog egg is worse than my little wild boar."

Everyone was talking a lot, and they all felt that their children were better than Su Chuanxin.

Of course, some people say fair things——

"Better than Shuanzi? Haha, can your child afford a gift of a thousand yuan to marry a wife, or can he build a five-room tile-roofed house by himself?"

"Oh, by the way, there are also bicycles! In our entire production brigade, there are only three village chiefs, and the fourth one is Renren Shuanzi!"

"That's right. I've heard that Shuanzi has connections in the county and province! Even Mrs. Qiu supports him!"

Everyone reacted after hearing this.

Although Shuanzi has a bad reputation, he is really rich.

To put it bluntly, people like Farming are definitely better than Shuanzi.

But apart from the door, when I went to the county, hehe, they didn’t even know where the door of the purchasing station faced.

Even if you grow medicinal herbs, you can't find a place to sell them.

However, everyone was talking about it, but I still felt uneasy.

Many people came to Liu Zhiyuan to sign up for the sideline team, but Su Chuanxin only had a few of his little brothers here.

He Tiantian leaked the news at the right time, saying that she would select a few people from the second team of the sideline team to learn how to prepare medicinal materials with her.

Preparing medicinal materials is a craft, and it is also a skill that can be used to make food.

The people in the production brigade couldn't help but feel a little excited after hearing this.

The more thoughtful people thought that if they could really be apprentices to "Pinellia", they would start by collecting medicinal materials and slowly learn medical skills.

If you learn how to see a doctor and then become a barefoot doctor, your child’s job will be secure for the rest of his life!

Although He Tiantian was not able to go to the county hospital for training, her medical skills have spread throughout the country.

Silver needles to stop bleeding, bare hands to set bones, and tut-tut are all life-saving methods in their mountainous areas.

The key is that she is still a girl and can treat women with some unspeakable diseases.

When giving birth, she is the most beneficial guarantee!

Therefore, in less than two months, the name "Pinellia" has become very popular.

As soon as He Tiantian's words were released, many people rushed to Su Chuanxin to sign up.

After a few days of hustle and bustle, the registration process finally came to an end.

The first sideline team and the second sideline team actually had a tie in terms of "recruiting workers."

Liu Zhiyuan was slightly disappointed.

Originally, he thought that with his reputation as a kindhearted person, his identity as Qiu Jiaping's uncle, and his background as a city man with connections in the city, he could crush the so-called second team of sideline workers.

Alas, I didn’t expect that a second-rate guy like Su Chuanxin could actually attract so many people.

"The main reason is that Mrs. Qiu and Banxia support him..."

Zhao Qingping noticed Liu Zhiyuan's irritability and spoke to him calmly.

"Oh, it's true that this old lady has chosen a second-rate guy?"

When it came to Mrs. Qiu, Liu Zhiyuan looked a little embarrassed.

When he came to the Forward Production Brigade, he regretted it not long after.

He wanted to go back to the city, but had no choice.

He tried hard to live a better life in the countryside.

At that time, there was no special educated youth center for the educated youth in the production team.

Qiu Changshun assigned several educated youths to live in villagers' homes.

At that time, Liu Zhiyuan fell in love with Mrs. Qiu's family.

An orphaned old lady with no children, even her only granddaughter died in infancy.

It is the time when feelings are most empty and there is no sustenance.

If this was possible, I could enter the heart of the old lady...

Liu Zhiyuan then proposed that he would like to live at Mrs. Qiu's house, which was close to the water and the terrace.

However, Mrs. Qiu refused.

Liu Zhiyuan was a little embarrassed, and then he became even more angry when he saw Shuanzi working for the old lady every day.

I felt that the old lady had cat cakes, so she didn't want him, an educated youth from the city, but she chose a stupid bastard instead.

Then this second-rate guy even became a second-rate one!

Liu Zhiyuan was somewhat gloating about his misfortune.

However, he is cautious and knows how to understand current affairs.

No matter how much drama he has in his heart, he won't show it.

In the end, in order to work less, have enough to eat, and have someone to help him, he reluctantly married a girl from Qiujiaping.

...These things have passed, and Liu Zhiyuan rarely thinks of what happened back then.

At this moment, he suddenly heard Zhao Qingping mentioning Mrs. Qiu, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

"And Banxia, ​​I think she is quite smart. How come she has identified the bolt?"

Liu Zhiyuan continued to complain dissatisfiedly.

Zhao Qingping's fair and delicate face showed a hint of deepness, "She is just smart enough to choose Su Chuanxin!"

Su Chuanxin is the future richest man and a natural business wizard.

I just don’t know if “Panasia” picked up the treasure accidentally or if she had a deliberate plan.

Until now, Zhao Qingping still can't see through this girl.

Her origin is strange, as if she appeared out of nowhere.

But there aren't many flaws in her life experience.

Having lived in the Advance Brigade for more than a year, Zhao Qingping knows very well how common the existence of abandoned babies is in such a remote, poor, and ignorant place.

Even Zhao Qingping himself could find some small skeletons when he went to the back mountain to collect firewood.

More than ten years ago, people would only be more ignorant and crazy!

It is also possible that there will be some masters who "escaped from the world" in the mountains.

Therefore, it makes perfect sense for a Taoist priest who pretends to be a ghost to live a hidden life in the mountains with an abandoned baby he found.

But Zhao Qingping still didn't dare to feel relieved easily.

He is used to being cautious and has always adhered to the principle of "better kill by mistake than let go".

Of course, he is not that cruel and will not really kill anyone.

At most, it would be some manipulation behind the scenes, or simply a conspiracy——

"Qingping, what did you just say?"

Zhao Qingping's voice was so low that Liu Zhiyuan didn't hear him clearly, so he asked a question.

"It's nothing! I mean, Banxia is a nice person. She saved me. She is indeed a kind and good girl!"

When Zhao Qingping said this, two blushes appeared on his fair face.

"Eh? Qingping, you, you—"

Liu Zhiyuan seemed to have discovered a new world, staring at Zhao Qingping with bright eyes.

Zhao Qingping felt even more "shy" when he saw it like this.

"Oh, okay, you boy, you have such good eyesight!"

When Liu Zhiyuan saw Zhao Qingping, he was as embarrassed as a big girl and couldn't help laughing.

He showed an "I understand" look in his eyes and deliberately bumped Zhao Qingping's arm with his shoulder, "If you like it, go for it!"

"Although Pinellia ternata is good, it is a rural registered permanent residence. As for us, no matter how bad it is, we are from the city!"

Even if it is not easy for educated youths to live in the countryside, their pride is always there.

Even Liu Zhiyuan has accepted his fate and settled down in the countryside, but he has never forgotten that he came from the city.


Zhao Qingping was so embarrassed that he couldn't speak after being teased by Liu Zhiyuan, so he just responded in a dull voice.

"Oh, why are you so shy! I'm telling you, when you pursue a girl, you have to do what she wants!"

"...Well, Banxia is studying medicine, so she must be interested in medicine!"

"In this way, you can find time to go to the county, such as supply and marketing cooperatives, or scrap depots, and look around to see if you can find anything related to medicine..."

As a veteran, Liu Zhiyuan acted as a dog-headed strategist for the "young" Zhao Qingping. Oh, no, he was a love consultant...

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