The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 832 Emergency Rescue Mission (29)

Remember [new] in one second! "Panxia, ​​I heard that you are good at acupuncture. This is a set of silver needles that I asked someone to buy from the capital!"

Zhao Qingping held a wooden box and walked from the educated youth spot at Qiujiaping brigade headquarters to Sujia Village.

He smiled shyly and shyly, but his beautiful peach blossom eyes had a burning light.

"It's given to you, please don't refuse, I just hope you can save more people!"

Zhao Qingping raised his chest and raised his head. He was obviously giving a gift to the girl he "favorite", but he still said it so honorably!

He Tiantian:......

Ni Ma, you are such a wild copywriter!

I haven't settled the score with you yet for using secret tactics to ruin my opportunity to go to the county hospital for training.

You, you came to the door on horseback!


What are you going to do?

With an innocent look of "I like you and I want to pursue you", what kind of conspiracy does he want to play?

Uh, no!

This is not a conspiracy, but a conspiracy.

It's human nature to admire someone when you're young!

In addition, there is a "life-saving grace". The young man repays the favor and wants to commit himself to it. It is simply the most classic bloody love plot.

He Tiantian looked at Zhao Qingping steadily.

This is a simple big boy.

She has fair skin, delicate facial features, and the temperament of a city scholar. Although she is a bit squeamish and frail, she is still quite popular with the elders.

Shy, coy, and harmless!

A pair of eyes with clear eyes, so innocent and pure.

Even though He Tiantian is well-informed and has developed a pair of vicious eyes, he can't see any flaws in the other party!

This person is either really that innocent, or his acting skills are so good that they explode.

He Tiantian's heart sank.

She didn't think the man in front of her belonged to the former. He was obviously too good at disguising!

If there hadn't been a failure in the last mission, if there hadn't been such a profound lesson, and if there hadn't been soldiers everywhere, He Tiantian might have believed in the man in front of him.

What's more, maybe He Tiantian will be moved by such a simple and innocent boy, and then really become friends.

If that were really the case, that would be ridiculous——

He Tiantian worked hard to become a leading heroine.

It turns out that her partner is a wild copywriter who relies on her to steal the energy of the novel world and complete his tasks.

If this were really the case, He Tiantian would really vomit to the point of vomiting blood and die!

She is not afraid of the enemy being strong, but she is afraid that the enemy is lurking around her, using her flesh and blood to strengthen the enemy!

In the previous world, He Tiantian also thought about whether to support a new male protagonist.

And people from the Helian family were one of her chosen targets.

It was only because of the later control issues and because He Tiantian was unwilling to take advantage of an innocent person that he did not initiate this plan.

Otherwise, in the previous world, maybe He Tiantian would have formed an alliance with Helian Ye.

In that case, He Tiantian's frustration will reach its peak and may directly cause her to collapse.

Even so, the lessons of failure are extremely profound.

He Tiantian was extremely careful this time and would never trust anyone easily.

Especially people like Zhao Qingping who vaguely made her feel something was wrong.

"No, thank you! I already have my own silver needle!"

He Tiantian refused very simply.

Zhao Qingping's shy face suddenly flashed with sadness. It was obvious that He Tiantian's rejection made him very sad.

However, soon, Zhao Qingping cheered up again, "Okay, I understand! I, I don't mean anything else, I just want to--"

The words "I'll make progress with you" were interrupted by He Tiantian before he could say them out.

He Tiantian looked into Zhao Qingping's eyes and said calmly, "I know you want to repay me, but I have made it very clear. I did save you last time, but I also charged you five yuan for the consultation. ."

When He Tiantian said this, some villagers gathered around to watch the excitement.

She deliberately raised her voice and said loudly, "So, you don't owe me anything. The Compendium of Materia Medica from last time, the pen from last time, and the malted milk from last time are all no longer needed! I won't accept them. "

Everyone couldn't help but be in an uproar when they heard her words.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Zhiqing gave so many things to "Panellia".

Soon, someone reacted -

If it is just a simple thank you, sending once and sending twice is enough.

This Zhao Qingping happened again and again.

Obviously, he didn't just want to repay some kind of "life-saving grace", he, he clearly had a crush on "Pinellia".

To say that this Pinellia ternata is young and beautiful, the key is that she has good medical skills.

A good one indeed.

Not to mention the educated youth, there are also many young people in the village who are attracted to her.

However, everyone was hindered by Mrs. Qiu and did not dare to go to Mrs. Qiu's house easily without being sure.

The matter was delayed.

Unexpectedly, before the people in the village were moved, an educated youth who had just joined the production team for more than a year would actually...

Huh? Wait, this Zhao Zhiqing's conditions are not bad either.

Listen to what he gave Pinellia ternata?

It’s a fountain pen, and it’s malted milk.

These are things that even money may not be able to buy.

In their mountain village, it is a very rare good thing.

Moreover, during this time, everyone also discovered that Zhao Zhiqing could always get packages from the capital.

Tsk tsk, there are so many good things, if you give them to me——

The news spread quickly, and people in Sujia Village, Qiujiaping and Hejia'ao also heard about it.

Some people are eyeing "Panellia", while others are eyeing Zhao Zhiqing, a wealthy city man.

Originally, there were some young boys and girls who were in love with each other.

With the support of their family, they became more and more enthusiastic.

However, He Tiantian is a homebody and often stays at home. Even if she needs to see a doctor, the patient comes to see her at home.

And there was a giant Buddha like Mrs. Qiu in her home, so those young people didn't dare to come to her house, even if they "pretended to be sick".

Zhao Qingping is not as lucky as He Tiantian.

He lives in the educated youth area, and there are no important people guarding him. It is not easy for girls to come and go.

Some people helped with the work, some secretly stuffed eggs into Zhao Qingping's hands, and some even deliberately fell on others.

Zhao Qingping:......

I almost couldn't help but collapse the character.

Zhao Qingping is a little transparent. He was almost exposed because of the incident with the sideline team.

Fortunately, it was hidden in time and a spokesperson like Liu Zhiyuan was launched.

However, becoming the golden son-in-law in the eyes of the aunts in the village and being chased by the girls really caused Zhao Qingping a lot of trouble.

He Tiantian:......


Back to you!

He Tiantian not only deliberately exposed Zhao Qingming's "richness", but also secretly spread the news that Zhao Qingping's father still had some energy in the capital.

He went to the countryside in the first place because he was plotted by his stepmother.

Now, he has successfully instigated a relationship between his biological father and his stepmother.

His biological father regretted it. He cared about him as his only son and was planning to find a way to get him back to the capital.

Such news has spread, and the female educated youth in the educated youth area are tempted.

Zhao Qingping is not a handsome man, but he is also a handsome and elegant scholar.

In addition, he has connections at home that can allow him to return to the city. This, this——

What I didn't say was one word - chase!

Zhao Qingping had no time to come and harass He Tiantian.

Moreover, he suddenly became the focus of everyone's attention, and it was difficult to hide many things.

Such as Liu Zhiyuan!

Liu Zhiyuan was very proud of becoming the captain of the sideline team, but he still felt a little guilty.

Because he didn’t come up with the idea and he didn’t make the plan.

Now that the production team really wants to build a breeding farm, Liu Zhiyuan is a little worried.

He has no idea!

Subconsciously, Liu Zhiyuan came to Zhao Qingping for advice.

Once, twice, three times, too many times, even if the two of them avoid outsiders while talking, they will always be discovered.

Especially when Zhao Qingping becomes the target of girls.

Slowly, news spread among the educated youth spots——

It turned out that it was not Liu Zhiyuan who suggested building a breeding farm at the brigade headquarters, but Zhao Qingping's idea.

Zhao Qingping even formulated a complete plan.

Liu Zhiyuan was just a working man, and he shamelessly stole the limelight from Zhao Zhiqing.

Although Liu Zhiyuan has some small thoughts, he is not a bad person, let alone the best.

Hearing the commotion outside, he couldn't sit still and hurriedly explained to everyone.

He did not distort the facts and stated that the breeding farm was indeed Zhao Qingping's idea.

It's just that Zhao Qingping feels that he is an educated youth and a migrant, so he doesn't dare to express opinions easily, and he is even more afraid of taking responsibility.

As Qiu Jiaping's son-in-law, Liu Zhiyuan is half of his own family.

He himself also wanted to make some contributions to the production brigade, so he took the initiative to take the lead.

Although Liu Zhiyuan's words were suspected of sophistry, they finally allowed him to remove some of his stigma.

Everyone no longer criticizes Liu Zhiyuan too much.

They then felt that Zhao Qingping was so honest that it was almost pitiable, especially the girls, who felt extremely distressed.

Zhao Qingping:......

thank you! I thank you for being the eighteenth generation of your ancestors!

What he is best at is hiding, and he advocates "steady flow".

But inexplicably, he was "exposed".

Zhao Qingping couldn't help but feel worried. He had a bad feeling:

Things were developing in a very unfavorable direction for him.

In fact, this incident did cause quite a stir.

Even Qiu Xiaoxue, who is far away on the island, heard about it from letters from home——

"The timid and cowardly Zhao Zhiqing suddenly became so powerful? Even his stepmother fell into the trap across thousands of mountains and rivers?"

A bright light flashed in Qiu Xiaoxue's eyes: Hey, "Wild Copywriter", let me catch you!

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