The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 846: Villain’s Redemption Plan (5)

Remember [new] in one second! "It's not me, it's really not me! I was just passing by and saw this grandma fall. I, I did a good deed, so I helped her up!"

"Bah! You didn't hit my mother, why did you help her?"

"I told you! I'm doing good things!"

"Tch, who do you think you are? Are you doing good things? I think you were the one who hit my mother!"


In the corridor of the emergency room, seven or eight fierce-looking men and women surrounded a seventeen-year-old girl.

They condemned the girl with just a few words!

The girl wiped away her tears in grievance. She felt even more deeply frightened and confused!

What happened to this world?

She was just kind-hearted for a moment, so why did she become the bad person that everyone accused her of?

Obviously before she took action, she specifically said to the old lady: "Grandma, let's make it clear. I didn't hit you, I just helped you up because I felt sorry for you!"

Yes, that's right, Joanne is kind-hearted, but she is not just a stupid child.

Before doing something good, she made it clear to the old lady.

The old lady herself quickly expressed her stance, "Don't worry, kid, I fell down on my own, and I won't blackmail you!"

There was also a middle-aged aunt passing by who could also help testify.

The person involved expressed his position, and there were witnesses around, so Joanne reached out and helped the old lady up.

As a result, as soon as she helped the person up, the old lady's face changed.

She grabbed Joanne's arm, yelled, saying that the little girl had hit her, and asked the people around to help call the police and ambulance!

And the middle-aged aunt who just agreed to testify was initially willing to tell the truth.

But then, seeing the old lady being unreasonable, several of her children also came after hearing the news.

One of the men had big arms and a sinister face. He didn't look like a good man.

The middle-aged aunt was frightened and quickly changed her story and said she didn't see anything.

Joanne suffered a second wave of blow——

The first wave was naturally the old lady who turned against her and slandered her.

The second wave consisted of passers-by who changed their tune and refused to testify for themselves.

Joanne knew that the world was not as beautiful as she imagined, but she still believed that there were more good people in the world.

But, why did she meet so many bad people at once?

The best old lady who is full of lies, the onlookers who seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and do not hesitate to hide the truth without conscience, and the old lady's unreasonable, fierce and aggressive children!

Joanne felt as if she was in the deep sea, unable to see the light, and surrounded by water.

Suffocating, sinking, she will be pushed into a deeper and more desperate hell!

"Medical expenses, nutrition expenses, mental loss expenses, and the loss of work for a few of us... you have to pay for it!"

"Yes! That's right! Seeing that you are still a little girl, we are kind-hearted and want to give you a small sum. If we round up the whole number, you can give it ten thousand."

"...Don't look at me like that? I'm not blackmailing you! Although our old lady is over seventy years old, she has always had a strong body. After being thrown by you like this, something went wrong. If something happens again in the future, The sequelae——"

"That's right, if it weren't for the fact that you are a little girl and don't have thirty or fifty thousand, I definitely wouldn't be able to spare you!"

Ten thousand is still a "conscientious" price? !

Joanne just thought it was ridiculous.

Her mother works in a supermarket and earns only 600 yuan a month.

Add in overtime pay, meals, transportation expenses and other subsidies, and at the best time, you can only get a thousand yuan.

Ten thousand yuan is equivalent to nearly a year's salary of my mother.

Only the mother and daughter could save money without eating, drinking or spending money.

As a result, just because I was "nosy" for a while, I got into such a big trouble.

Ten thousand dollars!

Moreover, judging by the words of these scoundrels, it seems that this matter is not over yet!

Didn't you listen to what the big-armed guy said? The old lady might still have "sequelae".

Ha, I am over 70 years old, and my body is already in the aging stage.

All kinds of geriatric diseases will gradually come to your doorstep.

High blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, and diabetes, they can shamelessly say that it is the root cause of the disease after a "fall".

And she, Joanne, is the biggest victim!

Joanne felt panicked and felt inexplicable sadness and anger.


Why do these people bully her like this?

Just because she is kind?

Just because she is young and easy to bully? !

"Hey, little girl, don't be silent. I'm telling you, don't think that you can escape all this by being silent!"

"Hey, why are you talking more and more energetically? Are you even crying? Why, are you still feeling wronged?"

"Do you think we're asking for money from you? Ha, that's really funny. Why don't we ask someone else?"

"That's right, if you hadn't injured my mother, we wouldn't even bother to talk to you!"

"Stop pretending to be dead, hurry up, do you want to keep it private? If you continue to be so silent, we will call the police!"

Several men and women pointed fingers and continued to force Joanne.

The medical staff in the corridor couldn't stand it anymore.

They had seen many similar things happen, and just by looking at the arrogant looks of these children, they knew that the inside story was not simple.

Moreover, the old lady had done a simple examination and found that except for some geriatric diseases, there were no fractures or falls.

But the old lady just lay on the examination bed, screaming non-stop.

Pretending to be sick!

Deliberate blackmail!

The medical staff already had a clear guess in mind.

However, they couldn't say this casually, and they didn't even dare to say clearly that the old lady was "okay."

Because once they open their mouths, there will be more people in trouble than they do!

There was a little nurse who couldn't help it and said in a "righteous" tone, "If it doesn't work, call the police!"

In fact, in this scene, it would be better for the girl to call the police.

The police might also be able to help set up surveillance to see if they can find any relevant evidence.

Otherwise, if these scoundrels continue to intimidate, the little girl will definitely not be able to bear it.

If you are forced to lose money in the end, that is the beginning of trouble.

If there is one, there are two. What this kind of scoundrel is best at is to bite and hold on.

Sure enough, as soon as the little nurse opened her mouth, the old lady's children all turned their heads and stared at her very unkindly.

The little nurse was startled, but when she realized that she was not wrong, she straightened her back.

"Hmph, mind your own business!"

"That's right, if you don't want to treat my mother properly, what are you talking about here?"

" careful if I complain to you!"

Several people muttered something to the little nurse.

The little nurse was speechless, she was indeed a bunch of scoundrels.

Alas, I really pity this little girl.

Obviously he was doing good things, but...

When Joanne heard the little nurse's reminder, she couldn't help but feel her heart move.

Yes, you can also call the police!

The incident happened at an intersection and there should be surveillance.

Even if the surveillance footage is unclear, there is at least evidence.

If you call the police, you can ask the police to call for surveillance...

"Even if you want to call the police, you have to give money first!"

"That's right, my mother needs to be hospitalized and needs to pay hospital fees!"

"Yes! Yes! I'll give you three thousand first. If that doesn't work, I'll give you one thousand!"

Several people paused for a moment and started shouting again.

They have one purpose: to get money!

Joanne pursed her lips and clutched the shoulder straps of her backpack with both hands.

There is a wallet in the schoolbag, and there are fifteen hundred dollars in the wallet.

This is her salary for two months of summer work plus commission.

On a hot day, she didn't take a break all day long. Even with a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius at noon, she was handing out leaflets on the street in the bright sun.

My face was sunburned and I almost suffered from heatstroke several times, just to earn this money.

This is definitely her hard-earned money.

It was also the first money she earned through her own efforts.

Joanne didn't want to take advantage of a group of scoundrels.

However, these men and women were so unreasonable. One of the women noticed Joanne's little move and even reached out to grab her backpack.

"What? What do you want to do?"

Joanne hurriedly dodged.

"What are you doing? What else can I do? Didn't you hear what my elder brother said? Give me money!"

The woman looked to be in her thirties, with her hair dyed yellow and permed into an explosive cornrow.

Wearing thick eye shadow and bright red lipstick, she outlined a big mouth.

She and her eldest brother are a good match, and they are indeed social people.

As she said "Give me money," she continued to pull Joanne's backpack with her hands.

Others also reacted and stepped forward one after another, and the "encirclement circle" instantly became smaller.

Joanne is almost unable to hide!

"Stop! Stop it! Robbers, you are all robbers!"

Joanne was driven to panic and shouted at the top of her lungs.

"What are you shouting for? You knocked our old lady into the hospital and asked you to pay the hospitalization fee. Are you still aggrieved?"

A few people were afraid that the people around them would come to help, so they hurriedly shouted louder.

Sure enough, after hearing their words, some enthusiastic people who didn't know the whole story immediately stopped moving forward.

"It's not me! I didn't! When I saw the old lady, she had already fallen down!"

"Ha! It's so funny. If you didn't hit the person, why did you help him?"

"I-I mean well!"

"Bah! If you say you have good intentions, then you are really a good person! Who can testify for you?!"

Several people got into a fight with Joanne.

However, when the flower-armed brother said, "Who can help you testify?" Joanne was choked directly.

Originally, she had a witness, but she was scared away by these fierce people.

"Are you going to stop talking? Did I ask you a question? Humph, I knew-"

The flower-armed brother felt happy when he saw Joanne's dejected look.

He was about to continue his efforts to tear off a piece of flesh from Joanne's body, when suddenly a clear female voice came from the corridor——

"I can!"

The flower-armed brother was stunned.

Everyone onlookers also turned their heads.

At the other end of the corridor, a girl who was also seventeen or eighteen years old ran over panting.

"What are you? Where did you come from?"

The flower-armed brother reacted and showed a fierce expression, "Little girl, let me tell you, stop meddling in other people's business!"

"You threaten me! I'm going to fight the demon spirit!"

He Tiantian deliberately showed off the aura of "a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers", looking a bit dazed.

Flower-armed brother:......

Damn, labor and management are indeed threatening you, but, but you can’t say it directly.

He even beat up demons and demons. He really thought he was watching a Hong Kong drama and called the police at every turn. Do you still want to hire a lawyer? !

"Little girl, you said you can help testify? Prove that the old lady was not hit by this little girl?"

They were still enthusiastic onlookers, following He Tiantian's words and asking questions seriously.

Joanne also showed a hopeful look.

Are there really other bystanders?

She saw everything, and she was still willing to help testify?

"Yes! I saw it!"

He Tiantian nodded firmly and said solemnly, "I saw with my own eyes that the old lady fell down by herself. This sister wanted to be a good person and helped the old lady up enthusiastically!"

"Before the young lady helped me, I asked the old lady specifically. The old lady admitted that she fell. The young lady is a good person and she won't blackmail anyone!"

He Tiantian's loud voice echoed throughout the corridor.

Not to mention the onlookers, even the old lady in the emergency room who was pretending to be sick heard it.

The moaning sound suddenly stopped.

Okay, what else don’t people understand?

"You said so? Humph, I also said that you and this little girl are in the same group!"

The old lady's children did not want to give up easily.

After all this fuss, they sent people to the hospital and wasted a lot of money. If they couldn't get the money, wouldn't their work have been in vain?

Maybe you have to "lose money".

The old lady had several examinations just now, and a CT scan alone costs hundreds of dollars.

If there is no such thing as being taken advantage of, they, the children, will have to pay for it.

They don't want to steal the chicken but lose the rice!

"I have a recording!"

He Tiantian took out her mobile phone from her pocket.

I have to say that future mobile phones are really awesome and can actually “transform”.

Today's future mobile phones are no longer transparent, but have become the most cutting-edge and latest "smartphones" of this era.

It was just a smartphone in 2002. It was just a mobile phone. It had a camera and could only take pictures.

It is still far from the convenience and omnipotence of true smartphones in later generations.

However, smartphones in this era still have recording capabilities.

He Tiantian played the recording prepared in advance——

"Grandma, we agreed that I didn't hit you, I just wanted to learn from Lei Feng, so I helped you up!"

"Don't worry, kid. Grandma fell down on her own. Grandma won't blackmail you!"

In just two sentences of dialogue, the "truth" of the incident was revealed.

"Okay, it turns out that this little girl was really wronged!"

"Oh, this old lady is exactly the same. She says she won't blackmail people, but she still does it!"

"That's right, isn't this meant to chill good people? Who will dare to do good things in the future?"

"This old lady is really an old fool!"

"Bah! What an old fool, he is obviously vicious!"

"...These children of hers are not good people either. They almost drove that little girl to death just now!"

Everyone was talking about it, and at this time, the demon spirit also arrived.

The "truth" was revealed, and Joanne was wronged.

But she was not excited at all.

She looked at He Tiantian with eyes full of suspicion, wariness, and faint uneasiness...

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