The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 847: Villain’s Redemption Plan (6)

Remember [new] in one second! Joanne has never seen such a high-end mobile phone, so naturally she doesn’t know what “high-end” technology the mobile phone has.

However, when she was learning English, she made audio tapes.

So, she probably knows something about recording.

For example, without overly professional equipment, if ordinary people want to record, they must reduce the noise as much as possible and get closer to the sound source.

Even with professional equipment, the recording effect will be better when there is less noise and the sound source is close.

Joanne heard the cell phone recording played by He Tiantian with her own ears. It was very clear and clear.

It was as if this person was standing opposite them recording when the incident happened.

But the problem is, Joanne remembers very clearly that she, the old lady, and a passing aunt were the only ones at the scene.

There are more other pedestrians who are further away.

It is unrealistic to record such clear audio.

Who is this person?

Why does she have such a recording?


Or do you have other plans?

The "evidence" in this person's hands is most likely fake.

So many thoughts suddenly popped up in Joanne's mind, but what really frightened her was——

This person was obviously not at the scene, so how did she know the content of her conversation with the old lady.

After all, to make something fake, you must see the "genuine" product before it can be confused with the real thing.

If it weren't for Joanne's excellent memory, she would have remembered what just happened very deeply.

When I first heard that recording, I really thought it was recorded live!

Unfortunately, no!

To say otherwise would be an insult to Joanne's intelligence.

Joanne was panicked, and she felt like she was being targeted by something.

This sense of crisis far exceeds being touched by an old lady.

However, now is not the time to think too much. Although she is extremely uneasy, Joanne will not question He Tiantian on the spot.

This strange girl may have ulterior motives or ulterior motives.

But for now, her "evidence" clears her of the suspicion of knocking down the old lady.

As for the rest, let’s wait until she successfully survives this disaster!

In just a minute or two, Joanne had already experienced a battle in her heart.

During this time, Yaoyaoling had already understood the situation.

He Tiantian hurriedly played the recording again.

have to!

There are witnesses and evidence, and the old lady is blackmailing her.

The old lady began to rely on her old age, because she just believed that she had been hit.

Maybe not this little girl, but there must be someone else!

She continued to lie on the bed and pretended to be sick.

Several of her children took advantage of the chaos and ran out, leaving the old lady alone in the hospital.

Medical staff:…

Who are these people!

A complete scoundrel!

Next, it is estimated that the hospital and the old lady's family are at odds with each other.

This has nothing to do with Joanne.

"Okay, little girl, it's none of your business, just go!"

Seeing Joanne's confused and aggrieved look, Yaoyaoling was very sympathetic and felt even more pity.

Alas, what a good child, innocent and good-oriented.

The result was——

I just hope that this time, it won't cause too much harm to her.

If this child becomes disappointed with reality and starts to become extreme, that will be the biggest loss.

"...There are indeed some immoral people in this world, but you have to believe that there are still more good people!"

When Yaoyaoling said these words, he felt a little conflicted in his heart.

On the one hand, he hopes that Joanne can step out of the "fairy tale" and understand the entire world more objectively.

On the other hand, he wanted to protect Joanne's innocence and kindness!

Alas, I just hope that this child can find a balance point, that is, without hurting himself, he can help others when he has spare energy!

"Well, thank you, policeman!"

When Joanne heard Yaoyaoling's consolation, she felt aggrieved again.

Her red eyes were filled with tears again.

After sniffing, Joanne wiped away her tears with the back of her hand, bowed to the demon spirit, and then left the hospital.

When she left, she deliberately didn't look at He Tiantian.

He Tiantian:......

I knew that this future villain would definitely not be so easy to get close to.

Did you see that in such a desperate moment, people did not relax their inner vigilance.

If it were an ordinary girl, when she was being slandered, someone would suddenly jump out to help her.

That person will definitely not think too much, and will only instinctively express gratitude and gratitude.

However, Joanne could still find something weird about He Tiantian, which proved that she was cautious by nature.

Being touched by an old lady was probably one of the few "stupid" moments in her life.

Joanne could pretend to forget He Tiantian's existence, but He Tiantian couldn't ignore Joanne.

"Hey, little sister, wait for me!"

He Tiantian chased Joanne out of the emergency room.

Arriving in the hospital yard, Joanne turned her head and glanced at the girl behind her.

Of course she heard He Tiantian's call, otherwise, she wouldn't have stopped.

However, Joanne didn't really stop. She just paused briefly and then ran quickly outside the hospital.

"Oh, little sister, little sister! Wait for me!"

He Tiantian chased and shouted at the top of her lungs.

Two little girls, both eighteen and nineteen years old, one ran and the other chased.

The two left the hospital quickly.

Joanne deliberately dodged, left the busy street, and turned into a small alley.

"Joanne, don't run away! Just wait for me!"

"Joanne! Joanne!"

When He Tiantian saw that there weren't many passers-by around, she let go.

Instead of continuing to pretend to call "little sister", she directly called out Joanne's name.

However, just those three words almost made Joanne stumble and fall!

Joanne suddenly stopped and turned her head, her face cold and solemn——

"What did you call me?"

Joanne almost gritted her teeth and squeezed out this question from between her teeth.

Her heartbeat accelerated suddenly, and she could even feel the blood flowing rapidly throughout her body.

what happened?

This, this is obviously a plan deep in her heart.

She didn't tell anyone, including her closest and most trusted mother.

Why does this little girl in front of me, who has an unknown origin and knows no friends or foes, know this? !

Who is she? !

What exactly is her plan for herself?

"Joanne! Joanne! Isn't your name Joanne?"

He Tiantian saw that Joanne was finally stopped by him, with a bright smile on his face.

She deliberately said Joanne's name three times in succession, so that the emphasis should not be too obvious.

Joanne's face became increasingly gloomy.

The fear in her heart spread endlessly.

What exactly happened here?

Something that hadn't happened yet, was called out to someone's face, and they still used this matter-of-fact tone.

Joanne may grow into a supervillain with a strong psychological quality in the future.

But for now, she is just an eighteen-year-old girl.

She did have some ridiculous and crazy ideas deep down in her heart.

However, she has not yet decided whether to implement it.

It was precisely because of her inner entanglement and guilty conscience that she, who had never liked to meddle in other people's business, made a mistake today!

The old lady who was kindly helped by him turned to blackmail, which really broke the remaining beauty and kindness in Joanne's heart.

On the other hand, it also gave Joanne a reason to do evil - I was forced to do it!

I was also kind, but the cruel reality slapped me in the face.

"Oh, no, you probably haven't changed your name yet!"

Just when Joanne was in shock, He Tiantian uttered another sentence that made her almost jump on the spot.

He Tiantian didn't seem to see Joanne's panic and fear. She looked straight into Joanne's eyes.

He twitched the corners of his mouth, revealing eight white teeth.

He Tiantian smiled very standardly and spoke softly: "You are still your original name now - Annie. Right or wrong?"

Joanne pinched her palms hard, trying desperately to calm herself down.

The pain in my palms does have some effect.

Joanne finally regained some sanity.

"who are you?"

She didn't ask too much, such as why she knew her name was Annie and why she was "prepared" to call her Joanne.

When things have developed to this point, Joanne has already had an epiphany——

This person is here just for me.

This person should be able to answer all your questions.

At least, the other party will tell him some less important questions.

After all, this person has other plans. If she doesn't say anything, Joanne will never cooperate.

"I am your daughter!"

He Tiantian looked at Joanne and gave an answer that almost made her run away.


Damn, I know you’re here with bad intentions, but you can’t treat me like a fool!

I, I am only eighteen years old this year, not yet the legal age for marriage and childbirth.

Even if I gave birth early and was gifted, I still wouldn't be able to give birth to a "daughter" close to my age.

This person is insulting my intelligence!

The surprise on Joanne's face was replaced by anger.

However, before she could open her mouth to reprimand, He Tiantian added, "Mom, I come from thirty years in the future!"

Joanne was even more speechless!

God damn it came from thirty years later, I really thought it was a TV series.

Traveling through time and space, from the future to the past? !

Anger, absurdity, panic and other emotions enveloped Joanne, making her not care for a moment that she, a green and pink little girl, was actually called "mom" by a peer.

He Tiantian took out the future mobile phone from her trouser pocket and shook it hard in her hand.

The black and bulky body instantly turned into a transparent plastic plate.

However, this "plastic" is different from real plastic. It can actually shine, with images and audio and video flashing.

Joanne's eyes widened, looking at this magical scene in disbelief.

"Mom, have you seen it? This is a smartphone from thirty years later, and it can also perform holographic projection!"

He Tiantian had already observed her surroundings.

This is a dead end, and except for the occasional stray cat or dog, there are no people around.

As for cameras, these days, they have not yet reached large-area coverage.

Therefore, He Tiantian can safely show his "mother" the future black technology mobile phone.

Joanne was truly shocked.

She saw the "Metamorphosis" actually performed, and also saw the illusory images that suddenly appeared.

It's just like watching special effects in a movie.

However, Joanne was very wary and could not be easily deceived.

Soon, she started telling herself: Magic! Blindfold!

This must not be true.

It’s just that she doesn’t know how to reveal the secret, but there must be something fishy!

They say seeing is believing, but Joanne knows that the eyes can sometimes be deceiving.


He Tiantian felt Joanne's doubts and rejection.

Haha, she guessed right. This future villain, even if he is just a teenage student, is not that easy to fool.


He Tiantian directly put away the holographic projection, and she did not continue to play the photo of Joanne and An Xin.

Because Joanne had already subconsciously concluded that this was a scam. No matter what "evidence" He Tiantian provided, Joanne would not believe it.

Come to think of it, He Tiantian has already demonstrated in front of Joanne how to "make something out of nothing".

Naturally, Joanne would not easily believe everything He Tiantian said.

Audio recordings can be faked, and photos can also be photoshopped.

He Tiantian simply didn't need to put in the effort.

She smiled sweetly at Joanne and said, "Actually, there is a more direct and scientific way. Let's just do a DNA test."

Whether it is a parent-child relationship, a DNA test can determine it!

In the original plot, An Xin was indeed Joanne's biological daughter.

An Xin is real, but her growth is not mentioned in the plot.

He Tiantian took advantage of this and "composed".

She didn't make it up out of thin air, but it was well-founded, so the system recognized her writing.

Even the consciousness of the world does not reject or directly expel it!

Consciousness even cooperated with He Tiantian and made some modifications——

He Tiantian is wearing a dress, but her identity is An Xin, Joanne's biological daughter.

Therefore, even if you go for a DNA test, there is no problem at all.

Joanne opened her mouth, she wanted to say: DNA reports can also be faked!

He Tiantian seemed to have guessed what Joanne was going to say, and said directly and calmly, "Mom, in order to prevent me from cheating, you can simply choose and designate the testing agency, okay?"

Joanne looked at He Tiantian intently, this girl didn't look like her.

But, for some reason, Joanne felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity when she saw her at this moment.

Maybe, maybe, this person is really her daughter!

No! wrong!

Damn it, what am I thinking about?

If she believed in the identity of the girl in front of her, Joanne felt that her newly reshaped outlook would be shattered into pieces again.

Time travel!

Go back to the past from the future!

Is this, is this a strange event that can happen in reality?

To put it bluntly, could such a "good thing" happen to Joanne? !

Joanne continued to deny and doubt in her heart, but she still had an inexplicable impulse——

What if it’s true!

The technology of the future may really develop to a point she can't even imagine!

And her daughter really took a time machine, traveled thirty years, came to her, and helped her at the most critical moment...

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