The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 856: Villain’s Redemption Plan (15)

Remember [new] in one second! Jiuchongtian Club is a very high-quality club in the provincial capital.

It is said that the membership system is strictly implemented here, and members do not only have to have money, they must have a certain identity and status.

Anyway, the club deliberately raises the price and tries every means to make those who have spent money not only do not feel that they are big victims, but also feel a strong sense of pride and pride——

I am a VIP from Jiuchongtian!

Not to mention anything else, the annual membership fee alone costs six figures.

There are also verifications of identity, deposits, etc.

A club is like bidding for scarce housing.

However, one thing to say is that although Jiuchongtian Club has many tricks and routines, it is a formal entertainment venue.

It's not the kind of place that hangs sheep's heads and sells dog meat. It may have some edges, but it won't hide dirt.

To be able to work as a waiter at the Jiuchongtian Club, there are strict requirements for appearance, height or other conditions.

To put it bluntly, if Su Na was not a college student at S University, she might not be able to work part-time in Jiuchongtian based on her appearance.

After all, bosses generally don't like short-term employees.

For part-time jobs, the controllability is even lower.

Su Na's good appearance and status as a student of the first university in the provincial capital really gave her a lot of points.

The supervisor of the interview slightly relaxed the conditions, allowing her to become one of the few part-time workers in Jiuchongtian.

"Suna went to the Nine Heavens?"

Anne's eyes couldn't help but twinkle after hearing the cheap girl's "tips off."

Before, she thought about using her mother's relationship with the richest man Qiao to get some money from the richest man Qiao.

In order to make the play more realistic, she conducted a detailed investigation of the richest man Qiao and his family.

Among them is some information about Wu Zhiqian, the son-in-law appointed by the richest man Qiao.

Wu Zhiqian, his father was one of the first people in China to become rich, a proper second generation rich man.

In the future, he will be a scumbag, but his abilities are still good.

Otherwise, the richest man Qiao would not betroth his only daughter to him.

In addition to doing business, Wu Zhiqian also

I also like some entertainment activities every day.

Such as riding horses, playing golf...

Ahem, occasionally I would go to the club with a few friends to have fun.

Jiuchongtian is one of Wu Zhiqian's key activity locations.

There are also rumors outside that Wu Zhiqian is not only a super VIP of the Jiuchongtian Club, but he also has shares here.

Even if he is not a boss, he is still one of the shareholders.

When Annie planned to make money, in addition to targeting the richest man Qiao, she also thought about getting close to Wu Zhiqian!

In this plan B, Annie had imagined that she could go to work at the Jiuchongtian Club and then "encounter" Wu Zhiqian.

As a result, the cheap girl traveled back in time from thirty years later with a magical future mobile phone, completely changing Annie's life.

Whether it’s Plan A targeting the richest man Qiao, or Plan B targeting Wu Zhiqian

, and other deceptive plans c, d, e... there is no need to implement them.

With the admission to the university, Annie, who officially became a freshman, seemed to have ushered in a real "new life".

The previous calculation, even if it was just ten days and a half ago, made Anne feel like she was "a lifetime away".

But now, she suddenly heard about Jiuchongtian Club from the cheap girl's mouth, and that it had some relationship with her new roommate. Anne couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

She suddenly had the illusion that someone was walking on the "detour" she had avoided!

"Suna, she, she——"

For a moment, Annie didn't know what to say.

"Mom, Suna is pitiful to say the least. Alas, her details have almost been revealed in the campus network forum!"

"My father is a prodigal and my mother is running away. She is not an orphan but she is better than an orphan!"

"She also said that when she was in middle school, in order to make money, she did homework for her classmates and sold snacks and tutoring materials. She was as humble as a street vendor!"

"Also, a few neighbors who really couldn't stand it helped to raise part of the tuition for her first year of college. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to afford college at all!"

He Tiantian rambled on about all the gossip about Su Na that she had heard at S University.

Her tone was fairly objective, without too much subjectivity.

Anne pursed her lips.

She had a bad feeling more and more——

Originally, Suna left that high school and came to S University to have a brand new start.

No one here would know that her family had undergone tremendous changes, nor would they know who her parents were.

No one would witness her embarrassment and helplessness.

It may be harder, but she can always grit her teeth and get through it. She is still the proud student of S University.

However, someone suddenly told the "truth" and revealed everything that Su Na tried hard to hide.

It was as if she had been stripped naked in public, with no cover at all!

And the newly emerging online forums have fueled the arrogance of some secretive people who like to gossip.

They made comments more wantonly, real, fake, realistic, exaggerated... which directly pushed Suna to the forefront.

Such a huge storm of public opinion, whether it is well-intentioned or malicious, will make a young girl collapse.

If she doesn't get it right, Suna will break the jar.

No, Su Na went directly to Jiuchongtian to work part-time, which seemed to further confirm Annie's worries.

Jiuchongtian is indeed a formal and legal entertainment venue, without so much mess.

However, the essence of that kind of place is to indulge in life and death.

When Su Na works in Jiuchongtian, she may not necessarily encounter bullies who bully others, but she is very likely to be dazzled by the dazzling luxury enjoyment.

Losing yourself and slowly degenerating is not too difficult for an eighteen-year-old girl who has not officially entered society!

Annie was worried that even if no one forced her, Su Na often visited such places, it was possible——

Alas, they are all poor people. Anne still felt the aura of "the same kind" in the other person, and she became more and more sentimental about "things hurt their own kind".

She was saved by a cheap girl.

And she also wanted to help Suna.

He Tiantian:......

Dear mother, if I didn’t know you very well, I would have been deceived by your compassionate Guanyin appearance.

There is no denying that Anne may indeed have some pity for Suna.

However, He Tiantian is more willing to believe that Annie has found a greater profit point in Suna!

"You unfilial daughter, why are you looking at me like that?"

Anne was quite annoyed when she noticed that the cheap girl seemed to be rolling her eyes!

Tsk tsk, it's a good thing to make your girl so smart and not be too impatient.

Annie vomited silently in her heart, but she made a fierce look on her face.

He Tiantian continued to roll her eyes.

Mom, we are close relatives, who doesn’t understand who?

You look like a paper tiger, can't you scare me?

Also, everyone is smart, so why pretend to be confused? !


Seeing the cheap girl's appearance, she could only sigh helplessly.

Raising her right hand as if taking an oath, Anne expressed her stance once again, "Don't worry, I won't break the law or violate discipline. At most, I will just go along with the flow!"

Suna's greatest advantage is her appearance.

There is no need to go for plastic surgery like her "previous life" self. Su Na's natural face has natural advantages.

Anne couldn't help but think about it——

Wu Zhiqian, who married the only daughter of a wealthy family, while enjoying the help brought by the Qiao family, secretly resented Qiao Anqi's domineering and willful behavior.

He always felt that he was humiliated and was a tragic hero who had to compromise.

Beautiful on the surface, painful and tangled on the inside.

Wu Zhiqian went to Jiuchongtian Club to relax and vent.

To his surprise, he saw a picture of a waitress who looked very similar to his princess wife.

Even if he couldn't come up with any plot to kill his wife or Li Daitao, he would still have some twisted thoughts in his heart.

Ma De, I can't deal with Qiao Anqi, can't I find a substitute?

Not to mention such low-level behavior as beating and scolding, just using money to seduce this girl step by step into depravity, and finally crawling humbly at his feet, can also give Wu Zhiqian's twisted heart the greatest pleasure and satisfaction!

And with the first step, Wu Zhiqian will slowly have evil thoughts.

This time, even if Annie, the "illegitimate daughter", did not come to his door, Wu Zhiqian could still find another "cooperation partner"!

Anne thought, this is probably destiny!

Of course, it was also Wu Zhiqian’s scumbag nature that was at work!

Without Annie, there is still Su Na. As long as Wu Zhiqian has evil thoughts, he can always find a "substitute"!

He Tiantian lamented that the power of the plot is really powerful.

However, since it is a spin-off about redeeming a villain, He Tiantian not only wants to redeem "Joanne", but she also doesn't want to watch the birth of a new villain.

Annie and He Tiantian looked at each other. The cheap mother and daughter had their own plans, but in some aspects they reached a surprising agreement!

Anne: Unfilial daughter, are you thinking what I am thinking?

He Tiantian: Mom, yes or no is not important. What is important is that mother and daughter can work together again!

The mother and daughter communicated silently, and in the end, they nodded slowly in tacit understanding.

A plan was born!

Weekend, early morning!

Suna got off the bed quietly.

Wash, put on makeup, change clothes.

At half past eight, Su Na quietly left the dormitory with her backpack on her back.

On campus, someone seemed to recognize her and pointed at her from a distance.

Of course, this may just be Su Na's psychology at work.

People may not be talking about her.

However, Su Na still felt awkward and irritable as if she was getting a lot of attention.

She quickly left the school, took the bus, and came to the Jiuchongtian Club.

To be honest, Su Na came to work part-time in a place like this, not only out of anger, but also because of the high salary.

In the provincial capital in 2002, when the per capita salary was 600 yuan, the salary of Jiuchongtian's waiters was already as high as 1,800 yuan.

There are also bonuses, commissions, etc.

If you do well, getting five or six thousand a month will definitely not be a problem.

If you make more progress, you might even be able to catch a rich husband!

Ahem, naturally Su Na is not looking for a rich husband, she just values ​​the high salary of 100 yuan a day.

One hundred yuan a day, two hundred a weekend.

This money is enough for her living expenses for a month.

Su Na hasn't considered commissions or anything yet. She just wants to work hard and try to earn the second year's tuition as early as possible.

After getting off the bus, we were still three to four hundred meters away from Jiuchongtian.

Su Na looked at the electronic watch on her wrist. It was almost ten o'clock, and she would be late in a few minutes.

Suna didn't dare to be late, so she quickly quickened her pace.

She was walking too fast and didn't pay attention to the traffic around her. She almost collided with a luxury car!


The driver quickly stopped the car, and the front of the car was less than one meter away from Suna.

Too dangerous!

Su Na was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat, and her heart stopped for a moment.

Her mind went blank, and she was dumbfounded on the spot.

"You girl, can you walk? Or do you no longer want to live and are you deliberately seeking death?"

The driver was also frightened so much that he started swearing in a hurry.

He stuck half of his head out of the car window and scolded Suna.

However, as he was cursing, the driver suddenly silenced when he saw Suna's appearance clearly.


The driver murmured these words, feeling guilty and panicked!

Why is my wife here?

Does she know that Mr. Wu likes to come to Jiuchongtian?

What, Mr. Wu comes to Jiuchongtian just to drink, he never messes around!

The little girl selling wine last time was just an accident and didn't count at all.

Wait, that’s not right!

This is not Mrs!

My wife never dresses so shabbily.

There is also that little family spirit, tsk, the girl in front of me looks like she lives at the bottom of society in the slums. The T-shirt and jeans on her body are almost turning white after washing.

As for my wife, not to mention her aura of nobility, just the clothes she wears are not from famous brands!

"Old Zhou? What's wrong? Did you see a ghost??"

Wu Zhiqian, who was sitting in the back seat, was thinking about something with his eyes closed.

Suddenly the car braked suddenly, causing him to almost hit the front seat.

Wu Zhiqian was very angry, so he did not stop his driver from angrily scolding the blind pedestrians.

He was even a little happy——

good! Lao Zhou is right!

These bed bugs who are looking for death should be scolded severely!

Huh, if it weren't for the fear of bad influence and loss of status, Wu Zhiqian would have wanted to scold him personally.

However, Lao Zhou suddenly stopped cursing and muttered something in a low voice.

Wu Zhiqian couldn't help but be a little curious.

He asked, slowly opening his eyes.

When the driver, Lao Zhou, heard Wu Zhiqian's question, he quickly turned his head and replied respectfully: "Mr. Wu, there is something that you should take a look at for yourself!"

With that said, Lao Zhou pointed to Suna, who was still standing there blankly.

Wu Zhiqian frowned slightly, wondering what Lao Zhou was trying to do.

However, he still subconsciously followed Lao Zhou's finger and looked over.

This doesn't matter, Wu Zhiqian is also a little confused——

"Qiao, Qiao Anqi? Why is she here?!"



I’m just kidding myself to give rewards, thank you for your support! One update today, and normal updates will resume tomorrow. Come on, Oli! ( # ^.^ # )

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