The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 857: Villain’s Redemption Plan (16)

Remember [new] in one second! At this time, Su Na finally came to her senses from her daze.

She turned around and faced the luxury car.


Lao Zhou and Wu Zhiqian in the luxury car both let out a breath——

Not Qiao Anqi!

If the profile of the girl in front of her looks like Qiao Anqi 70%, then her front face only looks like 40%.

The key is that she is younger than Qiao Anqi.

Just now, the two of them were shocked by the striking similarity and didn't pay attention to anything else.

Now that it is confirmed that the other party is not Qiao Anqi, Lao Zhou and Wu Zhiqian can pay attention to more content——


The face is full of collagen and a little bit of baby fat.


Faced with the sudden danger, she completely lost her sense of proportion.

There is also the inferiority complex and sensitivity of being from a lower class background, as well as too many “differences”.

As Wu Zhiqian observed carefully, he became more and more certain that the girl in front of him and his princess wife were two completely different people.

Except for some similar eyebrows, or a certain angle, or a certain expression, there is almost no "similarity" between them.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

Su Na realized what she was doing and quickly apologized to the luxury car.

It was because she was walking without looking at the road that a collision almost occurred.

And, most importantly, it is very close to Jiuchongtian.

The luxury car that appeared outside the Jiuchongtian parking lot, hey, I could tell with my toes that the people in the car were probably the distinguished guests of Jiuchongtian.

As a waiter in Jiuchongtian, and as a low-class girl who desperately needs this high-paying job, Su Na's inner humility is far beyond what people without experience can imagine.

"Hmph, be more careful next time!"

After receiving Wu Zhiqian's hint, Lao Zhou scolded him angrily and then rolled up the car window.

The car started slowly, adjusted its direction slightly, and drove past Suna.

Wu Zhiqian sat in the back row,

Observing Suna through the car window.

Not knowing what he thought of, the corners of his mouth curved into a pleasant arc, and his slender fingers gently tapped on his thighs.


Su Na seemed to sense something and subconsciously looked in a certain direction.

However, she only saw the opaque car window glass and herself reflected in the glass mirror!

Am I too sensitive?

Or was the person in the car really spying on me? !

Suna thought to herself.

"Oops! Oh no, I'm going to be late!"

Soon, Su Na thought of more important things.

She glanced at the electronic watch. It was ten o'clock in two minutes!

Suna wailed, hurriedly threw off her legs, and ran towards the club quickly.

There is no image at all, and when running, his face is even a little ferocious.

Like the wind, Su Na unexpectedly overtook the slowly parking luxury car in a whoosh.

Looking at that familiar yet unfamiliar figure, Wu Zhiqian suddenly laughed out loud——

"Haha, I really didn't expect that I would see the noble and elegant 'Qiao Anqi' with such an embarrassing and gaffe-like side in my lifetime!"

Obviously, Wu Zhiqian mistook Su Na for Qiao Anqi!

Alas, there is nothing I can do. The first time I saw Suna, I was so "stunning".

So much so that it left an extremely profound impact on Wu Zhiqian's heart.

"Haha, hahaha, interesting, really interesting!"

Looking at the figure leaving quickly, an idea flashed in Wu Zhiqian's mind, and he smiled even more heartily!


At 09:59, Su Na successfully clocked in.

The special card for punching out popped out of the punching machine. Su Na quickly picked it up and inserted it back into the card pocket.

This check-in mode, which has long been eliminated in later generations, was indeed very trendy in 2002.

After all, in this era, many units still sign in manually, making it easy to cheat.

As for the clock-in machine, it prints the check-in time directly on each employee's exclusive clock-in paper, which looks very classy.

Although Su Na is only a part-time employee, she still strictly abides by all the requirements and rules of the club employees.

"Suna, grab some more? Couldn't you have come five minutes earlier?"

The supervisor is a beautiful woman under thirty years old, tall and slender.

Perhaps she was too thin, and her face was somewhat sunken.

The face that is too thin highlights the cheekbones and looks a bit mean.

She didn't mean to target Suna, it was the same for everyone under her.

"...Yes! Director!"

After all, Su Na felt a little guilty, so she didn't make any excuses, but agreed obediently.

Seeing that Suna's attitude was okay, the supervisor felt a little better and did not continue to reprimand, "Okay, change your clothes quickly and go to work!"

"Yes! Director!"

Feeling her supervisor's mood swings, the smart Suna quickly mastered the "laws of the workplace."

In fact, it's not complicated. As long as you recognize your identity and position, be respectful and obedient, you won't be too difficult!

But soon, Su Na discovered that she was too naive!

Because not everyone is a supervisor, there are some people around her who claim to be veteran employees. They rely on their experience to deliberately isolate, bully, and even plot against her!

"Xiao Su, I want to go to the bathroom. Please help me take this fruit plate to the box on Tianzi No. 9."

The speaker was a beautiful girl in her mid-twenties, wearing a club uniform and exquisite makeup.

Her smile was sweet and sincere, but there was a quick flash of calculation in her eyes.

Although Suna is smart, she is only an eighteen-year-old girl.

She has experienced the cruelty of society, but she has not yet experienced the badness of human nature up close!

After hearing the beautiful girl's request, Suna didn't have much doubt.

We are all "colleagues", and we all have times when we are inconvenienced or need help.

Suna had just arrived and had received guidance from senior employees.

Now, the old employee wanted to ask her for a favor, but it was just a casual matter, so Su Na readily agreed.

"Okay, Sister Mei!"

Suna obediently agreed and took the tray.

"Oh, I knew Xiaosu was the best! I'll treat you to ice cream later, let's buy the most expensive one!"

The beautiful girl who was replaced as Sister Mei made random promises.

"No need! They are all colleagues, and Sister Mei also helped me!"

Suna smiled shyly, then took the tray and went to the box.

Watching Suna leave, a complicated expression flashed across Sister Mei's face.

Alas, if she could, she wouldn't want to trick anyone.

However, the distinguished guest gave her too much, even 5,000 yuan, which was enough to make up for the entire income she earned after working hard for a month and drinking until her stomach bleeds!

Momo said sorry in her heart, and Sister Mei put the matter aside.

In fact, if you think about it from another angle, the distinguished guest who plotted against Su Na must have taken a fancy to her.

If Su Na had great fortune, maybe she would still——

Once the matter is settled, her sister Mei will be the perfect "matchmaker".

Sister Mei can only use this thought to comfort herself and prevent herself from carrying too much moral baggage.

Su Na didn't know this. She carefully carried the tray and came to the door of Box 9.

Button, button!

Knocked lightly on the door a few times.

"Who? What?"

A slightly drunk male voice came from the box.

For some reason, Su Na's heartbeat accelerated a bit when she heard such a sound.

She had a bad feeling for no reason.

However, she had already arrived in front of the door and she still had to work, so she had to bite the bullet and said: "Hello, I'm here to deliver a fruit plate!"

"Oh, Ma Lao Er, who else do you want to meet in Jiuchongtian? It must be the waiter!"

"That's right. However, the waiter before looked a little older, with a ghostly look on his face——"

"Haha, if you ask me, the girl I saw last time is still tender and tasty!"

Several men were laughing and joking in the box. Through the door, Su Na seemed to be able to smell the smell of alcohol on their bodies, as well as their contempt and casualness towards women.

Frowning slightly, Su Na felt a sense of humiliation in her heart.

However, Su Na soon adjusted her mentality.

There is no hierarchy in work, she neither steals nor robs, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Others can look down on her, but she cannot belittle herself.

By working hard and earning legal income, her soul is noble!

He is nobler than those rich second generation and playboys who only know how to rely on their parents!

Su Na tried her best to comfort herself and quickly adjusted her mood.

"come in!"

After having fun in the box for a while, someone finally remembered "business" and shouted outside at the top of his lungs.


Suna responded softly, put on a professional fake smile, and gently turned the door handle.

The door opened, and the mess, smoke and alcohol in the box rushed out instantly.

After all, Su Na had been working for a while and had somewhat adapted to the atmosphere of debauchery and extravagance.

She held her breath and tried not to care about the pungent and choking smell.

With a perfect smile on her face, she said politely: "The fruit plate has arrived, please use it slowly!"

With that said, Suna put the fruit plate on the coffee table and left.

"Hey, wait!"

There was a fat man who obviously paid more attention to Su Na, the young and pretty waiter.

It's not that he's horny or anything, he just wants to have some fun.

The pretentious little waiter in front of me seemed quite interesting.

"Little girl, you look young. You stopped going to school so early and came to work?"

"Oh, wait, that's not right. Jiuchongtian is known as a high-end place where even the waiters are highly educated. Why is there such a place-"

Several men were bored. They dropped their cards and began to treat Suna as a toy to pass the time.

Hearing these people's obvious contempt, Su Na couldn't hold it back for a moment and blurted out, "I didn't drop out of school, I'm a student at S University, and I'm working as a student!"

Therefore, I am not a working girl who has not read books, nor am I holding Jiuchongtian back.

I am a top student at the No. 1 university in the provincial capital. I am a work-study student. I am harder working and more motivated than all of you here!

Maybe Suna was too eager and didn't control her emotions.

As for the dandies present, they are just having fun and enjoying themselves, they are not stupid.

Sometimes, because of their family, they are more sensitive and sharp than people from ordinary families of the same age.

"Hey? Look what kind of luck we have! We actually met a top student from S University! S University is the university that my goddamn dad always dreamed of letting me attend!"

"That's right, my father also wanted me to get into S University, but unfortunately I couldn't get into it, so he had to send me to the United States to study at university!"

"... You guys are paying attention to the wrong point! What this little girl is 'proud' about is that she is working hard and studying!"

"Tsk, tsk, the TV series played by Zhao Yanzi that I watched last year, there seemed to be a line in it——"

"Hahaha, I remembered, Zhao Yanzi said: I am nobler than you all, you are here to consume, and I am here to make money!"

"Yes, my mother likes to watch it, and I was forced to watch a few episodes. Is it red roses or green peonies?"

"Oh my, with that stubborn little look in his eyes, Ma De, I really think this is a TV series!"

"They are also confident. After all, they are very powerful, unlike us, who can only rely on me and my mother to live a life of debauchery..."

The few dandies seemed to have found a lot of fun, laughing and sarcastic.

Su Na, who was attacked by them, suddenly had the illusion that she was a monkey in the circus.

In fact, she is indeed a "toy". No, how happy it is to make a group of distinguished guests happy.

Embarrassment, embarrassment, a strong sense of humiliation and other negative emotions all flooded into my heart.

Su Na's eyes were sore and tears began to flow.

She was wronged, she was angry, she just felt that the world was so unfair!

"Okay, you guys on horseback, be careful!"

"That's right. Is it easy for a little girl to come here and make money?"

"Bah! Who has it easy in this world? Jiuchongtian's salary is very high! And if you want to make more money, you have to bear all this!"

"Yeah, we were just joking, why do we look like a doormat? It makes us look like bullies who robbed civilian girls."

Several people continued to talk and laugh casually, directly treating Suna as a being who could comment at will.



Aren't all human beings created equal?

Okay, it’s me who is angry and naive.

This world is inherently unfair.

But why me?

Originally, I was also a pampered only child, and my family owned two buildings!

But now, I am like a humble maid, facing the humiliation of a group of vicious customers. Not only can I not resist, but I have to endure the grievances and continue to serve with a smile!

I, I don’t accept it!

I can not be reconciled!

I, I also want to stand high, I want to be a master.

After working in Jiuchongtian for two or three weekends, Su Na saw too many people living in luxury and luxury.

This made her unwilling to accept the status quo even more eager to move.

But at this moment, being played like a doll by the distinguished guests in the box made her ambitions expand instantly.

At this moment, the door suddenly opened again——

"Okay! You guys, please pay attention! This is the Nine Heavens, not those messy occasions!"

Wu Zhiqian looked like a cold elite, scolded a few dandies, turned around and left.

However, the moment he turned around, he glanced accidentally and happened to see Suna.

His eyes flickered again, Ma De, this girl's profile looks so much like Qiao Anqi!

"...Girl, come with me!"

Wu Zhiqian secretly directed all this, waiting for this moment of "hero saving beauty"...

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