The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 861: Villain’s Redemption Plan (20)

Remember [new] in one second! "Yes! I am willing! Brother Wu, you are so good to me, of course I am willing to give everything for you!"

"Xiao Na, you are so kind. I knew you were different from Qiao Anqi!"

"Qiao Anqi? Is she your wife? How did you get together?"

"Well, of course it's a family marriage. My family and her Qiao family are both among the best in the provincial capital. We are similar in age, and it just so happens that the two families have a cooperative project-"

"Then, is there no emotion between you two? Brother Wu, do you love her?"

"In the past, I thought I had feelings for Qiao Anqi. Maybe I didn't love her deeply enough, but at least I had a good impression. It wasn't until I met you that I realized that she and I were just friends, and we were far from the height of love!"

"Brother Wu, you don't love her?"


"That's so, so pathetic."

"Yes, a marriage without love is painful, not just for me, but also for her. We are all trapped in this cage!"

"Brother Wu, you are so pitiful——"

"No, I'm not pitiful. Didn't I just meet you? Xiaona, thank you for making me come back to life again. I finally realized what is true heartbeat and what is true love!"

"...Brother Wu!"

Under the cover of "love", the best fig leaf, Wu Zhiqian and Su Na finally broke through the window paper.

The two went from being secretly ambiguous to becoming warriors "fighting for love".

Morality, law, etc., are simply nothing to those who truly love.

For love, they can trample on everything with confidence!

Su Na moved out of the dormitory and came to the "welfare room" Wu Zhiqian bought for her.

Every month, she can also receive a "salary" of tens of thousands.

Already many small gifts called "rewards".

Su Na seems to have become the canary adopted by Wu Zhiqian.

Of course, under Su Na's insistence, Wu Zhiqian also had some concerns in his heart. After all, the two of them failed to break through the last line of defense.

Wu Zhiqian had never stayed overnight at Su Na's place.

The most they can do is kiss and hug,

Let’s get together and talk about love and love in idol dramas.

Su Na pretended to be aggrieved and complained, but Wu Zhiqian really enjoyed this feeling of being superior and controlling everything.

In fact, Suna's "symbolic" significance to him was greater than its practical use.

Wu Zhiqian has no shortage of women, let alone beautiful women.

He would treat Su Na so favorably at first because he wanted to vent a twisted feeling in his heart, but then, ahem, he couldn't say it, he couldn't say it.

"Wu Zhiqian, I heard that you found a little lover?"

On this day, at home, Wu Zhiqian was just about to play the role of a good man and a good husband when he was asked by Qiao Anqi who was sneering.

"No! An Qi, don't listen to the nonsense of people outside. I dare to swear to God that I never betrayed you or our marriage!"

Wu Zhiqian's heart skipped a beat. Without thinking too much, he subconsciously raised his right hand to take the oath.

He is not lying.

He and Su Na were still "innocent". At most, they only said some love words that were enough to hurt one's teeth.

But a further substantive relationship did not occur.

Therefore, at this moment, after Wu Zhiqian suppressed his initial panic, he felt extremely magnanimous and confident.

Thinking of this, Wu Zhiqian raised his head proudly and said firmly, "Anqi, I love you and cherish our home very much. I will never allow it to be destroyed!"

Qiao Anqi is twenty-four years old this year, with a delicate face and noble temperament.

She was wearing custom-made casual clothes that looked ordinary but were not ordinary at all. She sat lazily on the sofa and looked at Wu Zhiqian leisurely.

Qiao Anqi didn't care at all about Wu Zhiqian's oath.

It's just a family marriage partner. At most, she just likes him.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be better to just kick him out and replace him with a more obedient, younger, and more handsome man?

Uh, okay, Qiao Anqi knew that she was willful again.

Marrying into the Wu family is not just her matter, but also a major event for the entire family.

The Wu family used the Qiao family to make a comeback, so why didn't the Qiao family take the opportunity to devour the Wu family's ideas? !

Although Qiao Anqi doesn't like doing business very much, she has been influenced by it since she was a child. She is not an empty-headed idiot, nor is she a fool.

She has a minimum IQ and common sense.

The most important thing is that she understands her biological father——

Qiao Shengyuan's ability to become the richest man in a province was not due to his kindness and charity.

They rely on their vicious eyes, cunning calculations, and sure and ruthless strikes!

If nothing else, let's just talk about this marriage with the Wu family. In exchange for Qiao Anqi's marriage and the help of the richest man Qiao, the Wu family really gave up a lot of benefits.

The "betrothal gift" given to Qiao Anqi alone is 9% of the Wu Group's shares that are easily refused to outsiders.

There are also domestic real estate, foreign manors... The Wu family has almost used the last bit of their wealth to propose marriage to Qiao Anqi.

Of course, Qiao Anqi and the entire Qiao family have brought huge benefits to the Wu family.

There was no need for the Qiao family to give money directly, but as soon as the news of the marriage between the two families spread, Wu Group's stock price fell below the daily limit several times, and it instantly became a rocket!

In just a few days, Wu Group's share price rose again and again.

In the stock market alone, the Wu family harvested a large amount of funds, and completed a wonderful counterattack from a desperate situation in an instant.

Later, the Wu family spread the word again and came up with a big project to cooperate with the Qiao family.

The share price of Wu Group has ushered in a new wave of surge.

The Wu family jumped back from the brink of bankruptcy and once again became the top wealthy family in the provincial capital.

It can be said that even if the Qiao family has no substantial contribution, just being willing to marry Qiao Anqi to Wu Zhiqian is enough to save the entire Wu family.

And it was through the marriage with the Qiao family that the Wu family got out of the quagmire and made a comeback.

As for Wu Zhiqian, he just likes to play the role of a boss, and is not really the kind of idol drama male protagonist who only talks about love.

He has the ability and the skills, but the key is the ability to bend and stretch.

No matter how entangled and repelled he was in his heart, he was always the most sincere and honest one when facing Qiao Anqi and Qiao Shengyuan.

He could lower his body and do his best to hold and support Qiao Anqi, the princess of the Qiao Group.

The relationship between the two of them is not like a husband and wife, but more like a master and a slave.

Well, master and servant, this was the deepest thought in Wu Zhiqian's heart who felt he was humiliated.

In fact, apart from her arrogant temper, Qiao Anqi didn't behave in any evil way.

At best, she just doesn't meet Wu Zhiqian's requirements for a woman: gentle, virtuous, tolerant, generous, and tolerant like a real royal wife.

Qiao Anqi:......


You're thinking shit!

I want money and people, so why should I be a humble mother-in-law?

So gentle and virtuous, as tolerant as a royal wife?

Who do you think you are?

Is he an emperor or a noble, and he also has three wives and four concubines? !

What Qiao Anqi wants is just the most normal monogamy, and she is a little stronger in the relationship between husband and wife.

But, they have capital.

She is marrying down, not climbing high, so why should she compromise?

[I’m not a bitch! 】

Qiao Anqi did not belittle men, nor did she look down upon the Wu family.

But her origin, her identity, and her upbringing did not allow her to be too humble and submissive.

Perhaps the only thing she will be criticized for is that she is too arrogant and doesn't know how to cover up.

However, it’s still the same sentence——


If you have money, good looks and status, you can get a puppy or a wolfdog with just a beckoning call.

People just want a well-matched marriage and a mutually respectful relationship, so why do they become a tigress that makes men feel humiliated? !

On the contrary, Wu Zhiqian was both responsible and established, enjoying the convenience of the Qiao family, but still wanted to gain some dignity and pride from the princess of the Qiao family.

Although he is not a soft-cooked person, he is still the kind of person who can serve rice to eat and put down bowls and scold his mother!

Qiao Anqi and Wu Zhiqian had been husband and wife for several months. She gradually saw the contradictions and weaknesses of this man clearly, and she no longer had too many expectations for such a husband.

It was just a political marriage. After giving birth to a common heir for both families, she and Wu Zhiqian could go their separate ways.

It's not that Qiao Anqi has a low bottom line and doesn't adhere to principles. It's actually that in their circle, marriage is really not a matter between two people.

There are two families to consider when getting married, and the same goes for divorce.

Just like the Qiao and Wu families, they have collaborated on several projects and have become a community of interests.

If it is cut hastily, both parties will suffer great losses.

Qiao Anqi is not short of money, but she will not struggle with money.

Furthermore, even if you get divorced, can you guarantee that you will find a devoted lover if you find another one? !

Haha, if you believe in so-called love, you might as well believe that there are ghosts in the world.

As Princess Qiao who grew up with an elite education, Qiao Anqi may not look like a strong woman at this time, but she has a clear sense!

That's it for her and Wu Zhiqian!

Maintaining a decent marriage, having children recognized by both families, and each having their own entertainment.

It's a pity that Qiao Anqi is somewhat "self-righteous".

Wu Zhiqian not only wants to cooperate with the Qiao family, but also secretly wants to annex the entire Qiao family.

And Qiao Anqi, this woman saw with her own eyes his most embarrassed and humiliating state.

Wu Zhiqian's inferiority complex and twisted heart would never express gratitude to Qiao Anqi and the entire Qiao family for their help. He would only resent the Qiao family for "taking advantage of the situation."

Therefore, annexing the Qiao family and erasing Qiao Anqi is not only a struggle for interests, but also for Wu Zhiqian's self-esteem and pride.

He Tiantian and other women said: ...Ma Dan, what kind of scumbag man is this? !

The description of ingratitude and shamelessness is so fresh and refined!

With no expectations in her heart, Qiao Anqi became even more indifferent to Wu Zhiqian.

In Wu Zhiqian's eyes, this is strong proof that Qiao Anqi doesn't take herself seriously——

This woman looks down on me from the bottom of her heart and thinks I am relying on the pretty boy of the Qiao family.

I hate him in my heart, but I still want to coax him with a smile on my face.

Wu Zhiqian called it a split.

But he still boasted that he was enduring the humiliation.

Qiao Anqi: ...I think you have a serious illness.

Less than half a year after their wedding, the couple was already separated.

Qiao Anqi was disappointed, but she didn't care too much.

The essence of marriage is a collection of interests, and as long as she is the sole heir of the Qiao Group, and as long as she still has money in her hands, she will be a wealthy lady who will never fail!

Qiao Anqi didn't care at all whether Wu Zhiqian was eating outside.

However, even if he doesn’t care, Wu Zhiqian can’t go too far, right?

Qiao Anqi heard some gossip from her plastic best friend, and her good mood was instantly affected——

"The red wine at Jiuchongtian Club is delicious, isn't it?! Otherwise, we, Mr. Wu, wouldn't be consuming it every now and then!"

“It’s not just drinking by yourself, but also asking your friends to drink together!”

Gee, in just two months, I bought millions of red wines.

Is this drinking, or taking a bath with red wine? !

Huh, Wu Zhiqian is clearly a drunkard who doesn't care about drinking!

But he cares about the little girl selling wine.

Wu Zhiqian must be thankful that Qiao Anqi only heard about Su Na's existence and did not meet Su Na in person.

Otherwise, if Qiao Anqi saw with her own eyes a person who looked very similar to her, but became her husband's lover——

Qiao Anqi is not a love brain, and she will not ridiculously think that her husband finds a woman who is very similar to her as a substitute because he loves her too much!

She would just feel disgusted and insulted!

Qiao Anqi is the only daughter of the Qiao family, and she has been the only one since she was a child.

She also enjoys this "onlyness" very much.

Now, a woman who looks like him suddenly appears and gets involved with her husband.

If Qiao Anqi is happy and moved, then she is mentally ill.

Wu Zhiqian asked Su Na to resign so quickly and made her a "golden house" because he was worried that Qiao Anqi would see Su Na's face.

So what, even if there is a "showdown", it is not now.

Wu Zhiqian is indeed a scumbag, but he is not stupid.

Taking care of Su Na rashly was already a stupid thing he did impulsively.

He won't continue to be stupid.

"...An Qi, I, I was just acting for the occasion!"

"That's what socializing outside is like. Sometimes it's not for drinking, but for business!"

Wu Zhiqian was exposed to the scandal by his wife in front of his face. While feeling guilty, he was also a little bit angry from shame——

I didn't do anything, I just spent a little more in Jiuchongtian. Is it worthy of you to punish me like this?

If he really slept with Suna, what's worse, he would have an illegitimate child.

Wu Zhiqian might not be so dissatisfied when he was judged like this by Qiao Anqi.

In the current situation, he just spent some money on a little girl who made him happy, and his strong and domineering wife scolded him like a grandson!

She, she clearly doesn't care about the Wu family or her husband, Wu Zhiqian!

Yes, why would people value him, Wu Zhiqian?

She is the noble princess of the Qiao family.

Wu Zhiqian's conflicted heart became more and more twisted.

The evil thought in his heart was magnified again.

Seeing Qiao Anqi's aggressive and unforgiving look, Wu Zhiqian finally felt a trace of murderous intention——

If this woman died, everything would be his.

The huge Qiao Group, and the dignity of a man that he was forced to abandon...


Thank you Tangjiaguozi for the reward, thank you for your subscriptions, recommendations and monthly votes, thank you all for your support! It’s the last day of July, please vote for me, ┗|`o′|┛嗷~~

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