The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 862: Villain’s Redemption Plan (21)

Remember [new] in one second! "..."

Arriving at the "Golden House", Wu Zhiqian began to pretend to be the melancholic prince.

He didn't speak, his face was full of sadness, and his whole person showed a sense of loneliness and helplessness from the inside out.

It was as if the poor man was being overwhelmed by some powerful force. His once high-spirited, noble and proud person had now turned into deep sadness.


Where did this come from?

However, seeing that her father was the financial sponsor and that she was given a "welfare house" and a high salary + bonus, Su Na decided to be "dedicated" and comfort her.

"Zhiqian, what's wrong? Is work not going well? Or is there something going on at home?"

Ahem, you read that right. After Su Na moved to the Golden House, her relationship with Wu Zhiqian developed further.

The former "Big Brother Wu" has also successfully transformed into "Zhi Qian".

Perhaps, in the near future, Wu Zhiqian will become her "dear".

Husband, wife, etc., it is not true that only legal couples can call them that.

When "feelings" arrive, even if there are no legal procedures, you can still scream enthusiastically.


Wu Zhiqian opened his mouth, as if he had a lot of grievances to express.

But in the end, he said nothing.

He hesitated to speak, his face was full of tangles, tsk, tsk, this expression, perfect score!

It just doesn’t fit the image of a domineering president.

Of course, this can also be explained by romance routines——

I only show my vulnerability in front of you!

Because I only believe in you, and I only have no reservations about you!


Uh, okay, it’s up to you!

She silently complained and continued to act like a gentle lover.

"Zhiqian, what happened? Tell me!"

"I know I don't have much ability and can't help you, but if you talk to me, you will feel better!"

Suna deliberately turned sideways,

She also showed a profile that was very similar to Qiao Anqi's.

Wu Zhiqian raised his eyes and saw this face that made him feel heartbroken.

He regarded Su Na as Qiao Anqi's substitute, and deliberately wanted to tame Su Na like a pet.

Then satisfy your own distorted mentality.

But at this moment, he had a big plan in mind. Seeing Suna's appearance again, he hesitated a little!

Don't worry, it's not that Wu Zhiqian's conscience found out, but that he had too many worries.

[No, this is too risky! I can't do it myself! 】

If you can't do it yourself, then you have to find a puppet!

And the Su Na in front of her is the best candidate.

"Xiao Na, there is something I have been hiding from you!"

"I, I'm in love with you, so I don't want to hide anything from you!"

Wu Zhiqian is well versed in romance routines, and these two sentences he said are quite thought-provoking——

I did do something sorry for you in the past.

But, now that I have fallen in love with you, I have you in my heart, and I can no longer deceive you.

Sure enough, Su Na, who was young and easy to coax, showed a puzzled look at first, "What's going on?"


Wu Zhiqian hesitated again.

Finally, he simply took out a two-fold wallet.

He quickly opened it and showed the side with the photo to Su Na, "This is my wife Qiao Anqi!"

Suna looked at the photo and her eyes widened suddenly.

She pointed at the photo and was speechless, "She, she...I, I——"

Wu Zhiqian understood Suna's reaction very well.

Anyone who sees a person who looks very similar to him or is a "love rival" will be as surprised as Su Na.

If Su Na is not too stupid, she should still be able to guess some "truths".

No, Su Na reacted.

With a cold face and hurt eyes, she asked sadly: "Wu Zhiqian, do you regard me as your wife's substitute?"

"But, don't you always say that you and your wife are in a business marriage, and you have no feelings at all!"

"You also said that the person you love is me...are you lying to me?"

At the end of the sentence, Suna's voice rose, almost hysterically accusing and questioning.

Two lines of clear tears quickly ran down his cheeks.

"No! Xiaona, don't cry, you cry so hard that my heart breaks!"

Wu Zhiqian continued to speak the heart-wrenching QY lines, and reached out to gently wipe away the tears on Su Na's face.

"I didn't regard you as her substitute! I don't deny that I paid attention to you at the beginning because you looked like my wife!"

"But, I have no other ideas, I am just purely curious!"

"I know that there are many similar-looking people in the world. However, I have rarely seen people who are not related by blood but still look so similar!"

"I was curious, and I couldn't help but want to get close to you. When I really got in touch with you, I discovered that you are such a kind, simple, and beautiful girl..."

Wu Zhiqian almost blew with his eyes open.

Every word of love made Su Na laugh and cry, and she was embarrassed.

Her sadness was gone, replaced by a blushing face.

"I, am I really as good as you say? Are you lying to me again!" Su Na was obviously very happy, but she still said things she didn't mean.

Wu Zhiqian, who had long seen through the little girl's thoughts, secretly curled up his lips with pride.

"In my eyes, you are the best! And, I swear, from now on, I will never lie to you again!"

Wu Zhiqian raised his right hand in a familiar manner. For a scumbag like him, cursing and swearing was as normal as drinking water and eating.

"Hmph! Who knows what will happen to you in the future? You just know how to coax me!"

Su Na gave Wu Zhiqian a small punch in a coquettish manner. She acted very well with her little daughter's coquettishness.

Seeing Suna like this, Wu Zhiqian knew that he had successfully coaxed her again.

Then, he began to take the photo of Qiao Anqi, who was very similar to Su Na, and began to talk about Qiao Anqi's luxurious life and her queen-like dignity in the Wu and Qiao families!

At first, Wu Zhiqian just told the facts.

As he spoke, he began to point out other things.

Su Na's expression also began to change——

They are both young people, their appearance is still so similar, but they have completely different lives.

One is a noble eldest lady, who grew up with fine clothes and fine food, and was pampered and pampered.

One is a poor little kid from the slums. His father is unreliable and his mother is selfish and cold. He has to work hard to go to school and eat.


So unfair!

If Qiao Anqi was more beautiful than herself, Su Na wouldn't be so angry.

It just so happens that the two of them look very similar.

Although they are not related by blood, they look very much like sisters.

After being stimulated by Wu Zhiqian for a long time, and listening to Wu Zhiqian's extremely provocative and inducing words too many times, Su Na couldn't help but have a strong feeling——

I'm no worse than Qiao Anqi. Why can she be a noble princess, while I can only be a captive mistress? !

Is there a possibility that I, I can replace Qiao Anqi? !

Wu Zhiqian worked hard for nearly a month and finally saw the ambition in Su Na's eyes.

He knew the time had come!

So, he began to tell Qiao Anqi some stories about Li Dai and Tao Zong, and the civet cat exchanged for the prince.

He would also take Suna to watch movies and TV series with similar plots.

The maid takes the place of the lady, the liar steals the identity of others...

All kinds of true or false stories affect Su Na every day.

Finally one day, Su Na couldn't help it anymore and blurted out, "It would be great if I were Qiao Anqi! I, I can do even better than her!"

Wu Zhiqian's eyes glowed brightly.

He started the second step of his plan——

Make some movies and TV shows about perfect crimes, or some criminal tricks that can be punished or handcuffed, and subtly brainwash Su Na.

It made Su Na feel that crime was actually just that.

As long as you plan properly and act carefully, you will succeed!

And once she succeeds, she can complete the class leap and fly directly from the bottom to the branches.

Instead of Qiao Anqi! Become a real wealthy lady!

This idea gradually entered Su Na's subconscious mind.

Then, the third step of the plan started, and Wu Zhiqian "accidentally" revealed Qiao Anqi's habits and whereabouts to Su Na.


Of course she will not live up to Wu Zhiqian's expectations, she takes action!

"Miss Qiao, can we talk?"

On this day, Qiao Anqi habitually went to a beauty salon for maintenance.

In the underground garage, Qiao Anqi had just opened the car door and was about to get out of the car when a young girl of eighteen or nineteen appeared in front of her...

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