The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 869 Re-entering the world of the magic stick (2)

Remember [new] in one second! "Tiantian, what do you want to buy?"

Little D’s classmate is just curious.

He Tiantian's fingers paused slightly and did not continue searching.

Ahem, before letting classmate Xiao D know her intentions, she still needs to trick him again.

"Let me consider!"

He Tiantian responded vaguely, and then asked: "Little D, for customized tasks, I can choose the time travel node and time travel identity, right?"

"..." Little D was about to say that he was right, but soon he thought that he had just been violently sprayed by the main system and had five points deducted.

It hesitated immediately.

Seeing the hesitant and hesitant look on Little D's classmate, He Tiantian knew that the deception might not go well this time.

She quickly took her last mission as an example, "I could choose my last mission!"

"Little D, these are also customized tasks. It worked last time, and it should work this time too."

Little D subconsciously wanted to nod again, but at the critical moment, he reacted, "...Tiantian, it's different!"

He Tiantian:......

Oh haha! Little D’s classmate has become shrewd.

She pretended to be confused, "Why is it different? They are all customized tasks——"

Before He Tiantian could finish what he said, Xiao D shook his head and said, "Of course it's different! The last task was assigned by the reader as a writer. It's a customized task just for you!"

"And this mission is a new mission triggered by the novel world you have completed, and may not necessarily be exclusive to you!"

The former is unique and cannot be replaced, while the latter can be completed by other writers.

...The importance is different, and the system's "inclusiveness" for He Tiantian is also different!

As for the former, the system can relax a little and give He Tiantian some privileges.

But this time, I wasn’t so “lucky”!

The system also pays attention to principles.

He Tiantian:......

She knew this would happen, and she originally wanted to trick Little D into agreeing on her own initiative before she could react.

Unexpectedly, Xiao D’s mind suddenly became so bright this time!

Tsk, it turns out it’s harder to deceive.

"Tiantian, in fact, whether it is your abilities or your achievement points, they can be upgraded a long time ago!"

"You might as well be directly promoted to a three-star copywriter. In this case, you can choose the script and decide the nodes you want to travel to!"

Seeing that He Tiantian was silent and exuding dissatisfaction, Little D's classmate hurriedly jumped up and down to give He Tiantian suggestions.

"..." He Tiantian sighed. It seems that it is impossible not to upgrade.

In order to have autonomy in this and future tasks, she must take some initiative.

And it is imperative to upgrade to become a Samsung copywriter.

"Okay, let's upgrade!"

He Tiantian sighed, with a hint of resignation in her tone.

Classmate Xiao D hurriedly agreed, fearing that He Tiantian would regret it, "Okay! Upgrade to Samsung——"

"Uh, wait, Tiantian, your achievement points are still 1,000 points short. If you want to upgrade to three stars, you must have more than 20,000 achievement points."

He Tiantian subconsciously opened her personal panel and checked her account carefully.

Also, what a coincidence. Her current achievement points total 19,000 points, which is just 1,000 points away from 20,000 points.

He Tiantian looked at classmate Xiao D suspiciously. She said nothing, but her eyes said everything——

Dear, are you sure you didn't do it on purpose?

Why do I smell conspiracy?

Classmate Little D: "It's unfair! Tiantian, I, I'm just a mentally retarded assistant, how can I have the ability to plot against you?"

"The achievement points required to upgrade to a three-star copywriter are a rigid rule of the system. I can't change this!"

"And the achievement point rewards you get for each task completed are also recorded in the book. As long as you check it a little and add the total, you can get a definite answer!"

None of Little D’s classmates can interfere with this.

He Tiantian still didn't speak. She silently opened the reward details of the achievement points and began to calculate silently in her heart.

A full five minutes passed. He Tiantian secretly added up a series of numbers, and then discovered speechlessly: the real number was 19,000 points.

"We're still 1,000 points short, what should we do?"

Although He Tiantian believed in the innocence of classmate Xiao D, she still had an inexplicable feeling.

Therefore, she asked this question deliberately.

Little D hurriedly ran the kernel, desperately looking up information and comparing routines. After a while, it said slightly unnaturally, "Yes, there is a way!"

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows and crossed her chest, with a posture of "I listen to your lies".

Student D swallowed hard and said cautiously, with a half-step villain's intimidating look, "According to the system regulations, achievement points can be purchased with mother coins. The exchange ratio between the two is 10:1."

He Tiantian silently calculated and nodded: "Oh, I understand. In other words, I have to spend 10,000 points to exchange for 1,000 achievement points?"

"Yes!" Bite the bullet, Xiao D struggled to spit out the word.

He Tiantian fell into silence again.

She didn't speak, but the aura around her was very powerful.

Little D’s classmate shivered desperately, wishing he could shrink his hairball even smaller, so small that He Tiantian couldn’t see it!

Woohoo, Tiantian's momentum is getting stronger and stronger.

She is used to being a villain, and she has a wild and evil domineering attitude.

He Tiantian:......

These are all outrageous adjectives.

Seeing that classmate Xiao D was trembling with fear but still refused to let go, He Tiantian knew that there was no need to discuss this matter.

never mind! never mind!

Let the system take advantage this time.

"Okay! Then redeem your achievement points and upgrade!"

At the moment when classmate Xiao D could no longer bear it, He Tiantian spoke.


Classmate Xiao D, who was "surviving the disaster", breathed out a sigh of relief.

Then, it turned into a happy furry dumpling again, "Okay! Redeem 1,000 achievement points!"

"Redeem successful!"

"Upgrade Samsung Writer——"

"update successed!"

"Haha, Tiantian, you are already a Samsung copywriter. It's so amazing. You have made such a breakthrough less than three years after signing the contract!"

When Little D saw two more little stars next to He Tiantian's ID, he was immediately proud.

Hey, such an excellent writer is a friend of his classmate D.

His classmate, Little D, has witnessed He Tiantian’s growth and rise with his own eyes. Rounding it all off, Tiantian’s achievements are also due to him!

"Okay, can I choose my own travel node and identity?"

He Tiantian didn't really feel sorry for the rewards. She enjoyed the process of fighting the system more.

"Yes! Tiantian, as a Samsung writer, of course you can choose these!"

Classmate Xiao D hurriedly answered.

He Tiandian nodded and said nothing. Instead, he continued to open the Dianniang Mall and began to search for products.

"Guiyuan Jue?"

Classmate Xiao D came close to He Tiantian, blinked his big eyes, and watched her operate.

When it saw clearly the product He Tiantian was searching for, it couldn't help but blurt out something.

"Tiantian, why are you redeeming this? Wait, are you still obsessed with this set of exercises?"

Classmate Little D thought of He Tiantian’s criticism of Tiandao (the consciousness of novels) when he first entered the world of magic sticks.

This set of skills is an opportunity specially reserved for the heroine by Heaven.

He Tiantian sent out Baigui to help and searched every corner of Guiyuan Temple, but couldn't find it.

But the female ghost in red who was contracted by the heroine was easily found.

Although, He Tiantian took the opportunity to kill the female ghost in red and took back the Guiyuan Jue.

However, suppressed by the law of heaven and constrained by the plot, He Tiantian, He Qingfeng and others were unable to practice and get started.

In the hands of the heroine, it is a god-level skill called Guiyuan Jue, but in the hands of the He family and his daughter, it is like useless existence.

At that time, classmate Xiao D felt He Tiantian's resentment towards the way of heaven and his persistence in the Guiyuan Jue.

Unexpectedly, so many small worlds have passed and He Tiantian's emotions belonging to the characters in the play have also been separated. Today, He Tiantian is still obsessed with obtaining the Secret of Returning to the Origin.

"Yes! I just can't forget this set of exercises!"

He Tiantian did not explain her purpose and followed the words of classmate Xiao D in a vague and perfunctory manner.

In fact, He Tiantian is more accustomed to Wuji Jue, and she doesn't have to buy it herself.


First of all, Wuji Jue is a technique created by the young master uncle. He Tiantian re-entered the world of magic sticks to do tasks and practiced it rashly, which could easily cause trouble.

Haha, do you really think that my junior uncle is a talkative fool?

Can she get away with any excuse?

Junior uncle is just a humble gentleman, gentle and kind, and is not easy to fool.

Secondly, He Tiantian wanted to further verify her guess. She had never practiced Guiyuan Jue, so it would be most suitable to use it as an experiment!

However, Guiyuan Jue is a god-level technique, and its price in the system mall is also very "godly".

"286 points?"

He Tiantian's eyes were fixed on those numbers.

She had a discount card and it was automatically converted: 28.6 points.

Diianniang Mall follows the principle of rounding, that is to say, if He Tiantian wants to buy this set of exercises, the final price is 29 points!


It hurts so much!

Her last mission was a customized mission just for her. The reward was super high, and she only got 30 points.

It's better now. A set of exercises will make her last mission in vain.

"Tiantian, Guiyuan Jue is a god-level technique, no worse than my junior uncle's Wuji Jue!"

Seeing He Tiantian's face full of pain, classmate Xiao D quickly explained carefully, "This set of exercises can also be practiced from entry level to ascension!"

"In addition, Guiyuan Jue is not a single cultivation method. In addition to Guiyuan Technique, it also has a complete collection of talismans."

"Tiantian, don't forget, the founder of Guiyuan Temple is famous for his talismans, and he even relied on the Guiyuan Jue to ascend to the immortal world."

So, this set of exercises is really good.

Moreover, He Tiantian is lucky enough. She has a discount card and a discount card.

If it were other writers who wanted to purchase this set of exercises, they could only pay the original price of 286 points.

That’s really expensive!

He Tiantian:......

Well, if she thought about it this way, her aching heart would indeed be soothed.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, let's redeem it!"

He Tiantian waved her hands and said resignedly.

"Okay, exchange it for the Guiyuan Jue!"

Little D’s classmate’s cheerful mechanical sound sounded, and immediately after, He Tiantian’s points were deducted by 29.

And in her hand, there was an extra scroll.

He Tiantian was not in a hurry to take it out.

She first left the library space and returned to reality to take a look.

It was still her bedroom in the Beijing courtyard. He Tiantian appeared out of thin air, but the surroundings were silent. No one noticed anything unusual in the room.

He Tiantian turned around and determined that only a few minutes had passed. Yuan Mei in the next room was still in a deep sleep.

He Tiantian felt relieved, took out a brand new set of Taoist robes from the closet, and put on plain gold earrings for herself.

At this time, He Tiantian exchanged the Guiyuan Jue and held it firmly in his hand.

After getting ready, He Tiantian said to Xiao D, "Okay, I will choose to wear it this time!"


Classmate Xiao D obediently agreed.

There was another excitement, and He Tiantian once again experienced the crazy speed of a super centrifuge.

As if traveling through the turbulence of time and space, He Tiantian's soul was shaken so much that it was almost thrown out of her body.

After a while, the violent shaking suddenly stopped.


He Tiantian was thrown down from mid-air.

He Tiantian had experienced it once and a half, and she was ready.

At the moment when her body was suspended in the air, she tried her best to adjust her body posture, bend, and hold her head with both hands. After her body touched the ground, she rolled on the spot.

After taking away most of the force of the downward thrust, He Tiantian rolled awkwardly on the ground for several times and finally landed smoothly.

He Tiantian didn't dare to stay too long because the time node she chose was 50 years ago.

And during this period, everyone who understands understands.

He Tiantian was afraid that someone would notice her strangely dressed person, so she stood up numbly, ignoring the pain of her body being rubbed against the ground.

Looking around, it was good, good, and the crossing location was chosen by He Tiantian in advance - deep in the mountains of Nanshan.

The straight-line distance from Guiyuan Temple is not too far, only a few dozen miles.

However, this area is mountainous, with small mountains connected to large mountains, and deep mountains within the large mountains.

There are few people here, wild animals are everywhere here, and this place... is also an excellent place for seclusion.

He Tiantian made sure that the environment was safe, and then began to check her "equipment"——

The plain gold earrings worn in the pierced ears are still there!

The skill scroll that I have been holding tightly in my hand is still there!

Gently stroking the scroll, He Tiantian showed a satisfied smile: "Not bad! Really good! I guessed it right!"

Products purchased from the system mall can avoid system screening and can be brought into the novel world with their real bodies.

"Very good! With the scroll, I can practice well!"

As for the real body time travel, even in the world of novels, the skills learned will become her own.

This is equivalent to having one more copy for her to learn skills and improve herself.

After thoroughly mastering the Guiyuan Technique, she had sufficient confidence.

Even if there is a change in the system in the future and all the skills given to her by the system are erased, she will still have these things that she understands and masters.

Currently, she has mastered traditional Chinese medicine.

Next, she must practice the Guiyuan Jue.

Just like what classmate Xiao D said, the Guiyuan Jue does not require the Wuji Jue, and it has one more talisman collection than the Wuji Jue...

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