The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 870 Re-entering the world of the magic stick (3)

Remember [new] in one second! He Tiantian held the scroll tightly and began to use her wilderness survival skills to search in the deep mountains and forests while walking.

She wanted to find a suitable place to stay, not just for one or two nights, but as a cave for her cultivation.

Well, it will take at least thirty or fifty years to live there.

However, this kind of "cave" cannot be found all at once.

If he can't find it for the time being, He Tiantian may also want to find a temporary place to make a transition.

There are caves, flowing water sources, and rich and lush plant resources nearby...

He Tiantian followed these requirements and searched slowly.

Before dark, she finally found an abandoned cabin.

"Is there anyone? Is anyone here?"

He Tiantian shouted several times at the top of her lungs, but there was no other sound except the frightened birds and the chirping of insects in the grass.

He Tiantian nodded with satisfaction. It seemed that this place was abandoned and there was no one at all.

However, He Tiantian still found a branch, knocked on it, and entered the wooden house.


The wooden door opened, and there was an ear-piercing sound from the door axis.

Along with the sound, there was dust falling from the door frame.

He Tiantian hurriedly took a step back to avoid being dusted all over her face.

However, the flying dust was scattered everywhere, which was still a bit choking.

He Tiantian vomited a few times and thought to herself: Well, this wooden house has been abandoned for how many years.

There is so much dust and dirt on the door frame.

While cursing, he took a few steps back. After the dust had cleared, He Tiantian fanned the wind in front of her with her hands and carefully entered the door.

The room was also dusty and covered with a layer of dust.

There is a simple wooden table in the middle and two wooden piers.

Against the wall is a wooden bed.

There was no bedding on the wooden bed, just some rotten straw.

Between the wooden bed and the wooden table, there is a simple fire pit, which is a pit dug in the ground and surrounded by stones.

The stones were burned a little black, and there were still some remaining ashes in the pit.

It's just that it's been too long, and a spider web has actually been woven on the stone.

The whole wooden house is not too big, about twenty square meters.

However, it is cheaper to live alone.

He Tiantian walked around the wooden house and found nothing more useful.

There were no pots or pans.

Even the earthen pots used to boil water were in dilapidated condition.

However, there is a small shack behind the wooden house with some firewood in it.

Too bad there is no axe!

Think about it, in this period, or earlier, iron tools are very valuable and scarce.

Regardless of whether this wooden house is a temporary place for hunters to stay or a house where someone lives in seclusion, when people leave, they will take valuable things with them!

He Tiantian came out of the shack, carrying a few rotten pieces of wood in her hands.

She put the wood on the ground and found some dry and soft thatch on the wooden bed.

Without many tools, He Tiantian could only use the most primitive method of drilling wood to make fire.

Chichi, chichichi!

He Tiantian rubbed hard, and the palms of her hands were so painful.

But she didn't dare to stop.

In the wild, the role of fire is crucial.

Whether it is driving away wild animals, boiling water, or cooking rice, fire is indispensable.

He Tiantian has rich wilderness survival skills, and she has patience and firm determination.

Before it got completely dark, finally, pop, a small flame finally burst out from the rotten wood covered with thatch.

The fire started, and He Tiantian carefully moved the wood into the cleaned fire pit.

Add a few more pieces of wood and soon the fire is burning brightly.

"No wonder the history teacher said that being able to use fire is the first step towards civilization for mankind!"

Looking at the firelight in the fire pit, He Tiantian felt inexplicably at ease.

Before finding the wooden house, He Tiantian discovered that there was a small pool formed by mountain spring water not far from here.

She found no pots, pans or other items in the house, but she found some broken earthenware jars.

He Tiantian found a jar that looked relatively complete and went to the pool to clean it.

Then she placed the jars at the lower level of the spring.

The spring water was flowing gurglingly, and it didn't take long for the jar to be filled.

He Tiantian carried the jar back to the wooden house and placed the jar on the stone in the firepit.

While waiting for the water to boil, He Tiantian picked some wild fruits around.

After taking it to the water pool to wash it off, He Tiantian ate all the wild fruits in big gulps.

He barely ate until he was full, but He Tiantian also knew that fruits and the like would not stop him from being hungry at all.

However, today is her first day here. It is not easy to find a place to stay and clean hot water.

Being hungry is nothing.

He Tiantian drank the water and felt completely calm.

She started cleaning the cabin.

Sweep away the dust and rinse with water.

Soon, the room looked much cleaner.

He Tiantian did not lie down on the bare wooden bed to rest immediately, but continued to sit by the fire pond and began to study the Guiyuan Jue.

First, introduce the air into your body!

He Tiantian has practiced the technique more than once.

Although when wearing it, the system will erase all the skills she learned in the system space.

But the general impression will still be there.

For example, she remembers how to practice, how to introduce Qi into the body, and basic postures.

Keeping the idea of ​​Gui Yuan Gong in mind, He Tiantian put away the scroll, stuffed it into the lapel of his clothes and put it close to his body.

She came to the wooden bed, sat down on it, with her five hearts facing up, and began to meditate.

Fifty years ago, China's environment had not been greatly polluted.

Especially in the deep mountains and dense forests, the air is exceptionally fresh.

In addition, this is a supernatural world, and there is already a thin spiritual energy all around.

The technique of Guiyuan Gong is incredible, and it can absorb spiritual energy with twice the result with half the effort.

After He Tiantian ran for several days, he faintly felt the slightest surge of air.

She was secretly happy and continued to practice crazily.

One night passed like this.

In the early morning, purple energy came from the east, facing the rising sun, He Tiantian absorbed the first ray of spiritual energy from heaven and earth.


Wisps of spiritual energy flowed along the meridians and into the Dantian. He Tiantian successfully introduced the energy into his body!

He Tiantian has experience, and her soul is also extremely powerful.

Even if she is a newbie in training now, she can still look inside her dantian.

He Tiantian "saw" that a white spiritual energy was slowly surging in her Zifu Dantian.

It's just that the amount of spiritual energy is not large enough to fill the Dantian.

However, with such results in one night, He Tiantian was very satisfied.

And with this spiritual energy, He Tiantian is no longer a weak woman with no power to restrain a chicken.

Coupled with her Guiyuan Gong, He Tiantian is now at least a third-rate martial arts master.

He Tiantian opened her eyes and found that her vision had been significantly improved.

Originally she could only see clearly within the range of normal human vision, but now she could clearly see ants, centipedes and other insects scurrying on the ground a few meters away.

There was also a spider in the corner. He Tiantian could see even the tiny spider legs very clearly.

He Tiantian stood up, stretched her limbs, and then started punching and kicking.

She was keenly aware that even her body seemed to be tempered.

Begin to become powerful and extremely flexible.

He Tiantian moved for a while, then suddenly thought of something, bent down and picked up a small stone, luckily dantian, and threw it away.


The stone did not embed itself in the trunk of the tree, but broke off a small piece of bark, which then fell to the ground.

Well, it can't kill with one hit, but it can still have a certain degree of lethality!

This made He Tiantian, who already knew how weak her body was, somewhat happy.

"It's already pretty good! After all, I've only been practicing for one day!"

He Tiantian said to herself.

After wandering around outside, I found some rattan and made a few traps.

He Tiantian found some wild vegetables and fruits.

When I returned to the cabin, I found that the fire in the fire pit was almost extinguished.

Also, she was only focused on practicing last night and only took time to add firewood once.

It is not easy to persist until now without completely extinguishing it.

He Tiantian quickly picked up a piece of wood that still had red spots, threw some thatch on it, and blew hard.

Black smoke first appeared on the thatch, and then, with a bang, orange-red flames appeared.

He Tiantian put the rekindled wood back into the fire pit and added a few pieces of wood.

Slowly, the fire ignited, and the entire firepit was filled with firelight.

He Tiantian took the jar to the pond and put the jar under the spring to collect the water.

While waiting for the water, He Tiantian was not idle. She stood in the shallow water of the pool with a depth of less than one meter, and looked at the fish swimming around.

Catching fish with bare hands was absolutely a dream to He Tiantian before today.

However, after practicing for a night and successfully introducing Qi into his body, He Tiantian was still a third-rate martial arts master with internal strength, even though He Tiantian had not yet completely stepped into the threshold of immortality.


With quick eyes and quick hands, He Tiantian directly caught a palm-length crucian carp like an afterimage.

He Tiantian untied the rattan wrapped around his waist, passed it directly through the fish's gills, and hung up the poor fish.

Uh-huh! Swish!

He Tiantian struck a few more times, and four or five fish were already pierced through the rattan around her waist.

"That's almost enough. It's enough for me to eat for one meal!"

He Tiantian was not greedy, and returned to the wooden house with a jar full of water and a long string of fish hanging around her waist.

Putting the water jug ​​on the stone, He Tiantian found some bamboo poles.

Without a knife, He Tiantian could only resort to the most primitive method, which was to violently split the bamboo pole in two.

When a bamboo pole is broken, it will naturally have uneven sections.

Then, He Tiantian used a stone to grind the cut surface neatly, so that it would have a sharp tip.

Use the bamboo poles processed in this way as skewers to pass directly through the fish.

He Tiantian held up the bamboo pole and put the fish on the fire to grill.

Soon, the fat from the fish meat was forced out and dripped onto the fire, making a tingling sound.

Along with the sound, the surface of the fish meat was also browned, and the rich fish aroma spread instantly.

"It smells so good! It's the first time that grilled fish smells so good!"

He Tiantian's saliva secreted crazily.

Her stomach was already growling with hunger.

She didn't eat two meals yesterday, plus she practiced all night, and her energy was greatly depleted.

Now she continues to supplement it with food.

Ignoring the heat, He Tiantian tore into the grilled fish.

"Ugh! It's so hot! But this fish is so tender and the taste is so delicious!"

He Tiantian was talking to herself while eating.

No way, humans are social animals.

Surviving alone in the wild, even if you are mentally strong, it is easy to feel lonely.

It would be okay if He Tiantian was a master of cultivation. He could cultivate wholeheartedly and be able to live away from the secular world.

But, He Tiantian is not!

She just introduced Qi into her body last night, and she was on the threshold of cultivation.

She still can't live without food, she still has to eat, and she still has mortal worries.

To be honest, in the world of immortality that He Tiantian had experienced, she was not alone.

There is also the little follower Su Nuan beside him.

Cultivation takes no time, but people are still people after all.

Before you become a complete immortal, you still cannot enjoy loneliness alone.

He Tiantian has never been an arrogant person.

She will not be overly superstitious about her abilities and character.

In order to prevent yourself from being too lonely, which will lead to language, thinking degradation and other problems.

From the beginning, He Tiantian made herself "noisy".

"...Well, talking to myself is still too weird. I think I should practice hard and learn how to draw talismans as soon as possible."

"It seems good to have a little paper man as a companion!"

He Tiantian said not to talk to herself, but she still kept talking to herself.

At this moment, she even missed her mentally retarded classmate Little D.

"Eh? Wait, that's wrong!"

"In the past, little D's classmate would be locked up in a small dark room and could not accompany me into the world of novels because the tasks he did at that time were all anti-virus tasks!"

"In order to prevent wild writers from noticing the abnormal energy fluctuations, I had to block Little D!"

"But these two times, I have done customized tasks, and there is no 'virus'. It stands to reason that Little D can follow me!"

He Tiantian murmured quietly while eating grilled fish.

In the end, He Tiantian simply stopped thinking about it by herself, and instead used her consciousness to call out from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness——

"Little D! Classmate Little D! Are you here?"

no respond!

He Tiantian was slightly disappointed, "Huh, when this mission is over, I must have a good chat with Little D. It's best to let him go and complain to the system!"

Thinking of being able to "fool" Xiao D's classmate again, He Tiantian's mood instantly improved.

After eating the tasteless grilled fish, He Tiantian was not in a hurry to explore the jungle, hunt or find food.

She continued to return to the wooden bed and practiced cross-legged.

He Tiantian is extremely sober. For her, cultivation is the first priority.

As long as she cultivates to a certain level, any problem can be easily solved.

There is no way, strength is the most important thing.

In the following days, He Tiantian spent most of her time practicing, practicing, practicing.

I only take out sporadic time to solve the physical problems of eating, drinking and diarrhea.

However, He Tiantian soon realized that she could not go on like this.

She started to have some symptoms -

Dizziness, irritability, palpitation, weakness...

He Tiantian knew that her symptoms were caused by a lack of salt and carbohydrates!

Sure enough, after practicing hard for more than a month, even though she reached the second level of Qi training, she still couldn't shed the skin of this mortal body.

"Looks like I'm going out!"

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