The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 871 Re-entering the world of the magic stick (4)

Remember [new] in one second! Before going down the mountain, He Tiantian still needs to make some preparations.

She has begun to study the complete collection of talismans in Guiyuan Jue, and has carried out formal and systematic metaphysics training.

He Tiantian has not forgotten that this is a supernatural world, not a world of immortality.

As for the supernatural, there are naturally ghosts, spirits, monsters and other non-human energy entities.

He Tiantian lives in seclusion in the mountains. She may be the only one, but there is more than one such non-human existence.

It's just that her cultivation level was too low before and she was unable to take further actions.

When the spiritual energy in her Dantian had accumulated to a certain extent and her cultivation had entered the second stage of Qi training, she finally had the capital to carry out her plan!

First, she opened her own eyes.

There was no way she was wearing it this time, and her original body was just an ordinary body.

It's not like the "He Tiantian" she transformed into when she first entered the world of the magic stick.

That "He Tiantian" has a system of four pillars of pure yin. He is born with the ability to see ghosts. He is also the favorite and most coveted existence of various non-human energy bodies.

He Tiantian was born without yin and yang eyes, and if she wanted to maintain her image as an outsider in the supernatural world, she could only practice hard the day after tomorrow and complete it step by step.

Gathering spiritual power and running the Guiyuan Gong, He Tiantian's right index finger was filled with spiritual power.

He pressed his fingers hard on the center of his eyebrows, followed by a sweet shout: "Open the heavenly eyes!"

He Tiantian's eyebrows felt a little hot, and then, it seemed that the third eye really opened here.

Of course, this eye is invisible.

It's more like the release of spiritual consciousness.

The celestial eye is different from the spiritual consciousness. What the spiritual consciousness can see are also objects visible to the naked eye.

But the celestial eye can catch those non-human energy bodies that are different from ordinary people.

No, there are energy bodies of various shapes and colors floating around the wooden house.

Some are humanoid, some are tigers and leopards and other beasts, and there are also some spirits with overflowing energy.

"Oh, I didn't realize it, little tree, you are actually an old tree that has become a spirit!"

Under He Tiantian’s heavenly eyes, everything in this world,

There is simply nothing to hide from.

Wearing a Taoist robe, He Tiantian slowly walked out of the wooden house and walked to the pool where she often fetched water. She happened to see a towering ancient tree not far away.

When he first saw this ancient tree, He Tiantian had a vague feeling: This tree is definitely not an ordinary tree.

After she introduced the energy into her body, she also successfully felt the spiritual energy fluctuations in the ancient tree.

This tree, even if it has not been cultivated to perfection, has lived for thousands of years, and may still be a "survivor" left over from the end of the Dharma era.

However, when she scanned the ancient tree with her heavenly eyes, He Tiantian discovered that the tree had developed spiritual intelligence and had a spiritual body.

Well, the appearance of the spirit body is different from its thick and simple body.

The little boy is white and tender, with a tree branch on his head, and there are three leaves growing on the tree branch.

He was wearing a bright red bellyband, and his arms and legs were as fat as Michelin tires.

When He Tiantian saw this little boy's spirit body sitting leisurely on the branch of the tree, she couldn't help but want to laugh.

So cute!

so cute!

"Huh? Can you see me?"

The little boy couldn't help being startled when he heard He Tiantian's voice. He stood up from the tree branch and said in a sweet voice, "Little girl, are you a member of Xuanmen?"

He Tiantian had three black lines hanging from his forehead.

Old man?

Haha, it’s really weird to hear a tender, plump little boy keep calling himself “Old Man”.

While He Tiantian laughed, she did not forget to answer the other party's question, "Little guy, to be precise, I should be considered a cultivator!"

"Cultivation? A descendant of a hidden family?"

The little boy continued to ask curiously.

He didn't care about He Tiantian's "discourtesy", but acted like a tolerant and loving elder.

In fact, this tree can definitely be called an "elder".

He has lived for more than two thousand years.

Of course, his body is a ginkgo tree, and the lifespan of a ginkgo tree is inherently long.

However, he had a chance. When he was over a hundred years old, he entered the Age of Ending Dharma.

The practitioners have not completely disappeared yet.

The ginkgo tree was lucky enough to meet a traveling practitioner.

He saw that the ginkgo tree had some spirituality, and he caught a small spiritual beast under the ginkgo tree, so he felt that he had some fate with the ginkgo tree.

The cultivator turned into a ginkgo tree and opened up his spiritual wisdom.

With spiritual wisdom, the ginkgo tree can actually absorb the essence of heaven and earth and practice on its own.

This practice lasted two thousand years.

Although the ginkgo tree is located deep in the mountains, you can always encounter farmers cutting firewood or hunters hunting every three to five years.

Especially in times of war, villagers at the foot of the mountain ran into the mountains to escape.

Through these people, Ginkgo knows the changes of the times and the various developments of human society.

In addition, the ginkgo tree also helped one or two small beasts and birds with extremely talented people, perhaps with ancient bloodline, to awaken.

These spirits can run and even fly anywhere, and naturally become the eyes and ears of the ginkgo tree...

Therefore, the ginkgo tree knows that it is now a new China.

Those poor people have their own fields and will not easily go to the mountains all year round.

Think about it, there are fields and production teams, who would go to the mountains to feed the tigers? !

Counting the ginkgo trees by himself, he hadn't seen any hunters or people coming to this dense forest for more than ten years!

It is no exaggeration to say that He Tiantian is the first human being he has seen in these years.

Still a practitioner!

The ginkgo tree suddenly became interested, and jumped down from the main body, "Little girl, are you really a cultivator? Look at my question, if you are not a cultivator, you will definitely not be able to see me!"

"Yes, little guy, I am indeed a cultivator. I am just getting started and my cultivation level is not high."

He Tiantian did not directly correct the name with the ginkgo tree, but kept calling the other person.

As for the ginkgo tree, it seems that he has reached a "tacit understanding" with He Tiantian, and he did not accuse He Tiantian of "not knowing how to respect the elderly."

Two people, ah, no, one person and one tree. You call me "little girl" and I call you "little guy".

The two people called each other according to their own wishes, and the atmosphere of the chat was actually very harmonious.

"You live in that wooden house not far away? During this time, I often see you coming to carry water!"

"When you came here, you weren't practicing yet!"

The ginkgo tree is an ancient tree that has lived for more than two thousand years. Although it does not understand human cultivation, it can still feel whether the other person has cultivation.

He was very sure that when he first saw He Tiantian, he was indeed just a mortal.

It has only been a month, and this little girl has successfully entered the threshold of cultivation.

I have to say that her talent is still very high.

"Yes, at that time I had just escaped into the mountains from the outside. Although I knew some metaphysics, in the end I was still just an ordinary person!"

He Tiantian said seriously according to the identity she had set for herself.

"Escape into the mountains?"

Ginkgo was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes subconsciously glanced at He Tiantian's attire.

Taoist nun head (He Tiantian: Bah, this is a meatball head), dressed in a Taoist robe, a proper little Taoist priest.

And outside——

The ginkgo tree has learned about the situation at the foot of the mountain from Xiaodai (a bird he inspired).

Although he didn't quite understand it, he also knew that Taoist priests like the little girl in front of him would either return to secular life at the foot of the mountain, or they would have no choice but to escape into the mountains.

The little girl has a firm Taoist heart, so she chose to escape.

However, deep in the mountains and forests, there are many dangers, but this little girl is also very powerful. She actually survived by relying on a pool of water and a few wild fruit trees.

"Little girl, since you have escaped into the mountains, why do you still want to go out?"

The ginkgo tree claims to be an ancestor who is more than 2,000 years old. He has the greatest kindness and love for his cubs!

After chatting with He Tiantian for a few words, he thought this little girl was pretty good.

He has clear eyes and a simple mind. He is a good boy who is dedicated to the Tao.

Such a good child, Ginkgo doesn't want her to get hurt.

He Tiantian spread her hands and said helplessly, "I can't help it. Although I have crossed the threshold of cultivation, I am still just a mortal body!"

"Before I can go without food, I need to eat, I need nutrients, and I need salt!"

And these are not available in the mountains.

Maybe there is, but it takes a lot of experience to find and refine it.

He Tiantian figured it out, instead of searching endlessly in the mountains, it would be better to go down the mountain directly.

Furthermore, she is not completely isolated from the world.

She also needs to join the world and establish the image of a hidden master in the hearts of the people around her.

Therefore, the journey down the mountain is imperative.

"Oh, so that's it!"

Ginkgo nodded. In fact, he still didn't quite understand.

There is no way, he is no longer an ancient tree that lives almost forever, he has transformed into a spirit body, and he is also a plant in essence.

He is not a human being, so he naturally cannot experience human eating, drinking, eating, drinking, eating, drinking, eating, drinking, eating, drinking, eating, drinking, eating, drinking, eating, drinking, eating, drinking, eating, drinking, and eating.

However, he knew these were important to humanity.

The little girl had no choice but to go down the mountain.

"So, you really should go down the mountain for a walk. However, your outfit doesn't seem to be very good!"

"Also, do you, do you have money? Do you have tickets?"

Even though the ginkgo tree is rooted in an inaccessible mountain, but because he has helpers like Xiao Dai and Xiao Bai, he definitely knows the situation outside very well.

People at the foot of the mountain, when buying things, not only need money, but also tickets.

The little Taoist priest may have some savings, but he may not have bills or anything like that.

Of course, the little girl can still go to the black market, but her outfit is too eye-catching, and she may not be able to reach the county seat, and someone will catch her!

Oops, the pink, white and fat little boy is almost worried to death about He Tiantian.

Seeing his appearance, He Tiantian couldn't bear it anymore and felt rubbish all over her body.

She has cultivation and can touch spiritual bodies.

Rather than being able to reach through the spirit body like ordinary people.

She gently tugged on the little boy's chin, and then touched the leaves on top of his head.

Well, don't tell me, it feels pretty good.

The key is that the little boy has a lot of spiritual energy.

Ginkgo Tree never expected that despite her age, she would be molested by a little girl.

He blushed, jumped back a few steps quickly, and shouted accusingly: "Little girl, you, you are rude!"

He Tiantian would give him a big smile, "Little guy, you are so cute!"

Ginkgo Tree:……

So angry!

I don’t want to talk to her at all!

Seeing that the fat white boy's face was filled with anger, He Tiantian quickly smiled and apologized: "I'm sorry, I was rude."

"But, Xiaoshu, you are really cute!"

The ginkgo tree really wanted to blow its beard, but he didn't!

He didn't want to appear too childish, but he was just a cute little boy.

The cute baby who is two or three years old is also so cute when he is angry!

"I have lived for thousands of years. It is not an exaggeration to ask you to regard me as an ancestor, as an elder, or even as a peer!"

Finally, the ginkgo tree was discouraged and said aggrievedly.

He Tiantian:......

Okay, I did go a bit too far.

Although He Tiantian's mental age is far more than two thousand years old, as far as her body is concerned, she is indeed just a girl of eighteen or nineteen.

Even if she has the status of a cultivator, she cannot be too arrogant.

She must maintain her due respect.

Elders should also be treated with sufficient respect.

"Old senior, I'm sorry! It's me, Meng Lang!"

He Tiantian apologized again.

Seeing that He Tiantian was serious and didn't seem to be perfunctory, the angry Ginkgo tree stopped getting angry.

He was keen and heard that He Tiantian's name for him had also changed.

From the little guy just now, he has become an old man.

Hehe, this little girl still knows some etiquette and knows how to respect her seniors.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you!"

The ginkgo tree waved its hand proudly, and then returned to the topic, "By the way, if you want to go down the mountain, I can help you!"

He Tiantian's eyes lit up. She did not question how the ginkgo tree, as a tree, could not even move its nest, could help herself.

Ha, just kidding, even if it is a tree, it has lived for more than two thousand years.

Not to mention, people also opened up their spiritual wisdom and cultivated spiritual bodies.

I dare not say that the ginkgo tree dominates this mountain forest, but it is definitely a household presence.

It doesn't take much, just the other party telling He Tiantian some "secrets" is enough for He Tiantian to "fool".

"Let me tell you, apart from these mountains, there is a small mountain village called Kaoshantun. There is a good hunter at the east end of the village. His father has been dead for more than 20 years, but he is still reluctant to reincarnate!"

"Xiao Dai also met the old ghost in the cemetery. After asking around, he found out that the old ghost had a wish. He would not leave until his wish was fulfilled!"

"Little girl, since you have opened your eyes, you should be able to see that old ghost. Just go and have a good chat with him. If you can help him achieve his wish, he will definitely reward you!"

"...The old ghost's son is a hunter. He can hunt bears, tigers and other wild beasts. His family is very wealthy!"

The ginkgo tree is also considered well-intentioned.

He told He Tiantian this little secret just because he wanted He Tiantian to help Lao Gui and then get rewarded from Lao Gui's son.

In addition, being able to successfully send an old ghost who has been stranded in the world for a long time to be reincarnated is also considered a merit.

For He Tiantian, it is definitely a good thing to win two birds with one stone...

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