Remember [new] in one second! "Revival of spiritual energy?"

"What kind of prophecy?"

Is there such a huge invisible plot in a place that the author has not written about?

He Tiantian was stunned.

Xuan Mo was also a little surprised. This was the end of the Dharma era. The spiritual energy was thin and there was almost no possibility of cultivation.

Xuan Mo was able to break through the Xiantian realm and successfully build the foundation. Firstly, it was a coincidence, and secondly, it was because of his unparalleled talent.

In addition, there is also the role of Wuji Jue.

His self-created technique is so overbearing that it can not only absorb spiritual energy, but also use Yin energy, evil energy, demonic energy, etc. to practice.

The Ten Thousand Spirits Demon Gathering Array in Kunlun Mountain awakened the remnant souls of ancient ferocious beasts and gathered a large amount of sinister energy in the shortest time and within the smallest range.

Xuan Mo only relied on these to get enough "energy" to support his cultivation all the way.

Xuan Mo felt that he had successfully built the foundation. While he was ecstatic, he was also slightly worried——

His cultivation level is too high, will it not be allowed by the law of heaven?

Before the end of the Dharma Age, the gods either left or died because the laws of the world did not allow for too powerful existences.

Not even the ancestors and gods from ancient times could resist this law, let alone a newbie like him who had just stepped into the threshold of cultivating immortals?

Therefore, Xuan Mo was already prepared to fall as soon as he broke through.

...It was worth it, at least he had eradicated the trouble in Kunlun Mountain.

Not a loss!

The only regret is that he can no longer practice with his young master.

The junior uncle can't explain how he feels about the junior aunt. There must be love!

However, Xiaoqing and Xiaoai are too limited.

Junior Junior Uncle feels that he and Junior Senior Auntie are very "in tune".

At that time, there was a wonderful feeling of soul connection.

They don't need words, they can understand each other's thoughts with just one look.

They don't need to say anything about eachother, they have inexplicable trust in each other.

It seems that the two have known each other for thousands of years.

It seems that they can continue to live happily together for eternity!

The former young master uncle only cared about cultivation and protection in his heart.

And now, there is another name - He Tiantian.

Alas, it's a pity that he will die together with the ferocious beasts of Kunlun Mountain, and he will no longer be able to practice with his little sister, travel together, and protect this world together.

Just when the young uncle went to die with great enthusiasm, he found that the terrifying scene of the end of the world had been instantly switched to a beautiful scene of calmness and spiritual energy.

The mysterious words of the monk Hui Zhi rang in my ears: "Eliminate the evil spirit and revive the spiritual energy!"


What is this scenario?

"...More than a hundred years ago, before my master passed away, he once left a sentence: 'Eliminate the demonic energy and revive the spiritual energy'!"

Huizhi himself was also in a daze, and murmured: "I didn't quite understand it before, thinking about where there is demonic energy in our country of China."

"I didn't expect that Master's prophecy turned out to be true!"

Those behind the scenes may just want to destroy the world and take advantage of the opportunity.

But they never dreamed that the sinister formation they set up would gather a large amount of demonic energy, and instead of destroying the world, they would usher in a new world.

Of course, the only way to turn a crisis into an opportunity is for the young aunt, the young uncle, and his wisdom to fight to the death.

At the cost of burning his cultivation, he put himself to death and gained new life!

Ahem, wait, why did I also call you "Little Senior Aunt" or "Little Senior Uncle"?

Huizhi quickly shook off the thoughts that were running into her mind and took a deep breath. The surroundings were filled with spiritual energy.

It's so comfortable, as if you're in a hot spring pool, every meridian in your body has been washed!

The spiritual power in his Dantian is even more ready to move.

Unable to hold back, Huizhi didn't bother telling stories to Xuan Mo and He Tiantian, and just sat cross-legged, with five hearts facing up, and started practicing.

He Tiantian \u0026 Xuan Mo:...

This Buddhist disciple really does whatever he wants.

Complaints are complaints, but the two of them are very reliable. One stands on the left and the other on the right, helping Huizhi protect the law.

Although the demonic energy in Kunlun Mountain has been absorbed by Xuan Mo, no one can guarantee whether there is any residue here.

It would be bad if none of them were paying attention and someone slipped through the net and attacked while Huizhi was concentrating on training.

"...Amitabha! I have established the foundation!"

After entering Taoism as a Buddha, Huizhi officially embarked on the path of cultivating immortality.

He Tiantian:......

Well, the spiritual energy revived, and both Xuanmen masters advanced together.

With the addition of her, there are already three masters in this small world.

The male and female protagonists can also practice, but if they want to surpass their predecessors, they still have a long way to go.

This small world should no longer reject the cultivation masters like Junior Senior Aunt and Junior Junior Uncle.

He Tiantian raised her head and looked at the clear sky, asking silently: "The way of heaven, yes or no?"

The sky was still blue, and not a sound of thunder could be heard.

[Great, I finally succeeded in opening up a new story line. Junior uncle and I are no longer suppressed by heaven! 】

They can continue to practice in this small world and still be together!

Because this small world has enough spiritual energy, the whole people have entered the era of cultivation.

One hundred years later, He Tiantian and Xuan Mo successively broke through to the Golden Core stage.

Although the aura of the small world has recovered, it is still incomparable to the real world of immortality.

He Tiantian and Xuan Mo's cultivation levels are too high, and the small world cannot accommodate them.

Moreover, the male protagonist Ge Fuli and the female protagonist Duoduo find it very difficult to practice under the dazzling glare of their junior uncle and junior aunt.

Their character will be affected.

In order to prevent the male and female protagonists from becoming dark, and to ensure the balance and stability of this small world.

The small world "repeated its old tricks" and revealed a flaw in the space barrier, suggesting that He Tiantian and Xuan Mo quickly "ascend".

He Tiantian \u0026 Xuan Mo:...

Whether they ascend or leave this world, it doesn't make much difference to them.

After more than a hundred years of getting along, the two have already become one.

Their cultivation level is already at the ceiling level, and there is no possibility of rising in this world.

"Let's go! Go to the upper world and continue practicing!"

He Tiantian opened her mouth.

"Okay! You and I together!"

Xuan Mo couldn't agree more.

In this way, He Tiantian and Xuan Mo came to the space crack, tore the space apart, and flew into the void, leaving an eternal legend to this world.

However, the moment his body passed through the crack in space, He Tiantian felt a huge suction force.

It was as if she was sitting in a hypergravity centrifuge again, her body shaking and spinning violently... Then, her body disappeared into the turbulence of time and space.

Xuan Mo held He Tiantian's hand tightly, while desperately resisting the jolt that penetrated his soul, he paid close attention to He Tiantian.

However, his hand suddenly became empty, and when he looked carefully, he found that his little sister-in-law was still missing!

【what happened? Where has the little sister gone? Did she fail to ascend? 】

【impossible! My junior sister-in-law’s cultivation level is higher than mine, and her character and state of mind are on par with mine. I can survive it, but there’s no reason why she should fail! 】

[...What a little sister-in-law, you actually have secrets to hide from me! 】

Xuan Mo thought while running Wuji Jue to resist the turbulence of time and space.

After an unknown amount of time, he successfully entered a whole new world.

The spiritual energy was extremely full, and high-level monks were flying around. Xuan Mo raised his right hand, and the body temperature and fragrance of the young aunt seemed to still be left in his palm.

He slowly held his palm, as if he wanted to grasp something, and seemed to have made up his mind.

He looked back at the "Ascended Immortal Platform", his cold and handsome face was full of determination!

"Ding! The task of 'rescuing the young master's uncle' has been completed, and the reward points are 50 points!"

"Ding! Earn 1,000 achievement points."

"Ding! I received a reward of 20,000 points from readers!"

He Tiantian passed through the turbulence of time and space, and the next second, her body returned to her room in the courtyard of the capital.

He Tiantian slowly opened his eyes as a series of beeps sounded in his ears.

After being stunned for a while, she finally came to her senses——

I've completed my mission and I'm back to reality!

He Tiantian slowly sat up, and she found that she was still wearing the clothes from the mission world.

Her hair is no longer long, but realistically short, shoulder-length hair.

【I'm back? The task was successfully completed! 】

[But, why don’t I have the joy of the past, but instead feel an inexplicable loss? 】


He Tiantian finally realized something was wrong.

When she was doing tasks in the past, the moment she left the task world, all the emotions related to that world would be pulled away.

But this time, she did not return directly to the library space, and she was not separated from her emotions.

She, she——

Holding her chest, He Tiantian suddenly felt a heart-wrenching feeling that was hard to let go——

Junior uncle! Never see you again!

Perhaps it was because he was not separated from his emotions, or perhaps because he traveled back in time, He Tiantian did not assume anyone's identity, nor did he act to maintain his character.

In the previous world, she was who she was, He Tiantian.

And her relationship with her junior uncle was purely based on his true intentions.

She was not forced, had no purpose, she simply wanted to walk with and stay with such a person.

More than a hundred years, so many days and nights.

They practiced together, traveled together, and guarded Xuanmen and the country together.

They became the number one cultivators and became the couple of gods and immortals that the younger generations envied and respected.

Between them, they have already broken through simple love, but are soul mates, an inseparable whole.

However, as she left the world, everything between her and her junior uncle was cut off.

There is no more him in her world!

He Tiantian suddenly felt tightness in her chest and shortness of breath. She thought that she had done too many tasks and acted in too many dramas, and would never be truly tempted again.

But what is her situation now?

Inhale, exhale, inhale again, exhale again...


He Tiantian had no choice but to run Wuji Jue out of habit.

In reality, without spiritual energy, Wuji Jue is more like an ordinary martial arts secret book.

However, once he got used to practicing, He Tiantian felt inexplicably at ease and quiet when he started practicing again.

After running for a week, she let out a long breath, and her chaotic heart finally calmed down.

"Little D! Little D, classmate!"

He Tiantian also discovered an anomaly. Xiao D, a classmate who was always positive and noisy, did not jump out to make her presence felt after her return.

"I am here!"

He Tiantian called several times before Little D rolled out of the dark room.

"Wow! Tiantian, you are so amazing, you actually changed a supernatural world into a fantasy world of spiritual energy recovery!"

"Look how many points you got? It's a total of fifty points. It's so cheating!"

"Also, you don't know, readers are very satisfied with your performance..."

Little D is still shouting and jumping around.

However, He Tiantian still felt that something was not quite right.

However, Xiao D was so dedicated in his performance, He Tiantian still had to save face!

She decided to cooperate: "Well, it's okay!"

"Oh, what's okay? Tiantian, you are just too modest!"

"By the way, should we continue with the mission, or should we stay in reality and take a good rest?"

Classmate Xiao D asked tentatively.

It tried its best to hide its emotions, but little did it know that its abnormality had already been revealed in its questions!

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, oh wow, classmate Little D actually offered her the suggestion to "stay in reality and have a good rest".

You know, every time a mission ended in the past, Xiao D’s classmate would try his best to persuade her to stay in the mission world.

What happened to it this time?

He Tiantian was suspicious, so she deliberately said something teasing: "Huh? Little D, classmate, have you changed your gender this time? You don't urge me to continue doing the task?"

Little D's classmate felt a surge deep in his core.

It felt guilty and frightened, and quickly said covertly, "No! I just feel that you have been in the mission world for more than a hundred years, and you need time to adjust and rest!"

"Oh, I'm doing this for your own good! Tiantian, you have to have a good heart!"

He Tiantian:......

What do you mean, you actually called me a "dog".

After all, the saying goes, "If a dog bites Lu Dongbin, it cannot recognize a good heart!"

"No! No! I didn't scold you! Oh, I was thinking about you!"

Seeing He Tiantian raise his eyebrows, Xiao D, who realized that he had made a mistake, quickly made amends.

"Think about me?"

He Tiantian deliberately pretended to be confused.

"Of course! Tiantian, your time travel this time is different from the past!"

Classmate Xiao D said carefully while looking at He Tiantian's face.

"no the same?"

He Tiantian raised an eyebrow, "What's the difference? If it's about wearing clothes, haha, I've had the experience of wearing clothes before!"

Classmate Little D tried hard to think of words, and said without confidence, "What, you have stayed in the mission world for more than a hundred years this time. Moreover, you live purely with your identity!"

This is very unusual.

He Tiantian may have traveled through time in her true form. There are no character restrictions or mission requirements. She has actually lived in the mission world as He Tiantian for more than a hundred years.

Not to mention, He Tiantian directly caused——

Ahem, I can’t say!

Can't even think about it.

It is bound to He Tiantian's soul and connected with his mind.

It can hear He Tiantian's heartfelt voice, but why can't He Tiantian understand its core fluctuations? !

"...Oh, so that's it!"

He Tiantian looked astonished.

A certain corner of Xiao D’s classmate was blocked, but he was secretly complaining: I believe you are a ghost!

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