Remember [new] in one second! "Okay, then I will listen to you and don't rush to complete the task now!"

He Tiantian argued with classmate Xiao D for a while, and then followed its words and said this.

She really needs to sort out her emotions in reality.

Taking another deep breath, he suppressed the bulging throbbing in his heart.

Gulu turned over, and He Tiantian quickly jumped out of the bed.

She took a few steps to the bathroom next door, turned on the shower, and fine water droplets sprayed down on her head.

He Tiantian stood under the shower head, raising her head and enjoying the feeling of being washed.

As her whole body was soaked by the warm water, she slowly calmed down.

Half an hour later, He Tiantian dried her hair and returned to the bedroom wearing her new pajamas.

Lying on the bed again, He Tiantian closed her eyes. She no longer had too many thoughts in her mind.

Closing his eyes and relaxing his mind, He Tiantian slowly fell into sleep.

A dreamless night.

The next morning, when the sky was slightly bright, He Tiantian woke up.

"This biological clock is really on time!"

He Tiantian reached for the phone, turned on the screen, and used the bright light to see the numbers on it clearly——


This is a habit she developed in the last mission world. She would get up early every day, practice in front of the rising sun, and absorb the wisp of innate purple energy into spiritual energy.

In reality, there is not much spiritual energy, and the innate purple energy is very little.

He Tiantian still woke up on time.

Sure enough, wearing whatever you wear has side effects!

He Tiantian complained secretly and stood up quickly.

He changed into sportswear, put his hair into a ponytail, and then left the bedroom.

When walking through the living room, He Tiantian listened specifically to the noise in the next room.

"Huh? Breathe evenly, Sister Mei is still sleeping!"

He Tiantian only stayed for a moment before continuing to walk out.

She knew that even if Yuan Mei was still sleeping,

I won't sleep too long either.

This suspected "assistant" to a female special operations team member has to train every day.

And very vigilant.

As long as there is any movement on He Tiantian's side, Sister Mei will be alarmed.

Of course, He Tiantian tried not to make any noise.

She held her breath and quietly walked out of the living room and into the small courtyard.

It was September at this time, and the morning in the north was already cool.

Take a deep breath of the slight autumn breeze and it will refresh your mind.

He Tiantian began to run the Wuji Art in his body.

She didn't know if it was an illusion, but after the experience of the last mission, her understanding of Wuji Jue became deeper and deeper.

The internal energy in Dantian seemed to become more agile and elegant.

"Is it possible that internal energy is turning into spiritual energy?"

He Tiantian muttered to herself, jumped a few times, and arrived on the roof. She sat cross-legged with her five hearts facing up.

Breathe in and out according to the exercise method, and inhale the pitiful innate purple energy into the Dantian.

After running for four weeks, the sky became brighter and brighter.

I don't know which house has a rooster crowing in its yard.

The lights in Yuan Mei's room also turned on.

He Tiantian knew that Sister Mei was shaking.

According to Yuan Mei's biological clock, it should be 06:00 now.

He Tiantian put away her skills, stood up, and quickly jumped off the roof.

It's a real jump, instead of relying on walls, the ground and other objects like in the past.

He Tiantian:......

The "sequelae" he wears are really overbearing. They are all practiced in the Wuji Jue, but they actually have such a "miraculous effect".

The mystery about the system guessing in He Tiantian's heart is getting bigger and bigger.

Moreover, she had a hunch that she was getting closer to the truth.

He Tiantian remained calm, controlling her thoughts and emotions to prevent Little D from noticing anything unusual.

"Eh? Tiantian, are you up too? It's hard to spend the weekend without taking a break?"

Yuan Mei was also wearing sportswear, moving her wrists and ankles while walking out.

"Hey, I'm used to it! I also exercise every day in school!"

He Tiantian replied with a smile, and then began to warm up with leg presses, squats, and burpees.

"It's true, it's hard to change once you're used to it!"

Yuan Mei was deeply touched.

That's how she is, insisting on training every day and going to the base to shoot every few days.

It won’t work if you don’t practice, you’ll be good at it.

Yuan Mei is well aware of her responsibilities. She is not really retiring, but has another job.

Her work is also very important, especially seeing with her own eyes that He Tiantian came up with an invention that could affect a field after just a few random tinkerings.

... A truly national treasure-level genius must be protected!

He Panda Tiantian had no idea what Yuan Mei was thinking and continued her exercise.

After warming up, I started boxing.

"Tiantian, I've been meaning to ask for a long time, what is your boxing technique called? It's a bit like ancient martial arts!"

Yuan Mei was kicking sandbags and practicing boxing. While busy, she looked at He Tiantian with twitching eyes.

She endured it again and again, but finally couldn't hold it back any longer. She took advantage of the break to wipe her sweat and drink water and asked.

"Dragon Subduing Palm!"

He Tiantian answered simply and neatly.

This is the palm technique she learned in the martial arts world, and it is a first-class martial arts secret book.


Three black lines hung from Yuan Mei's forehead.

What is the Dragon Subduing Palm?

It sounds like martial arts.

Yuan Mei mistakenly thought He Tiantian was joking.

He Tiantian: ...I didn’t!

These days, no one believes the truth.

He Tiantian succeeded in killing the sky with a Dragon Subduing Palm.

In the following time, He Tiantian and Yuan Mei practiced separately.

At half past seven, it was already bright and there were sounds of people and cars passing around. The two of them stopped exercising and prepared to have breakfast.

"Sister Mei, how about I hire a life assistant."

Seeing that Yuan Mei insisted on running to buy breakfast, He Tiantian made a suggestion.

"No! I'm watching you exercise at home today, and I want to accompany you!"

Yuan Mei ate fried dough sticks and drank soy milk, and took some time to chat with He Tiantian, "On normal days, I always go to the small park outside to exercise. When I come back, I buy breakfast, vegetables, etc. on the way!"

Yuan Mei's current "position" is assistant, responsible for He Tiantian's safety and life.

Getting a life assistant also requires investigation and review... which is somewhat troublesome.

And now He Tiantian is in college and spends most of her time in school.

Unless it is a holiday, He Tiantian has to go to class.

Yuan Mei herself was a little idle. During this time, she was still thinking that she would report to her superiors and it would be best to arrange for her to be admitted to the campus.

He Tiantian is not a person who has many things to do, she is enough!

"I'm not just buying breakfast, I'm going to film a movie in a while. I'm still a third-tier actor now, so having an assistant by my side won't make me too conspicuous!"

He Tiantian finished the meat buns in a few mouthfuls, drank a bowl of eight-treasure porridge, and casually said to Yuan Mei.

"What? You still want to go filming?"

Yuan Mei was a little dumbfounded.

By the way, Tiantian has just entered college, it’s only been a few days, why is she already filming?

Either she wanted to interfere with He Tiantian, or she just felt that she was not doing her job properly.

In Yuan Mei's view, even if He Tiantian is too talented and doesn't need to take classes, she doesn't need to go filming.

Studying scientific research, even just going to the company, is better than flopping in the big dye vat of the entertainment industry!

Yuan Mei is either biased against the entertainment industry, or simply feels that a genius like He Tiantian is really not compatible with a big star or something.

"Yes, didn't Director Feng introduce me to a director last time? I read the script and it was pretty good. I want to give it a try!"

He Tiantian said matter-of-factly.

"Tiantian, haven't you just started school? Isn't it bad to always ask for leave like this?"

Yuan Mei was either questioning or simply worried.

After all, Peking University is not an ordinary university. It is a bit outrageous for a freshman to take leave right after enrolling and go to film a movie.

"I've made an agreement with the school a long time ago. There will be no attendance requirements during normal classes. Just don't be absent during exams!"

He Tiantian waved her hands, indicating that this was nothing.

There is no way, just like Yuan Mei said, He Tiantian is a national treasure-level genius.

Any one of the technologies she submitted would be enough to shock the world.

Until now, relevant scientific research departments have not fully understood those technologies.

Sometimes, I need to call He Tiantian to ask for specific details.

Her level has already surpassed that of graduate students and doctoral students.

Whether she goes to school or not doesn't mean much to her.

He Tiantian just wanted to fulfill her dream in reality, otherwise, she would not have entered Beijing University.

Just put your name up and go hang around if you want to go to class.

If you don’t want to fall in love, just go filming.

Of course, the school will not condone her unprincipledly, even if she is a "special talent."

There is a major prerequisite for He Tiantian to enjoy such special treatment: complete the credits!

Teachers from various subjects prepared test papers for He Tiantian. Only if he could get high scores, or even full marks, would he be granted leave.

Otherwise, we will not be accommodating if we make up lessons and make up credits when they are needed!

He Tiantian understood this very well and cooperated more actively.

She has already discussed it with the school and will take the exam when she has time.

Try to get all the credits for your freshman year before officially filming!

Yuan Mei:......

After hearing what He Tiantian said, she couldn't help but wipe the sweat from her forehead.

Can it really work?

That’s Beijing University!

However, when I think about He Tiantian's incredible talent, I feel like "it should be so".

Forget it, she was here to protect and take care of He Tiantian. She had no right to interfere with other people's decisions.

"Just because Tiantian is easy to talk to, don't treat her like an eighteen-year-old girl!"

"This is the person I work for, and it is also a precious talent for the country!"

Yuan Mei silently reminded herself in her heart not to let herself get carried away.

After eating, He Tiantian sat on the deck chair in the yard, holding the printed script in her hand, and began to study it carefully.

This is an anti-narcotics movie.

There is no big scene, nor is it a massive action.

The story focuses more on human nature and emotion.

An undercover agent, a drug lord's daughter, a rookie policewoman, there is tragedy, viciousness, the growth of a new person, and the counterattack of the poisonous daughter...

He Tiantian felt inexplicably weird as she looked at it.

To be honest, the screenwriter wrote the second female lead, the drug lord's daughter, too vividly.

She pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger. She is sinister and vicious, which is the standard for a villain.

But on the other hand, she has the tenderness of a woman, although in the end she treated her lover cruelly.

However, looking at the whole story, there is a feeling of "hateful and pitiful".

This is not good!

It’s not that bad guys don’t have their shining points, but they can mislead the audience.

Especially the setting of this character is very easy to shine and will make many actresses excited.

Not to mention anyone else, He Tiantian herself was the first to fall in love with this role when she first saw the script.

Not the rookie policewoman who has grown up all the way.

Because although the policewoman is the first female, it is a test of the actor's skills.

A bad acting will turn the heroine into a fool who only knows how to cause trouble and only knows how to be passionate.

My daughter, on the other hand, can excel as long as she puts a little effort into it.

With a good character design, beautiful actors, and some acting skills, this character can become popular.

But the problem is, she is a drug dealer. If she is too brilliant, the positive role will be eclipsed.

A poor sense of proportion will make the audience sympathize with the drug dealer, and even blame the undercover agent for being a scumbag!


He Tiantian can't tolerate it.

How can we use simple love to judge matters of great importance and right and wrong?

"Oh, let's forget about this script!"

He Tiantian studied it again and again, and finally decided to give up.

Because if she accepts this script, she will definitely challenge the second female lead.

And if she were to play the villain, she would be so awesome that she would definitely outshine the male and female protagonists!

This will bring bad guidance to the audience. He Tiantian admires those undercover agents who are willing to sacrifice and have the courage to sacrifice, and never wants to have any chance of wronging or slandering them.

"Actually, Tiantian, you can challenge the first female policewoman. A kind, upright, and passionate rookie policewoman——"

Little D’s classmate jumped out to make his presence felt.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, "Oh, have you forgotten that you gave me a nickname?"

Classmate Little D: "Huh? What's your nickname?"

Deep down, she felt guilty, Tiantian probably wasn't talking about that.

"Don't you often complain that I am a 'half-step villain'."

Being used to being a villain, He Tiantian subconsciously thinks like a villain.

For her to play the lead role of Guang Weizheng, she felt quite a bit of psychological pressure.

Furthermore, we still have to return to the script itself——

There are some problems with the character of this heroine.

In order to create conflicts, Shengsheng made many "grooves".

Audiences in the past might still be able to pay for lively, bold and cute heroines.

But now, the audience prefers rational and capable heroines.

As long as he follows the script, He Tiantian can easily become an annoying daredevil.

But if He Tiantian is allowed to act on his own, the script will need to be drastically changed.

He Tiantian feels that she is just a newcomer in the entertainment industry, not yet a top star or a movie star.

A newbie rashly changes the script. As soon as the news gets out, it will be completely black material!

He Tiantian is not afraid of being hacked, but she can't take the initiative to recruit hackers.

Classmate Little D waved his hands quickly, "No! No! I didn't complain that you are a 'half-step villain'!"

You have clearly grown into a villain now.

Little D’s classmate silently complained deep in his core.

At this moment, He Tiantian's cell phone rang:

"Hey! Brother Cheng, what's the matter?"

"Oh? There's a new script?!"


It’s time to write a real-life story. I need to sort it out. The second one will come later!

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