The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 928 The Exiled Villain (9)

Remember [new] in one second! After Yu Sanlang beat her hard, the third lady became completely honest.

No matter how much she doubted it in her heart, she didn't dare to shout it out loud.

The third lady was the only one who dared to shout and make trouble. As soon as she stopped, the cell suddenly became quiet.

The second and fourth bedrooms are from the same family as the eldest family, and the second and fourth ladies have always followed Madam Hou's footsteps.

When they heard what the jailer was talking about, and then saw Mrs. Hou walking in with a close relationship with "Gongsun Dalang", their eyes all widened.

They didn't say anything rashly, but they couldn't help but murmur in their hearts——

My sister-in-law is not stupid. There are many ways to rescue Yu Yan, but why did she choose the one that works with her mouth?

Once the reputation of "real and fake prince" is stained, it will be difficult to clean it off.

The Second Madam and the Fourth Madam really couldn't understand why the sister-in-law, with her shrewdness, would choose such a stupid method with endless consequences.

Mrs. Hou: ...Do you think I am willing?

Marquis Quan didn't see the indescribable expressions on the second lady's and other female family members' faces, so she led He Tiantian into the cell.


This is a little girl of eleven or twelve years old. She is pretty delicate, but timid and timid.

She also had too much respect for Mrs. Hou but not enough intimacy.

He Tiantian glanced briefly and had a guess.

This girl is probably the concubine of Marquis Yong'an.


Mrs. Hou responded coldly and said nothing more to the little girl.

"Big Mother! Big Mother!! You are finally back!"

The person speaking this time was also a teenage girl, but she was obviously much more lively than the girl just now.

She rushed forward and hugged Mrs. Hou's arm.

"Yuan Niang, be good, don't be afraid, eldest mother is just here to ask questions, nothing happened!"

Mrs. Hou changed her coldness just now, and her eyebrows relaxed.

She patted Yuan Niang's back lovingly and said a few words of comfort.

"Well! I'm not afraid! With the eldest mother here, Yuan Niang is not afraid!"

Yuan Niang nodded vigorously,

The eyebrows are full of the pride and dignity of a girl from aristocratic family.

She rolled her eyes and asked in a low voice, "Auntie, where is uncle?"

"... Just now those officers said that our Yu family is not only a rare thing, but also a real and fake heir apparent."

As Yu Yuanniang spoke, she secretly looked at Mrs. Hou's eyes. She said cautiously, "Auntie, uncle is the heir apparent of the Hou family. Could it be that he -"

Something went wrong?

Also, why didn’t Uncle Jiu come back with his eldest mother?

Accompanying the eldest mother is a young man who looks a little familiar? "

Yu Yuanniang's mind was filled with questions.

In fact, not only her, but also the Yu family members in the cell had these questions.

It's just that the second lady and others couldn't speak directly due to their status.

Only Yu Yuanniang, she is Madam Hou's favorite granddaughter, is the most dignified in front of Madam Hou.

And she is young, even if she says something wrong, she can still use "childish words" to evade it.

Yu Yuanniang probably thought of this before speaking so "boldly".

Mrs. Hou's body stiffened while holding Yu Yuanniang, but she quickly came to her senses.

Alas, this matter will have to be said sooner or later.

Now that Yuanniang has asked, she might as well tell everyone directly.

Mrs. Hou turned around, looked around the cell, cleared her throat, and said loudly, "Second brother and sister, third brother, third brother and sister, fourth brother and sister, I just went to the court and found out that what happened in the Hou Mansion ten years ago An appalling wonder.”

Mrs. Hou slowly recounted what happened in the courtroom.

Then, she waved to He Tiantian.

He Tiantian quickly stood next to Mrs. Hou.

Mrs. Hou looked down at her lovingly, raised her head, and said solemnly, "From now on, this is Jiulang of our Yu family."

Mrs. Hou even wanted to say that Yu Li was the heir apparent of the Hou family.

However, the Yong'an Marquis Mansion has been deprived of its title, and there is no Marquis, so where can the heir apparent come from? !

However, Mrs. Hou is confident that their big house is the foundation of the Yu family.

If the Yu family rises again, no matter what official position or title they get, it will only be from the eldest family.

And her son is the only heir.

"...It's really shocking that this happened."

"What a good Gongsun Lei, brother has given him all kinds of support in vain, and he actually repays kindness with hatred?!"

"Alas, evil people are causing trouble, and the child is innocent. It is a blessing among misfortunes for Jiulang to recognize his ancestor and return to his clan!"

The second lady, Yu Sanlang and the fourth lady spoke one after another.

They all looked like they believed Mrs. Hou, and they all acted as if they shared the same hatred as Dafang.

Mrs. Hou's eyes flickered, and she couldn't help but tighten her hand on He Tiantian's wrist.

He Tiantian felt the pain on her wrist, and caught Mrs. Hou's slight expression from the corner of her eye——

Oops, it seems that the Yu family is not as harmonious as it seems on the surface.

Especially Mrs. Hou's insistence on replacing her only legitimate son made He Tiantian a little suspicious.

The second lady and other female relatives did not go home with Li, but continued to share the difficulties with the Hou Mansion.

This does not rule out the fact that the person has good character or has some unavoidable reasons.

But the most important reason, He Tiantian felt, was that the Yu family was not exterminated by the emperor.

When she first came here, she heard Gongsun Lei's cheap father seem to say that the Yu family was exiled to the northwest.

The Yu family were border generals, guarding the northwest for three generations.

Exiling the Yu family's family members to the Yu family's base camp doesn't look like real punishment.

On the contrary, it is a bit like giving the Yu family an opportunity to "repay their crimes and make meritorious services."

He Tiantian didn't believe Mrs. Hou's shrewdness could not spot such an obvious "extra-legal mercy".

As long as he survives three thousand miles of exile and reaches the northwest, Yu Yan, the "young master", can inherit all the inheritance of Marquis Yong'an.

This is simply like letting the tiger cubs return to the mountains and sending the dragon cubs into the sea.

Why would Mrs. Hou bother with such a good opportunity?

Even though three thousand miles is difficult, He Tiantian believes that Mrs. Hou can always protect Yu Yan if she wants to.

But she still chose to find someone to take the blame and let Gongsun Lei take Yu Yan away!

He Tiantian felt that there must be other reasons here.

Of course, it is certain that Mrs. Hou dotes on her young son.

However, is there a possibility that there is no peace within the Yu family.

General Yu is dead, and the Yu family still has his brothers.

In ancient times, it was true that the father died and the son succeeded, but there were also cases where the brother died and the brother died.

The uncles are adults and should all have children.

Thinking about the title "Jiulang" that he had just received, he knew that the Yu family was not just a single Miao Miao.

Perhaps for men, a prosperous male is the foundation for a prosperous family.

Mrs. Hou's situation is limited. Even if she is the matron of the family, she will inevitably think about problems with the thinking of an ordinary woman.

When Mrs. Hou thought about it, the other heads of the house had too many children, but the eldest house only had one half-teen-year-old child.

It's hard to say whose hands the Yu family's fortune will fall into.

Therefore, not only did she have to worry about her youngest son not being able to bear the pain of exile, but she also had to be wary of certain people in the Yu family!


He Tiantian secretly shook her head, Mrs. Hou was claiming to be smart.

The child's identity has been changed, and even if he returns in the future, there will still be hidden dangers.

In addition, he did not share the joys and sorrows with his clan members and did not assume the responsibilities that a prince should have. Even if he is the prince, the Yu family may not be convinced.

The Yu family is a martial artist, relying on military commanders.

For warriors, strength is the most important thing.

A prince who was even scared away from exile, a young master who refused to even go to the northwest, even the most orthodox heir of the Yu family, the group of warriors who had followed the general would not buy it.

If the general's other brothers or nephews are a little better, they don't need to be geniuses, they just need to be a little bit better than Yu Yan, and it's unknown who the future head of the Yu family will be.

While Mrs. Hou was speaking, He Tiantian had already thought these things through clearly.

Then, He Tiantian heard Mrs. Hou say to her, "Jiulang, this is your second aunt."

Mrs. Hou pointed to a forty-year-old woman in the west cell compartment and said.

He Tiantian called out obediently, "I've met my second aunt!"

The second lady's expression was subtle, but she still wore a polite and loving smile, "Okay! Good boy!"

"Kuro, this is your third uncle and third aunt!"

Mrs. Hou pointed to the cell compartment diagonally opposite.

The three-bedroom family members are all locked up there.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows. This is a female cell. Those underage young men can just follow their mothers. How could they sneak into a grown man like Third Uncle?

Feeling puzzled, He Tiantian still bowed respectfully, "I've met my third uncle and my third aunt."

"No gifts, no gifts!"

Yu Sanlang quickly raised his hand and made a gesture of support.

He tried his best to look like a loving elder, but he seemed to lack the confidence.

He was also more polite than close to his nephew "Kuro".

He Tiantian couldn't help but guess, could it be that Uncle Yu didn't have a good relationship with General Yu, or was he simply a bastard? !

"Kuroro, come and see your fourth aunt again!"

Mrs. Hou pointed to the compartment on the east side.

"I've met my fourth aunt!"

He Tiantian gave another gift.

While she was saluting, she did not forget to secretly look at the Fourth Madam.

He was about twenty years old, and his face looked a little haggard, but he didn't have that kind of panic.

The fourth lady was very beautiful, and she was accompanied by two children.

There were also two or three people dressed as concubines.

However, the concubines were obviously slightly older than the fourth lady.

He Tiantian began to guess again: The concubine is older than the mistress, so it may not be that men have too unique tastes.

The most likely possibility is that the fourth wife is not the first wife, but the step-wife.

After meeting the elders, some peers followed.

However, the adult men are all in the men's cell, and there are only some little carrots or girls in the women's cell.

Mrs. Hou did not introduce it in detail, but only briefly said it.

He Tiantian kept it all in mind.

In the second room, besides the second wife, there are only a few elderly concubines.

He Tiantian guessed that the sons of the second wife were all adults or older, and they were all with their father in the men's cell.

Of course, it is also possible that the second wife has no sons but only married daughters, or even no daughters at all.

But, this is impossible.

In ancient times, a head wife could still take a concubine if she could not give birth to a child.

Even if the concubine cannot give birth, she can still be adopted.

It is impossible for the second wife not to have an heir.

In the third bedroom, there are two daughters and several grandchildren.

The third room also has a son, but his son has already grown up and is locked up in the men's cell.

He Tiantian:......

I once again wondered why Uncle Yu was in the women’s cell.

Is it intentional?

Well, it's possible.

Perhaps it was the decision of the Yu family——

How much can an adult man protect those women? !

But this sounds very unreliable.

He Tiantian shook her head secretly, forget it, just can't figure it out.

He Tiantian continued to study the fourth room.

She already suspected that the fourth lady was her stepmother, so she saw that there was only a six or seven-year-old girl in the cell compartment belonging to the fourth room, and several grandchildren.

He Tiantian was even more certain that the male in the fourth room was also an adult, and there was more than one!

Well, compared to these three heads, the eldest house’s descendants are indeed a little thinner.

There were only two little girls of eleven or twelve years old and three little boys of four or five years old beside Mrs. Hou.

There are two little girls, one is a concubine and the other is the granddaughter left by the eldest son.

The three boys were the bastards left behind by the eldest son and the second son.

Tsk, not even a direct grandson.

And the grandson is too young.

Compared with the second, third, and fourth bedrooms that look empty but are actually full of people, the big bedroom can definitely be called an orphan and a widowed mother!

He Tiantian somewhat understood Mrs. Hou's worries.

"The king is weak and his ministers are strong." It's hard to say what the future of the Yu family will be like.

"Kuroro, what did you see?"

Mrs. Hou was a little tired after struggling around, so she sat down directly against the wall.

She suddenly lowered her voice and asked He Tiantian beside her.

He Tiantian knew that Mrs. Hou had a delicate mind.

And when she was looking at people just now, she didn't deliberately hide it.

Mrs. Hou will find that it is normal.

"...Mom, the situation in our big house is not very optimistic!"

Since He Tiantian wants to show off her strength, she will naturally not hide her clumsiness.

She also followed Mrs. Hou's example, leaned into Mrs. Hou's ear, and whispered back.

Mrs. Hou's eyes lit up, and she asked eagerly: "Why are you not optimistic? We are the eldest branch of the family, your father is the head of the family, and you are the young head of the family!"

He Tiantian shook her head gently, "Mother, father has left, and the Yu family has suffered a great disaster."

When the environment is chaotic, rules will be broken.

Now whoever can lead the Yu family to nirvana will be the head of the family.

Bloodline, status, etc. are not that important.

"...According to what you say, aren't we in danger?"

Mrs. Hou's eyes were filled with appreciation and relief.


As expected of me and the general's son, he is so smart and sharp.

He is only ten years old, and he has just come back. He has already sensed the crisis in Dafang before he has a deeper understanding.

"It's really not optimistic, but it's not too dangerous!"

He Tiantian's eyes were blazing, and his confident look made the original owner's thin face shine brightly.

Her voice was very low, but her tone was very firm, "My father is a general after all, and his old friends are all over the army."

"Also, mother, you are also a heroine among women. My father must love and respect you. He will definitely entrust you with some things in the family!"

For example, there are secret guards and tribes that belong to the general, and there are also some reliable colleagues and comrades.

Mrs. Hou dared to send her son away because of these trump cards!

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