The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 929 The Exiled Villain (10)

Remember [new] in one second! good!

well said!

Haha, my son is indeed as amazing and talented as his father and eldest brother.

Our big house and the entire Yu family have successors!

Mrs. Hou's eyes were full of smiles. If she weren't afraid that other people would notice something unusual, she would want to look up to the sky and laugh.

Holding back the excitement and surprise in her heart, Mrs. Hou did not answer He Tiantian's words.

Well, there is no other way. There has been a "real and fake prince" drama, and Mrs. Hou doesn't believe anyone now.

Although she recognized Yu Li, she would not hand over her trump card to "him" easily.

[Let’s take a look again. If this child has good character and is reliable, it won’t be too late to hand it over to him! 】

Mrs. Hou secretly made a decision and said in a joking tone: "You kid just likes to think wildly."

"Don't worry, our Yu family is doing well. The brothers are in harmony, the sisters-in-law love each other, and the whole family is in harmony and can tide over the difficulties together."

Then he blurred the conversation with He Tiantian just now.

It was enough for her to know that her newly recognized son was not an idiot and could detect clues from the smallest details and be wary of him.

Others require further contact and interaction between "mother and son" before Mrs. Hou can make a decision.

The next day, the news of the real and fake prince of Yong'an Marquis Mansion spread throughout the capital.

The saint in the palace also heard about it, and he couldn't help but shook his head, "Oh, my cousin just likes to be clever!"

It seems that the saint also believed that Mrs. Hou was a "fake case" deliberately created in order to allow her own son to escape the pain of exile.

A secret guard in embroidered clothes standing in the shadow thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty, the guard in embroidered clothes who was responsible for guarding Lord Yang mentioned in the report that when Lord Yang heard about the whole incident, he also said A look of shock!”

"Oh? She didn't know?"

The saint was stunned for a moment, seemed to have thought of something, and then said: "You are so smart, but you are being plotted against!"

The secret guard in embroidered clothes said nothing.

Regardless of whether you are stupid or smart, you are all noble daughters of the clan.

The saint, as a cousin, can call his sister a fool, but the embroidered guard cannot follow suit.

Break a taboo,

If not, it would be contempt of the royal family.

"Whether the crown prince of the Yong'an Marquis Mansion is real or fake will never be clear from now on!"

The saint sighed, once again feeling speechless for his stupid cousin.

"...Actually, Mr. Yang County is also forced to have no choice. The second and fourth brothers of the Yu family have always been eyeing the title."

The secret guard in embroidered clothes did not speak. Instead, a chamberlain standing next to the saint whispered something.

The meaning of the chamberlain is very clear. It is not that Yang County Jun, as a noble daughter of the clan, is too stupid, but that she has extenuating circumstances.

Chamberlains are servants of the royal family, so they naturally want to be loyal to the royal family.

He also understood the saint's mind.

A saint is a wise king, but he is still protective of his own family.

No matter how bad Mr. Yang is, her surname is "Yang", and her grandmother is still the eldest concubine in the palace.

The saint himself can call his cousin stupid, but outsiders, not only cannot agree, but also try to help make excuses.

No, the chamberlain seized the opportunity and hurriedly showed off.

"Well, if Yu Ji dies, the Yu family will definitely not be in peace!"

The saint deliberately sent the female relatives of the Yong'an Marquis Mansion to the northwest in order to provide opportunities for Yu Erlang and Yu Silang.

Oh, by the way, there is also that Yu Sanlang, who looks useless, but is actually not a fuel-efficient lamp.

The Yu family has been operating in the northwest for more than a hundred years, and the Northwest Army has already been nicknamed the Yu Family Army.

The saint has long wanted to take back military power.

However, the Yu family’s roots in the northwest are too deep.

Although Yu Ji is dead, his power is still there.

Any general parachuted in may not be able to gather the Yu family's army.

If this is not done well, there may even be a mutiny.

A sage prides himself on being a wise king, and he must never do such things that would dishearten the heroes and make others talk about them.

Therefore, let the Yu family do it themselves.

They had internal strife, their brothers fought against each other, and finally split the Yu family army, it was also their own reasons.

No matter what, it's not his fault as an emperor!

Moreover, the saint exiled the family members of the guilty subjects to their own territory. Who would listen and not praise "the saint's mercy"? !

There is another "real and fake prince" in the family. Haha, the sage can imagine that the Yu family in the future will be very lively.

As an emperor, he only needs to sit high on the dragon throne and watch the excitement.

The palace knew about the real and fake prince, and the in-laws of the Yu family also knew about it.

They each have their own plans, and they each have their own reactions.

The person most directly related to Mrs. Hou's brother, Prince Cheng, actually had the least reaction.

He just came to complain to his sister, "If you want to save Chengsi, you can't use this method. Oh, you don't know, the capital is full of rumors about you!"

Prince Cheng is a few years older than Madam Hou, and he has passed the age of knowing destiny this year.

He's not stupid, just mediocre.

And his mediocrity was inherited from his biological father, the previous King Cheng.

King Cheng was not mediocre by nature, but was frightened into mediocrity by the fierce fighting between his brothers.

He spent his days eating and drinking, gambling, and shopping in flower houses, all the while making himself a famous absurd prince in the capital.

His reputation was ruined, but he survived and kept his family alive.

Unlike the other brothers, because of the throne, they almost all ended up in death or exile.

King Cheng lived a mediocre life and lived until he was over sixty years old before passing away.

End of life!

It’s also a complete success.

After King Cheng died, his son was demoted to the rank of nobility and became King Cheng.

Prince Cheng not only inherited my title, but also copied his father's "Gou" exactly.

Eat, drink and be merry. Not doing business properly.

When he was the crown prince, he was a well-known loser in the capital.

When he became a county king, he was also an incompetent person that even his own sister despised.

Prince Cheng: ...Yes, I'm a loser! I am incompetent!

But I stayed well in the prince's palace, with many wives and concubines, and numerous children.

And his son, although he cannot be a county king, he can still be a county prince.

No matter how he is demoted, three generations of his descendants can still enjoy wealth.

As for three generations later, Prince Cheng can no longer take care of these many things.

He is already much better than his cousins ​​of the same generation.

It's much better than my biological sister who claims to be smart but is in jail.

Humph, my sister is smart, but as a daughter, she is full of ambition.

As a result, now they are two brothers and sisters, one is in prison and the other is outside...

Prince Cheng's back straightened even more when he thought of this.

He was particularly confident when he was admonishing his younger sister.

Mrs. Hou was very angry. She couldn't see her brother's little thoughts.

He is fifty years old and has great-grandchildren, yet he is still so petty.

Mrs. Hou knew that her brother could not be counted on.

Not to mention helping the Marquis to escape guilt, Prince Cheng, the elder brother, actually came to see his sister’s jokes!

Mrs. Hou held her breath in her chest and her face became very ugly.

"Brother! I didn't save Chengsi! Also, Chengsi is not my son, Kuro is!"

"It's all my fault that Gongsun Lei is a thief who is greedy for wealth and has the audacity to secretly change my Jiulang——"

Mrs. Hou found out that she could no longer waver between her two sons.

No matter what the truth is, as things have developed to this point, Mrs. Hou can only bite one fact to death——

The ridiculous thing of "swapping sons" happened back then.

Her son is Yu Li.

Yu Yan, oh no, it’s Gongsun Yan, the son of the Gongsun family!

After thinking about this, Mrs. Hou straightened her body and said firmly, "I don't care what rumors are outside, but the fact is that my son is Yu Li!"

"This is a case decided by Dali Temple. If those idle people in the public continue to talk nonsense, I will go to Dali Temple to complain."

When Mrs. Hou said "those idle people", she did not forget to look at Prince Cheng.

The meaning of referring to mulberry and scolding huai is not too obvious.

"Okay! Okay! You are powerful and majestic. You are worthy of being General Yu's virtuous wife!"

Prince Cheng is mediocre, but he is not really stupid.

He couldn't understand the meaning of his sister's words.

He was immediately annoyed.

Humph, this girl of his really looks smart but does stupid things.

Not to mention anything else, but at this moment, she was in jail and about to be exiled, so she didn't want to act coquettishly and beg for mercy from him, her elder brother.

It would also be a good idea for her brother to pay more attention to the brother-sister relationship and take care of her.

I dare not say anything else, but Prince Cheng can still secretly give some gold and silver to his biological sister.

As a result, Mrs. Hou was still so arrogant and wanton!

Prince Cheng was immediately angered and left.

Three days later, the Yu family was exiled, and Prince Cheng did not come to see him off.

He only let the crown prince of the palace, his eldest son, run around for a while.

"Aunt, my father is sick and can't get up, so I have to ask my nephew to see him off!"

Prince Chengjun is no longer young, he looks in his thirties, looks fat and fair, and looks kind.

He opened his mouth and smiled, looking very much like the Maitreya Buddha in the temple.

The Crown Prince of Chengjun laughed along and secretly gave Madam Hou a small bundle.

"Aunt, your nephew's wife has made two clothes for you, so you can change and wear them on the way."

When he said the word "with his own hands", Prince Chengjun emphasized the pronunciation.

Obviously, these two pieces of clothing have something else to do with them.

Mrs. Hou dislikes her brother for being unmotivated, but she still has the kindness and tolerance of her elders towards her nephew.

Mrs. Hou did not refuse her nephew's kindness.

Without letting the concubine behind her do anything, Mrs. Hou took the baggage herself.

She squeezed it hard and found that the clothes in the bag were indeed a little stiff.

Mrs. Hou knew that when her nephew and wife made clothes, they should sew gold leaves or something valuable inside.

"She is interested, thank her for me!"

Mrs. Hou said lightly.

In fact, she is not short of money.

When the Marquis's residence was raided, other female family members might also have their bodies searched.

But she was a clan girl, and those officers and soldiers did not dare to offend her at all.

Therefore, Mrs. Hou took advantage of the chaos and hid a lot of things in her clothes.

In addition, there are arrangements outside. As long as she survives the journey just out of the city, Mrs. Hou will not suffer too much at all.

"Okay! It's getting late, it's time for us to set off!"

After looking at the sun and then at the officers and soldiers responsible for escorting who were hesitant to speak, Mrs. Hou urged her nephew to leave.

"Yes! Aunt!"

The Crown Prince of Cheng County agreed, but did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he ran to the school captain and gave him a golden cake with a smile.

"Little general, my aunt's family is made up of women and children, old and weak. Please take care of them after they are on the road!"

The swarthy captain, in his twenties, is mature and prudent.

He calmly hid the gold pancake in his sleeve and said with a gentle expression, "Your Majesty, you're welcome. Don't worry, as long as Mr. Yang County stays calm and doesn't cause trouble, I will definitely take more care of you."

As long as these noble people don't see clearly their situation, and show off their noble tempers on the way to exile, the captain will be happy to do favors.

You can also make some money by the way.

The eldest house has Cheng County Prince's Mansion to help with the management, and the natal families of the second house and several other ladies have also sent people.

Even the third wife's natal family, headed by her stepmother, sent a steward.

There is not much gold and silver, but at least there is a package of things.

The third lady glanced at the bulging bundle and sneered secretly, this woman was always showing off.

It was like this before, and it still is like this now.

She deceived many people into saying that she was kind and that she was a kind and good stepmother.

In fact, she is just a donkey dung egg with a polished surface, but the inside is a mess.

The third lady bets that the baggage sent by her stepmother contains only some worthless clothes.

Let alone gold and silver, there is not even anything valuable!

The third lady had a cold face and refused to pay attention to the steward sent by her stepmother.

Uncle Yu was very polite, with a smile on his face. When he mentioned "mother-in-law", his tone was even more respectful.

"Thank you, my mother-in-law, for thinking about me. It's all my fault for not living up to expectations, so I'm tired of worrying about this!"

Uncle Yu politely thanked him again and again.

However, when the steward heard the words "old man", he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth——

Ahem, the lady is the stepmother, less than ten years older than the third lady.

Calling a woman less than forty years old an elder is superficially respectful.

Uncle Yu and the steward both knew what it actually meant.

"This Yu Laosan is so wiry and bad. How can he look like a coward or a waste?"

The steward cursed secretly in his heart, but still had to look polite and respectful on his face.

The second wife, the fourth wife, their daughters-in-law, and their natal families also came to see them off.

Cries, warnings, consolations, farewells...were intertwined.

He Tiantian stood behind Mrs. Hou and watched quietly.

Early this morning, when leaving the prison, He Tiantian finally met the second and fourth uncles of the Yu family.

And behind them, a group of men, big and small, followed as expected.

People are happy and prosperous.

Compared with such two-bedroom and four-bedroom apartments, the big house indeed looks particularly desolate.

He Tiantian squinted her eyes. In addition to her two young and powerful uncles, she also focused on Erlang from the second room, Wulang from the third room, and Silang from the fourth room.

The three husbands range from fifteen to more than twenty years old.

But they all looked strong and had bright eyes.

He Tiantian knew just by looking at their walking postures that they all had martial arts skills and had experienced them in the military.

In fact, according to the tradition of the Yu family, the sons of the Yu family began to serve in the Northwest Army when they were thirteen or fourteen years old.

At the beginning, even Saburo, the weakest second son of Dafang and the third in the group, went to the army for two years.

The second son, Yu Che, is the most proud eldest son after Mrs. Hou.

At the age of twenty-seven, he had already achieved military exploits and was awarded the rank of sixth-grade captain.

He is considered the leader of the new generation of the Yu family and will also be He Tiantian's most favorable competitor!

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