The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 930: The Exiled Villain (11)

Remember [new] in one second! “Jun Erlang Yu, Jun Silang Yu, it’s almost time, we should set off!”

The black-faced captain's surname is Yuchi, who is also the queen of the generals.

After careful calculation, the Yuchi family has some relationship with the Yu family.

It’s not exactly a “family relationship”, but it’s the kind of relationship where we can send each other posts during festivals and weddings.

Therefore, Captain Yuchi was quite polite to Uncle Yu and others.

Of course, some people also guessed the emperor's holy will, knew that the Yu family still had a chance to make a comeback, and wanted to sell their personal favors appropriately.

Colonel Yuchi stood in front of the two uncles Liangyu and raised the chain in his hand with a slight embarrassment, "This is a rule. I have offended you two gentlemen, please forgive me!"

After saying this, Colonel Yuchi lowered his voice and said in a low voice, "But don't worry, you two. Once we leave the capital, I will find a way to give you two some slack!"

Uncle Yu and others were prisoners exiled to the northwest, so they were naturally chained.

Colonel Yuchi was kind enough and didn't take out the shackles directly, but just a thick iron chain.

"Understood, thank you very much, Captain Yuchi!"

Uncle Yu is in his forties, tall and strong.

Xu Shi has been practicing martial arts all year round, and his hands are as big as cattail fans.

Of course he knew the rules, and he also understood that Colonel Yuchi had taken great care of them.

Even if they take into account the friendship between comrades, even if they are optimistic about the future of the Yu family, if they want to show some mercy, they can't be careless and indulge in every possible way at the gate of the capital.

At least you have to leave the city and go up the official road, with no pedestrians coming and going around, and it won't be too late to ask Captain Yuchi to "show your noble hand".

And in the first few dozen miles, they will definitely have to endure hardships.

Second Uncle Yu and Fourth Uncle Yu looked at each other, and both brothers stretched out their fists.

Their sons also imitated their father's example. They all reached out their hands very cooperatively and allowed the guards to fasten heavy iron chains on each of them.

Hearing the movement here, the female relatives also cast their eyes over.

Mrs. Hou pursed her lips. She was always keen and delicate, so she naturally saw the respect that Captain Yuchi and other officers and soldiers showed to Uncle Yu and Uncle Yu.

She couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied——

I am the matron of the family,

The policeman wanted to remind me to go on the road, why didn't you tell me?

Even though I am a womanizer, I am not an ordinary woman.

Not to mention, I still have the county title on my body!

The saint only deprived her of her title of First-Rank Marquis, but the honor she received in her boudoir was not erased.

Perhaps the saint was kind, or perhaps the emperor, who was busy with everything, simply forgot about such trivial matters.

But the result is that Mrs. Yang Jinhua can still be called the Lord of Yang County without her royal title.

Others in the Yu family, including Uncle Yu, the former deputy general of the Northwest Army, were all stripped of their official positions.

Among the group of people, Mrs. Hou has the highest status and status!

Only Mrs. Hou would feel that she was the matriarch of the family and the leader of the Yu family.

If something happens to the officer, he should report it to Lord Yang first, instead of running to Yu Er and Yu Si to show his courtesy.

As for Third Uncle Yu, he was a bastard, but Mrs. Hou never took him seriously.

Naturally, people outside will not take it seriously.

Uncle Yu: ...You can do whatever you want, I'm used to it!

But mud won’t stay mud forever.

Sanshu Yu was even happy to be classified as "women and children" by the guards.

At least, he doesn't have to wear heavy shackles with his second brother, fourth brother and many nephews.

In fact, if possible, Uncle Yu would like to bring back his stupid son.

Yu Wulang Yu Xing: ...Dad, please, don’t make trouble!

It's embarrassing enough for you to be alone among the female relatives, so don't involve me.

After all, I am also a son of the Yu family. I dare not say how strong I am, but I am also someone who has been to the northwest camp.

Just let me straighten up and stay with my uncle, my uncles, and my cousins.

Yu Xing tried his best to avoid the eyes of his father and mother, followed his cousin, and put on the shackles neatly.

In this way, Yu Er and other two men, as well as several young men over ten years old, were all locked up.

The female relatives were heartbroken. Mothers, wives, and little girls all had tears in their eyes.

Mrs. Hou pretended to press the corners of her eyes with her sleeves, but secretly rejoiced in her heart: It's okay, it's okay, Jiulang is still young, there's no need to——

Before Madam Hou could finish celebrating, she heard a childish voice beside her——

"Captain Yuchi, and me!"

He Tiantian raised her head and raised her chest, shouting loudly: "The Yu family is guilty. As the eldest male in the eldest family, I, Yu Li, should be together with my uncles and cousins!"

Mrs. Hou's eyes widened, and if it wasn't in full view of everyone, she would have wanted to reach out and cover He Tiantian's mouth.

Silly son, what are you doing?

Others didn't think about putting torture tools on you, but you were so lucky that you actually tried to do it?

With your small body, you can't go very far without shackles.

If you carry something that weighs more than ten kilograms, you won't be able to hold it for a whole day.

Colonel Yuchi:...

He certainly knew who "Yu Li" was.

In the past three days, the strange news about the Yong'an Marquis Mansion has spread throughout the capital.

What kind of villain is greedy for wealth, what kind of real or fake prince...

Gee, this story is just like a legendary passage written in a storybook.

Many wealthy families in Beijing enjoy all they can eat.

The Yuchi family was also a powerful person in the capital, so naturally they also heard about this incident and many "inside stories".

Some people who knew the inside story and were clear-headed scolded Mrs. Hou for being smart, while others felt that Yu Yan was pitiful. He was a good prince, but he became a Xibei because of his mother's nonsense.

There are also people who sympathize with the general Yu Ji who died in the battle. He originally only had three legitimate sons, but now only one is left.

The result is still——

Everyone discussed a lot of people, but no one mentioned the Yu Li who "recognized his ancestors and returned to his clan".

Captain Yuchi looked over following the sound and happened to see a half-year-old boy who was thin, with yellow skin and sparse hair.

The child was less than ten years old, and looked even smaller due to malnutrition.

However, the little guy is upright and full of energy, especially his bright eyes.

The pride and self-confidence that came from his bones made Captain Yuchi feel a little dazed.

He still vaguely remembered how the eldest son of General Yu, the former Yong'an Marquis Prince, was so heroic and heroic with his sword drawn and horse drawn.

As a result, he died in the battle at the border town, which was extremely tragic.

The subsequent Yu Erlang and Yu Che, although there are some shadows of Major General Yu, there is something missing.

At this moment, seeing the thin and small Yu Li, Captain Yuchi actually had the illusion of seeing Major General Yu.

Is this the so-called biological brother?

The pride of the Yu family that the Yu family has always been proud of? !

To put it bluntly, Colonel Yuchi, as an outsider, felt as if time and space were confused. As Major General Yu's biological mother, Mrs. Hou, she fell into a trance when she saw He Tiantian.

"My son! My -" Dalang!

The last two words were replaced by Mrs. Hou's sobs.

At this time, she also reacted.

Her elder husband had died long ago, and the child in front of her was her youngest son.

He is her only remaining son!

She hugged He Tiantian and cried sadly: "Silly boy, I know you are proud, but, you don't need to be like this."

He Tiantian patted Mrs. Hou's back gently and said softly, "Mommy, daddy is gone. As the eldest man in the big house, I should shoulder the corresponding responsibilities!"

If you want to be the leader of your family, you must practice it and lead by example.

If he couldn't even share weal and woe, He Tiantian would not want to be the heir.

And her mission will be difficult to complete smoothly.

"Auntie, don't worry, I will do what I can! My second uncle and the others will also take care of me, right?"

When He Tiantian said this, she did not forget to look at Yu Er and others.

Second Uncle Yu \u0026 Fourth Uncle Yu: ...Oh, this child was not affected by his sister-in-law. Do you think the two brothers are jackals who are robbing the family property? !

The young man's eyes were clear and his face was full of trust. I don't know if it was an illusion, but Yu Er and the two of them also had the illusion of seeing their eldest brother and nephew.

"Yes! Sister-in-law, don't worry, we will take good care of Jiulang!"

Yu Er, who was shackled, raised his hands to Mrs. Hou with difficulty.


Mrs. Hou may not have much of a plan, and she always likes to think about things with a house-fighting mentality.

But she's not stupid.

She knew why her Kuro was like this.

In fact, when his husband and son first entered the military camp in the early years, they ate and slept with the soldiers.

When fighting, it is even more important to charge forward.

If you want to be a leader, if you want to be a general, you must take responsibility!

"Okay! Kuro, you, you go-"

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