The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 931 The Exiled Villain (12)

Remember [new] in one second! Well!

A thick and heavy iron chain was fastened to her hands, and the original owner's thin wrists could barely withstand the sudden weight.

He Tiantian quickly moved her energy to her Dantian, and the weak internal energy poured into her feet.

He Tiantian stabilized her lower body and then controlled her swaying body.

His whole body didn't fall to the ground just because he was shackled.

Captain Yuchi, Yu Er and others saw that He Tiantian staggered at first, but finally persisted, and his sallow face was instantly covered with beads of sweat.

Several people nodded secretly: "Yes! This body is not bad! Although the body is a little weak, it has great strength!"

When Mrs. Hou saw it, she felt distressed and proud at the same time: My son is worthy of being a bloodline of the Yu family, and worthy of being my son, Yang Jinhua!

He Tiantian stood firm and continued to perform Wuji Jue, slowly getting used to the heavy shackles.

After a while, just when Mrs. Hou was so distressed that she was about to regret it, and was about to ask Captain Yuchi to remove the torture tools from He Tiantian, He Tiantian took a step forward slowly but firmly.

step! Two steps!

Although her steps are still a little wobbly, anyone with a discerning eye can see that she is "adapting".

After walking for more than ten steps, He Tiantian finally walked up to Yu Er and other men and successfully joined the team.

"Let's go!"

Seeing this, Colonel Yuchi nodded secretly again.

He didn't say anything, raised his arms and shouted to the soldiers.

Everyone responded in unison and then prepared to set off.

The in-laws who came to see him off began to step aside.

Wiping away tears and giving instructions, he watched the team leave.

The group had just stepped onto the official road, and before they had gone far, they felt the ground shake.

There was also the mighty sound of horse hooves, footsteps, and a man’s cheerful and rough shout——

"Quick! Follow up!"

Captain Yuchi was startled and subconsciously put his hand on the horizontal knife at his waist.

But soon, he realized that this was the suburbs of Beijing.

It is not a barren mountain, and there will be no robbers.

This is not a border town, and there will be no small groups of Beirong people looting.

Even if there were large groups of soldiers and horses, they would only be the guards changing defenses near the capital.

However, I didn't hear that the soldiers in that camp were going to change their defenses.



Captain Yuchi thought of something and his face became a little ugly.

In fact, not only him, but also the two brothers Yu Er and Yu Si, who had a way to get the government's movements, also changed their expressions.

He Tiantian followed Yu Er closely, clearly feeling the uncle's gloom.

She raised her head without any trace and secretly glanced at Yu Er's face.

So, He Tiantian happened to see Yu Er making eye contact with Yu Si.

Oh, it seems they know something.

And this "what" is very detrimental to the Yu family.

At this moment, the team of men was approaching.

He Tiantian didn't care to avoid the dust caused by horses' hooves and running people, but carefully observed the general leading the team.

He is in his forties, with slightly dark skin and a tall build.

He was wearing armor and sitting on a horse.

Judging from his momentum and appearance, he should be a general leading troops in war.

Perhaps he had just won a battle, because his face was full of pride and pride.

And for a general, what could make him most proud and arrogant than winning battles and gaining military exploits? !

"Haha, fortunately, I'm not too late!"

The man burst out laughing, especially when he saw Yu Er and others with their hands shackled and looking miserable, his eyes sparkled with joy.

He Tiantian became more and more sure of her guess: the person who came was evil!

Maybe he is still an enemy of the Yu family.

"Yu Chi has met Shi Qiaoqi!"

Captain Yuchi was cursing bad luck in his heart, but he still had to show respect on his face.

Yu Er, Yu Si and others saw clearly that the person coming was Shi He. They were no longer just scolding him for bad luck, but felt that this guy did it on purpose.

Especially Mrs. Hou, she originally wanted to ask Colonel Yuchi to help find some carriages after only two steps.

The men were better off, but the women and children really couldn't bear it.

Especially since they have been in prison for more than ten days, they cannot eat well, sleep well, and are still worried at first.

Everyone has basically lost weight.

For example, her Yuanniang, oh, the little girl is so thin that her chin is pointed.

The wrist is as thin as a bamboo pole.

Mrs. Hou couldn't help but feel distressed as she held her hand.

After only walking two or three miles, the little girl couldn't bear it.

But the child is sensible, and she is too tired to walk, so she doesn't complain to her as a grandmother.

Instead, he gritted his teeth, held the concubine's little aunt's hand, and moved closer to her step by step.

Seeing her beloved granddaughter like this, Mrs. Hou felt heartbroken.


She couldn't let Yuanniang suffer anymore.

Quickly find a carriage and let Yuan Niang get in and have a rest.

However, before Mrs. Hou could speak, such a group of people arrived.

Although Mrs. Hou was a housewife, she had been the mistress of the Hou family.

Marquis Yong'an also trusted her, and sometimes she would tell him some official matters.

As for the interpersonal relationships in the capital, Mrs. Hou, as the mistress, needs to pay attention to.

After all, benefactors, enemies, relatives, friends, subordinates, etc. are treated differently.

When giving gifts during the New Year, the hostess of the Hou Mansion also needs to treat them separately.

Mrs. Hou knew that the Yu family was quite popular in the capital.

It cannot be said that there are old friends and relatives all over the capital, but there are not many enemies.

But just because there are fewer enemies doesn’t mean there aren’t any.

The family that has the least dealings with the Yu family is the Shi family.

Speaking of the Shi family, we really have a long-standing feud with the Yu family——

Fifty or sixty years ago, the old Marquis Yong'an was too weak to practice martial arts and seemed unable to shoulder the responsibility of the general of the Northwest Army.

The old head of the Shi family was ready to take over the military power of the Yu family in the northwest.

Patriarch Shi never thought that some people, even if their bodies are weak, have very powerful minds.

He didn't need to use swords or guns at all, he only used strategy to secure his position as general.

And the lieutenants and generals under his command were also particularly convinced.

No way, warriors don't have too complicated ideas.

Whoever can lead them to victory, even without meritorious service, as long as he can take them away from the battlefield alive, is the general they need most.

Lao Yong'an Hou is a genius who can strategize and win thousands of miles.

He didn't even have to go to the front lines to fight in person. He could just sit safely in the camp behind and command perfectly.

In the more than 20 years since Lao Yong'an Hou was in charge of the northwest, the Northwest Army has achieved countless military exploits, large and small.

Even Beirong was frightened and did not dare to plunder wantonly.

Damn it, who can stand a genius general who is full of tricks and tricks? !

The enemies are so afraid of him, and the generals in the northwest respect him extremely.

The old head of the Shi family, who was jumping up and down, trying to seize power, became a clown and a joke to the powerful in the capital.

This was the beginning of the enmity between the Yu and Shi families.

Ten years ago, in the battle at the border town, Major General Yu had a chance to survive.

But Shi He, the young head of the Shi family who was responsible for rushing to the border town, deliberately wasted his time and arrived one day later than the agreed time.

And it was this day that dragged General Yu to death.

In the same year, Shi He’s only younger brother, who is from the same mother, was “reported” for embezzling military pay, unlucky ordnance, killing good people and taking credit...

He was punished for several crimes and his head was beheaded. His wife, children and grandchildren were all exiled to Lingnan.

If it weren't for Shi He's military exploits and the saint wanted to use him to check and balance the Yu family, Shi He would probably have been implicated as well.

Although Shi He escaped, he was scolded several times by the saint and was fined and forfeited his salary for three years.

Salary and other things are not important, what is important is face.

Shi He hated the Yu family who was secretly causing trouble.

As for the Yu family, they have not forgotten that their outstanding son was killed by Shi He.

The Yu and Shi families formed a deadly feud and there was no possibility of resolving it.

Now, the Yu family was exiled, but Shi He led a large group of people to catch up.

Women like Mrs. Hou knew that Shi He was definitely not just here to watch the fun.

[The Shi family is the most despicable and petty-minded, and they will retaliate... Shi He, an old man, must be here to add insult to injury! 】

Mrs. Hou and others all looked worried.

The look he looked at Shi He was even more wary and angry.

Shi He naturally felt the burning gaze. Instead of feeling awkward, he actually enjoyed it very much.


Just hate it!

Your Yu family has been oppressing our historians for decades, turning our historians into a complete laughingstock.

If I hadn't been willing to risk my life, volunteered to go to the southwest to quell the chaos, and led my soldiers to endure hardships in that barbaric land filled with snakes, rats, ants, and poisonous swamps for three or four years, I wouldn't have gotten any military exploits at all.

Now, there is no chance to come and suppress your Yu family!

This time, you finally fall into my hands, haha, let’s see how I deal with you!

Still want to go back to base camp?


In the future, Northwest will change its surname to Shi!

For you, the Yu family, the northwest will become your place of exile, a real hell!

And you don’t want to spend these three thousand miles of exile well.

Humph, I really think of being in exile as just going out for fun.

Even if the saint is merciful, even if you and the Yu family have friends all over the world, and I am watching, you will never cheat.

What it's like for others to be exiled, that's what your Yu family is like.

It will even be even more miserable!

Shi He clenched his riding whip, his eyes filled with joy.

He looked down at Yu Er and others with a cruel smile on his lips.

"……I see!"

Just when Shi He was sitting on the horse with a concave shape and raising the hatred value, He Tiantian had already moved close to Wu Lang Yu Xing.

Although it was only the first time that He Tiantian and Yu Xing met, and the meeting lasted only two hours from the time they came out of the prison to the time when the group walked onto the official road.

However, He Tiantian had roughly guessed Yu Xing's situation through the communication between Yu Xing and his biological father, Uncle Yu, as well as some of the man's expressions and ways of speaking.

The only concubine in the Hou family, it is not reliable to think that his biological father did not take him seriously, but because he received the education from the Yu family's son since he was a child, he did not develop a low self-esteem or a twisted temperament.

He is cheerful, upright, and a little stubborn.

Yu Xing also wanted to show his excellence. Of course, he was indeed better than his own father.

At the age of sixteen, he had already gone to the northwest for training.

He carries with him the unique prowess and arrogance that followed the martial arts.

The boy's only shortcoming, er, or advantage, is that he is very good at gossip.

This is probably the biggest trait he inherited from his slippery father.

It's just that Yu Xing is more self-disciplined and rarely shows his "paparazzi" side in front of others.

As an old goblin who has "lived" for thousands of years, He Tiantian has extremely vicious eyes.

From Yu Xing's subtle expressions and performance, his characteristics can be discovered.

So, the moment Shi He made a high-profile appearance, she held the heavy shackles in both hands and quickly came to Yu Xing's side.

"Who is this person? He seems to have some grudge against the Yu family!"

He Tiantian whispered curiously.

Yu Xingzheng was angry. As a little kid in Beijing, and as a member of the Yu family, of course he knew a lot of gossip.

His close cousins ​​all knew his true nature, but the gossip he knew was also known to his cousins.

In this way, there is less room for Yu Xing to develop.

Now that he finally has a new cousin who doesn't know anything, Yu Xing finally has someone to talk to about all his gossip.

"This man's name is Shi He, the current Uncle Yong Yi. The Shi family, like our Yu family, are the founding fathers of the country."

"It's just that the ancestors of the Shi family are not as brave as our ancestors. After working hard for half a life, they only got the title of founding county magistrate."

"Unlike our Yu family, we are the founding magistrates of the county. They are hereditary and will not be replaced!"

"... Ninth Brother, let me tell you, our grudges with the Shi family started sixty years ago."

Yu Xing took He Tiantian and talked about it.

Yu Xing is so close to He Tiantian, not only because the fire of gossip is burning in his heart, but also because he has recognized He Tiantian.

It has to be said that He Tiantian's act of voluntarily requesting to be shackled just now really satisfied the appetite of the Yu family.

Needless to say, elders such as Yu Er and others, they all felt that there would be a successor to the eldest family.

For Yu Che, Yu Xing and others, they found that the newly returned Jiulang was too strong by his former ninth brother.

It's not that Yu Yan is not good, his character is quite good.

It’s just that Mrs. Hou raised her to be too squeamish.

A ten-and-a-half-year-old boy can't even stand on horseback well.

There is also the Yu family sword passed down from their Yu family's ancestors, and Yu Yan is even more messy in practicing it.

Anyone who looks at it will think that this is just an embroidered pillow, and it doesn't have the pride of the Yu family at all.

It just so happened that such a squeamish and lazy child turned out to be the heir of the Yu family.

To put it bluntly, Erlang Yu Che, who only obeyed his cousin Major General Yu, was no longer convinced. Even Yu Xing felt that he was better than Yu Yan!

In particular, the Yu family was ransacked and imprisoned.

A ten-year-old boy like Yu Yan should have been locked up in the men's cell with Yu Er and other men.

As a result, Yu Yan shrank in Mrs. Hou's arms...

Alas, what a disappointment for Yu Er and others.

Fortunately, Yu Yan is not a bloodline of the Yu family, he is just a Xibei kid who was swapped.

When Yu Li returned, Yu Che, Yu Xing and other cousins ​​secretly observed.

He Tiantian took the initiative to ask for the shackles, and acted very close to her and trusted her second uncle and fourth uncle, which really won the favor of all her cousins.

Although Yu Xing doesn't completely believe in He Tiantian, he is already willing to tell her some things about the Yu family.

Furthermore, the grievances between the historian and his family are not a secret, as long as everyone in the capital has heard about it.

"Haha, thanks to the grace of the saint, I was transferred to the Northwest Camp as the deputy marching commander. Coincidentally, you will also be exiled to the northwest."

"Haha, we are old friends, so let's just go together!"

While listening to Yu Xing's explanation, He Tiantian looked at Shi He on horseback laughing arrogantly.

Including her, everyone at the scene realized a problem——

The Yu family is destined to suffer a lot in their future exile!


I have something to do today, so I will update it first and make it up tomorrow. Please forgive me! (*^▽^*)

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