The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 935 The Exiled Villain (16)

Remember [new] in one second! "General Hussars is here! Get out of the way, everyone else!"

A group of personal guards waved their whips, as if they didn't recognize Captain Yuchi and others, and shouted to drive out the people who had just taken refuge in the ruined temple.

This ruined temple is not very big. There are only a few rooms in the front hall and the backyard.

Captain Yuchi and the Yu family could barely accommodate them.

Now that there are more than a dozen personal guards, they can only be driven into the yard.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and there were muffled thunders and streaks of lightning in the dark sky from time to time.

If you stay in the wild for one night in such bad weather, not only the old, weak, women and children, but even the strong young men in front of you will not be able to bear it.

"What a Shihe dog thief, he, he clearly wants to force us to die!"

"Damn it, I knew this old guy was a ruthless and cruel thing."

"Mr. Lang, what should we do? The child is still so young. If he gets caught in the rain, he will definitely get cold."

"...Oh my God, why don't you have eyes?"

The Yu family stood on the corridor outside the main hall, their bodies pressed against the wall, holding their children in their arms, trying hard to prevent the slanting raindrops from falling on their children and themselves.

But, even so, they were still half wet.

When the mountain wind blows, people shiver with cold.

Yu Er, Yu Si and others were wearing shackles, their faces were as dark as water, and their eyes were burning with angry flames.

If looks could kill, they would have killed the old dog that walked arrogantly in front of them a thousand times.

However, it’s no use!

The more resentful and angry they became, the prouder Shi He became——

Tsk, in the morning, I was so stupid that I actually went into battle myself!

The Yu family is no longer the Yu family it once was, and I am not the same person I used to be.

Now there is a huge barrier of identity and status between me and the Yu family.

Just like at this moment, he didn't need to show up personally. He could just let his guards take action directly and drive the Yu family out like a dog.

Tsk tsk, looking at them one by one, looking like drowned dogs in the rain, Shi He was filled with joy.

And the eyes of Yu Er and others with split eyes,

It greatly pleased Shi He.


That's it!

I just like to see you like this, "You want to eat my flesh, but you can't help me".

Feeling better, Shi He felt that his broken arm didn't hurt so much anymore.

Especially the guards set up a large pot in the main hall and boiled the broth.

Oops, as the heat steamed, the rich aroma of meat spread throughout the ruined temple.

Shi Hedamama sat in front of the big pot with a golden knife, holding a thick porcelain bowl in one hand, sipping the hot and fragrant broth.

When he raised his eyes, he saw the pouring rain outside and the shivering and blue-faced enemy in the corridor.


It was such a comfortable life!



The stomachs of the Yu family members in the corridor began to rebel.

Especially the few young children, they simply cannot bear to be hungry.

In addition, they were cold and tired, and all kinds of pain added up, and they began to cry——

"Auntie, I'm hungry! I'm so hungry!"

"Cold! Mom, I'm cold!"

"...My legs are so sore and my feet hurt so much. Mom, I want to rest, so just take a rest!"

Hearing the cries of the children, the women of the Yu family were heartbroken.

Yu Er and Yu Si gritted their teeth.

At this moment, for them, hunger, fatigue, pain, etc. are not that serious.

They really, really, really seemed to rush into the hall regardless of the situation, raised the iron shackles in their hands and directly smashed Shi He, an old man, to death.

He made it clear that he wanted the Yu family to die.

[We don’t take action and let the secret guards take action! 】

[Brother, no! I think Shi He is deliberately irritating us! 】

[…I know he has bad intentions, but, I can’t let him bully me like this. We can bear it, but the wife and children cannot. 】

【hold on! I, let me think about it again...]

Yu Er and Yu Si desperately communicated with their eyes, and they held the shackles hard.

The cold touch of the chains helped them stay somewhat calm.

Just when the two were hesitant, a young man suddenly stood up.


Yu Er and Yu Si exclaimed in surprise.

Yu Che, Yu Xing and other cousins ​​were even more anxious, "Come back, Jiulang, what are you going to do?"

When everyone saw "Yu Li" going directly into the ruined temple, some were worried, some were anxious, and some even misunderstood.

"Could it be that Jiulang really can't bear the hunger and cold and wants to run in and beg for a bowl of food?"

"Don't do it! It's too embarrassing!"

"That's right, our Yu family can't afford to lose such a person."

Two or three people were whispering, and as they talked, they subconsciously licked their lips.

Woohoo, so hungry!

The broth is so fragrant.

After all, they were young, and although they remembered the Yu family's motto, they still couldn't resist their body's instinctive reaction.

He Tiantian's sudden action gave them some "hope"——

It's not that we want to be embarrassed, it was Jiulang who was embarrassed first, we, we are just following.

Two or three young children, clinging to their parents and adults to avoid the heavy rain, were craning their necks to eavesdrop on what was going on in the ruined temple.

Older people like Yu Er did not misunderstand He Tiantian.

In the morning, Yu Li used some trick to trick Shi He.

Yu Er and others knew that this newly returned nephew had some backbone.

In addition, they had been together all the way, and Kuro was still young and frail, but he was still able to grit his teeth and endure it.

With such tenacity and endurance, he really lived up to his status as the son of the Yu family.

Therefore, Yu Er didn't believe that his nephew would come to Shi He and beg for mercy because of a bowl of broth.

He was mainly worried, worried that Jiulang was young and could not control his temper, and if he got into a dispute with Shi He again——

In the morning, Shi He was unprepared and fell into Jiulang's trap.

But now, Yu Er bets that Shi He must be extremely vigilant and has been waiting for a clue to catch Jiulang.

If a flaw is missed, Shi He, a sinister old thief, can take the opportunity to kill Jiulang.

Kuro is the eldest brother’s only direct bloodline.

And he is so outstanding, if he can grow up safely, he will definitely become the pillar of the Yu family.

【A small leak will sink a great ship! Oops, Kuro is young after all and can't keep his temper. 】

Yu Er was impatient.

He ignored the need to protect the women and children from the wind and rain, and turned around and came to the entrance of the ruined temple.

He held the chain tightly, thinking that if a fight broke out later, he would risk his life to protect his nephew Zhou Quan.

"...You idiot, are you hungry? Are you greedy? Do you want to drink my broth?"

While Shi He was drinking soup, he teased He Tiantian like a puppy.

He deliberately clicked his lips, as if eating the supreme delicacy.

"Shi Qiaoqi, I heard that you are extremely brave, and that your halberd is made of fine iron?"

He Tiantian licked her lips deliberately, as if she was really greedy and hungry.

When Shi He heard He Tiantian mentioning his famous weapon, he laughed proudly, "That's right, my iron halberd weighs more than a hundred kilograms. With your kid's physique, I estimate it weighs three to five. They may not even be able to lift it.”

He Tiantian's eyes lit up, "Shi Qiaoqi, how about we make a bet. If I can hold your iron halberd——"

A flash of realization flashed in Shi He's eyes, haha, it turns out this kid is waiting for me here.

Ha, it’s just for a mouthful of hot broth.

Yu Ji's son and Yu Zheng's younger brother just knelt before the enemy.

Is it funny?

Is it embarrassing? !

Shi He was in a good mood and continued to tease He Tiantian and said, "Well, if you can lift my iron halberd, I will give you a bowl of broth!"

The tone of giving should not be too obvious.

Everyone in the Yu family in the corridor felt very uncomfortable when they heard this.

Mrs. Hou secretly gritted her teeth, "Jiulang, Jiulang, you can't bear it? How can you run and bow to your enemy?"

Yu San's face became brighter.

What, in fact, he also wanted to run to plead with Shi He.

Anyway, he is a well-known coward in the Yu family. Even if he is scolded a few times or even teased, it will not damage the Yu family's face.

As long as he could come to eat, what's more, if he could get Shi He's permission to let his wife and children go in to take shelter from the rain, Yu San would be willing to endure no matter how embarrassed he was.

【well! He was overtaken by Kuro! This kid has a future! 】

In Yu San's opinion, being able to bend and stretch is the way to go.

The Yu family is in trouble now, and they should bow their heads when it's time to bow their heads.

There is no need to ruin your family for the so-called "integrity".

If everyone in the family dies, who can revive the family?

Only when people are alive can they have opportunities and various possibilities.

He Tiantian didn't know how the Yu family would react, and she couldn't care less at the moment.

She walked a few steps quickly and came to the base of the wall, where weapons, armor and other items belonging to Shi He and his bodyguards were placed.

The most conspicuous among them is naturally Shi He's iron halberd.

Made of pure iron, even the handle is made of iron.

A smile flashed across He Tiantian's eyes, "Wow, the tough ones are the best."

When she was looking around on her system panel just now, she actually found that there was still a Dali Pill in stock.

Tsk, she even forgot that there was such a one-time pill.

In fact, after He Tiantian became more and more powerful, she rarely used the plug-in products given by the system such as Dali Pills and Beauty Cream.

But this time, I can use it.

He Tiantian could also do it if she used her inner strength, but the time it took her was too short.

And the aura of this small world is not very full.

He Tiantian was in prison for three days and was exiled for one day. In four days, he relied on Wuji Jue to barely cultivate a trace of internal strength.

In the morning, that flick of a finger on the acupuncture point had already exhausted all the internal energy.

If He Tiantian is overdrawn at this moment, he can still give it a try, but there will be hidden dangers.

There is no way, the original owner's body is too thin, if the overdraft is too much, it will easily lead to the root cause of the disease.

It happened that there was Dali Pill in the system space, so He Tiantian easily redeemed it.

She raised her shackled right hand. Her thin arm was not even as thick as the handle of the iron halberd.

However, it was such a thin arm that directly grabbed the iron halberd. It seemed that he didn't use much force and just grabbed the iron halberd.

"What's the point of just raising the iron halberd? Shi Qiaoqi, how about we make a big bet?"

"What if I could throw your iron halberd on the roof, and you and your henchmen would just get out of the ruined temple?"

As He Tiantian spoke, he walked out of the hall carrying the iron halberd.

Shi He was stunned.

I know my own weapons.

His iron halberd was modeled after the Tianlong city-breaking halberd of Chu Overlord during the Chu and Han Dynasties.

It's just that he didn't find the so-called meteorite iron, but chose pure refined cast iron.

Although it is not as good as the 129 kilograms of the Tianlong Breaking City Halberd, it still weighs 102 kilograms.

Shi He's personal guards could barely lift the iron halberd weighing more than a hundred kilograms.

And that Zhuzi from the Yu family, who didn't know whether it was real or fake, actually, actually lifted it up with one hand.

This this--

Shi He subconsciously wanted to rub his eyes with his hands.

But he forgot that he was still holding the soup bowl in his hand.


The soup bowl fell to the ground, and the hot soup spilled all over his thigh.

The pain woke up Shi He. He didn't bother to check the burns on his legs, but stood up quickly.

He strode after He Tiantian.

Yu Er, Yu Si and everyone in the Yu family outside the door were also dumbfounded.

Well, the Yu family is indeed proud and has been a military general for generations.

But, but, it is extremely rare for a son to be as gifted with supernatural power as Yu Li.

"Second brother, am I right? What Jiulang is dragging is Old Thief Shi's iron halberd, not some kind of firewood pole?"

"Okay, I guess I read it right! I saw old man Shi He chasing him out!"

Yu Si and Yu Er's faces were full of dreams.

They can also be considered as capable martial arts practitioners.

If they used all their strength to grab Shi He's iron halberd, they should be able to grab it.

But, my nephew is only ten years old, and he still looks thin and has not had enough to eat all year round.

To put it bluntly, Jiulang's weight is not as heavy as that iron halberd.

As a result, people, but -

I thought the scene in front of me was enough to leave everyone speechless.

However, He Tiantian soon broke this record.

She dragged the iron halberd to the yard and threw it away casually. The iron halberd, which weighed more than a hundred kilograms, was thrown directly onto the roof.


The iron halberd was inserted into the roof and stood upright, as if it should have been erected on the roof of the hall.

"Shu Zi!! Presumptuous, arrogant!"

Shi He finally reacted. He looked at He Tiantian, then raised his head to look at the iron halberd stuck straight into the roof, and kept cursing.

"Shi Qiaoqi, I won! Thank you for your concession, and thank you for the hot soup!"

He Tiantian clapped her hands and smiled with an innocent look on her face.

Then, she greeted Mrs. Hou, Yu Er and others, "Mom, second uncle, let's go in, the broth is still hot!"

Mrs. Hou:......

My son is so powerful, he is like the Overlord of Western Chu, born with supernatural powers!

Yu Er:......

here you go! My good nephew should respond to Shi He so harshly.

Shi He:......

You little beast, you are indeed a member of the Yu family. He is as hated as his father and his elder brother!

None of these people thought of He Tiantian's true purpose, they just thought she was deliberately teasing Shi He.

Shi He even braved the rain, stepped on the shoulders of his guards, and climbed directly to the roof.

How could that iron halberd, his most proud weapon, be left on top?

He wanted to take down the iron halberd himself.

The rain is still falling, and the thunder and lightning in the sky seem to be getting closer and closer.

He Tiantian heard the sweet roar and shouted to Shi He on the roof at the top of her lungs: "Shi Qiaoqi, you are in danger of a bloody disaster, so be careful!"

Shi He:......

He seemed to be swearing.

But there was a faint fear in my heart.

Just then, click!

A lightning bolt with sparks struck down from the sky and landed accurately on the iron halberd...

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