The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 936 The Exiled Villain (17)

Remember [new] in one second! "My son, you, your strength?"

Mrs. Hou didn't care about Shi He at all, nor did she care about baking clothes or drinking broth. She grabbed He Tiantian's arm and looked her up and down.

That fiery gaze almost melted He Tiantian.

He Tiantian smiled and nodded, "Auntie, as you can see, my son is born with supernatural powers!"

He Tiantian said and picked up a stone the size of an egg.

She held the stone in her hand and tightened it slightly, looking like she didn't use much strength at all.

With a click, the stone shattered.

He Tiantian opened her hand, tilted her palm slightly, and fine crumbs fell to the ground.

Madam Hou, Yu Er and others opened their mouths again.

This strength is so incredible.

It is simply a natural humanoid killer weapon.

If such a master goes to the battlefield, he will not use any overbearing weapons. It will not be a problem at all to fight one against ten or one against a hundred.

"Haha! Okay! Okay! My son, you, you are indeed the son of the Yu family!"

Mrs. Hou laughed loudly, and there were even little glimmers of water in her eyes.

The eldest son was gone and the second son died of illness. Mrs. Hou thought she would never have a biological son who could support her.

Unexpectedly, there was another Yu Li.

Although this child Yu Li was raised in the hands of despicable people, he must be proud and arrogant, cunning and resourceful, and possess divine power that defies the heavens.

He is simply a born god of war, the pillar of the Yu family.

With such a son, why should the Yu family not have a chance to rise again? Why should she, Yang Jinhua, not be able to continue to be a noble matron? !

Mrs. Hou was so happy that her heart was about to fly.

She looked at He Tiantian with eyes full of love and cherishment, as if she were looking at some peerless treasure.

Yu Er, Yu Si and others also looked at the building with joy.

Having an outstanding junior in his family is definitely a good thing for the Yu family, which is in turmoil.

Even Colonel Yuchi, who had been silent all this time, was secretly wary of He Tiantian, and cast complex glances of fear, envy, and so on.


A shrill scream sounded in the rainy night.

Everyone in the hall was shocked.

Then there was the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, followed by shouts of "general" one after another.

A smile flashed in He Tiantian's eyes, Hey, it's done!

Mrs. Hou and others subconsciously looked outside the courtyard and asked curiously: "What's going on? Did that thief Shi He fall from the roof?"

It can't be possible!

Shi He is a military general. Even if he hurts an arm, his martial arts skills are still there.

It shouldn't fall from the roof.

He Tiantian said quietly, "I have already said that Shi Qiaoqi and my Yu family have conflicts and are not suitable to go together."

"But he doesn't believe in evil and insists on staying with us. No, the bloody disaster has come true again."


Another bloody disaster?

But this time, Yu Li didn't even move a finger. "He" and Shi He were in the house and on the roof. How come Shi He was attacked again?

Yu Er, Yu Si and other grown men were secretly puzzled. Regardless of the heavy rain that was still falling, they all went to the yard to check.

I saw Shi He lying on the ground, his hair and face all scorched black.

Not sure if it was an illusion, Yu Er and others also vaguely asked about the burnt aroma of the barbecue.



There was lightning and thunder in the sky.

Yu Er thought of something, looked up suddenly to see if there was any lightning flashing in the darkness, and blurted out, "Could it be that Shi He was struck by lightning?"

Struck by lightning?

No way.

Everyone couldn't believe it.

Even though Shi He climbed to the roof just now and stood at the highest point, he was also followed by several personal guards.

If thunder were to strike down, Shi He shouldn't be the only one to be hit.

But looking at Shi He and the personal guards surrounding him, only Shi He was injured, and the others were all fine.

"Retribution! What retribution!"

Yu Si cursed happily.

"Haha! God, you have finally opened your eyes! You know that this thief Shi He is vicious and despicable, so you lowered the mysterious thunder to kill him!"

Mrs. Hou also ran out, facing the heavy rain, looking up to the sky and laughing.

"Haha! Husband, Da Lang, have you all seen that old thief Shi He finally got his comeuppance!"

Being struck by lightning, what kind of outrageous thing would you have to do to make God look down upon you?

Not to mention the Yu family who already had a grudge against Shi He, but also Colonel Yuchi who was joining in the fun, and even Shi He's personal guards, whose expressions were a bit complicated.


Perhaps because of his strong physical body, or perhaps because he was not very badly struck by lightning, Shi He, whose face was covered in black after being drenched by the rain, actually groaned.

"General! General!!"

"Are you awake? What's wrong with you?"

"Doctor, call the doctor who is accompanying the army quickly!"

"Oh, let's carry the general to -" the main hall first.

The guards were all busy.

However, the one who suggested that the general be carried away swallowed it back in the middle of his words.

There are also Yu family members in the hall.

And that little guy said it seriously. Shi Qiaoqi and the Yu family were in conflict. If they had to get together, there would be a bloody disaster.

Originally, the guards did not believe this theory of ghosts and gods.

But I can’t stand the fact that it’s right in front of me.

In one day, the general was frightened and struck by lightning again and again.

He broke his arm again and was injured all over his body.

Tsk, the general looks like this, no matter who looks at it, he will murmur in his heart!

The guards also had some thoughts that they didn't dare to say out loud: The general was only injured now. What if he was severely suppressed by the Yu family and affected other people?

"Otherwise, let's carry the general to the military camp."

Another guard seemed to have thought of this and suggested in a low voice.

"Yes! Carry it to the military camp."

Everyone else agreed.

The guards reached an agreement, so they carried the unconscious Shi He and quickly ran out of the yard to the temporary camp at the foot of the mountain.

Yes, Shi He led his troops to pursue them, not only to create trouble for the Yu family, but also to find a suitable location to set up camp.

As a veteran, he stayed in the mountains and forests of the southwest for three more years.

He was used to making temporary camps in the wild.

We chose a flat land with a hillside behind it, and a small stream winding down from the mountain next to it.

Shi He ordered his soldiers to cut down trees and pitch tents.

Seeing the soldiers setting up camp and starting to bury pots to make rice, he led his guards up the mountain and ran to the temple to harass and challenge the Yu family.

However, the Yu family still has a Yu Li.

Shi He failed to provoke, but was struck by lightning and turned into a "black man". He was carried down by the guards while lying down.

Arriving at the commander's camp, the doctor accompanying the army was found.

When the doctor saw Shi He with charred hair and face, he was stunned.

He can still think of ways to deal with external injuries and internal injuries.

However, he really doesn't know how to treat being struck by lightning or something.

With a grimace on his face, the doctor could only give him a decoction to replenish blood and replenish qi.

He didn't dare to say whether it was right or not, the doctor had to take action, otherwise those wolf-like personal guards would never let him go.

Maybe Shi He's life should not have been cut off, or maybe it was the blind doctor who encountered a dead mouse. After drinking a bowl of soup, Shi He woke up unexpectedly.

"What's wrong, old man?"

"Could it be on fire?"

Shi He was probably struck on the head by lightning, and when he woke up, his head was also hazy.

He seemed to have forgotten what happened in the ruined temple just now, and his eyes were full of doubts and confusion.

Guards, look at me and I look at you. Their duty tells them that they should report truthfully.

However, if the truth is told, will the general become angry and angry?

After all, being struck by lightning or something like that is too shocking, and also, too embarrassing.

"Tell me, what happened?"

Shi He was not a good-tempered person. When he saw the guards hesitating, a burst of anger suddenly rushed to his forehead.


It hurts even more.

His head was buzzing, as if he had been hit hard with a heavy hammer.

Naoren'er was about to be smashed into pieces, and his soul was trembling with pain.

"Reporting to the general, yes--"

The guards were still stuttering, not daring to tell the truth directly.

At this moment, a crisp sound sounded outside.

"Of course you were struck by lightning! Shi Qiaoqi, could it be that your brain was damaged by lightning?"

He Tiantian strode into the camp.

Yu Er and others followed behind her.

However, compared to just now, the shackles of several people have been taken off.

Captain Yuchi: I can’t afford to offend my little ancestor who is born with supernatural powers and is good at “Physiognomy”. The Yu family is even more untouchable.

Didn't you see that Shi Heshi Qiaoqi, who had always been against the Yu family, had his arm broken and was struck into ashes by lightning?

Captain Yuchi had always wanted to make good friends with the Yu family, but now that Shi He's "bloody" example was in front of him, he became even more cautious.


Take it off!



In fact, Captain Yuchi also mingled with the Yu family and ran down the mountain to watch the fun.

Ahem, people always say that "xx people are guilty of serious sins and will be struck by lightning", but in reality, people who are struck by lightning are extremely rare.

Shi Qiaoqi was definitely the first person Captain Yuchi saw struck by lightning!

How could he not be curious?

Shi He: ...I thank you!

However, at this moment, Shi He couldn't care less about quarreling with Captain Yuchi and other minor characters.

All his attention was attracted by He Tiantian.

"What? You idiot, what are you talking about?"

No matter how sinister and despicable Shi He is, he doesn't seem to care much about his reputation.

But he also knew that being struck by lightning was definitely not a good thing.

Even if you are burned by fire, beaten by people, or bitten by wild beasts, it is still better than being struck by lightning.

The lightning was like a chain of fire, rushing directly into the iron halberd stuck vertically on the roof.

The iron halberd instantly flashed with blue sparks.

Immediately afterwards, his hand holding the iron halberd seemed to be glued to the iron halberd, and waves of numbness and pain swept through his body.

His whole body twitched, as if he had lost consciousness.

That kind of pain, it hurts to the bone.

He subconsciously wanted to throw away the iron halberd, but he couldn't.

If someone hadn't kicked him from behind and rolled him off the roof, he might have been electrocuted alive.

Shi He didn't know what the current was, but he just felt that there was a painful energy circulating in his body.

...Is this what it feels like to be struck by lightning?

Seeing He Tiantian and being struck by lightning when she mentioned it, all Shi He's temporarily lost memories came back to life.

Fear, anger, and a hint of regret flashed in his eyes.

Even though he knew that this little beast Yu Jiulang was weird, he still provoked "him" again and again!


No, what's "weird"? There are no ghosts and gods in this world, let alone the retribution of the underworld.

Yu Jiulang must have used some trick to get him caught.

"Okay! Little beast, just wait. When I find out the truth, I will retaliate twice as hard!"

Shi He felt cruel in his heart, and the look he looked at He Tiantian was even more ferocious.

He had the evil aura of a warrior who came from a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and rushed towards He Tiantian.

If it were another ten-year-old child, he might be so frightened that his legs would become weak, and he might even pee his pants or sit on the ground and cry.

He Tiantian was not afraid at all.

She even had the leisure to continue provoking, "Oh, Shi Qiaoqi, you look really embarrassed, haha, but you look a bit like a Kunlun slave, with his hair blown out!"

Shi He:......

You little bastard, how dare you insult the dignified hussar as a slave?

Shi He's hair stood up with anger. Well, he wasn't actually angry. Shi He also had an afro at the moment.

He Tiantian felt even more amused when she saw his appearance.

The little boy's face was full of smiles, and his thin and immature face was filled with pride.

Shi He became more and more angry, and subconsciously wanted to hit someone with his hand.

However, the pain in his body was so severe that whenever he raised his hand, the pain made him grin.

Shi He's bodyguard actually reacted at this moment.

His general was seriously injured and couldn't move, but the Yu family's son came to provoke him.

These "doglegs" should take it out on themselves for the general.

The guards have not forgotten that when they were destroying the temple just now, Yu Jiulang made a bet with the general and insulted them as "dog legs"!

How can we not avenge old and new grudges?

The guards all looked evil and surrounded He Tiantian.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yu Er, Yu Si and others rushed forward and stood in front of He Tiantian.

They were only worried about their little nephew, and they had forgotten that their own Jiulang was a strange boy who could crush rocks and roll iron rods into balls!

When He Tiantian saw this, a warm current surged through his heart.

She knew that Yu Er and others had sincerely accepted her.

And she, a Xibei girl, has truly integrated into the Yu family.

However, now is not the time to lament, business is more important.

He Tiantian poked half of his head out from behind Yu Er and shouted to Shi He: "Shi Qiaoqi, you must not fail to recognize the good heart!"

"I'm here to remind you that the location of your military camp is wrong. If there is a flash flood, you and your three thousand soldiers will have no way to escape!"

He Tiantian said this, firstly, to continue to stimulate Shi He, and secondly, she really wanted to remind him.

Shi He did deserve to die, but those three thousand soldiers were innocent.

Moreover, they were not Shi He's private soldiers or tribes, but soldiers drawn from the Sixteenth Guards by the imperial court.

Shi He was not qualified to lead these imperial soldiers and horses to die for nothing.

"What kind of flash flood? Ha, you are a young boy with yellow hair. When I led the troops to fight, you had not yet been reincarnated."

"Are you saying that I chose the wrong location for the military camp? I'm telling you, you are good at plotting and scheming, but when it comes to marching and fighting, you can't even compare to one of my little fingers!"



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