The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 937 The Exiled Villain (18)

Remember [new] in one second! "One general is incompetent and a thousand troops will be exhausted!"

"Shi He, it's okay if you want to die alone, why are you dragging three thousand soldiers with you?"

"You are jealous of the virtuous and capable, and you avenge your personal vengeance. You deserve to die! But what's wrong with those three thousand soldiers? They are all my good sons and daughters. Why should they lose their lives because of your arrogance and ignorance?"

When He Tiantian saw that Shi He had been struck by lightning and turned into a slave of Kunlun, he still looked arrogant.

Her childish face was full of indignation, and she was even more upright and impassioned when she scolded people.

Yu Er and Yu Si, who were standing by and watching, had an inexplicable illusion. They saw the shadow of their eldest brother and nephew in He Tiantian again.

Everyone in the Yu family reacted like this, let alone Shi He, an outsider.

His head was already dizzy after being struck by lightning, and now he was just holding on to avoid fainting.

Hearing He Tiantian's scolding, scenes of scenes appeared in Shi He's mind——

General Yu Ji majestically returned to the capital with tens of thousands of victorious troops, and was welcomed by saints, civil and military officials, and people all over the capital;

Yu Zheng was only a teenager, but he was so heroic that he killed the Beirong people with a crescent-moon halberd and fled;

Yu Ji and Yu Zheng, father and son, scolded him with disgust, "One general is incompetent and will kill a thousand troops"!

Yes, it’s the saying “One general is incompetent and a thousand armies are exhausted.”

It seemed that in the eyes of the Yu family, he, Shi He, was just a pile of mud that could not hold up the wall, an incompetent person who could be trampled upon by them.

He Tiantian, who was still cursing angrily, overlapped with some scenes in Shi He's memory.

Shi He shouted uncontrollably: "Shut up! Shut up!"

"I'm not a waste, I'm a hussar general now!"

"Yes! I am no longer the young man who worked hard in the northwest. I am now the deputy general manager of the Northwest Road March!"

"...On the contrary, it's you, haha, Yu Ji, if you die, your most outstanding eldest son will also die. Hahaha, your whole Yu family will be exiled..."

Shouting and shouting, Shi He finally reacted.

He was laughing so loudly that he looked a little crazy.

"What if our Yu family is exiled? As a ten-year-old boy, I can still see what's wrong with your military camp!"

"...Shi He,

If you don't listen to my advice, well, it won't be long before you, Shi He, will take your whole family to the northwest to join us. "

He Tiantian's words were a bit vicious.

He was actually cursing Shi Heluosui and causing harm to the whole family.

Shi He:......

The anger he had just vented from laughing was concentrated on his forehead.

The veins on his forehead were jumping.

"It's hard to persuade that damn ghost! Since you are seeking death, there is nothing we can do about it!"

He Tiantian looked at Shi He coldly, and with these words, he asked Shang Yu and others to leave.

Shi He:......

What is a damn ghost?

This little beast of the Yu family is more annoying than "his" biological father and biological eldest brother!

The father and son Yu Ji and Yu Zheng could only use their strength to crush Shi He and Shi Jia.

Yu Li is a good person, and he is also very talkative.

The words he said were even more unpleasant to listen to.

Shi Heben was seriously injured by lightning. Before he could recover, He Tiantian breathed a sigh of relief, rolled his eyes and passed out.

"General! General!!"

The guards shouted and called doctor.

Doctor: ...I don’t even know how to cure the general. Now that he’s unconscious again, I, I don’t even know how to wake him up again.

But the few bodyguards with big muscles, round waists, and fierce looks didn't care about this. They all stared at the doctor eagerly, and even put their hands on the horizontal sword at their waist.

The doctor felt a chill on his neck, and he could only continue to use his trump card - a bowl of blood-tonifying and qi-tonifying decoction.

Not to mention, the doctor is really lucky.

After drinking a bowl of decoction, Shi He really woke up again.

"Yu Li! Little beast! Damn Zhuzi!"

As soon as he woke up, Shi He couldn't stop cursing.

It's a pity that the Yu family has left. No matter how loud he curses, they can't hear him.

On the other hand, the guards around him felt a little relieved when they saw that their hussar general still had the strength to curse.

There was a guard who looked a little gentle. After thinking again and again, he came closer to Shi He and said cautiously, "General, I just went outside for a walk, and the rain is getting heavier and heavier!"

"The creek next to the barracks has also begun to swell——"

Shi He looked directly at the Siwen guard and said coldly, "Jia San, what do you want to say?"

Did this guy really believe the nonsense of that little beast Yu Li and think that there would be some kind of flash flood that would destroy their barracks?

Jia San was so frightened by Shi He's cold gaze that he trembled. He quickly knelt down and begged for mercy, "I don't dare! I'm humble, I'm humble——"

He was so anxious that his forehead was sweating.

In desperation, an idea suddenly flashed through his mind, and he hurriedly said: "I feel humble that it is really unlucky for the Yu family to have Yu Ji killed in battle, and then to have the family confiscated and seize the title!"

"The general returned victoriously from the southwest, and was appointed by the saint as the deputy general manager of the march to the northwest. At the time when the momentum is at its peak and the fortune is prosperous, if he is contaminated with bad luck——"

He did not dare to defend himself according to He Tiantian's words of "Shi He and the Yu family are in conflict", but deliberately elevated Shi He.

In fact, the meaning behind the words is the same——

Shi He and the Yu family are indeed at odds with each other. If they have to go together, something could easily happen!

In the morning, the horse was frightened and his arm was broken;

In the evening, I was struck by lightning and almost died.

The nagging Jiulang from the Yu family just now said something about flash floods.

Jia San went to the creek to check and found that the water had indeed become much larger.

Moreover, I don’t know if it was thunder or some other noise, but there was a faint roaring sound in the mountains.

Jia San is worried that if the rain is too heavy and the rocks loosen, it will really cause flash floods or even mountain collapse.

It is said that in the three years they have been in the southwest, they have experienced heavy rains and seen horrific scenes of flash floods.

Jia San also read some books, and after listening to He Tiantian's words, he thought more about it.

However, his general is a conceited and arrogant master with a bad temper and cannot listen to advice at all.

Jia San had no choice but to belittle the Yu family's bad luck and praise the general as a nobleman, so as to give his master a step down.

Sure enough, Shi He's face looked much better after hearing Jia San's remarks.

In fact, before he fell into coma, Shi He was vaguely touched when he heard Yu Li's words, "It's hard to persuade a damn ghost with good words."

For fifty or sixty years, historians have always regarded the Yu family as a feud.

Shi He spent the first half of his life under the halo of Yu Ji and Yu Zheng, the father and son.

Shi He, who kept in mind the creed of "know yourself and the enemy, and fight a hundred battles without danger", studied the Yu family frequently.

He found that the Yu family was the most "hypocritical" and put on a disgusting face of "loving soldiers as sons" every day.

It seemed that they were the good generals who really cared about their soldiers, while Shi He was the shameless warlord who drank the blood of his soldiers.

Hum, kindness does not raise troops. The Yu family has been leading troops in the northwest for hundreds of years. If they were really kind-hearted and soft-hearted, they would have been overthrown long ago.

Where is the glory of the third generation of generals?

They are all the same cruel and vicious people, so why should they be pretentious?

Shi He often cursed secretly.

However, scolding was scolding, and Shi He had to admit that the Yu family's "face-saving skills" were really good.

At least on the surface, they do cherish their soldiers and look righteous.

As for Yu Jiulang just now, "his" words were exactly the same as those of Yu Ji and Yu Zheng.

While Shi He was in a trance and feeling guilty, he actually somewhat believed——

Yu Li really cherishes those three thousand soldiers!

"He" shouldn't be talking nonsense just to scold him Shi He!

Flash floods may really break out! !

Shi He already believed He Tiantian's words, but his face did not allow him to follow the "advice" of a junior.

Especially since this brat's surname is "Yu", it's even more impossible for him to give in.

However, the three thousand soldiers and horses were the soldiers he had just carefully selected from the Sixteenth Guards, and they were his confidence in the northwest.

If these people were killed in the flash flood, even if Shi He escaped the natural disaster, he would not be able to escape the accountability of the court.

Well, to take a step back, even if the saint doesn't care, he will not generously let him choose his troops.

Without enough and advantageous manpower, how could he go to the northwest to be his deputy general manager, and how could he compete with the Yu family for territory? !

Therefore, Shi He fainted just now, not only because of anger, but also because of inner entanglements and conflicts.

And Jia San's words gave Shi He a step up.

"...You are right! The Yu family is indeed unlucky!"

There was no emotion or anger on Shi He's face, and he snorted coldly, "Even the ridiculous things about the real and fake heir apparent have come out. The Yu family is completely finished."

But other historians are different. It is a good time for the momentum to rise.

He, he must not let the Yu family ruin the Shi family's luck.

Shi He refused to admit it, and felt a little scared in his heart——

This little beast Yu Jiulang is too evil.

Ever since I met "him", I haven't been a good person.

Broken arm, struck by lightning... if there is also a flash flood.

Shi He didn't dare to think about it anymore.

"Come here, give me the order, choose the camp again!"

Shi He made a decision and shouted at the top of his lungs.

The soldiers outside had actually heard the rumors of "flash floods".

Some people disagreed, some thought it was alarmist, and some were secretly worried.

Then, they actually received a notice to change the campsite, and everyone complained again——

It's late at night, it's still raining heavily, but you have to break camp and set up camp again. This, isn't it a torment?

However, the military order is like a mountain!

When there is an order from above, even if a knife comes from the sky, the soldiers can only obey it obediently.

After struggling for most of the night, the three thousand troops finally settled temporarily on a higher slope.

However, before these exhausted soldiers could take a break, they felt some vibrations on the hillside beneath them.

There was a faint rumbling sound in the distant mountains.

Immediately afterwards, someone exclaimed, "Flash flood! Flash flood is coming!"

Everyone, including Shi He, stood on the hillside with great vigilance, watching a raging yellow flood carrying rocks and broken trees rushing out of the mountain.

The flash flood almost wiped away the hillside.

People standing outside were even sprayed in the face by the splashing water.

"There's really a flash flood!"

Everyone was stunned. They saw with their own eyes that the flash flood directly submerged the camp where they were stationed just now.

If they had not left in time, then at this moment, they would be washed away by the flood like those rolling rocks and tumbling broken trees.

"Yu Jiulang, amazing!"

"Oh, he is worthy of being the son of the Yu family. He really knows things well!"

"...I heard that our hussar general still doesn't believe it. If he didn't dislike the Yu family for being unlucky and didn't want to be too close to the Yu family, the general wouldn't change places!"

"The Yu family really lives up to its reputation——"

It was obviously Shi He who ordered the camp change, but ordinary soldiers remembered the name "Yu Li".

Of course, Shi He didn't know it, because the people around him were desperately advocating that it was his contribution.

Shi He felt a mixture of fear and joy, and his heart trembled along with the hillside.

His face was still calm and calm, as if everything was within his expectation and control.

However, early the next morning, Shi He sent an order: "Break camp! Get on your way!"

As for traveling with the Yu family and trying every possible means to grind the Yu family to death, Shi He couldn't care less.

"The Yu family is so unlucky! If I go with them, I won't ruin my good luck!"

Shi He said this, firstly, to cover up the lie he told when he changed camps last night, and secondly, it was also the truest thought in his heart.

The Yu family, especially that Yu Jiulang, who is too evil, should stay away from them first.

He wanted to arrive in the northwest ahead of the Yu family and gain a foothold as soon as possible.

Once he has completely mastered the northwest camp, it will not be too easy to deal with a group of exiled prisoners!

Alas, I thought wrongly. I really thought wrongly before.

While secretly regretting it, Shi He lay on the stretcher and repeatedly urged his guards to get on their way.

He Tiantian and other members of the Yu family stayed in the ruined temple all night, unaware of what happened at the foot of the mountain.

However, He Tiantian hoped that Shi He would listen to the advice.

Alas, three thousand lives after all.

With worry, He Tiantian fell into sleep.

I can't help it, the past day has been too stressful.

He Tiantian had also exhausted all the inner strength she had finally cultivated.

Without internal strength to protect his body, He Tiantian is just a thin child who has been malnourished for many years.

Although there are Dali Pills that cheat, if the body is too weak, the effectiveness of Dali Pills will be greatly reduced.

After walking for a day, the soles of He Tiantian's feet were covered with blisters.

Mrs. Hou helped to prick it open with a silver hairpin and applied medicine. Then He Tiantian leaned against Mrs. Hou and fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, the rain stopped and the sun peeked out from the thick clouds.

Seeing the sunshine, Captain Yuchi, the Yu family and others all felt better.

It'll be nice when the sun comes out, and we can continue on our way.

"I wonder what happened to old thief Shi He? Is he dead?"

Mrs. Hou tidied up her appearance and prayed secretly.

Yu Er, Yu Si: ...I hope Shi He can die, but the disaster will last for thousands of years.

A damned person like Shi He actually lives longer.

However, what my nephew said last night was conclusive. Will there really be a flash flood or something?

In fact, not only Yu Er and Yu Si were curious, but Captain Yuchi, who had been among the crowd watching the excitement all night, also wanted to know the result.

So, when they went down the mountain, they deliberately went around to the place where the Shi family's soldiers and horses were camped.

"This this--"

Everyone was dumbfounded and couldn't believe what they saw!

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