The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 938 The Exiled Villain (19)

Remember [new] in one second! The original camp has become a muddy swamp.

The small stream next to the camp has now turned into a huge river that continues to flow.

The turbid river water was filled with tree trunks, carcasses of wild boars and other wild animals, as well as some unknown broken items.

The river does not seem to be so fast anymore, but just looking at the widened river surface and the mess on the hillsides on both sides, one can guess what kind of thrilling disaster happened here last night.

"No way! Is old thief Shi He really dead?"

When Mrs. Hou saw this scene, she couldn't help but murmur to herself.

She was very happy that her enemy was dead.

But Mrs. Hou did not forget that Shi He also led three thousand troops.

Those government soldiers were all just transferred from the Sixteenth Guards.

They are not even considered to be armed by the historians, but more of the sons of good families with an innocent background.

The Yu family has military generals for generations. Although Mrs. Hou is only a woman and a child, she has also been influenced by the Yu family's "loving soldiers as sons".

Mrs. Qihou is a daughter of the royal family, and everyone in the world is surnamed Yang.

The soldiers and horses of the Sixteenth Guards also belong to the Yang family.

"Oh, they were all my good sons and daughters. Could it be that they died so innocently and in vain?"

Shi He, an old man, deserved death for his crime, but those soldiers were really pitiful.

Mrs. Hou couldn't help but feel unbearable for hating Shi He's wife like this, not to mention the generals such as Captain Yuchi and Yu Er.

"No! They're fine!"

He Tiantian looked around and said firmly, "They should have changed their campsite and escaped the flash flood!"

"Kuroro, why do you say that? Is there any evidence?"

Hearing this, Yu Er turned to look at He Tiantian and asked seriously.

He Tiandian nodded, "Yes!"

She turned around and pointed to the hillside not far away, "Second uncle, look, there are some traces there, it seems that a barracks has just been set up."

Yu Er, Yu Si, Yu Chi and other generals all followed He Tiantian's fingers and looked over.

"Huh? It seems like there really is!"

"Yes! I also saw a few dark stove holes.


"Did Shi He listen to Jiulang's persuasion and change camps overnight?"

"...That's not right. Why did I only see some discarded items, but no people or horses? Didn't that old guy Shi He claim to go with our Yu family?"

Several people were talking about it.

I don't know who said this, and everyone was stunned.

Yes, since the camp was not destroyed by the flash flood, why was Shi He, who wanted to kill the Yu family, missing?

"Haha, old thief Shi He was of course scared away by my son!"

Mrs. Hou was the first to laugh out loud, "My Jiulang is smart and capable, he can read faces, and he can predict flash floods!"

"Hahaha, old thief Shi He didn't believe in evil at first, but what happened? His arm was broken and struck by lightning. If he hadn't reacted quickly in the end and changed camps in time, he and the three thousand soldiers and horses would have been washed away by the flood! "

Mrs. Hou proudly clapped her fingers and counted He Tiantian's "accomplishments" one by one.

"My Jiulang, he can tell the truth in everything. He is so scared that old thief Shi He never dares to provoke our Yu family again!"

"Hmph, I guess he is smart and can run fast! If not, he may not even be destined to take up his post in the northwest!"


Well, Mrs. Hou's words certainly meant to show off and vent her anger, but they also made some sense.

Shi He must have been frightened by Yu Jiulang's "divine prophecies" again and again.

Even if he wasn't scared out of his wits, he probably still had a shadow in his heart.

In fact, even if Shi He is courageous and does not believe in evil, his close friends should also be murmuring, fearing that there will be some underworld retribution.

Yu Er and Yu Si judge others by themselves and can understand the thoughts of those people.

It is said that generals do not believe in ghosts, gods, or retribution, but when leading troops in battle, they have to believe in luck.

Some generals have no problem with their martial arts, strategy, and character, but they can't win the battle at all.

Either you can't find the lost road, or you can't find the main force of the enemy army.

Once or twice is an accident, but if it occurs too often, people will inevitably think of "luck".

As for Shi He, there were so many "accidents" on the first day of "walking" with the Yu family, how could we not make people think too much.

That's it for the first two times. Shi He was the only one injured.

But flash floods or something like that would affect almost three thousand people.

Those personal guards and soldiers will definitely have fears in their hearts, and they may even be angry.

If Shi He wants to stabilize the morale of the army, he cannot have his own way.

"Although this old thief is a shameless villain, he is not stupid!"

Yu Er figured out these joints and sighed softly.

Not only is Shi He not stupid, he is also able to bend and stretch.

Back in the northwest, he clearly hated the Yu family and was jealous of Yu Zheng, but he could still keep himself humble.

Otherwise, Yu Ji would not have sent him to help the border town, which would have caused a catastrophe.

"He is just a poisonous snake. He usually hides in the dark, but the key is that he can bite people!"

Yu's surroundings were as sinking as water and he said coldly.

"Oh, no matter what, this poisonous snake was scared away by Zan Jiulang. Haha, he can't cause any more trouble for us on the way forward!"

Yu Sancai doesn't think too much, he is just happy——

Without Shi He as a troublemaker, they should not suffer any more in their future exile!

Yu Er, Yu Si and others: ...that makes sense. But, in front of Captain Yuchi, let’s just say that, okay?

Holding the golden pancake in his hand, Colonel Yuchi said: It doesn't matter! As long as the money is in place, you can do whatever you want!

To put it bluntly, they discussed how to "cheat" on the way to exile in front of him, that is, to directly hire a carriage and let the secret guards jump out to protect them publicly, while Colonel Yuchi turned a blind eye.

Therefore, after experiencing the first day of hard work, the Yu family lived quite comfortably on the second day.

As soon as we came down from the mountain and arrived at the official road, an "old friend" of the Yu family who was "passing by" brought carriages, food and other supplies.

Mrs. Hou, the Second Madam and other female relatives got into the carriage with their young children.

Yu Er and others were not further shackled, but walked slowly on both sides of the carriage.

If there weren't enough carriages, Yu Er and others wouldn't have to do this.

However, an "old friend" said that there would be a small town just a few dozen miles away.

Once in town, you can purchase horse-drawn carriages, bullock carts, and various supplies.

"Kuroro, come up and have a rest too!"

After sitting in the carriage, Madam Hou finally regained the composure of a noble lady.

She reached out a hand from the car window and shook it gently at He Tiantian.

But He Tiantian shook her head, "No need, Aniang! I'll be with my second uncle and fourth uncle!"

In just one day, He Tiantian won the acceptance and respect of Yu's second-class male member of the Yu family with her miraculous performance.

He Tiantian even suspected that those Yu family members hiding in the dark should have noticed her performance and taken it to heart.

Perhaps, they still couldn't believe that she was the real son of the Yu family.

However, He Tiantian's outstanding performance has impressed them and made them start to face themselves as the heir of the Yu family.

What He Tiantian has to do now is to continue to consolidate this "advantage."

She insisted on following Yu Er, not only to share the joys and sorrows, but also to get more information about the Yu family from Yu Er.

Of course, Yu Er would not be such a big talker, and he would definitely not tell He Tiantian the secrets of the Yu family easily.

However, when people talk, even if they deliberately hide it, some clues can always be revealed when talking about trivial family or unimportant things.

What He Tiantian has to do is not to let go of any clues, and then peel off the cocoons to get the information she wants.

Information aside, the situation in the northwest that was learned from Yu Er was also information that He Tiantian urgently needed.

He Tiantian has traveled many times and has also been in contact with the northwest.

In addition, she also saw some "common sense" on the Internet about infrastructure construction in the northwest.

However, this kind of information is ultimately not as direct and profound as those who have personally lived and operated in the Northwest.

He Tiantian lacks these, but Yu Er and other natives who fought in the northwest know very well.

" the northwest, the ground is full of yellow sand. Because it is saline-alkali land, crops cannot be grown in many places."

"The border town we are going to is the northernmost side of the northwest, directly facing Beirong."

"The border town has just experienced a war, its vitality has been severely damaged, and its walls are in dilapidated condition."

"Haha, fortunately our journey will take a lot of time. Otherwise, after arriving at the border town, the first thing we exiled prisoners would do is to repair the city wall."

When Yu Er said the last two sentences, his tone was full of bitterness.

Two months ago, he was still the lieutenant general who was inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people in the Northwest Camp.

In the battle at the border town, his elder brother died, and he and his fourth brother were escorted back to Beijing.

As soon as they arrived in the capital, the Yu family was confiscated and their titles were confiscated, and they were exiled back to the northwest.

It seemed that they were back at base camp.

But, essentially, their identities have been subverted.

Even if the northwest camp is the territory of the Yu family, most of the generals, big and small, are former members of the Yu family.

Some are even part of the Yu family.

However, the human heart is the most complex and cannot withstand the test of interests.

The Yu family returned to the northwest as exiled prisoners. If they wanted to regain the military power in the northwest, they had to compete with the military generals for their interests.

Now there is another Shi He who already has a grudge against the Yu family——

Yu Er thought with his toes and knew that even if he returned to the northwest, what greeted the Yu family would not be a welcome, but a cruel and fierce open and secret struggle.

[The saint is ‘wise’! ] Yu Er sighed in his heart.

He Tiantian sighed almost at the same time as him, "The saint is wise!"

The foundation of the Yu family in the northwest is too deep, and the words "Yu family army" are like sharp thorns piercing the saint's heart.

If it were any emperor, he would probably try his best to take back military power.

After finally catching Yu Ji who was greedy for power and rushed into the city and died in the city, the saint punished the Yu family quickly.

However, if we change the general to take over the northwest, can we guarantee that there will not be a second Yu family army?

As an emperor, what he likes most is decentralization and checks and balances.

This is true in the court, and it is also true in the military camp.

Therefore, the sage wanted to divide the Yu family army and prevent a certain general from becoming dominant.

The purpose of returning Yu Er and Yu Si to the northwest was to divide military power.

The same goes for sending Shi He, the troublemaker, to the northwest.

But on the surface, it seems that the saint is kind and can still save a way for the Yu family who made a big mistake.

In fact, he wanted to eliminate the so-called "Yu Family Army".

Although Yu Er is not as mature and calm as his elder brother Yu Ji, after all, he has been a deputy general for more than ten years, and he has the mentality and calculations he should have.

But Yu Er still didn't expect that his cheap nephew who was only ten years old could actually say the words of "sage and wisdom".

Yu Er lowered his head and looked at He Tiantian intently.

He Tiantian didn't say anything anymore, just winked at Yu Er mischievously.

It was as if the sigh she just said didn't exist at all.

He Tiantian did not continue to show her political sensitivity, but Yu Er once again raised the importance of "Yu Li" in his heart.

With natural supernatural power, tenacity, and a suspected martial arts master, coupled with a keen mind and a sense of the overall situation, Yu Li is simply the most perfect heir to the Yu family.

The balance in Yu Er's heart tilted towards He Tiantian again.

And then, He Tiantian's stunning performance will continue to make Yu Er "biased" step by step.

With the carriage, the group of people traveled much faster.

In the afternoon, everyone arrived in the town.

The town is located at the intersection of two official roads, so the town is not big, but it is still prosperous.

Merchants traveling from south to north, tourists returning from east to west, cars and cars coming and going in an endless stream.

He Tiantian was surprised to find that among the many merchants, there were actually a few Hu merchants.

Hu Shang is good, Hu Shang has a lot of good things in his hands.

Even if the Hu merchant she met didn't have any good goods, He Tiantian could still have an excuse to smuggle some supplies out of the space.

"Auntie, I want to go shopping!"

He Tiantian took a look at the Hu businessman, walked a few steps quickly to the carriage, and whispered to Mrs. Hou.

"Okay, go ahead!"

Mrs. Hou felt that Yu Er, Yu Si and others valued her Jiulang.

She also valued her son more.

She no longer regarded He Tiantian as a child, and did not ask or interfere too much.

If your child wants to buy something, let "him" buy it!

She believed that Jiulang was not a naughty person, and there must be a reason for what he wanted to buy.

So what if he is naughty? Kuro is only ten years old, so he is still a half-grown child.

Mrs. Hou took out a few gold leaves from the bag and gave them to He Tiantian, "Go ahead and buy whatever you want!"

"Thank you, grandma!"

He Tiantian smiled with crooked eyebrows and sweetly thanked her.

Taking the gold leaf, He Tiantian rushed to Hu Shang and began to inquire about the products.

"Seeds? Well, I do have some seeds brought from the west, but I don't know if Mr. Lang likes them!"

Hu Shang saw that although He Tiantian looked a little embarrassed, his features were full of confidence.

His speech and demeanor exuded the demeanor of a noble person.

Hu Shang did not dare to wait any longer and greeted him warmly.

He Tiantian checked the seeds that Hu Shang took out one by one. Hey, don't tell her, she really found the treasure——

Cotton seeds!

And sea buckthorn seeds!

These two are the biggest killers of northwest infrastructure.

He Tiantian was so happy that she bought two kinds of seeds after some bargaining.

In addition, He Tiantian also picked and bought some other seeds, which only made Hu Shang beam with joy.

Yu Er looked thoughtfully...

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