The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Four hundred and ninetieth chapters palace fighting is not as good as rebellion (34)

In the first day of the first day of the first day, all the forces were ready to move.

It's today!

Liang Wang Zhao Yao and Han Wang Zhao Shuo, on the surface, they are connected together to incite the Zhao clan.

Secretly, they each had their own tricks, and they all felt that they had a better chance—

One of them is the emperor's uncle, and the other is the emperor's brother.

Pull the emperor down, and they all have the potential to become the next successor.

Wang Yuan and other aristocratic family officials seem to be less active than the clan, but they are not less active.

They all saw Emperor Yongcheng's rejection and suppression of the aristocratic family.

Needless to say, this little emperor has already stood on the opposite side of the aristocratic family.

Before his wings were hardened, he began to think of ways to weaken the family.

If he waited for his wings, wouldn't these noble families be slaughtered by the little emperor?

In addition, Wang Yuan and other bigwigs were also fed up with Emperor Yongcheng's stupidity and willfulness.

In fact, as a courtier, if he encounters a fool or a fool, he is not unacceptable.

After all, the more stupid and dazed the emperor is, the easier it is to be manipulated, and their family has more room for manipulation.

Emperor Yongcheng is different, he is not simply stupid, he is also smart and self-righteous.

This kind of stupid and self-willed, is to kill yourself.

His words and deeds were completely irregular.

Aristocratic family, oh no, it is not very difficult for the courtiers to try to figure out the holy will and predict the emperor's prediction.

Just like the "mystery of life experience" this time, no matter how good Wang Yuan, Feng Shou and others are at strategy and calculation, they would never have thought that Emperor Yongcheng would have such a showy operation!

"As expected of a 'Saint'! It's really hard for mortals like you and me to spy on his thoughts!"

In private, Wang Yuan was full of sarcasm and sighed to his confidants and scumbags.

The emperor at that time was not very shameless. In order to show his sage, he liked to have his courtiers honor him as a "saint".

And this saint is not another saint. It does not mean that the emperor is really a saint like Confucius and Mencius.

It's just a slap in the face of the emperor by the courtiers.

Wang Yuan seldom calls the emperor a saint, but suddenly saying so at this time is enough to show his "amazing" at Emperor Yongcheng's miraculous brain circuit!

Such a "wonderful" emperor sitting on the dragon chair is not a good thing for the court officials or the people of the dawn.

It has been less than a year since he was in power, and he has already stirred up the imperial court. A good Nanzhou has also been turned upside down by him, and the people's grievances are boiling.

If things go on like this, and Emperor Yongcheng is allowed to continue to make troubles, the country in this great abyss will really be over!

Although the aristocratic family doesn't mind changing dynasties, if it can develop peacefully, who wants to live in war and turmoil all day long?

Although King Liang and King Han are not good, but no matter how bad they are, they won't be more dizzy than Emperor Yongcheng, right?

Furthermore, the Supreme Empress Dowager had already returned from Daming Palace.

She must have made up her mind.

King Liang and King Han, who are already grown up royal clansmen, are basically not considered by Empress Dowager He.

They should adopt their children and grandchildren and support a little emperor.

Before the little emperor grows up and can govern himself, the court will be jointly controlled by the empress dowager, auxiliary ministers, and political affairs hall.

... In this way, it can be considered a delicate balance, and the Great Yuan Dynasty will not fall into turmoil.


Empress Dowager He and Prince Liang's mother and son have deep grievances, and should not easily choose the son of Prince Liang's mansion.

And King Han is very ambitious. Once he is made the "Supreme Emperor", he will definitely use his status to stir up the storm.

Alas, the Zhao clan is still thin, and it is so difficult to choose a small emperor who is satisfied by all parties.

Emperor Yongcheng: How about your courtesy? I'm still sitting on the dragon chair, and you're starting to think about who will be the next emperor? !

In fact, more than just a family that is good at manipulating the court and used to abolishing the emperor will plan ahead, even the martial arts have their own concerns.

On the surface, they were all vulgar warriors with no calculations. Their allegiance is only to the emperor.

But in fact, after more than ten years of development, they also have their own families and their own interests.

And in some ways, their interests, and their allegiance, do not seem to conflict.

They are very similar to a certain idea of ​​Feng Shou——

They were indeed loyal to the late emperor, and they all swore in front of the late emperor to protect the Zhao family.

However, the late emperor was not only a son of Emperor Yongcheng.

Dismounting Zhao Gui and pushing Zhao Yao to the throne was not a breach of his oath with the late emperor.

As for the natal families of the Queen, Concubine Shu, Concubine Xian, Concubine De and others, it stands to reason that they should stand on the side of Emperor Yongcheng for the sake of their daughters.

After all, if Emperor Yongcheng is still the emperor, these families are "foreign relatives".

Once Emperor Yongcheng is deposed, they will naturally have no relationship with the royal family, and their daughters will be imprisoned and buried with the deposed emperor.

They can't say that they give up the interests of the entire family for one daughter, but they can't just watch their daughter wither at a young age.

Therefore, their best course of action is to neither support nor oppose it, just go with the flow and wait for the changes.

However, this is not the case.

They actually wanted to kick Zhao Gui off the dragon chair more than the other martial artists.

Not for anything else, but for his own daughter.

Yes, they are indeed a poor family, not as noble as aristocratic families.

But their daughters, all grew up with gold and jade, and are also famous and noble women in Beijing.

After entering the palace, he should have continued to enjoy the honor.

Even without the love of an emperor, there should be the respect of a "husband" and the dignity of a noble.

As a result, a good lord and noble lady was trampled under the feet by a guest girl and a cheap servant.

Emperor Yongcheng turned his face ruthlessly, and at every turn, "Zhong Wuyan has nothing to do, Xia Yingchun has nothing to do".

After using a few great martial arts, he gave a few small faces to the queen and concubines.

After using it, he didn't need help for the time being, so he continued to ignore the queen and others, and instead praised and favored the little bitch of the Zheng family!

What does Emperor Yongcheng take their daughter for? What do you think of them? !

Such humiliation is really unbearable.

Not to mention, their daughters have already passed the news to them, saying that the Queen Mother's side-

Cough, I can't say it yet, keep it secret!

Therefore, it should be the emperor's alliance, and the martial heroes who should stand on the side of Emperor Yongcheng are unmoved on the surface, and they have already made up their minds secretly.

As for the other courtiers, it is not their turn to intervene in such major events as the abolition of the emperor.

They, at most, are the background boards on the court hall, the melon eaters hiding in the corners.

Just waiting for the opening of the big play, they can watch silently.

Up and down the court, civil and military officials, really have different thoughts and plans.

And Emperor Yongcheng, who was sitting high on the dragon chair, actually turned away from the panic and helplessness of the previous two days, and his childish face showed a little smugness, as if everything was under his control.

Feng Shou, who pretended to be sick: ... I just couldn't see it.

It's so stupid, you don't even know it when you're about to die, and it's really not wrong to be tricked to death by someone!

No, here we come!

As soon as the great court meeting began, King Liang's horse boy jumped out.

This is a censor, who has always been known for spraying people, oh no, persuading people.

His face was full of justice and his eyes were full of anger, and he aimed directly at the emperor Zhao Gui——

"...The faint-hearted lord Zhao Gui, who ignored the rules of etiquette after being in power, acted recklessly, favored traitors... The government was unstable, and people's grievances were boiling... There were frequent wars in the southern border, and countless Dawn people were poisoned!"

"For the sake of Dayuan's rivers and mountains, and for the sake of thousands of Li people, this minister proposes to depose the faint-hearted lord Zhao Gui and establish another Ming lord!"

This location is impassioned and eloquent. In his mouth, Zhao Gui seems to have become a tyrannical tyrant who brings disaster to the country and the people.

If he is not deposed, the Zhao family will be completely ruined, and the Great Yuan Dynasty will be plunged into turmoil.

The censor opened his mouth, and then people from all camps jumped out to "second".

They began to count all kinds of delusional actions of Emperor Yongcheng after he came to power, from doting on the traitorous concubine, promoting the wet nurse, favoring the traitorous villain, and rashly reforming, one by one, scolded Emperor Yongcheng to the fullest.

Rao Shi Yongcheng had already anticipated this scene, and when he heard those officials, they jumped out and pointed at his nose and cursed.

In addition to his anger, he also had a trace of suspicion—could it be that I was really so unbearable?

Do not!

I am right!

I dote on the imperial concubine and canonize the wet nurse because I attach great importance to friendship and righteousness.

My determination to reform and suppress the family is to inherit the last wishes of the late emperor, and it is for the sake of the Jiangshan community in Dayuan.

I, that's right!

Maybe Mengqin was a little ill-considered, but his intentions were good.

And Meng Qin himself is not wrong, that is, he acted a little aggressively, which caused the disaster.

Those people, who couldn't see Meng Qin's achievements, only denounced his mistakes. Is it unfair? !

Emperor Yongcheng pursed his lips, his heart was full of dissatisfaction, and he felt a deep sense of offended shame.


One by one, you are either the confidants of King Liang and King Han, or the lackeys of the aristocratic family, all of them are rebels and thieves... I have all written down.

"The Empress Dowager, Wang Zhongshuling, Feng Zhongshuling, and King Han, all of you have been entrusted with important responsibilities by the late emperor, and you definitely don't want to see the mountains and rivers that the late emperor worked so hard to bury in the hands of the faint, and please depose Zhao Gui!"

"Dethrone Zhao Gui and establish another Mingjun!"

"Dethrone Zhao Gui!!"

I don't know when, a tsunami-like cry rang out from the hall.

Obviously there are only a few dozen people, but they made a terrifying momentum.

Even Emperor Yongcheng, who thought he had a backer and had nothing to worry about, couldn't help but turn pale and his heart beat like a drum when he saw this battle!


With this terrifying sound, the shouting officials all knelt down and took out the appearance of "death remonstrance".

It seems that if the big bosses don't agree, they will splatter blood in the court and kill them on the spot!

And they were talking about the names of Empress Dowager He, Wang Yuan, Feng Shou and others, but their eyes finally focused on He Tiantian.

Because everyone knows that this woman is the key to the abolition of the emperor.

If she agrees, things will go smoothly.

If she objects, the abolition of the emperor or something may be just a farce, and there will be more grinding in the future.

Not only these courtiers, but also Emperor Yongcheng, lost that certainty at this moment, and began to look at He Tiantian uneasily.

Mother, she is really mad at me, but she should be able to tell the difference.

If I abolish me, do I want to let King Liang, the son of the enemy, take the throne?

Or adopt the descendants of King Han?

King Han is not easy to be with each other. When he was an assistant minister, he acted arbitrarily. He wished he could be a regent.

If his children and grandchildren become emperors, "Empress Dowager He" will sooner or later be put on hold!

My mother is a smart person and knows how to weigh the pros and cons. She should not do stupid things!

He Tiantian: ... Hehe, with your IQ, do you still want to teach my mother to be a human being?

The huge hall gradually quieted down, and everyone's eyes were focused on He Tiantian.

He Tiantian's face was sinking like water, and he couldn't see happiness or anger.

She glanced at the audience without showing an overly exaggerated expression, but with just one look, the courtiers felt the majesty of the Queen Regent.

Although "empress dowager He" seemed to be forced to retire to Daming Palace outside the city because of "borrowing a child" before.

But among the civil and military officials, no one underestimated the empress dowager.

No one foolishly took a joke like "You are not the emperor's biological mother" to make trouble and provocation in front of the Queen Mother.

Everyone knows very well that there are indeed examples in history of "mother and child are expensive", but the Queen Mother He is different.

She is powerful in her own right, and she is not an ordinary woman who relies on her appearance and belly.

The reason why Emperor Yongcheng became emperor was not because he was the son of the late emperor, but because he was born in the womb of Empress Dowager He.

If Emperor Yongcheng was really just a palace servant, he would have no advantage in identity.

And the Empress Dowager He, even without a son, is still the honorable Empress Dowager Regent.

Therefore, everyone would find it incredible: How stupid is Emperor Yongcheng to abandon his biggest backer and get a "gongsheng mother"? !

"Even so, then depose Zhao Gui!"

In the expectation of everyone, He Tiantian spoke slowly.


The courtiers were stunned!

Although many of them have witnessed the farce on the Holy Birthday, they know the so-called "mystery of life experience".

But people with brains know in their hearts that there is no such thing as childbirth.

Empress Dowager He is the mother of Emperor Yongcheng!

There is no overnight feud between mother and son. Even if they meet a son who is disobedient and unfilial, for a mother who is accustomed to sacrifice, forgiveness seems to have already become "nature".

Moreover, between Empress Dowager He and Emperor Yongcheng, in addition to blood, there are interests.

Everyone knows the grievances between Empress Dowager He and Concubine Xie Gui, and they are very sure that Empress Dowager He will never let Concubine Xie Gui's children and grandchildren sit on the throne.

And King Han's family is also troublesome.

From the perspective of Empress Dowager He, it would be best to continue to let his own son be the emperor.

Even if the son is a bit of a jerk, he is his own.

But everyone really never expected that the Queen Mother He would agree to depose Zhao Gui so easily.

Emperor Yongcheng's eyes widened in shock, and he blurted out, "Mother, do you want King Liang to be the emperor?"

King Liang's excited eyes were all red, and the whole person was extremely excited.

No, no, he, is he really going to be the emperor?

Well, for the sake of Mr. He's interest, when he becomes the emperor, he will leave Mrs. He the title of Empress Dowager and let her continue to live in the Daming Palace!

He Tiantian:  …

Sure enough, it was the "good genes" of the late emperor. Neither of the two sons had a clear mind!

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