The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter four hundred and ninety-eight palace fighting is not as good as rebellion (End)

He Tiantian didn't seem to hear Emperor Yongcheng's accusation, and didn't seem to see the ridiculous appearance of King Liang being so excited that he was about to faint.

She suddenly changed the subject, "Speaking of which, Aijia has something to tell everyone!"

Wang Yuan, Feng Shou and other old foxes raised their eyelids one after another, they knew that "play meat" was coming!

Other officials were puzzled.

Isn't it time to discuss the big event of "abolishing the emperor", why did Empress Dowager He suddenly interspersed with other things?

Could it be that what the Empress Dowager He wants to say has something to do with the dethronement of Zhao Gui?

In the eyes of everyone's doubts, He Tiantian continued, "Everyone should know that the Aijia is not the original match of the late emperor!"

"Thirty years ago, before the late emperor raised his army, he once married a wife and had several concubines..."


In the court, some elders of the two dynasties, especially the old ministers and nobles who followed the late emperor, were all awakened by the words of the Queen Mother He.

Wang Yuan squinted his eyes, he thought!

Okay, what a great Queen He!

He knew that the Empress Dowager He would never be dominated or coerced by others.

Even if that person is her own flesh and blood.

Feng Shou pursed his lips.

As a small partner who rebelled with the late emperor, Feng Shou was not the first to follow the late emperor, but he was the one who knew the various situations of the late emperor best.

For example, his origin, his previous marriage and his wife and children who were separated in the war.

Yes, lost!

Although the late emperor declared to the outside world that his first wife and many children died in the war.

However, the fact is that the late emperor has no definite news.

Those relatives, at most, have no news.

At first, the late emperor ordered people to look around. Later, Feng Shou suggested that the late emperor marry the He family.

In order to ensure that he can marry the He family's daughter and successfully take over the soldiers and territory of the He family.

The late emperor no longer looked for his lost wife and children, but directly stated that they had all been killed by the rebels.

The late emperor became a widower, and he didn't have an oil bottle under his knees, so he successfully married the He family.

After the establishment of the new dynasty, the late emperor occasionally thought of his former wives, concubines and children, but he also secretly searched for them.

However, after so many years, the traces of those people are nowhere to be found.

The news of the marriage between the He family and the late emperor has long been known to the whole world.

Even if the late emperor's wife and children were alive, it is estimated that they would not dare to recognize their relatives easily.

Once relatives, are slowly forgotten.

It was never mentioned until the late emperor died.

Therefore, even an "old minister" like Feng Shou would not easily think of those people without He Tiantian's reminder.

"Before the late emperor passed away, recalling the past, he once mentioned that he was ashamed of his first wife and many children!"

"Ai's family and the late emperor's husband and wife are one, and naturally they have to make up for the shortcomings of the late emperor!"

"Over the years, Ai's family has been ordering people to look around. The sky is not worth the painstaking efforts. After all these years of investigation, the Ai's family has finally found the blood of the late emperor in the people!"

He Tiantian pretended to be nostalgic and squeezed out a few tears when she mentioned the late emperor.

She took a handkerchief and pressed the corner of her eyes, then raised the volume and shouted, "Someone, call Qing'er!"

Speaking of "Qing'er", He Tiantian also specifically explained, "This child is the eldest son of the eldest son of the late emperor. He is six years old this year, and the Aijia named him Zhao Qing."

The direct descendant of the original spouse is simply the most orthodox and legitimate heir.

A bright light flashed in Wang Yuan's eyes.

Feng Shou couldn't help but secretly admire.

As for King Liang, King Han, and Emperor Yongcheng on the dragon chair, they were already dumbfounded.

And some of the Zhao clansmen and the group of warriors who were extremely loyal to the late emperor were all looking forward to it.

"My God, this kid looks exactly like a cat!"

Tao Yong shouted excitedly after seeing Zhao Qing.

He was one of the late emperor's most trusted veterans. Not only did he know that the late emperor did have an original match, but he also met the woman who came from an ordinary official family, and her two sons and one daughter.

The cat is the baby name of the original eldest son.

"That's right. I've also met Dalang, who was only five or six years old at the time!"

Anguogong, Dingguogong, and several other military heroes hula-la around and stared at Zhao Qing desperately.

They were yelling, they were excited.

It seems that they have never forgotten the lost wife and children of the late emperor;

And Dalang or something has always existed in the depths of their memories very vividly.

Even Feng Shou was stunned for a moment when he saw Zhao Qing.

He didn't think Zhao Qing looked like a cat, but found that the boy's eyebrows and eyes were very similar to the late emperor.

This child has the unique red phoenix eyes of the Zhao family. The eyes are slender and the ends of the eyes are pointed upwards, which is particularly flavorful.

Moreover, according to Empress Dowager He's meticulous actions, since she pushed Zhao Qing to the front of the stage, she was well prepared.

"Identity", there must be no flaws.

Perhaps, the Zhao Qing in front of him is very likely to be the bloodline of the late emperor.

However, it is not certain whether it is the direct descendant of the direct descendant.

Feng Shou looked at Zhao Qing, and then looked at Zhao Gui and Zhao Yao, who were already dumbfounded.

He closed his eyes hard, that's all, anyway, the emperor of Dayuan was still a "surnamed Zhao", and he did not violate the covenant with the previous emperor.

And this old man really doesn't have a few years to live.

I just ask Mrs. He to wait for a few more years, and when he closes his eyes, whether she will continue to serve in the court or establish a new king, just, don't care about his Feng Shou!

Feng Shou gave up completely.

The aristocratic family represented by Wang Yuan is also very satisfied with having a young emperor.

The clan and the warriors, they seem to be very happy with the Empress Dowager He to be able to find the blood of the late emperor that was scattered among the people.

Other courtiers: ... wow, so many melons!

The only ones who are unhappy are King Liang and King Han who "make wedding dresses for others"!

The thief, I knew that the He family had such preparations, why did they jump up and down to engage in series before?

They tried their best to oust Zhao Gui from the throne. As a result, they didn't get the slightest benefit, but they watched Empress Dowager He easily put the eldest grandson of his original wife on the dragon chair.

It's ridiculous that King Liang was still dreaming just now, thinking that the Queen Mother had lost to their mother and son.

Of course, the most lost and unbelievable person was Emperor Yongcheng.

He didn't wake up until he was dragged off the dragon chair, took off his dragon robe, and was locked in the side hall.

"My mother really doesn't want me anymore?"

"She, she would rather let a wild child from nowhere be the emperor than let me do it?"

"There are also Tao Yong and a few people. Not only did they not help me, but they also helped that little wild species? Don't they worry about their daughters?"

Imprisoned in the side hall, guarded at the entrance, Emperor Yongcheng became a deposed emperor and a prisoner.

He finally reacted and realized his situation. He spun around frantically and kept talking.

"...The Queen Mother has already established Zhao Qing as the emperor, and the era name is Pingkang."

"The He family thinks that the Empress Dowager will call her old, and change the Empress Dowager to the Queen Mother, and the Queen Mother He has become the Empress He!"

"The deposed emperor Zhao Gui is named Shun Wang, and he will move to Daming Palace soon! He Tianhou is merciful, pity the deposed emperor's empress Tao, concubine Han and other young and innocent, and allows them to return home and remarry..."

A piece of news, through the mouth of the guard, passed into the ears of Emperor Yongcheng.

"Haha! Hahaha! So it turns out that she has already negotiated terms with Tao, Han and other families!"

Therefore, Tao Yong and others did not stop everyone from deposing Emperor Yongcheng, but secretly helped - without the certification of these old officials, Zhao Qing could not sit in that chair at all.

"Tianhou? What Tianhou?"

Compared with Emperor Yongcheng's madness, Zheng Nian'er, who was sent by He Tiantian to accompany Emperor Yongcheng, has grasped the key points keenly.

As a transmigration woman in later generations, she knows too well the only female emperor in history.

Before the Wu family became emperor, he made a lot of foreshadowing.

And her title changes frequently, and the queen is one of them!

"She wants to be the empress! She, she—" How dare?

Also a woman, Zheng Nian'er prides herself on being independent and strong even if she has a modern soul.

But after she came to this ancient times, she was bound to the palace fighting system, and she just wanted to fight with women and become the so-called palace fighting champion.

On the other hand, the Queen Mother He, oh no, now I want to call He Tianhou, she is just an aborigines and never thought about any palace fights.

People first killed the late emperor directly, and solved the problem of women's fighting directly from the root.

Later, he found that his son was too unreliable, so he simply prepared himself to be the emperor.

The key is that people are smart enough to know how to add fuel to the fire and follow the trend.

She is even better than the Wu family. She did not steal the throne from her own son, but "had" to achieve the road to the queen.

Just when Emperor Yongcheng seemed to have fallen into madness, and Zheng Nian'er was in shock and admiration, He Tiantian, who had made arrangements in the previous dynasty, quietly came to the side hall.

"Mother, you are so cruel!"

"I was wrong, mother, I knew it was wrong!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu would uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu) uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu) “I don’t want to be locked in the Daming Palace all my life”

Emperor Yongcheng threw himself at He Tiantian's feet, crying like a child.

"I'll give you two choices. First, take Zheng Nian'er and Hu's family to Daming Palace, and be your King Shun. I'll keep you safe and sound for the rest of your life."

"Secondly, when King Shun died of illness, Zhao Gui, a commoner, left Dayuan with 3,000 men and horses, no matter if he went to the southern border, the northern land, the western region, or the endless sea in the east, anywhere, as long as it was in the Dayuan Dynasty. Zhao Gui can stay at will outside of the territory of !"

"The late emperor could build the Zhao family in troubled times. You claim to be the best heir of the late emperor, and you should have the courage to open up the world and create your own business!"

He Tiantian looked down at Emperor Yongcheng and said lightly, "Two choices, you choose!"

He was Shun Wang, who was banned as a prisoner. He did not worry about eating and drinking, and he lived a peaceful life;

Or go out with troops and horses to overcome obstacles and build a foundation, and work hard and dangerous, but can achieve a career and become a "founding king"?

Two choices, one problem, Emperor Yongcheng stopped crying, slowly wiped away his tears, and thought to himself.

"I'll give you three days to think about it!"

After He Tiantian finished speaking, she glanced at Zheng Nian'er again.

Oh no, to be exact, He Tiantian was using his divine sense to check the wild system.

Emperor Yongcheng was abolished, and the dragon energy on his body almost disappeared.

Without the supplement of energy, the wild system is at its weakest.

As for Zheng Nian'er, I don't know if he was hit by the abolition of Emperor Yongcheng, or was stimulated by He's attempt to become the queen, and there is a faint trend of "awakening".

Her divine soul is extremely repelling the Gongdou system!

Well, this is the time!

He Tiantian's divine consciousness turned into an invisible big hand, which directly penetrated into the depths of Zheng Nian'er's sea of ​​consciousness. She squeezed hard and caught Ye Tong.

Then, He Tiantian carefully peeled off, separating Zheng Nian'er's soul from the wild body.

In the end, He Tiantian quickly ran Little Master Uncle's Promise Jue, directly absorbing the black energy group.


He Tiantian hiccups contentedly.

Although the energy of the wild system is black, the taste is not too delicious, but the amount is enough.

He Tiantian felt that her consciousness had improved again.

On the other side, Zheng Nian'er suddenly felt relieved in the depths of her soul.

As if the shackles that bound her tightly disappeared, she finally obtained the "freedom" she wanted.

"System? System Dad?! The dog is better than the system!!"

Zheng Nian'er called carefully with her consciousness, and she called several times, but she didn't get a response.

She tried to sense the existence of the Gongdou system again, but as a result, nothing was found!

System disappeared?

Haha, this Dogecoin system, it's finally gone!

Woohoo, I will never be struck by lightning again, I, I will no longer have to be forced to fight in the palace and grab a rotten cucumber with a group of women!

Zheng Nian'er was about to cry with joy.

Three days later, Zhao Gui made a choice.

A month later, Zhao Gui, the deposed emperor who was named King Shun, died of illness. A few hundred miles away by the sea, a fleet of 3,000 soldiers and horses and sufficient supplies set sail and sailed to the wider sea.

"It's a pity Nian'er is ill and can't go with us!"

Zhao Gui looked at Da Yuan, who was gradually passing away, with nostalgia, and spoke with Hu Shi, who was vomiting a lot, with great reluctance.

Mrs Hu: ... The old lady also wanted to pretend to be sick, but the Queen Mother was too cruel, she insisted on forcing me to go to sea with Zhao Gui!

Woohoo, the people who do not do well in the dynasty, have to go overseas to be a barbaric, Hu only feels that his half of his life has become a joke.


Hu never knew that he was seasick.

She had just set off, and she started to vomit bile.

She couldn't believe that in the days to come, she would be at sea all the time, would she still have the life to go to a certain island to be the "Queen Mother"!

That dead girl Nian'er was so cunning, she actually pretended to be sick and stayed by herself.

I watched helplessly as my mother and brothers and sisters-in-law were escorted onto the ship by the Queen Mother He's people.

Woohoo, what about the good family?

What about sharing weal and woe?


Hu squatted weakly on the side of the ship, spitting at the swaying, deep sea.

Zhao Gui: ...Nursing mother, you, you are too disgusting!

Finally, without a strong mother, Zhao Gui and Hu became "relatives" who shared weal and woe, but he did not have the kind of motherly filter for this wet nurse.

After all, the Hu family is just a servant, an older servant.

But he hurt his mother's heart for such a person... Alas, he deserves to be abolished, he deserves to be exiled by his mother!

After so much, Zhao Gui finally grew up, and his mind became more and more mature.

It's just that the price of this growth is too great!

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