The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 499 I am a vicious nanny (1)

After ten years of Pingkang, the little emperor Zhao Qing turned fifteen years old, and he was the age to get married and govern himself.

The court, civil and military officials were very worried - they were afraid that He Shenghou would not be willing to return to the emperor.

Yes, Saint Empress Ho.

He, who should have been honored as the Empress Dowager, has changed the title in the past ten years.

The Queen of Heaven, the Queen of Saints... These titles are simply more novel than the other, and each one makes the courtiers imagine.

Zhao Qing is different from Zhao Gui, the former is just an adopted "grandson", while the latter is He's own son.

At the beginning, the He family readily let Zhao Gui govern, and voluntarily returned to the harem, with a motherly heart.

It's a pity that Zhao Gui didn't cherish it, and he "made" his Yongcheng Emperor into King Shun, and then died of a serious illness.

Zhao Qing is a smart and obedient child. After he became the emperor, he did not get carried away, and he did not think of himself as clever and seek his own death like Zhao Gui.

He is like a qualified puppet, sitting on the dragon chair in a proper manner, and then let the He family, the three main ministers, the political affairs hall, etc. control the government.

It's not that the worthy ministers who boasted of loyalty and righteousness ran to "assist" Zhao Qing, but in the face of the persuasion (or incitement) of those "loyal ministers", he was not at all tempted.

As if to be a puppet, for him, it is already a very good arrangement.

Of course, there are also people who suspect that Zhao Qing is restraining the light and secretly accumulating strength, but ten years have passed, and great changes have taken place in the court.

The three auxiliary ministers have long lost their glory in their early years——

Wang Yuan is old, and a serious illness three years ago forced him to go to work.

His son Wang Zheng succeeded him as Zhongshuling, the prime minister of the Great Yuan Dynasty.

But Wang Zheng is far inferior to Wang Yuan in terms of qualifications, prestige, and personal ability.

On the contrary, it was Wang Zheng's daughter, Wang Shijiu, a woman who, in just a few years' time, was promoted from a waitress to a bachelor's degree in the Bowen Museum, and then moved to the Ministry of Rites from the Bowen Museum.

The official position is not very large, and it is far from being on a par with Wang Zheng's Zhongshu Ling.

However, Wang Shijiu represented a different meaning. She came to the former dynasty from the harem.

At the conference, she was able to occupy a place among a group of big men.

She is the right-hand man of He Shenghou, and she is known as the second most powerful woman in the Great Yuan Dynasty.

The first place is naturally He Shenghou.

Wang Shijiu's second position is enough to be envied by countless women, and to make many men talk about it in secret.

No matter how the world criticized, the female officials represented by Wang Shijiu still firmly rooted their roots in the court.

And the composition of this force has gradually increased from the daughters of noble families at the beginning, and even ordinary women from poor families.

Like Dow!

No one would have thought that the queen of the abolished emperor did not become an abandoned woman or a pitiful woman because of the abolition of the emperor.

She didn't have a miserable marriage, she didn't have to go to a nunnery or a Taoist temple, but went to the northwest border city.

Five years ago, the Hulu army harassed the border city. Tao Youwei, with the help of a thousand troupes, female soldiers, and the old and weak women and children in the city, actually resisted the Hulu iron hoofs and defended the border city.

The news came back to the capital, and the court shook.

And the more shocking thing is yet to come. He Shenghou did not follow the usual practice and reward Tao Youwei's father and brother as a reward.

After He Sheng directly named Tao Youwei as a general, he led the Northwest Army and guarded the border city!

Courtiers:  …

Among the first maids, as well as a few women standing in the courtroom.

Although everyone heard the "female general"'s first reaction, it was still "Yin Ji Chen" and "Yin and Yang upside down".

However, this is not the first time, and the power of He Shenghou is getting stronger and stronger. Except for a few unwilling speech officials and censors to protest a few times, the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty acquiesced to this situation.

"Female officer, female general... Haha, so it is! So it is!"

After the news of Tao Youwei becoming the first female general of the Dayuan Dynasty spread, Feng Shou, who had been in bed for three or four years, finally realized something.

He looked in the direction of the palace and laughed and burst into tears.

His mood is very complicated, and he doesn't know whether to accuse He's wolf ambitions, or whether to sigh on the cycle of karma!

At first, because of her gender, the He family could not continue to compete with the late emperor in the Central Plains, and had to choose marriage.

Now, Mrs. He is still a woman, but she broke free from the shackles of her gender and began to press towards that position step by step.

Feng Shou knew that He was smart, decisive, and an amazing woman.

But he still never imagined that Mr. He would have the courage to take the risk of the world—

Since ancient times, there have been regent women, but there has never been a female emperor!

"...Since the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, the first Empress of China may be about to appear in the Great Yuan Dynasty!"

Feng Shou knew that he was dying soon.

Finally discovered He's plan, he didn't know whether he should be happy or regret.

Fortunately, he was going to die soon. After his death, he could not see whether He continued to be the regent or became the emperor himself.

In this way, it is not a violation of the promise he made to the late emperor.

It is a pity that he can't see anything, he can't see the birth of the first female emperor in history, and he can't see what kind of reform and prosperity he will bring after the change of dynasty!

"Niangniang, no matter what decision you make in the future, please be sure to leave a trace of blood to the Zhao family!"

Feng Shou was in a complicated mood. Before he died, after seeing He Sheng who came to visit him, he used the last force in his hand to make a deal with the other party.

He Tiantian looked at Feng Shou, who was thin to a handful of bones, leaned into his ear, and said softly, "Zhao Gui is not dead, he became an emperor on an island in the East China Sea!"

She really won't give unconditionally to Zhao Gui, the son of Char Siu, like the original owner.

But she wouldn't be so cruel to "kill her parents".

Leaving aside the "mother and son blood relationship", Zhao Gui is also the original male protagonist of this small world.

He Tiantian's consistent principle, as long as the hero and heroine are not real villains, she will not kill them all.

The stallion male protagonist in the previous world made He Tiantian so disgusting, and He Tiantian still left a way out.

In this life, Zhao Gui, the barbecued pork is chilling, but in the end, he is just a bear child.

It can't be regarded as a big evil, but at most it is not a match for virtue.

Therefore, He Tiantian exiled him and let him go overseas to fight the world.

If you have the ability, then you will be king and hegemony on a certain island and help the Chinese people expand their territory.

If he fails, he is buried in the sea, or killed by natives and pirates, that is his own choice.

Fortunately, after Zhao Gui experienced the ups and downs of being pro-government and being abolished, he really grew up.

He endured a lot of hardships at sea, and after several dangers, he finally occupied several large islands and became the emperor of the sea.

When I received his letter last time, I heard that he was interested in the silver mines in Dongying and wanted to fight against these Japanese slaves.

If Zhao Gui really conquered Dongying, the history of later generations will really be rewritten!

Hearing He Tiantian's words, Feng Shou suddenly widened his eyes, "Zhao Gui, he, he—"

"He's not just the son of the late emperor, he's also my flesh and blood. He can be sorry to me, but I won't kill him!"

He Tiantian smiled lightly, not hiding anything from Feng Shou.

She also took out the handwritten letter sent by Zhao Gui and showed it to Feng Shou.

Feng Shou stared at the words on the letter, yes, it was Zhao Gui's handwriting that he was familiar with!

Zhao Gui didn't die, he expanded his territory in the outer seas, and even became an emperor!

The blood of the late emperor will not be cut off, and the descendants of the late emperor still reign as kings and hegemony, and they are truly noble people.

Feng Shou was completely relieved. He felt that even if he went underground and saw the late emperor, he would no longer feel any guilt or regret.

With no obsessions, no worries, Feng Shou closed his eyes contentedly.

He Tiantian held a grand funeral for Feng Shou, and according to the last decree of the late emperor, Feng Shou was buried in the imperial mausoleum.

Two of the three main ministers were lost, and the last King Han was executed by the He clan last year for treason.

Since then, the three auxiliary ministers have completely become history, and the big bosses of the political affairs hall have also begun to alternate between the old and the new.

Not only the political affairs hall, but also the upper and lower halls of the court have been infused with fresh blood.

The aristocratic family began to decline, and the poor family quietly rose.

He Tiantian, like the late emperor, implemented the system of selecting officials by examination in a small area.

A little bit of nibbling, boiled frogs in warm water.

When the aristocratic families began to wake up, there was already a foothold for the poor in the court.

And these "upstarts" are basically promoted by He Tiantian, and they are the proper "Holy Queen Party".

Therefore, Zhao Qing, who was fifteen years old at the time, did not have any will to pro-government. Instead, he took the initiative to issue an decree, expressing that he would cede the throne to He Shenghou, although there was an earthquake in the hall.

But it is not as unacceptable as imagined!

Against what?

The three main ministers are long gone, and the Zhengshitang has also become the one-word hall of He Shenghou.

One third of the civil and military officials belonged to the He family.

The most important thing is that He has 200,000 soldiers and horses in his hands, and the generals guarding the southern border and northwest have all fallen to He!

The trend!

Powerless! !

Emperor Pingkang and Zhao Qing repeatedly decreed to give in, but He Tiantian declined three times.

In the end, she was directly pushed onto the dragon chair by several female officials such as Wang Shijiu and Tao Youwei!

On the day He Tiantian held the enthronement ceremony, Zhao Gui, who was far away in the East China Sea, also captured Dongying and proclaimed himself the Emperor of Shengwu of the East China Sea.

Zheng Nian'er, who changed her name and surname, was doing business all over the country. Suddenly, the last shackles on her soul disappeared completely.

An accident caused her to completely close her eyes in Da Yuanchao, and when she opened it again, she found that she had returned to the modern age.

"...I, I actually wore it back? Haha, I really am not the heroine. With so many online novels, which protagonist can still travel back through?"

Zheng Nian'er laughed at herself, and the various experiences of the Great Yuan Dynasty seemed to be a gorgeous and wonderful dream for her!

"Ding! The task is completed, and the reward points are 6 points."

"Ding! Get 2000 achievement points."

"Ding! Get 10,000 points from readers as a reward..."

After being the queen for 20 years, she ruled the Great Yuan Dynasty to Haiqingheyan, and the prosperity of the world was stable. Before her death, He Tiantian returned to the power of Zhao Gui's grandson and left the world of novels.

Back in the library space, one after another beep sounded in his ears.

He Tiantian's emotions in the previous world were taken away, and she became a writer for "Mude Emotions" again.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows when she heard the quest reward.

Oh, that's good!

This time the achievement points actually have 2000 points.

It seems that being a queen is indeed easier to gain the recognition of world consciousness and readers.

The original owner seems to be very satisfied with the completion of He Tiantian's mission.

Also, He Tiantian not only taught Zhao Gui a lesson, but also gave Zhao Gui the opportunity and space to grow up.

In the end, she returned the land to Zhao Gui's descendants again.

Of course, in order to ensure the smooth implementation of her decree, in order to prevent her various measures from being tampered with by her successor.

He Tiantian personally taught the great-grandson, making him the most suitable and outstanding successor.

Even if she dies, the great-grandson will not "liquidate".

There are still women in the court hall, and the world's suppression of women has not become more severe.

These are He Tiantian's "achievements".

"Sweet, you are amazing!"

Little D classmates rolled over.

He Tiantian didn't know if it was an illusion, she always felt that a certain little dumpling seemed to gain weight again.

"I'm not fat! I'm cute and inflated!"

After all, it is also a "Tong" who has lived in the real world, and Xiao D has a temperament who loves gossip.

Don't be too familiar with hot stalks on the Internet.

"Good! Good! Our little D classmates are the cutest!"

He Tiantian made a perfunctory sentence very carelessly.

Little D classmate: ... Hmph, I'm so angry!

However, qi returns to qi, and trouble returns to trouble, but business affairs cannot be delayed.

"By the way, Sweet, your reward amount has accumulated to 70,000 points. Do you want to exchange it for a treasure chest?"

With so many mother coins, Xiao D's classmates are happy to see it.

He Tiantian shook her head, "No hurry! Save more."

Once you have accumulated 100,000 coins, you can exchange for the intermediate treasure chest.

He Tiantian is very curious, what kind of surprises can be opened in the intermediate treasure chest.

"Okay!" Xiao D replied obediently.

"Sweet, continue to do the task, or return to reality?"

"Keep going!"

He Tiantian's soul was very satisfied after absorbing the energy of the wild system for the first time.

She likes this kind of "nourishing" method and wants to continue "adding meals".


Little D likes to hear He Tiantian say "continue the task".

Hey, there will be rewards for doing tasks. He Tiantian is rewarded, and it is the assistant who can benefit together and then level up!

"Tiantian, which channel do you want to choose this time? Gu Yan, is it still spiritual and immortal?"

When Xiao D is in a good mood, he becomes extra meticulous and patient.

He Tiantian thought about it carefully.

Well, she just came back from ancient times, although the queen or something is really cool.

However, there were still too many inconveniences in ancient times.

Not to mention anything else, just one without WIFI is enough to drive modern people crazy!

"Let's go to the current channel this time."

He Tiantian didn't want to make herself a real ancient person, so she was ready to go for a walk in the modern world.

"Okay! The mission world is open!"

Little D returned to the stereotyped mechanical sound.

The space was distorted, the images changed, and when she opened her eyes again, He Tiantian found herself in a cramped, dilapidated small room.

Uh, the previous world was still an extremely noble and powerful queen, living in a splendid palace, eating delicacies from mountains and seas, surrounded by servants and maids.

As a result, in the next second, just, just—

Alas, this gap is slightly larger!

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