The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 501st chapter I am a vicious nanny (3)

The above is the plot of the original novel.

The world of novels is infected with a virus, and the wild ones take advantage of it.

It was not tied to those important roles, but chose Zhao Yan, the cannon fodder control group who was greedy for vanity.

"Cannon fodder counterattack system? Haha, it fits the character!"

He Tiantian looked at the plot of the second edition and sneered coldly.

Zhao Yan is a person who is not persistent enough and wants to take shortcuts. She is fascinated by the prosperity of the provincial capital, and her heart is a little distorted by reality and imagination.

She is cynical, she blames others, and the emergence of the "cannon fodder system" makes her suddenly see hope.

She hardly hesitated too much, without questioning "whether the pie that fell from the sky is poisonous", and she bound with the system readily.

Then, under the step-by-step guidance of the system, she desperately opposes the heroine and robs the heroine of her luck, from a small character who occupied less than a few chapters in the original novel to a vicious entanglement with the heroine. female match.

Under the influence and coercion of the system, Zhao Yan also "liked" the male protagonist, and tried every means to become the male protagonist's girlfriend, further stealing the male protagonist's luck.

Of course, both the heroine and the hero are the chosen daughters (children) recognized by the world consciousness. They have the aura of the protagonist, and even if their luck is plundered, they will not fail completely.

The world consciousness instinctively protects its daughter and son.

And although the wild system has some energy, he used Zhao Yan to stir up trouble in the novel world, causing a lot of trouble for the protagonists.

But he is a foreign invader in the end, rejected by the world consciousness.

This wild clan, who is dressed in the "cannon fodder system", just wants to grow up in a vulgar way, and doesn't dare to confront the world's consciousness head-on.

It only caused some chaos in the fictional world, but it was not enough to subvert the entire fictional world.

Therefore, after a series of troubles, Wild Tong had absorbed enough energy, so he abandoned Zhao Yan, used the space gap, and went to other novel worlds to continue making waves.

If the wild run away, Zhao Yan, a vain girl who is used to cheating, will be miserable.

She is more vain and crazier than in the original plot, owes more foreign debts, and offends some black forces.

Zhao Yan's mother still took the road of harming the master's family in order to have her daughter.

This time it was even more tragic than the original plot. She not only killed a three-year-old child, but also burned several members of the main family alive.

The fire was so raging that it affected the neighbors on the left and right. One of the family members had an elderly man with limited mobility who also died tragically in the fire.

... The original owner made too much murder, and this accident has occupied the hot search of social news list for several days.

In the following years, when it comes to "poison nanny", the original owner bears the brunt!

She and Zhao Yan, the mother and daughter, got a more tragic end than in the original plot.

One was sentenced to death and executed immediately;

One became a rat crossing the street, everyone shouted and beat him, and he had to avoid the scoundrels and gangsters who collected debts. In the end, he couldn't stand this kind of life and jumped directly from the balcony on the sixth floor of the rented apartment.

He Tiantian:  …

Say they deserve it, they are not innocent.

However, to say that they are wicked and unforgivable, they are too harsh.

They are not bad people in their bones, one is for their daughter, the other is coerced by the system, and they have done all kinds of wrong things.

If it was a stranger, He Tiantian couldn't help but sigh, "A hateful person must be pitiful."

But now, she has become the original owner, the mother of the cannon fodder Zhao Yan, she can't just cast aside and pity her, she must find a way to avoid the tragedy of the mother and daughter and remedy the victims.

Of course, the anti-virus task should also be carried out smoothly.

With the experience of obliterating the "Gongdou System" last time, He Tiantian understood the "essence" of this antivirus task.

She can directly absorb it and completely destroy the wild system.

However, this method is too simple and rude, and it is easy to hurt the "parasitic" host.

Zhao Yan is indeed not a good person, but she has not yet reached the point of unforgivable sin.

He Tiantian is not the way of heaven, she is not qualified to judge anyone.

Furthermore, she dressed as Zhao Yan's biological mother this time, so there was cause and effect between her and Zhao Yan.

If He Tiantian wants to maintain the character of the original owner, she must assume her responsibilities and obligations.

And as a mother, the original owner definitely didn't want to let his only daughter fall into the abyss, or end up in a haunted state.

Zheng Nian'er in the previous world also had flaws in her character, but He Tiantian still gave her a chance!

This time, He Tiantian will not kill someone with a stick.

It's not just her three views that don't agree, it's more for the task——

Zhao Yan is the life of the original owner, He Xiutian. If He Tiantian ignores the safety of Zhao Yan's spirit and directly wipes out the system, Zhao Yan's spirit will be damaged, or the spirit will be lost, and the plot will definitely collapse.

She came to this novel world, not only to kill viruses, but also to maintain the stability of the small world.

She can't make the world of fiction collapse, collapse first.

"Sweet! In fact, this task is not difficult!"

Feeling He Tiantian's entanglement, Xiao D came out again.

He Tiantian: ... Oh hoo, is she being lectured by classmate D again?

She raised one eyebrow and asked leisurely, "Student D, have you thought of a way to complete the task?"


Little D didn't hear He Tiantian's hidden emotions, and continued to say positively, "Why did Zhao Yan readily agree to bind a wild family of unknown origin?"

"Is it not because she is vain, her mind is not firm, she wants to suppress the classmates around her and become the object of envy and jealousy?"

"And the reason why she is vain is because of her low self-esteem. People care about what they lack the most."

"Zhao Yan is short of money! The poverty of the Zhao family makes her feel inferior and sensitive. She is afraid that others will look down on her and that she will be isolated by her classmates because she is too poor, so she deliberately pretends to be white and rich!"

"That wild lineage took advantage of this to choose Zhao Yan among the many minor roles."

Xiao D students carefully analyzed.

He Tiantian nodded secretly, not to mention, her little classmate D has really made progress, and she can analyze problems in a clear-cut way.

Well, this little mental retard is not really brainless.

"That makes sense! Little D, what do you think I should do?"

He Tiantian was interested, and deliberately pretended to be curious, and asked Xiao D like this.

Little D's little fluffy body straightened up and said excitedly, "Tiantian, do you think my analysis is correct?"

He Tiantian's head, Xiao D's analysis is indeed correct.

Coveting vanity, using lies to disguise her own poverty... is Zhao Yan's greatest weakness.

Wild System took advantage of this, easily bound, and quickly made Zhao Yan its slave.

"Haha, I knew it, I'm actually pretty good too!"

Being praised by his friends, little D was extremely happy, and the fur on his body swelled up.

Then, it said complacently, "Since you know that Zhao Yan is short of money and lacks the confidence from her native family, then give her money! Qian is a vulgar person—"

And it is sweet and has countless skills.

Anything you take out can bring her huge wealth.

Her own mother became a rich generation, and her family was no longer poor, so Zhao Yan's vanity could naturally be satisfied.

Zhao Yan herself is not stupid, she can become the control group of the heroine because she is beautiful and smart enough.

When she is no longer troubled by the "personality" (that is, her fictional identity of Bai Fumei), she can maintain her own intelligence and reason.

If the wild lineage comes to bind Zhao Yan again, Zhao Yan will not agree easily - no pie will fall from the sky, if it does fall, it is very likely to be highly poisonous!

As long as Zhao Yan rejects the wild lineage and is unwilling to become its slave, she will not do anything wrong against the heroine too quickly.

He Tiantian has the opportunity to rescue her from the control of the wild system.

In this way, the task is completed, and it will not hurt the "host" itself, perfect!

Little D classmate thought happily.

He Tiantian couldn't bear to attack Xiao D's enthusiasm, but she had to remind the other party: "Xiao D, the original owner He Xiutian is just a rural woman. Her parents' family and her husband's family are ordinary farmers for three generations."

"He Xiutian himself has only read elementary school for a few years. He has no education, no specialties, and there are no special people such as Taoist priests or old women in his hometown..."

He Xiutian, whether it is himself or his living environment, is so ordinary that it can't be more ordinary.

If you want to make up an "adventurous" excuse for her, there is no chance to take advantage of it.

"Such an ordinary person who can't be more ordinary suddenly becomes a big guy with money-making skills,"

He Tiantian curled her lips and said coolly, "Little D classmate, do you think my character design is not falling apart fast enough? Or do you think Zhao Yan is a child who can be admitted to S University and has lived with the original owner for more than ten years. Don't know the original owner enough?"

Persona, dear!

Once the character design collapses, Zhao Yan, a character in the novel world, is very likely to wake up suddenly.

Until then, the world of fiction is still in danger of collapsing.

Classmate D: ...Ah, why did I forget about this?

Shaking Xiao Yuan's body, Xiao D asked embarrassedly, "Then, what should I do? Do you want to continue to be a nanny like the original owner?"

Well, isn't that still going the old way?

For Zhao Yan, it will be even more inferior - although labor is glorious, there is still professional prejudice in society.

Zhao Yan is vain, inferior, and not strong enough in her heart. Her own mother became a nanny, and she can indeed provide her with sufficient living expenses.

But when asked about her mother's occupation, she dared not tell the truth.

Nanny, specializing in the work of serving people.

Although it should not be discriminated against, it is also not worthy of admiration and praise.

Anyway, Zhao Yan felt that none of those who shouted "labor is the most honorable" would like their daughter to be a nanny.

He Tiantian's eyes flashed, she already had a plan in her heart, but she still needed to plan.

However, these are not in a hurry to tell Xiao D students.

At this moment, the magical and brainy "Flying Free" sounded in the rental house in the narrow urban village.

The sound was loud and the music was powerful. He Tiantian was taken aback by the sudden loud ringtone of the knockoff phone.

Tsk, it really is the most ordinary middle-aged woman, a copycat smartphone, the representative work of the national group, if the original owner is too short of money, it is estimated that she would have done a square dance.

With a small groove in her heart, He Tiantian took out her phone from her trouser pocket.

I looked at the caller ID, "Little Zhang from the housekeeping company".

He Tiantian has integrated the memory of the original owner, and naturally knows the time node she has passed through——

The original owner followed her daughter to the provincial capital less than two months ago, and has already worked as a cleaner, a handyman in a fly restaurant, and an aunt who moved bricks at the construction site.

While chatting with co-workers and colleagues, the original owner knew that being a nanny would make a lot of money, and that he could even eat and live!

The original owner was moved, quit the part-time job, took the money he had saved in the past two months, and went to the largest and most formal home economics center in the provincial capital to sign up for training.

This "housekeeping company Xiao Zhang" is the staff member who received the original owner.

This Xiao Zhang will also be responsible for the docking of relevant training, induction and other matters.

The original owner has already participated in the two-week training at the Home Economics Center, and he has passed the basic assessment and can go to the host's home to serve.

Of course, if you want to get better job opportunities, the original owner also needs to take some qualification certificates.

However, these all require working hours, as well as the stipulated application time.

The original owner was not yet qualified, and she couldn't wait. She wanted to go to work first and earn money while accumulating experience.

Now Xiao Zhang is calling, and she should have found a suitable client and told her to go to the main house for an interview.

Sure enough, when he pressed the answer button, He Tiantian heard the female voice in the microphone say mildly, "Aunt He, there is a teacher who lives in the staff dormitory of University A and needs a live-in nanny to take care of the old lady!"

"The other party's requirements are not very high, and there is no need for the aunt to have any qualifications as a nutritionist or parenting teacher. As long as you can cook, wash clothes and bathe the elderly!"

Xiao Zhang briefly introduced the host's requirements.

This client's situation, after all, fits the conditions of "He Xiutian".

After all, when the original owner went to the housekeeping company, he had repeatedly emphasized, "I can cook and do laundry. I'm not afraid of hardship or getting dirty. As long as people want me, I will work hard!"

Although such a guarantee has no effect, it can also show the urgency and sincerity of the original owner.

"Good! Good! Xiao Zhang, thank you!"

After listening to Xiao Zhang's introduction, He Tiantian learned the tone of the original owner, with joy in her tone, and thanked him again and again.

On the other end of the phone, Xiao Zhang couldn't help pursing his lips and chuckling when he heard the response from "He Xiutian".

She knew that Aunt He needed this kind of work the most.

"The old lady is old and has a little geriatric disease, but she has the ability to take care of herself, so, Aunt He, you don't have to worry too much!"

Xiao Zhang added another sentence.

But He Tiantian could hear what Xiao Zhang meant: and that's why, the salary won't be particularly high!

The elderly can act on their own, and do not need too professional qualification certificate requirements, just find a nanny who meets basic needs.

Wages are, of course, around the average.

Of course, given the current situation of "He Xiutian" - lack of money, urgent need for employment, and no other qualification certificates, it is very rare to be able to get such a job interview opportunity.

"Okay, I know, I'm willing to try it! Xiao Zhang, thank you!"

He Tiantian continued to be like the original owner, with a little humility and flattery in her positive tone...

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