The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 502 I am a vicious nanny (4)

"Okay! I made an appointment for you at 5:30 in the afternoon for the interview!"

"Mr. Wang happened to come over after get off work to have a look. When that time comes, you can have a good talk with Mr. Wang!"

Xiao Zhang listened to "He Xiutian" and agreed so readily, and was also secretly satisfied.

It is still easy for newcomers to bring, unlike those old oilers, who are picky and have a lot of requirements!

Isn't he just a nanny, and it's like he's an amazing professional.

Xiao Zhang has no occupational discrimination, but some aunts are really——

Forget it, let’s not talk about it, let’s hurry up and call the customer.

After reminding He Tiantian a few more words, Xiao Zhang hung up the phone and hurriedly called Teacher Wang on the other side.

He Tiantian ignored this, put down the phone and started getting ready.

It was almost noon and she hadn't eaten yet.

She's going to make a meal, and then tidy up the house.

According to the original owner's plan, if she can be successfully retained by the client, she can live directly in the client's home.

The rental house in this urban village will be returned by the original owner.

The rent of 200 yuan a month, plus the deposit of 200 yuan, is really nothing in the provincial capital.

But for the original owner, four hundred yuan is her monthly living expenses.

It would be good to save this money and buy a few books and two clothes for her Yaner.

He Tiantian became He Xiutian, and naturally he had to maintain the character of the original owner.

Of course, she packed her bags not to rush to work at the client's house, but to have other plans!

"Tiantian, you are really going to be a nanny for someone!"

Xiao D naturally heard the conversation between He Tiantian and Xiao Zhang, and also saw that He Tiantian was actually packing her luggage.

It couldn't help being a little anxious, and hurriedly asked a question.

"Otherwise? If you don't maintain the original owner's character design, what should you do if the plot collapses, or the characters in the plot are stimulated to awaken?"

He Tiantian said this deliberately.

Little D classmate: ...It shouldn't be like this.

Even if she wants to maintain the character design, she should have a better way with her sweet, smart and experienced!

Instead of being a nanny like the original owner!

Nanny, it's not that little D classmates discriminate, but this profession is really too different from the queen before He Tiantian.

Not to mention the party He Tiantian, even Xiao D, can't accept it!

Shaking the fur on his body, Xiao D always felt that Tiantian was deliberately hiding it.

But, no matter what it says, Tiantian looks like "resigning her fate", as if she really became "He Xiutian".

Little D classmate watched He Tiantian use the remaining green vegetables and a handful of noodles in the rental house to put down a bowl of clear soup noodles, no eggs, not too much oil and water.

It's so clear and waterless, tasteless and tasteless, He Tiantian, a person who has just been an empress for more than 20 years, actually ate it.

Classmate D: ... As expected of my family, Tiantian, only this "forbearance" that can bend and stretch is like a great villain!

He Tiantian: ...I'll take it as you compliment me. The villain or something, you get used to it in front of you.

After a simple meal, He Tiantian started packing.

In fact, the original owner did not have much.

The furniture and kitchen utensils in the room are basically owned by the landlord.

The original owner only had some change of clothes and toiletries.

He Tiantian tidied up her clothes, cleaned it carefully, and it was four o'clock in the afternoon.

He Tiantian did not dare to delay the time, and the interview time that Xiao Zhang had set an appointment for was 5:30 pm.

However, the urban village where the original owner rented is in the north of the city, while the dormitory for the faculty of University A is in the east of the city.

The distance between one north and one east is not close, there is no direct subway, transfer, plus the traffic jam during rush hour, etc., it will take an hour at least.

For interviews, the minimum requirement is not to be late.

A little earlier, but also a kind of respect for customers.

He Tiantian changed into clean clothes and put her hair in a bun, looking very clean.

When washing her face, she also made a mask by the way.

Although it can't remedy the sunburn and exfoliation on the face, after some care, it will not look too obvious.

After packing up, He Tiantian went out with a small leather bag replaced by her daughter.

Taking the bus, going down the subway, and after a lot of tossing, He Tiantian arrived at the faculty dormitory of University A before five o'clock.

Walking along, asking along the way, with a cowardly and cowardly expression, He Tiantian portrayed a middle-aged rural woman with little knowledge to the fullest.

At 5:15, He Tiantian finally came to the downstairs of the client's house.

I rang the bell on the door, and after a while, a middle-aged female voice came from the walkie-talkie: "It's Aunt He, come up!"

He Tiantian deliberately made a nervous appearance, and responded timidly, "Hey!"


There was a sound of the lock cylinder rattling at the door, and the tightly closed door was loosened.

He Tiantian hurriedly opened the door, entered the corridor, and came to the third floor.

Teacher Wang is a middle-aged man in his forties, about the same age as the original owner, He Xiutian.

But they looked very young and bookish.

He speaks slowly, his expression is steady and gentle, and he looks like a well-educated person.

Teacher Wang is a teacher at University A. This time she is looking for a nanny for the old mother at home.

And her mother, who is also a retired employee of University A, is 70 years old this year.

The old lady's body is still strong, but she has senile diseases such as three highs.

Since the death of his wife and son a few years ago, Mr. Wang and other children have hired a nanny for the old mother.

It's just that the old lady is not a mean person, but she likes to be clean.

And the few nannies I have used before have always had problems of one kind or another, which made the old lady not very satisfied.

Teacher Wang knows his own mother best. When looking for a nanny, he directly told the housekeeping company: No qualification certificate is required, as long as the nanny is practical and capable.

At the first sight of "He Xiutian", Mr. Wang was very satisfied.

He is young, his hair and clothes are neatly tidied up, his nails are cut short, and there is no dirt in the nails.

The knuckles of the fingers are thick and there are calluses on the pulp of the fingers, which is obviously a person who loves to work and can work.

Although her eyes dodged a little, she shrank a little, like a rural woman who had never seen the world.

However, her eyes are very clear, and she is an honest person with a right mind.

Teacher Wang had a good first impression of He Tiantian, and then sat down and chatted.

Through the chat, Teacher Wang continued to observe He Tiantian's speech and behavior, and judged whether this person was reliable from the content of what she said——

Born in the countryside, her husband passed away more than ten years ago.

She is a woman who did not remarry, but lived with her daughter, and even put her daughter in college!


Affectionate, righteous and knowledgeable, he is a reliable person.

The first impression, the second conversation, He Tiantian all passed the test.

The third step is "practice".

Teacher Wang asked He Tiantian to fry shredded potatoes, the most common dish, but it was also a test.

Not only the skill of cooking, but also whether the person is careful and patient enough by washing vegetables, shredding and other processes.

The original owner He Xiutian's cooking skills are not very good, just the standard of ordinary home cooking.

A few days ago, she was trained in the housekeeping company, which only made her better understand the nutritional combination of meat and vegetables.

The knife work is better, and I have learned how to set the plate. Others are still at the original level of the original owner.

Teacher Wang observed carefully, and after He Tiantian fried a plate of shredded potatoes, she clipped a chopstick:

Well, it's not that delicious, it's not too bad, it's just average.

Alas... Sure enough, no one is perfect.

This person looks very reliable, loves cleanliness, and is agile, but, his craftsmanship is a bit poor.

Teacher Wang was a little hesitant in his heart, because he didn't ask for any qualification certificates, so he could choose from a wide range of faces.

Mr. Wang doesn't want to always interview babysitters, and wants to find someone who is reliable and suitable.

She wants to interview several more people and choose the most suitable one.

So, she put a question mark on the name of "He Xiutian", which is to be determined.

"So, Aunt He, I'll discuss it with my family first, and I'll get back to you within three days!"

"Today you worked hard for a trip, this is the fare reimbursed for you, please don't refuse!"

Teacher Wang is very particular. She didn't immediately decide on a candidate, and she even asked people to do the work. She was somewhat embarrassed.

When sending He Tiantian out, she slipped in twenty dollars and said very politely.

He Tiantian hurriedly waved her hand, but Teacher Wang insisted.

However, He Tiantian pretended to be embarrassed to accept it and left the building.

The faculty dormitory of University A is not very small, with more than a dozen buildings.

However, the buildings were all built in the 1990s and looked a bit outdated.

The six-storey building has no elevator, and the buildings are widely spaced. The surrounding greenery is very good.

Next to the faculty dormitory is the campus of University A. Standing in the courtyard, you can faintly hear the laughter of the students after class, or the bell of the bicycle.

“The environment here is really nice!”

He Tiantian walked slowly in the yard, looking at the old people, or the little grandson, or the cats and dogs.

There are also old people playing chess and chatting in the small park with green belt.

Time seems to be slowed down here, people are leisurely and comfortable.

Living in such a community seems to have improved the quality of life.

Not noisy, but not too quiet.

Most of the residents are faculty members of University A, including many professors and experts.

Even if there are occasional tenants or people who buy a house, they all need the approval of their neighbors.

"No matter how good the environment here is, when you go to that house, you are just a nanny!"

Xiao D is still a little concerned, how can Tiantian be a nanny?

You know, He Tiantian has traveled through so many novel worlds, and has basically never done this kind of work for serving people.

To elaborate, this time He Xiutian is probably the poorest and most downcast person He Tiantian has ever experienced.

Even a stingy dad in the last world looked at all kinds of stinginess on the surface, but in fact he was not poor.

He Xiutian is really poor!

And he's still one of the lowest-ranked people in society.

As a party, He Tiantian didn't pay too much attention. Xiao D, a smart assistant, couldn't help but feel wronged for his little friend——

Hey, when did Tiantian get so embarrassed?

She's the villain, and the villain, shouldn't she just enjoy herself and do whatever she wants?

If being a villain is still so pitiful, why bother to be a villain with a bad name?

He Tiantian felt the mood swings of classmate D, and felt very anxious.

Forget it, let's stop teasing Xiao D, let's see what this child is worried about? !

However, just when He Tiantian was about to showdown with classmate D, she suddenly found that there was a figure in front of her that looked very weird.

It was an old man in his fifties or sixties, with gray hair, wearing a casual suit, and holding a large express box in his hand.

His figure was originally tall and straight, and his steps were also vigorous!

Why "original"?

Because at this moment, he suddenly became stiff, his limbs were uncoordinated, and he walked staggeringly.


The express box in the old man's hand fell to the ground, and his right hand showed a very unnatural posture.

He Tiantian has sharp eyes, she can see clearly, the right half of the old man's body seems very strange.

Sudden cerebral infarction?

Cerebral thrombosis cause stroke?

He Tiantian is a doctor after all. Although she specializes in surgery in a certain world, she still understands at least basic medical knowledge.

Seeing the old man's situation, a few guesses popped up in her mind.

But no matter what kind of guess it is, He Tiantian is very sure that the current situation of the old man is very bad!

Her movements were one step faster than her brain, and as soon as she realized something was wrong, He Tiantian's people had already trotted over to the old man.

"..." He Tiantian opened her mouth, originally wanting to be called "Uncle", but soon, she realized that the body she was passing through was also a person of forty or fifty years old.

Not a young man, but a middle-aged aunt.

It's somewhat inappropriate to call someone who is only ten years older than him an uncle.

"Teacher, do you feel uncomfortable?"

Considering that this is the faculty dormitory of University A, He Tiantian felt that it would be safer to call others "teacher".

In fact, the old man didn't care about the title anymore, and the right half of his face couldn't stop twitching.

He tried his best to say something, but his mouth seemed to be restrained by some huge force, and kept tilting in one direction.

"Hit, hit—"

The old man spit out a word with difficulty, but following his words, some saliva flowed out.

No need to ask any more, just by looking at the symptoms such as skewed nose and mouth and salivation, you know that the old man must have suffered a sudden cerebral infarction.

He Tiantian didn't dare to delay, and while supporting the unsteady old man, she took out her mobile phone and pressed the demon 20.

"Is it the emergency center? I am in the dormitory of the faculty of University A. There is an old man in his fifties who suddenly walks unsteadily and has a crooked mouth. I suspect that the old man has a stroke!"

When the call was connected, He Tiantian hurriedly shouted into the microphone.

The operator on the other end, after hearing He Tiantian's story, did not dare to delay. He repeated the symptoms described by He Tiantian, and carefully asked for the specific address, and then told He Tiantian: "Don't panic, don't move easily. Patient, our ambulance will be here in five minutes!"

The symptoms of the old man became more and more serious, and people passing by also noticed the abnormality here, and they all gathered around to check.

"Oh, isn't this Professor Qiao?"

"Old Joe, what's the matter with you? Have you called the ambulance?"

"...What about his children? Hurry up and call their children!"

"Calling is useless! His children are all abroad, and even if they know, they won't be able to fly back, so hurry up and send them to the hospital..."

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