The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 503 I am a vicious nanny (5)

A few minutes later, the ambulance roared to the staff dormitory of University A.

With the help of the onlookers who eat melons, the emergency personnel carried the unconscious Professor Qiao to the ambulance.

As the first person who found out that Professor Qiao was sick and called Yao 20, although He Tiantian had nothing to do with Professor Qiao, he still followed him.

In addition, she also has a reason to have to go——

Before Professor Qiao fell into a coma, he was like a drowning person who grabbed a straw and grabbed the corner of He Tiantian's clothes.

He Tiantian pretended to be at a loss and got into the ambulance with the emergency personnel.

There was a neighbor of Professor Qiao in the crowd. The two usually had a good relationship. He knew that Professor Qiao had no close family members and was worried, so he followed.

Those who remained did not disperse directly.

Either someone called the school leaders, or they ran home and rode on a small electric donkey, and quickly rushed to the hospital closest to their staff dormitory.

That is where the ambulance took Professor Qiao to!

"As for the family members, hurry up and sign the consent form for the operation, and then pay the deposit after signing it!"

The nurse came out of the emergency room with a folder in hand and shouted into the hallway.

He Tiantian deliberately looked flustered, and quickly waved her hand, "No, no, I'm not a family member, I, I just ran into it when I was passing by, so I kindly helped!"

She was about to cry, and she wrote, "It has nothing to do with me! I have no money! Don't look for me!"

It was the neighbor who came along, who hurriedly stepped forward and said anxiously, "Nurse, we are teachers from University A, Lao Qiao, oh, even the patient's family members, they are not around!"

"However, don't worry, the leaders of our school will be here soon. You save people first, and the school leaders will be responsible for the signing and expenses!"

When the nurse heard that the patient was a professor of University A, she was not so anxious.

In fact, even if you don't know the patient's identity, just by looking at his outfit, you know that his living conditions should be good.

Clothes and shoes may not be luxury brands, but they are of good quality, so they don't look cheap.

There is also the watch on the wrist, the classic Rolex old green ghost, which costs tens of thousands of dollars, and will never default on medical bills.


The nurse still asked the neighbor to help sign it first, so that the doctors could operate on the patient as soon as possible.

The neighbor hesitated for a moment, then signed.

The nurse took the folder and went back to the emergency room.

At this time, the relevant leaders of University A got the news and hurried over.

"How is it? How is Professor Qiao's situation?"

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked the neighbor eagerly.

The neighbor pouted at the emergency room and whispered, "I helped sign the consent form for the operation, and the doctor started first aid. Oh, yes, Director, this lesbian first discovered Lao Qiao and helped to call the demon. Twenty!"

While the neighbor was talking, he did not forget He Tiantian, and hurriedly said to the leader.


The leader glanced at the emergency room with the lights on, and knew that Professor Qiao was receiving treatment, and his heart was slightly relaxed.

He looked at He Tiantian, who continued to maintain the appearance of the original owner——

A middle-aged woman who has never seen the world, in the face of such a sudden situation, she follows her kind instinct to help save people.

However, just when the nurse shouted "sign" and "pay the deposit", it seemed that he realized that he might be in trouble.

Her face was full of panic, and there was fear in her bones - don't look for me, it has nothing to do with me! I, I am a good person who is righteous and brave, don't rely on me!

He Tiantian's acting is so good, he vividly interprets the kindness and contradictions of an ordinary little man.

Seeing He Tiantian's appearance, the leaders understood very well.

He eased his tone, squeezed out a smile, and said softly to He Tiantian: "This eldest sister, thank you so much, you saved our Professor Qiao!"

"Don't worry, we are teachers from University A, and surveillance cameras are also installed in our staff dormitories, so no one will deceive you!"

Alas, now, it's all ruined by those bad guys.

Ordinary people, even if they are kind-hearted, do not dare to do good deeds easily, lest they encounter an old rogue and be deceived.

The middle-aged woman in front of her probably just reacted and is regretting her "impulse".

He Tiantian was obviously relieved when she heard the leader's words.

She tried to give the other person a smile back, but Xu was too nervous, her facial expressions were not well controlled, she seemed to want to laugh or not to cry or cry.

Seeing that she was still too nervous, the leader put on the appearance of working and chatted softly: "By the way, eldest sister, I don't think you are from our staff dormitory. You came to us to visit relatives?"

The director also lives in the staff dormitory. It cannot be said that he is very familiar with the residents of the staff dormitory, but he also has some understanding.

Moreover, their community is relatively special, and they have very high requirements for tenants or homeowners.

The teachers and professors will soon know who in the community has rented out or sold the house.

Recently, the leaders have not heard of which company has a new face.

He Tiantian seemed a little flustered when she heard the leader's question, and hurriedly answered honestly: "I'm here for an interview! Mr. Wang from Unit 302, Unit 1, Building 9, their family needs a nanny!"

"I, my name is He Aitian, I'm here to interview the nanny. However, Teacher Wang said that I need to think about it for a few days and let me go home and wait for the news!"

"I went downstairs and walked directly outside. When I passed the small garden, I saw the teacher, oh, it was Professor Qiao's appearance that was not quite right!"

"When I was training in a housekeeping company, I took some nursing courses and learned some common sense, so I wondered if Professor Qiao was ill."

"Leader! You are the leader of the school, I'm really just passing by, I'm still looking for a job, I, I—"

As she talked, He Tiantian's face was full of urgency, and her eyes were full of helplessness and panic.

She interprets the appearance of a small person vividly.

The leader saw He Tiantian's expression and small movements in his eyes. Based on his years of experience, he expected that the middle-aged woman in front of him was not lying.

And when He Tiantian said that "I have learned some nursing courses" and "I still want to find a job", the leader's eyes lit up.

After receiving the news, on the way to the hospital, the leader was worried about how to deal with Professor Qiao.

Old Joe's family situation, as the director, the leader is very clear——

A few years ago, my wife and son passed away, but there are sons and daughters in the family, but all of them have gone abroad.

The son has been married abroad, and it is estimated that he will stay abroad if there is no accident.

Although my daughter is not married, she rarely comes back after going abroad. Last year, I heard that she had a foreign boyfriend.

Judging from her posture, she should also stay abroad to develop.

As for Lao Qiao, maybe the child is older, or maybe he doesn't care too much. After his wife passed away, someone introduced him to find another partner, but he turned it down.

Usually, Lao Qiao is busy with work, and he either eats three meals a day in the cafeteria, or his students and graduate students help to cook.

For the housework at home, there are part-time workers to clean, and his students will also help with some work.

Therefore, although Old Joe is alone, his life has not been affected too much.

However, now that there is an emergency, Lao Qiao fell directly.

When his people entered the operating room, there was no one who could sign.

And the follow-up nursing work... The leader shook his head, but he called Lao Qiao's two children.

It's just that the two places are thousands of miles away, and neither of the two children are idlers.

Knowing that their father was sick, they were worried and could not rush back immediately.

Asking for leave, booking air tickets, and time on the road, after a lot of tossing, it will take two or three days at the fastest.

Even if they came back, they couldn't keep guarding Old Joe all the time.

Don't work?

Don't care about your studies? !

So, in the end, there was still no one around Lao Qiao!

Fortunately, Lao Qiao has money, and the school will not leave it alone. He can help hire a nanny or a carer or something.

The director had just called the leader of the trade union, and the two sides exchanged views and unanimously decided: During Professor Qiao's hospitalization, the school came forward to arrange a person to take care of him first.

Originally, the director wanted to ask the medical staff to help him after he came to the hospital to take care of Lao Qiao.

However, at this moment, after listening to He Tiantian's words, the leader suddenly had an idea.

"This eldest sister, you don't have a job yet?" The leader confirmed it again.

He Tiantian nodded hurriedly, pretending not to see the leader's intentions, and said heartlessly: "Yes, my daughter is still in college, I need to earn her tuition, and I'm busy looking for a job!"

"Great!" The leader said in surprise, "Sister, do you think this looks good?"

"Professor Qiao's family members are not nearby. Even if they rush back, it is not convenient to take care of them for a long time. As for you, you are not only a professional, but also Old Qiao's benefactor!"

"Can you help with nursing while Lao Qiao is recovering? Don't worry, we won't let you work in vain! For three hundred yuan a day, Lao Qiao will thank you when he wakes up. Can you see it?"

The leader spoke very politely, and did not despise He Tiantian because of her shabby dress and petiteness.

He Tiantian accompanies him to laugh, hey hey.

When she heard "three hundred yuan a day", her eyes lit up.

"Okay! I'll see it!"

She swept away the panic and regret just now, and her face was full of joy, "Leader, don't worry, I will take good care of Professor Qiao!"

Two hours later, the door to the emergency room opened.

"Doctor! Doctor, how is Professor Qiao?"

Leaders and neighbors rushed up together, surrounded the doctor and kept asking questions.

"The rescue was successful, and the patient was delivered in a timely manner!"

The doctor's tone was relaxed and his expression was relieved. He saved the person without causing the patient to have cerebral infarction or paralysis. For him, it was also a very fulfilling thing!

"Good! Good! Thank you doctor! Thank you so much!"

When the leader heard the words "successful rescue", the big stone hanging in his heart was finally put down.

Sudden cerebral infarction, it is easy to suffer the sequelae of a stroke.

Old Qiao was only in his fifties, and he was still very young.

If you are directly paralyzed on the bed, how will you survive in the next 20 to 30 years? !

Fortunately, it was rescued, and fortunately there were no sequelae, which was the luck of the misfortune.

Of course, the leader did not ignore the words "delivered in time", and he looked at He Tiantian with gratitude.

Although there is no He Tiantian, the neighbors or passers-by of the staff dormitory should also notice the strangeness of Old Joe.

But to rescue this kind of thing, one minute earlier may be successful, and one minute later may cause irreversible consequences.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that He Tiantian is Professor Qiao's "savior" just now.

Without He Tiantian's discovery in time, Lao Qiao may not be dead, but he may be "better dead than alive"!

The leader secretly rejoiced for Lao Qiao, and was very grateful to "He Xiutian", the kind middle-aged eldest sister.

He thought that when Lao Qiao woke up, or when Lao Qiao's children rushed back, he must tell them all about it.

After being pushed to the ward, Qiao Zhenbang woke up slowly within two hours.

He opened his eyes, looked at the snow-white ceiling, and the drip bottle hanging above, for a moment in a trance.

"Professor Qiao, are you awake?"

Immediately afterwards, Qiao Zhenbang heard an unfamiliar and somewhat familiar female voice shout happily.

Then the bedside call bell was rang, and a few minutes later, a group of doctors and nurses came in.

Qiao Zhenbang's eyes rolled, and his chaotic brain suddenly became clear-

I remembered, I, I went home after get off work, I picked up a courier on the way, and when I walked to the small garden, my hands and feet suddenly became numb, and I fell directly to the ground.

Am I seriously ill?

Before falling into a coma, it seemed that a middle-aged woman ran over to support him, and even helped beat the demon 20.

He had never seen that woman before, and it was the first time he heard her voice.

However, when Xu Shi was in danger, Qiao Zhenbang remembered the woman's voice very clearly.

right! Just now, the female voice calling out "Professor Qiao" was the voice he heard calling an ambulance in a trance.

So, it was the middle-aged woman who saved him and sent him to the hospital?

And at this moment, has he been rescued? !

Qiao Zhenbang's brain turned very fast, and in just a few breaths, everything was sorted out.

At this time, the doctor had already checked him and asked, "How do you feel? Are your hands and feet still numb?"

When Qiao Zhenbang heard the question, he moved his hands and feet subconsciously.

He shook his head weakly, "Not numb."

After saying this, Qiao Zhenbang realized that his mouth had returned to normal.

He vaguely remembered that before he passed out, his mouth was always tilted to one side, and he couldn't speak well.

At that time, he thought desperately: I am not having a stroke, right? !

Now that he can speak normally again, does it mean that he has really been cured?

"Not bad. You are recovering very well. You can observe it for a few more days. If there is no other situation, you can be discharged from the hospital!"

When the doctor saw that Qiao Zhenbang was speaking normally, his consciousness was clear, and his hands and feet were not numb or stiff, he knew that the patient had really been rescued.

In the future, as long as you pay careful attention, take medicine regularly, and clear blood vessels, there will be no major problems.

Of course, these all require the active cooperation and careful care of the family members.

After listening to the doctor's words, Qiao Zhenbang's eyes flashed with sadness——


His wife is gone and his children are abroad, where does he have any family members? !

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