The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Five hundred and fifteenth chapter I am a vicious nanny (17)

Father Zhou did not want to think bad about his relatives.

After the Feng family's parents came to the provincial capital, both their attitude and performance were very good.

At least on the bright side, there is no fault at all.

Just coaxing Zhou Rujin to work with a big belly, really speaking, it's not a big deal.

Not a royal princess, whose daughter-in-law doesn't do any housework?

Even in a wealthy family, when a woman gets married, she will help her mother-in-law with some work, or perform a little.

At most, the Feng family was born from a poor background and was not suitable for the Zhou family.

However, Feng Mingtang is a phoenix man or something, such a thing cannot be said.

As a result, it is easy to affect the relationship between Feng Mingtang and Zhou Rujin.

Secondly, it will make people mistakenly think that their Zhou family dislikes the poor and loves the rich, is arrogant and domineering, and deliberately treats the son-in-law of the poor family.

If it was before the marriage, Zhou's father would not mind letting people know his objection to the marriage and all kinds of disgust for Feng Mingtang.

But now, Zhou Rujin has married Feng Mingtang and has his child in his womb. If Zhou's father said anything, it would be really inappropriate.

This is not to solve the problem, but to create new trouble.

After some thought, Zhou's father had a chat with Zhou Rujin, and he hinted that his daughter should not be too stupid, and she must not suffer herself for the false name of filial piety and virtuousness.

However, whether it was because the Feng family's "brainwashing" was too successful, or whether Zhou Rujin didn't think it was a big deal, she didn't care much about Zhou's father's persuasion.

She also turned to her father and said, "Oh, Dad, didn't you just wash a bowl by hand? It doesn't matter. Why do you make a fuss?"

Father Zhou: ... This is not a bowl issue, but the attitude of the Feng family is tricky!

But anyone who speaks a little bit of rules and understands a little bit of reason will not instruct their pregnant daughter-in-law to do this or that.

Not to mention, Zhou Rujin was originally married.

In addition to the so-called love, the parents of the Zhou family would compromise, and they also thought that marrying someone who was not famous would not cause their daughter to be wronged.

As a result, the Feng family wanted to have a "soft meal"!


Today I asked Zhou Rujin to wash the dishes, but tomorrow, should I let her mop the floor?

Cooking, laundry, cleaning the day after tomorrow? !

The Zhou family didn't say they had to let Mother Feng do it. They had a nanny.

Zhou Rujin's new house also hired an aunt.

Feng mother did not let her aunt do it, but instructed Zhou Rujin, a pregnant woman, to wash the dishes, saying that Feng mother did not do it on purpose, and Zhou father did not believe it!

Father Zhou opened his mouth, wanting to explain these truths to his daughter carefully.

However, when he looked up and saw Zhou Rujin's disapproval, Zhou's father suddenly realized that his daughter had been blinded by the "family warmth" created by Feng Mingtang, Feng's mother and others.

He said too much, and his daughter couldn't listen.

Father Zhou was worried about his daughter again, so he took the initiative to attack.

He discussed it with his wife, specially found a nanny from the housekeeping center, and sent it to Zhou Rujin with great fanfare.

Father Zhou did not dare to say whether Feng's father and mother were "beaten".

But Feng Mingtang should have understood the meaning of his father-in-law and mother-in-law: boy, if there is no one at home to work, just say directly, you are reluctant to hire a nanny, I will pay you to hire it!

In the future, if you dare to instruct my daughter to work, I will see how I will deal with you!

Feng Mingtang didn't say anything, there was nothing unusual on his face, and he took the initiative to run to tell his mother something.

In the days that followed, Mother Feng really stopped, and did not try to coax Zhou Rujin any more.

In the original plot, the nanny hired by Zhou's father for Zhou Rujin was He Xiutian.

He Xiutian came to Zhou Rujin's small home. At first, Zhou Rujin didn't like it very much.

As smart as Zhou Rujin, he can still guarantee his IQ online when it doesn't involve Feng Mingtang.

Therefore, she knew that when her father sent a nanny, she was not really worried about the lack of manpower on her side, but was beating the Feng family!

Zhou Rujin knew even more that his father felt sorry for him.

It's for your own good.

But... this also hurt Feng Mingtang's self-esteem.

He married a wealthy eldest lady, and he was dubbed "The Concubine". He suffered too much pressure and prejudice from the outside world and the world.

Zhou Rujin loved Feng Mingtang very much, and he felt more and more distressed for him.

As for Feng Mingtang, he was clearly wronged outside, but he never took anger at her.

Instead, he smiled and said, "They are all jealous! They are jealous that I have the ability to marry the eldest princess of the Zhou family!"

"Concubine? Haha, what happened to Concubine? They wanted to be, but no princess got married!"

Seeing Feng Mingtang's open-mindedness, Zhou Rujin loved him even more, and put him on the top of his heart completely.

Zhou Rujin can't control what the outsiders are like.

But now, even her own father treated Feng Mingtang like this, Zhou Rujin felt a little sad.

As a sensible and filial daughter, Zhou Rujin cannot blame her father.

She was a little angry with He Xiutian.

Of course, Zhou Rujin wouldn't deliberately embarrass a nanny, she just couldn't get too close to He Xiutian.

After Zhou Rujin gave birth, Mother Feng couldn't help but jump out and act as a demon when it came to such trivial matters as confinement and childcare.

Zhou Rujin was exhausted and almost suffered from postpartum depression.

During this difficult process, the diligent and attentive He Xiutian took care of her and dealt with her mother Feng and Zhou Rujin, which saved Zhou Rujin.

Zhou Rujin thoroughly saw Feng's mother's true face.

Zhou Rujin trusts and takes care of He Xiutian's aunt.

It was at this time that Zhao Yan, who was greedy for vanity, began to create a character of Bai Fumei.

Because He Xiutian was working in Zhou Rujin's villa, Zhao Yan claimed that he lived in the wetland villa in the north of the city.

She also took advantage of the opportunity to "visit" He Xiutian, took advantage of Zhou Rujin's inattentiveness, secretly took pictures of the villa, and then took it back to the dormitory to show off.

As for Zhou Rujin, I am grateful for He Xiutian's efforts. Every time the seasons change, she organizes the cloakroom, and when she finds that there are clothes that have not been unlabeled but are out of season, she will give these clothes to He Xiutian.

Zhou Rujin is the eldest princess of a wealthy family. The clothes she wears are basically big names.

Even if it is out of season, it can still sell for money in the second-hand market.

He Xiutian was reluctant to wear it herself, and she also wanted to make her daughter more respectable, so she took the clothes to her daughter.

Zhao Yan was already racking her brains to maintain her white and rich persona. The big-name clothes sent by He Xiutian were really timely and appropriate.

These clothes further nourished Zhao Yan's vanity.

Later, she began to be dissatisfied with this out-of-season clothes.

Using He Xiutian again, she ran to the Zhou family's villa and found a few bags or jewelry that Zhou Rujin didn't care about.

Zhao Yan did it very secretly, and even He Xiutian didn't notice it.

Two or three years later, Zhao Yan owed a huge amount of loan sharks, and when she came to He Xiutian to cry, He Xiutian knew it.

If He Xiutian was struck by lightning, he was even more ashamed.

Although she is poor and incompetent, she has always been an innocent person.

In the Zhou family, it is also a matter of duty.

Faced with those exquisite and luxurious items all day, she has never had a crooked mind.

It is because of this that Zhou Rujin trusts her more and more, and entrusts her to take care of the whole family.

As a result, her daughter did such a thing of stealing the master's house. The moment He Xiutian learned the news, he couldn't hold back and slapped his daughter severely.

Stealing or something is more intolerable than loan sharks.

However, no matter how he blamed his daughter for not being able to live up to his expectations, it had already happened, and He Xiutian could only find a way to remedy it.

She strongly ordered Zhao Yan to return the stolen items.

Zhao Yan was frightened by the appearance of her mother's anger for the first time. She didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly returned the bags and jewelry.

Jewelry is fine, basically no wear and tear.

Bags and so on, because Zhao Yan always showed it off, and she wanted to show the freedom and ease of disdain for these luxury goods, so she didn't cherish bags very much.

There are obvious scratches on one of Ai's bags.

He Xiutian couldn't hold back when he saw such a bag, and slapped Zhao Yan twice.

She has worked in Zhou Rujin's house for three years and has a good understanding of this wealthy eldest lady.

Zhou Rujin is not a mean person, she is very generous, the only thing she can't accept is deception!

So, after some thought, He Xiutian came up with a solution: she went to Zhou Rujin to confess.

As long as her apology is sincere enough and her attitude is humble enough, Zhou Rujin will definitely not care about her.

However, He Xiutian was still a step behind.

Zhou Rujin got interested by chance, went to the cloakroom to look for a brooch, and accidentally found that there seemed to be something missing in the cabinet where she kept her bags.

He Xiutian:  …

Although it was still discovered, there is still a difference between "surrendering yourself" and being forced to confess.

He Xiutian knelt directly in front of Zhou Rujin and told everything about the situation.

Zhou Rujin was naturally annoyed.

She really didn't like those bags very much, and she usually kept them in the closet.

However, no matter how she doesn't like it, those are all things she bought with real money and belong to her.

He Xiutian's daughter, but secretly took things away, this is theft, it is a crime!

Even if you change things back, you can't hide the fact.

Not to mention that things were damaged by her, and the loss was more than a hundred thousand!

Calling the police and going through the court is enough for a sentence!

It's just... Seeing He Xiutian crying bitterly, and recalling her conscientiousness in the past three years, Zhou Rujin's heart softened.

She didn't call the police or ask He Xiutian to compensate, and she didn't even fire He Xiutian.

Directly reduce this matter to a small, trivial matter.

He Xiutian was grateful, and became more attentive to help Zhou Rujin take care of the children.

However, Zhao Yan's troubles were not resolved.

She still has hundreds of thousands of usury on her back.

He Xiutian took out all his savings and predicted a year's salary, which was only enough to repay the interest.

Forced to be helpless, He Xiutian had to use various excuses to borrow money from Zhou Rujin.

Although Zhou Rujin was not satisfied, he still lent it to her.

But 30,000 to 50,000 yuan is really nothing to her.

But there were many times, only borrowing but not repaying, and the amount of the loan continued to increase, Zhou Rujin was a little murmured.

She found someone to investigate secretly, and found that Zhao Yan had actually borrowed an online loan.

Don't ask, all the money He Xiutian borrowed from her filled Zhao Yan's bottomless pit.

Loan sharks are like gambling and drugs, and you can't touch them to death.

Once it is stained, it will be ruined!

Coupled with the previous criminal record of "stealing things", Zhou Rujin really didn't have a good impression of Zhao Yan.

In addition, she also rejected He Xiutian - such a person is too dangerous, no one can guarantee what kind of crazy things she will do for money and for her daughter.

The adults don't care, the key is that she still has a three-year-old son.

The more Zhou Rujin thought about it, the more worried she became. She rejected He Xiutian's request to borrow money, and was going to find an excuse to fire He Xiutian too!

He Xiutian had been forced to breathe by loan sharks, and Zhou Rujin's rejection and indifference were the last straw that broke her down.

He Xiutian was twisted, she actually hated Zhou Rujin, kidnapped Zhou Rujin's son, and tried to demand a ransom.

Zhou Rujin was already wary of He Xiutian, and soon discovered He Xiutian's abnormality.

In panic, He Xiutian panicked and collided with an oncoming truck with his child in his arms...

This is the plot in the original plot, a blood debt owed by He Xiutian.

In the second version of the plot tampered with by the virus, He Xiutian still went to the Zhou family as a nanny.

She did not kidnap the child, but under the hatred, she gave birth to the idea of ​​revenge on Zhou Rujin.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to follow Zhou Rujin to eat on the flat floor where Feng's father and mother lived, she secretly opened the gas valve and set it on fire.

The fire was so big that it not only burned Zhou Rujin's mother and son to death, but also spread to the neighbor's house next door.

There was only one paralyzed old man in the household, and the nanny who took care of the old man went out to buy vegetables and temporarily escaped the disaster.

Of course, it was precisely because the nanny was no longer there and no one helped the old man, that the old man was choked to death by the thick smoke.

Three lives, it is actually a greater sin than the original plot.

He Tiantian couldn't help sighing secretly.

What made He Tiantian sigh even more was that the old man who was innocently implicated was none other than Professor Qiao Zhenbang Qiao!

"Tiantian, in fact, you don't need to sigh about fate. Back then, the housekeeping company gave two interview opportunities, one was Mr. Wang from the faculty dormitory of University A, and the other was the Zhou family!"

Little D classmate felt He Tiantian's mood swings, one couldn't hold back, and jumped out to complain: "You didn't choose to go to Zhou's house, but to the faculty dormitory of University A—"

"Little D, do you mean I did it on purpose?"

Because Qiao Zhenbang is a professor of University A, He Tiantian deliberately went to the staff dormitory of University A for an interview, not really looking for a job, but for Professor Qiao? !

He Tiantian asked indifferently.

Her tone was not heavy, but she still put inexplicable pressure on Xiao D's classmate.

Uh, half-step villain or something, it's still quite scary.

Little D shook the fur on his body. Although he was a little scared, he still dared to say, "Isn't it? How can there be so many coincidences in the world?!"

This is not what it said, but sweet quotes.

"Yeah, how can there be so many coincidences in the world!"

He Tiantian didn't care about the "presumptuous" of classmate D, but sighed faintly.

For example, in the second version of the plot, Zhou Rujin and Feng Mingtang brought their children to visit their in-laws.

But when the fire started, Feng Mingtang, Feng's father and Feng's mother happened to go out, leaving only Zhou Rujin's mother and son and a vicious nanny who was crazy inside...

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