The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Five hundred and sixteenth chapters I am a vicious nanny (18)

He Tiantian never believed in coincidences.

When receiving two versions of the plot, her intuition told her that Feng Mingtang seemed to have some problems.

In fact, not only Feng Mingtang, but also He Xiutian is a little weird.

She does have a motive for committing the crime - her daughter is too profligate, and she needs money to fill the hole.

However, He Xiutian's performance is obviously not in line with her temperament.

Especially in the second version of the plot, Zhao Yan bound the so-called cannon fodder counterattack system, and with the help of the system, stole some of the heroine's luck.

Zhao Yan has really enjoyed a period of time, she has also achieved certain achievements, and she is barely considered a successful person.

During that time, Zhao Yan was not short of money, and she was a person who loved face and was very vain, so she could make her mother resign as a nanny.

But Zhao Yan didn't, and she continued to force the "Bai Fumei" character, while her own mother, He Xiutian, was still a low-level nanny at Zhou's house.

This is kind of weird.

It seems that there is an invisible force that forcibly controls He Xiutian and his mother and daughter.

Of course, you can say that this is the arrangement of the plot. After all, Zhao Yan's scenery is not real scenery, but just a false prosperity under the control of wild control.

Zhao Yan was destined to become cannon fodder, and she had to pay the price for her former vanity and opposition to the heroine.

If He Xiutian left the Zhou family and did not continue to be a nanny, she would not be able to harm the master family, and she would not have a miserable end with her daughter.

...But, just forcibly using the plot to tell the story, can't convince He Tiantian.

After wearing it, He Tiantian did not follow the plot, but left the job of nanny, and went to the faculty dormitory of University A on purpose.

I don't know if it was a real coincidence, or He Tiantian had the right timing. She actually rescued Professor Qiao and did not let him suffer from sequelae because of the untimely rescue.

It becomes the appearance of "life can't take care of itself" in the plot.

Later, He Tiantian married Qiao Zhenbang.

In doing this, she not only needs to do tasks, but also has the idea of ​​testing the consciousness of the world. In addition, she is also making up for the sins that the original owner had committed.

Her actions really turned the plot around—

With the change of identity and the edification of the environment,

Zhao Yan did not continue to sink deeper and deeper into the quagmire of covetousness and vanity.

Her three views have been reshaped, and she has no reason to oppose the heroine.

Even if he was forcibly bound by the Wild Tong, Zhao Yan did not become his slave.

As for Qiao Zhenbang, there is no sequelae, so there is no need to retire early, leave the faculty dormitory of University A, and go to the Daping floor to recuperate.

In this way, he would not be easily implicated by the affairs of Zhou Rujin's family.

Even if he is affected in the end, he should be able to escape.

Not to mention, He Tiantian is still by his side, and will never watch him be "killed by the plot"!

There is also the couple Zhou Rujin and Feng Mingtang.

He Tiantian was not a nanny, but a professor's wife.

Thanks to Qiao Zhenbang's social circle, she was still able to interact with each other.

Once there is contact, He Tiantian will have the opportunity to explore their secrets!

"...Well, it's kind of interesting!"

Married to Qiao Zhenbang for less than three months, He Tiantian won the attention of Qiao Zhenbang through her excellent performance, and successfully came into contact with his network.

For example, at this moment, Feng Mingtang was standing in front of He Tiantian, and looking at Qiao Zhenbang's face, he shook hands with He Tiantian and greeted him politely.

At the moment when He Tiantian and Feng Mingtang's palms came into contact, He Tiantian felt a faint dark aura.

It's not the kind of black energy that is wild, but something a bit like Yin Sha Qi.

Oh wow!

Feng Mingtang really has a problem!

And this world doesn't seem like the script itself.

It's as simple as it appears.

There are even hidden supernatural elements!

I just don't know whether Feng Mingtang has "adventurous encounters" or what "magic treasure" is hidden in him.

Or, what system does he have!

"It's not the system, I didn't feel the energy fluctuations in his soul!"

Xiao D jumped out and shouted, "I have checked carefully, Feng Mingtang has a mysterious power, but he has no spiritual power!"

Therefore, Feng Mingtang is not a warlock, nor does he practice any exercises.

The biggest possibility is that he may have obtained some "treasure", and under the action of this thing, he can do certain things.

"..." In fact, without the help of D classmates, He Tiantian can also find out Feng Mingtang's own situation with her divine sense.

However, with the evidence of Xiao D's classmates, He Tiantian is more and more sure of her judgment.

"Looks like I'm going to take a good look at this Zhou family's concubine!"

He Tiantian was calm, but she had a plan in the dark.

Originally, Feng Mingtang and Zhou Rujin had nothing to do with He Tiantian's mission.

However, in the two versions of the plot, the original owner, He Xiutian, was infected with sin because of the couple and became a poisonous nanny that everyone yelled at.

He Tiantian took over the body of the original owner, and must bear the corresponding cause and effect.

Not only did she have to do the task, but she also assumed the identity of the original owner and completely eliminated all the grievances for her.

The sins owed must be made up and repaid.

And if she is "framed", He Tiantian will also give her justice.

"...Speaking of which, although Rujin and I are not students of University A, we have listened to Professor Qiao's lectures during the university period, and we can be regarded as half of your students!"

Since it's a greeting, try to be polite and approachable.

Although Feng Mingtang looked suave and bookish, he was still a shrewd businessman in his heart.

Qiao Zhenbang is not an ordinary university professor, but a big bull in the financial field.

He not only serves as a consultant to some companies, but many of his students occupy a certain position in the financial industry.

Therefore, Feng Mingtang is still very warm to Qiao Zhenbang and tries his best to establish a relationship.

"Haha, Mr. Feng is very polite!"

Qiao Zhenbang was modest in his mouth, but he was very useful in his heart.

Besides, Feng Mingtang is not all close, Qiao Zhenbang has indeed taught Feng Mingtang and Zhou Rujin and his wife.

Even Zhou Rujin, the Zhou family princess, would politely call "Teacher" when she saw him.

He Tiantian's eyes lit up. She was thinking about how to get involved with Zhou Rujin. After all, according to the timeline, Zhou Rujin has just finished giving birth and is confinement.

She couldn't go out to socialize, and even if He Tiantian successfully entered the social circle of wives through worshiping Buddha, clubs, etc., she could not interact with a woman who was confinement.

As a result, Qiao Zhenbang gave He Tiantian a chance: I really didn't expect that there was such a relationship between this couple and Qiao Zhenbang.

Since she is a "teacher and student", she also accidentally heard from Feng Mingtang that Zhou Rujin had given birth to a child. As a "teacher", it is not too far-fetched for He Tiantian to visit one or two!

So, the next day, He Tiantian came to Zhou Rujin's villa with a gift.

"He, Mrs. He?"

Zhou Rujin was a little surprised, but still received He Tiantian politely and thoughtfully.

Speaking of which, it is not the first time that Zhou Rujin and his wife have had contact with He Tiantian.

As early as two or three months ago, when He Tiantian and Qiao Zhenbang got married, they did not have a big banquet, but just invited their relatives and friends to have a meal.

At that time, Zhou Rujin and his wife did not come, but they still sent gifts.

Zhou Rujin, the eldest princess, was very thorough in her work, and even Zhao Yan, the oil bottle, was taken care of.

Zhao Yanshou

A brooch in the box is a small gift from Zhou Rujin.

He Tiantian didn't forget these. After seeing Zhou Rujin, he took this as the topic and started a small chat with Zhou Rujin smoothly.

"...Our Yan'er likes that brooch very much, and has long said that I would like to say thank you to you in person, but I have never had the chance!"

"I met Mr. Feng yesterday, and only then did we know that you have already given birth to your child and are recuperating at home. It happened that when I went to Foyuantang to copy scriptures a few days ago, I asked for a peace talisman and wanted to give it to the little one. Come!"

He Tiantian explained her rash visit in a few sentences.

Then, he took out a delicate embroidered bag from his bag, and in the bag was a folded talisman.

The Fo Yuan Tang in He Tiantian's mouth is a vegetarian private kitchen dish that worships Buddha in the wives circle in the provincial capital.

Whether it is true belief, or for the sake of conspicuous appearance and appearance, many wives with heads and faces in the provincial capital are VIP members of Foyuantang.

He Tiantian entered the Foyuantang on the basis of learning to cook vegetarian dishes under the banner of "to make healthy meals for her husband".

In Foyuantang, she discussed Buddhist scriptures with her boss, a senior Buddhist monk, and she successfully won the respect of the other party.

Not only did I successfully learn the vegetarian dishes of Foyuantang, but I was also given a super VIP membership by the boss.

Relying on the identity of the professor's wife, He Tiantian successfully met several wives on the platform of Foyuantang.

In turn, it helped Qiao Zhenbang expand his circle and successfully conducted his wife diplomacy!

He Tiantian used her ability to show her value, not only Qiao Zhenbang looked at her differently.

After a long time, she will gradually fade away the status of "professor's wife", but rely on herself to be valued by these nobles!

Of course, these are all later stories.

For now, He Tiantian is still the "Mother He" in Zhou Rujin's mouth. Relying on Qiao Zhenbang's relationship, he has contacts with Zhou Rujin.

"Thank you, Mrs. He!"

Zhou Rujin, as an independent woman in the new era, although she is also a VIP of Foyuantang, she just goes to socialize and eat some vegetarian food by the way.

But she doesn't really believe in religion or anything.

Not to mention atheism, she believes that man will conquer the sky.

However, as a businessman, with the influence of Zhou's father, Zhou Rujin would not be too repulsive about "safety talismans".

She doesn't believe that the peace talisman will really keep her safe, but, having such a thing is also a kind of good wish!

Especially after having a child, Zhou Rujin's heart has become extraordinarily soft.

For the sake of the child, let's talk about a peace talisman, even if she really believes in Buddhism and worships Buddha, she is willing!

Taking the small embroidered bag with both hands, Zhou Rujin thanked him politely, and then directly stuffed the embroidered bag into his son's swaddling clothes.

Seeing Zhou Rujin like this, whether she believes it or not, as a gift giver, He Tiantian is satisfied.

As expected of the shrewd, capable, thoughtful and steady Princess Zhou, this behavior is just one word - steady!

But, she is so capable, why can't she see through the essence of her husband's "Phoenix Man"?

Is love covering your eyes?

Or was it forcibly demoted?

Have had the experience of being forcibly demoted by world consciousness or supernatural energy too many times;

He Tiantian also witnessed some girls who were supposed to be strong, independent, confident, and proud, but were imprisoned in the name of "love", and then turned into people they didn't even know.

Seeing Zhou Rujin again, He Tiantian would not easily believe that the other party is a love brain.

Perhaps, the "love" between Zhou Rujin and Feng Mingtang is not what it seems on the surface!

Taking advantage of the chat with Zhou Rujin, He Tiantian released her divine sense and probed carefully.


This is--

He Tiantian's eyes flashed "fruit"

That's it." She used her hand as a pen, and drew out a trace of spiritual power, and drew a talisman in the void.


Zhou Rujin only felt a shiver, and the mist covering her soul seemed to be blown away.

Her whole person became extraordinarily clear!

"Rujin, this is the pig's trotter soup that I simmered myself, especially for breastfeeding!"

At this time, an old woman who looked a little rustic and spoke with a clear accent came over with a bowl of white and greasy soup.

She didn't take the guest He Tiantian seriously at all, but directly used the appearance of "I'm good to you", while saying the big truth, while persuading Zhou Rujin to drink this so-called milk soup.

If it was before today, although Zhou Rujin was extremely repulsive in his heart, he would still hold his nose and drink it.

No way, my mother-in-law is for her own good, but also for the children.

As for her likes and dislikes, all have to give in for the child.

Just like what my mother-in-law said every day: "Rujin, you are now a mother, but you can't be as self-willed as before!"

"Let's, everything must be considered for the children!"

"Breast milk is nutritious, and children are more resistant to drinking..."

As soon as Zhou Rujin gave birth to a child, she already had a sense of responsibility and mission as a mother.

There is another mother-in-law who is always talking like this, and Zhou Rujin can't help but succumb - yes, everything is for the sake of the children!

Therefore, knowing that the greasy pig's trotter soup can't produce milk, it may also block the mammary ducts due to being too greasy, causing mastitis.

But "for the sake of the children", Zhou Rujin still gritted his teeth and drank these tasteless and disgusting soups!

Of course, that was before today.

Now, at this moment, Zhou Rujin's mind suddenly became clearer.

When she heard her mother-in-law's words again, she did not endure, let alone give in, but said calmly and decisively: "Mom, pig's trotter soup does not produce milk at all. The doctor said that drinking water is more effective!"

Moreover, the milk thing is also a bit "by luck".

It is related to factors such as personal physique and psychological situation. It does not mean that how much milk soup you drink can be effective.

People who should have milk can breastfeed by drinking plain water.

For people with insufficient milk, even if they pour three pots of pig's trotter soup and crucian carp soup in one day, it will not help!

And most importantly, why do you have to breastfeed?

Can't their Zhou family afford the best milk powder?

Why do you have to make Zhou Rujin physically and mentally exhausted for the sake of the child, can't sleep at night, and is almost on the verge of collapse? !

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