The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 517 I am a vicious nanny (End)

Zhou Rujin feels that the whole society seems to be in PUA women.

If you don't breastfeed your child, if you don't feed your child until the age of three, it doesn't seem like a competent and loving mother!

Could it be that the mother is exhausted physically and mentally because of such trivial matters as breast milk, almost collapsed, causing the mother to suffer from depression and directly taking the child to seek death, is this true maternal love? !

Is breast milk really everything?

Is milk powder really that bad?

It is not a poison, but it can liberate the mother, let her sleep well, let her no longer be anxious, and let her have more abundant energy to take care of the child.

Isn't that bad?

And Zhou Rujin is not an ordinary woman, she is the princess of a wealthy family.

It's not that rich people are superior to others, but that with money, she can make more choices.

She can buy the best milk powder, and she can hire a professional parenting teacher.

Instead of being overly concerned about the money for milk powder and diapers like ordinary families, and putting all the pressure on a woman with a disordered body hormone.

When Zhou Rujin was pregnant, giving birth, and confinement, she heard a lot of rambles from her mother-in-law.

Sometimes, she couldn't help but wonder: Are those who boast about vaginal delivery, breast milk and diapers all day long for the good of mothers and children, or to save money? !

If cesarean section, milk powder, diapers and other things don't cost money, will those people still advocate brainwashing to women?

Well, Zhou Rujin admits that being trapped at home all day and spending all day with an annoying mother-in-law who disagrees with her, her whole person has become negative.

These ideas of hers are too extreme.

However, Zhou Rujin still believes that a mother's love for her child should not be rigidly "standardized"!

"Forget it, let's feed milk powder!"

Zhou Rujin was chased by her mother-in-law every day about the problem of milk, and she was "used to it".

At this moment, in front of an outsider like He Tiantian, Zhou Rujin was not too shy.

At best, don't say anything embarrassing or too private.

She ignored Mother Feng's black face and shouted directly, "Auntie Chen, go and fetch the milk powder I put in the storage room on the second floor. It's the box of milk powder that my friend sent back from Australia!"

"No! No milk powder! How can our baby be fed milk powder?"

Mother Feng shouted,

There is not much respect for Zhou Rujin, the wealthy daughter-in-law, between words.

She took on the appearance of her mother-in-law teaching herself in the early years, and was ready to reprimand Zhou Rujin as usual.

Zhou Rujin didn't give Feng mother a chance to have an attack. She raised her head and looked at her mother-in-law coldly.

The aura of a wealthy princess and the domineering power of the Zhou family's heir were instantly released.

Her eyes showed nobility, alienation, and the sharpness and determination of the real superior.

This is the first time she has shown a wealthy family in front of the Feng family.

In the past, she cared about Feng Mingtang's face, and she didn't want to be reprimanded as bullying and disrespecting her in-laws...

In the past, she, who was riding a horse, was simply smothered in her brain.

This has done a lot of incredible things.

Love is not one-sided, nor is it humble!

At this moment, Zhou Rujin has become clear-headed again. Looking back on what he did in the past, he really wished he could slap himself twice!

She must be in the dark!

Was headed down! !

Only then will you disobey your parents for the so-called "love", make yourself so humble and keep giving in!

Even an old lady from the countryside can coax her into a fool...

She was so ridiculous and absurd in the past.

Even her parents, her family, became the laughing stock in the wealthy circle.

And the past is more to her

The elite education she received since she was a child, the humiliation of her entire ability.

However, now is not the time for remorse!

Although it was a little late, it was still in time.

Zhou Rujin secretly made up her mind, and when she treated Feng's mother, she was even more domineering.

Feng's mother is an old rural lady who has never seen the world.

In the past, Zhou Rujin made many concessions to Feng's mother because of Feng Mingtang, for the so-called reputation, or simply because he was demoted.

Now that they are not refunding, and they even took out the money from the rich and noble princess, Feng's mother was directly frightened.

She subconsciously took two steps back, her stomach full of admonitions all stuck in her throat, and she couldn't say a word.

"Okay! I'll go right now!"

Seeing that Feng's mother was not making a fuss, and Zhou Rujin was so strong, Aunt Chen, the nanny sent by the Zhou family, hurriedly responded and ran to the second floor to get something.

Looking at Aunt Chen's back, He Tiantian narrowed her eyes.

She also used her divine sense to investigate just now, and sure enough, she found a trace of black energy in Aunt Chen's divine soul!

Therefore, this one was also influenced by Feng Mingtang's "dark breath".

And so, He Xiutian in the two versions of the plot will do such crazy things. In addition to his own reasons, he is also controlled by supernatural powers!

After confirming this, He Tiantian let out a sigh of relief—the original owner was not really sinful and sinful.

She does have flaws, but she's not really a villain.

"Mother He, I made you laugh!"

While waiting for Aunt Chen to take things and make milk powder, Zhou Rujin smiled embarrassedly at He Tiantian.

He Tiantian already knew the information she wanted, so she didn't stop there.

She took advantage of the situation to draw a magic talisman for Aunt Chen, wiped off the black air from her soul, and then got up to leave.

The original owner's cause and effect, she ended!

A month later, when He Tiantian went to Foyuantang to socialize normally, she listened to a few wives chatting—

"Hey, have you heard that the eldest princess of the Zhou family is divorced!"

"No, she just gave birth to a child not long ago. I heard that the relationship between the young couple has always been very good!"

"Not bad? That concubine of the Zhou family is a phoenix man. It's okay to eat soft rice, but he still wants to eat soft rice hard."

"Also, I heard that Feng Mingtang has a good friend in his hometown. The child is two years old and raised in Feng Mingtang's grandfather's house."

"No, no, no, how did I hear that Feng Mingtang used sorcery on Zhou Rujin, which made Zhou Rujin confused, and even treated the pair of in-laws from Shangougou as their ancestors!"

"...Yes, I also heard that the old Jay Chou went to Hong Kong City to invite a master back a few days ago, saying that he was looking for Feng Shui for the newly opened real estate. In fact, it was to exorcise Zhou Rujin."

"What, I got the news that Zhou Rujin already has a son, so he doesn't care about men anymore. They put their son in the name of the Zhou family, and it is logical to be the heir of the Zhou family!"

He Tiantian held a cup of wild camellia tea that was said to have been fried by the monks in the temple, and listened to the gossip of the wives while sipping gently.

What they say are all rumors, some are true and some are false, but most of them are false and codified.

Among them, not only the guesses and criticisms of outsiders, but also the Zhou family's own handwriting.

They deliberately made things absurd and bizarre, with different opinions, in order to cover up the real facts——

Feng Mingtang did plot against Zhou Rujin, but it wasn't sorcery or cheating, but he picked up a dilapidated puppet puppet in the Taoist Temple in his hometown.

This puppet is stained with a little puppet Yin evil spirit.

After recognizing the master, it can help the master (that is, Feng Mingtang) to influence the target person.

Of course, the puppet's evil spirit is not much, and it is not enough to control someone.


It can amplify certain emotions of the target person.

Those who love will love more;

People who are full of negative energy will have more negative emotions and even go to a desperate situation.

Zhou Rujin belongs to the first case, the original owner in the original plot and this time Aunt Chen belong to the latter.

As for why Feng Mingtang killed Zhou Rujin in the second version of the plot, it was also because under the control of the puppet, Zhou Rujin became less and less a qualified heir.

Zhou's father was disappointed several times, and finally decided to start training Zhou Rujin's younger siblings.

No longer a princess, and without the Zhou family's family business, Zhou Rujin foolishly canceled the prenuptial agreement.

All property in her name became marital property.

Once she dies, Feng Mingtang, as a spouse, will not only be able to inherit the inheritance, but also justify half of the inheritance.

He Tiantian:  …

Maybe there are still people who can't understand what Feng Mingtang did. After all, everyone is a normal person, and it is normal to not understand the psychology of criminals!

However, the matter of the Zhou family was completely over.

Two months later, Zhou Rujin, who had completed the divorce formalities and completely cut off with the Feng family, came to visit He Tiantian on purpose.

She may not know that He Tiantian secretly shot and helped her solve the terrifying trouble.

However, Zhou Rujin knew that she would suddenly "figure it out" after Mrs. He visited her.

Still the same sentence, Zhou Rujin doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, but he also likes to have a "good luck".

And Mrs. He seems to be a lucky and lucky person.

Qiao Zhenbang was saved by her. After a serious illness, not only did he not get old and weak, but he became younger and younger, because he married "He Xiutian".

There is also Foyuantang. After the boss made a good relationship with "He Xiutian", he actually got a cookbook from an ancient temple, and the vegetarian food became more and more authentic and exquisite.

As for Zhou Rujin, he immediately woke up, quickly found out the details of Feng Mingtang, and quickly got rid of the scumbag.

God knows, Zhou Rujin didn't know whether to be angry or happy when he found out that Feng Mingtang's hometown still had a distant cousin and illegitimate child!

Stop the loss in time and make up for it!

Although there is sadness, remorse, and deep hatred, I am more grateful that I found out early and did not let myself fall into an irreparable abyss.

Zhou Rujin is really grateful to Mrs. He who woke him up.

In addition, Mrs. He also gave the baby a peace talisman.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect or if it's really effective. After putting the safety charm on the baby, it's been two months, and the baby doesn't even have a cold or fever.

During the divorce battle between her and Feng Mingtang, Feng's mother rushed to the house frantically, trying to snatch the baby away.

Aunt Chen and the newly invited parent hurriedly stopped him.

During the fight, the child fell to the ground.

At that time, everyone was frightened and stupid. A child less than three months old fell from a height of more than one meter. Even if the fall did not die, there would still be damage.

However, after sending the child to the hospital, after some examinations, it was found that the child had no problems and was not even shocked.

It's just the peace talisman in the embroidery bag, which disappeared at some point, leaving only some powder.

Zhou Rujin was still skeptical, but after listening to her father Zhou's story about the origin of the Ping An Talisman, he exclaimed again and again: "A master! This must be a real master!"

The master he identified, even if it was not Mrs. He herself, had a great relationship with her.

Therefore, Zhou Rujin and the entire Zhou family have great respect for the professor's wife "He Xiutian".

Of course, the Zhou family didn't publicize it. After all, he almost harmed his son because of the torment with the husband's family, which is really not a glorious thing.

The Zhou family has released a lot of news, true or false, just to muddy the water and prevent Zhou Rujin from becoming a laughing stock in the circle.

After some operation, the effect is very good, Zhou Rujin

He quickly got rid of the gossip, returned to the market with a tough attitude, and changed back to the capable and shrewd heir of the Zhou family.

Some truth is still being annihilated.

Besides, Mrs. He didn't publicize it, and it's not easy for Zhou Rujin and the Zhou family to directly expose their secrets.

It's good to know each other well. In the future, their Zhou family will respect Mrs. He more, that's all.

But there is no airtight wall in the world. Even if the Zhou family keeps it a secret, they place too much importance on a rural woman like "He Xiutian" who relies on marriage.

It's even more respectful than Professor Qiao himself, which is weird in itself.

Outsiders can't imagine that He Tiantian has ghosts and gods, and only thinks that she has other skills worthy of the Zhou family's attention.

Afterwards, He Tiantian started to invest in stocks and cooperated with Zhou Rujin to do business... Slowly walking out from behind Qiao Zhenbang, everyone realized that this professor's wife is really unusual.

What is even more admired by everyone is that He Tiantian has her own career, but she has not given up taking care of Qiao Zhenbang.

She may not be as thoughtful as in the past, and she has also hired a nanny, a carer, etc.

But because of her presence, Qiao Zhenbang received the best and most comprehensive care.

Whether it was three meals a day or hospitalization, Qiao Zhenbang lived very comfortably.

Without the worries of family and health, Qiao Zhenbang's career has revived for the second time. He has written several professional books one after another, and has also become a special consultant for the relevant financial departments of the state.

His identity has been further improved, and he has complemented his wife "He Xiutian", becoming a godly companion who is praised and envied by everyone.

Qiao Zhenbang was grateful for He Tiantian's contribution and help, and became more close and loving towards his stepdaughter Zhao Yan.

And people's emotions are all out there.

Zhao Yan came to Qiao's house when she was seventeen or eighteen, but in the days that followed, she often accompanied Qiao Zhenbang.

Qiao Zhenbang was hospitalized because He Tiantian and Zhao Yan were busy with their mother and daughter.

But Qiao Zhenbang's biological children are always unable to be taken care of in front of Qiao Zhenbang's hospital bed for various reasons.

After comparing the two, Qiao Zhenbang's heart naturally gravitated towards Zhao Yan.

Of course, Qiao Zhenbang still values ​​blood and family, but Zhao Yan is no longer a cheap daughter who only has face.

He really regarded Zhao Yan as his child, helped her pave the way, and considered everything for her.

After graduating from university, Zhao Yan took Qiao Zhenbang's letter of recommendation and went to the United States for graduate studies.

On Wall Street, Zhao Yan, under the guidance of his senior brother (that is, Qiao Zhenbang's student), began to try his best.

With money, a professor stepfather who truly loves her, and a mother who is becoming more and more brilliant, Zhao Yan herself has become better and better, she no longer has low self-esteem, and she will not have any vanity.

Therefore, when the cannon fodder counterattack system finally accumulated energy to wake up, and found that Zhao Yan did not meet the conditions for its binding at all——

Zhao Yan is no longer a cannon fodder, but a good all-round female supporter with the heroine.

"...Uuuu, I can only change the host."

The cannon fodder counterattack system cried, but before it could choose the next host, it was swallowed by He Tiantian who came over after hearing the news...

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