The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 528th chapter is another rescue mission (7)

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"Haha, sweet, look at it, there is actually a spiritual spring in the upgraded space!"

Little D was very excited, and what made him even more surprised was that he could actually enter this space.

Not the phantom of consciousness, but the entry of a real entity.

Originally, it just wanted to find out a touch of spiritual power and carefully explore this space.

But, a voice told it that it could come in directly.

Little D's inner core wavered for a while, and before it could react, the whole ball of hair snapped and fell into the fenced courtyard of the log cabin.

Feeling the physical contact, Xiao D is like Erha who has finally rushed out of the cage, rolling frantically on the ground.

The fur on its body was covered with dirt and grass clippings.

A white-haired dumpling instantly turned into a flower dumpling.

Little D didn't care at all, he was immersed in the new feeling of physical contact.

"Tiantian, come quickly too. Hey, by the way, don't use your consciousness, but try to enter with your real body."

It's not enough for the little classmate D to be happy by himself, and he eagerly calls for his close friends.

He Tiantian's heart flashed a hint of hesitation, and her intuition told her that this space was too weird, and it shouldn't be as simple as "upgrading".

But she was really curious.

In the depths of the sea of ​​knowledge, there is still a crazy call from classmate D.

Momentarily moved, He Tiantian tried to mobilize her thoughts, thinking desperately: "I want to go in!"


The figure in the dormitory disappeared out of thin air.

At the same time, in that mysterious space, a young and beautiful girl instantly fell.

He Tiantian: ? ? ?

Student D screamed, "Ah, ah, ah,

Sweet, you have turned into the original! "

"Wow Kaka, this space is too amazing, it not only allows you to enter directly, but also allows you to change back to your true self!"

Not the ghost of the ghost, not the original owner Shen Hetian, but in the form of "He Tiantian".

Xiao D jumped around He Tiantian excitedly, during which he couldn't help rubbing He Tiantian's legs and hands with fluff.

Speaking of which, Xiao D has been He Tiantian's smart assistant for some time.

They are close friends who depend on each other.

However, most of the time, little D classmates either exist in the depths of He Tiantian's sea of ​​knowledge, or stay in the library space.

When one person is in unified contact, it is basically in the form of soul and projection.

It is definitely the first time that the two sides appear in real physical form and have real contact like this at this moment.

Not to mention that Xiao D was inexplicably excited, even He Tiantian couldn't help hugging the fluffy ball, and tried RUA several times.

Hehe, the fluffy feel and warm touch are softer and more comfortable than cute pets like cats and dogs.

Mmmm, just like what He Tiantian imagined, she couldn't help but indulge in it, wishing she could bury her head in Mao Tuanzi and suck and suck desperately!

"Haha, enough is enough, sweet, put me down!"

"It's so itchy, it's so itchy! Oh, sweet, people will be shy!"

Little D was sucked by He Tiantian and Rua, and the whole hairball turned pink shyly.

It was like a real ball of hair, its body couldn't help but dodge, and the hair all over its body seemed to explode sensitively.

He Tiantian: ...Please, classmate D, you are an artificial intelligence, not a real hairball.

Your kernel is a group of data and code, not real flesh and blood.

You, you are so embarrassed.

However, this space is really amazing, even if it is an intelligent assistant, with RUA in hand, it actually feels warm.

As if what she was holding in her arms was a real hair ball with flesh and blood.

After a few more RUAs, He Tiantian slightly satisfied her inner desire.

Before classmate D really exploded, He Tiantian finally let go of a pair of claws and let classmate D be free.

"Sweet! Look, it's this spiritual spring, I feel the rich and pure spiritual power!"

Little D's classmates, Duang, Duang, and Duang jumped all the way to the edge of the spiritual spring in the small courtyard.

It took a deep breath and immediately showed a satisfied expression.

"As for what, little D classmate, you are an artificial intelligence!"

He Tiantian felt that her little friend was stupid enough to follow her, and after entering the space, she seemed to be more like Erha.

Has it forgotten that it is not a real hairball, but just a cold artificial intelligence?

"What's wrong, you'll know it when you come and feel it yourself!"

Classmate D pouted and threw He Tiantian a blank eye.

Hmph, I really think it is a tradition that has never seen the world. If this spiritual spring is not really magical, it will not be so excited.

He Tiantian was originally curious about the so-called Lingquan, so she didn't hesitate to see Xiao D like this.

She quickly walked a few steps to the Lingquan. Instead of rushing to do it, she held her breath and carefully felt the breath of Lingquan.

Such a strong spirit!

It was more than the spiritual energy she felt in the spiritual world.

This hot spring seems to be condensed with spiritual energy, and every drop contains a very strong spiritual energy.

He Tiantian's heart is even more madly clamoring for a voice: drink it! drink it!

After drinking such spiritual spring water, you can cut the hair and wash the marrow, and you can rejuvenate.

If poisoned, the toxin can be removed.

Even the most terrifying and deadly zombie virus outside, the spring water can easily cure it!

He Tiantian: ... I rely on it, isn't it, it's so magical?

Or, did the plot shine into reality?

Ah, no, this small world was originally derived.

So, even if something magical appears, it's normal, right?

He Tiantian's mind instantly flooded with many thoughts.

She couldn't hold back, squatted down, reached out and plunged into the gurgling spiritual spring water, really feeling the surging spiritual energy.

"Phew!" He Tiantian took a deep breath, feeling that spiritual energy lingered in her nostrils.

Then, she couldn't hold back again, and the Wuji Jue in her body started to run wildly.

That rich white spiritual energy that almost turned into a substance, under the Wuji Jue technique, quickly turned into a huge spiritual force, and one by one, it swam in He Tiantian's body.

Little D looked dumbfounded, "I'm going! This is too bad. Tiantian is directly wrapped in aura."

A cloud of white gas enveloped He Tiantian.

It seems like a huge energy group, and He Tiantian is in it, and between breathing and breathing, the aura has become his own.

The dantian quickly gathered enough energy, and that energy filled the dantian, and after reaching a certain amount, it began to expand and expand.


The barrier of Dantian seems to be broken!

He Tiantian actually broke through the cultivation base directly, and successfully established the foundation from the introduction of Qi into the body!

Incredible, simply incredible!

This is where the urban language has become the end of the world, and it is simply entering the world of immortality.

He Tiantian felt the vigorous power in her body, and her spirit was further solidified and strengthened.

After running the last lap of Wuji Jue, He Tiantian slowly opened her eyes and let out a long breath.

She found that her whole person had become different.

It is no longer a heavy mortal body, but it is able to return to the original and get rid of distracting thoughts.

Her mood has been improved and stabilized, and she seems to have entered a new stage!

In the magic stick script, although He Tiantian came into contact with the magical world of cultivation, he also obtained a very profound exercise--Little Master's Promise Jue.

But under the control of the plot, in that small world, He Tiantian cannot cultivate by herself.

She can only use the golden finger given by the system, the "Urban Immortal Doctor Ceiling", which can heal people and ghosts and heal immortals, and become a bug-like existence in the entire small world.

She seems to have stepped into the world of supernatural and cultivators, but she herself has no cultivation.

Therefore, she has no personal feeling about the real cultivation and the improvement of the realm.

This time, with the help of spiritual spring water in the space, He Tiantian finally succeeded in establishing a foundation and officially entered the ranks of cultivators.

It's not easy, the key is to give He Tiantian a new experience!

He Tiantian clenched her fist and felt the surging spiritual power in her dantian.

She felt like she had become really different.

It is also a void drawing talisman. In the past, she could only play one-tenth of the role of the talisman.

But now, if she draws the talisman again, she can get double the effect.

In addition, she can turn aura into a weapon and attack directly.

"...Spiritual spring water, it's really amazing!"

He Tiantian glanced at the bubbling spiritual spring water, and sighed contentedly.

"Sweet, you have become a cultivator!"

Xiao D shouted in surprise, and then, it rolled on the ground and rubbed its own fluff with the soil, "Could it be that this world has to transform from apocalyptic writing to immortal writing?"

He Tiantian:  …

For some reason, hearing Xiao D's words, He Tiantian's soul was suddenly touched.

There seemed to be an idea that flashed in her mind.

However, it flashed so fast that He Tiantian didn't catch it.

Shaking her head slightly, He Tiantian suppressed the weirdness, "Okay, let's not talk about this, let's take a closer look at this space."


Hearing He Tiantian's words, Xiao D also abandoned the worry in the depths of the core. Duang, Duang, and Duang jumped and followed He Tiantian to explore the space together.

The space is really huge, like a shrunken world.

The chalet is located on a flat hinterland surrounded by rolling hills.

Not far away is a large tract of fertile land that has been reclaimed into farmland piece by piece.

A small stream meanders through the farmland.

It's just that there doesn't seem to be any living thing in the space.

Apart from He Tiantian and Xiao D, there are no other creatures.

"Sweet, we can find some chickens, ducks and geese to keep in captivity in the space."

"Oh, by the way, this creek can also be stocked with fish, shrimp and other things!"

"...Isn't it all written in the space spirit spring? The same species, raised in space, will become extraordinarily spiritual."

"Then what, it tastes very delicious, and it can prolong life!"

Little D has only eyes and a mouth on a ball of hair. It is obviously an intelligent assistant with no emotions.

But when it comes to delicious "ingredients", I can't help but slap and swallow.

He Tiantian's speechless face.

Little D, even if the ingredients produced in the space taste good, one of your special smart assistants will not be able to taste it.

It seems that he heard He Tiantian's complaints, Xiao D's cheeks were puffed up, and he shouted angrily: "Then you should do more tasks and level up as soon as possible. When the points reach a certain amount, you can exchange me for a body!"

"With a substantial body, I can eat like a real human, experience the joys and sorrows of human beings, and enjoy human food..."

He Tiantian was a little surprised, "Can you still exchange your body? Let you upgrade from a hairball to a real creature?"

He Tiantian didn't say "human", because when she wanted to come, it is impossible for Xiao D to evolve into a human.

At most, it will be a "hairy" creature like a cat or a dog.

Little D classmate: ...I'm very angry!

You are the cat and the dog!

You are the "hairy" creature!

He Tiantian and classmate Xiao D, one person and one hairball, bickering and exploring in the space.

Walking out of the fenced courtyard, He Tiantian came to the farmland and grabbed a handful of wet soil.

Drink, it's still black soil so fertile that you can grab oil.

He Tiantian is also a boss who is proficient in "essential skills for travelers". In the script of the loyal servant mother-in-law, she also guided her daughter to come up with improved grains.

Even if He Tiantian is not an agronomist, he knows farming skills very well.

Therefore, just looking at the soil condition, He Tiantian can judge that the farmland in the space is absolutely suitable for plant cultivation.

Not only grains, fruits and vegetables, etc., can also get the best growth.

"Sweet, this space is so sweet. Knowing that we have come to the end of the world, we have given an extremely fertile black land!"

"Haha, if there is another special effect of rapid maturity of space, such a large farmland, it is estimated that it can support the survivors of a base!"

Xiao D is still very excited.

"Well, farming in the last days is indeed a common stalk of many apocalyptic literature!"

He Tiantian replied with a smile.

In other words, the importance of food in the last days is beyond doubt.

He Tiantian doesn't have a golden finger. Now that she has this space, she will definitely make full use of it for the benefit of mankind!

"The water in the stream is so clear. The key is that the water is still flowing!"

Xiao D continued to say happily: "It's the end of the world, environmental pollution is serious, and water resources are also very important!"

He Tiantian smiled and nodded again.

One person and one hairball circled the stream, but unfortunately there were no fish and shrimp in such a clear stream.

Finally, they finally returned to the cabin and began to explore each room.

There weren't too many things in the room, there were no handwritten notes or exercises left by the senior cultivators, and there were not too many ornaments and utensils.

Apart from the simple wooden table, wooden chair and wooden bed, there is nothing else.

However, He Tiantian found her own space of only 10 cubic meters in the warehouse.

In other words, after seeing the magic of Lingquan space, looking at the most primitive small space in my own house, I really have a feeling of "invisible"...

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