The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 529th chapter is the rescue mission (8)

The latest website: "...It's okay! After all, this small space is the 'Origin'!"

Seeing the look of disgust on He Tiantian's face, classmate D hurriedly jumped over to comfort him.

Well, in fact, Xiao D also feels that the small space for the main system reward is a little out of hand!

Tsk tsk, the spiritual spring space outside is the real space.

This rectangular box, which is only 1*2*5, is a small shelf at best. How can it be worthy of such a tall name as "Space"?

However, after thinking about it, the Lingquan space was upgraded from a small space.

Small spaces are simple and cramped, but they are fundamental.

Without it, Tiantian would not be able to get such a magical portable world like Lingquan Space!

He Tiantian grinned, revealing an insincere smile: "It makes sense, I was comforted!"

Little D classmate: ...Hmph, perfunctory me again!

He Tiantian separated a touch of consciousness and probed the materials in the small space——

Military cans, compressed biscuits, individual self-heating food, and items such as a multi-purpose military shovel, salt, sugar, and first aid kits.

There are many varieties, and the quantity is also ok.

It's just that the volume of the small space is too small, and these reserves, at most, are enough for He Tiantian to use alone, or the emergency kind.

He Tiantian took out some supplies with her consciousness, and then left the Lingquan space with Xiao D.

When the two figures, one person and one hairball, disappeared into the space, the surging spiritual spring water stopped for a moment.

The white aura lingering in the spiritual spring water seems to have decreased a lot.

However, after a while, the spiritual spring water continued to spew, and the layer of spiritual energy in the space became full again!

He Tiantian didn't notice this slight change in the space.

The body returned to the dormitory, and He Tiantian also became Shen Hetian.

Looking down at the tall but slightly thin body, especially the item unique to men, made He Tiantian feel a little uncomfortable for a while.

This is not the first time she wears a man as a woman, but the problem is that she was in her own form one second, but the next second she became a strange man again.

Gee! This gap is really big.

Moreover, He Tiantian didn't know if it was her own illusion, she suddenly came out of the space full of spiritual energy and entered the "reality" surrounded by viruses and pollution. She only felt that the rancid and decadent dark energy was even more intense.

The mouth and nose were full of unbearable stench, and her soul seemed to be wrapped in slow negative energy.

Hard to breathe!


He Tiantian moved her fingers slightly, and Void drew a purification talisman.

With her body as the center and a radius of half a meter, in the small area, the stench and bloody smell finally disappeared.

He Tiantian found the original owner's desk and pulled out a black backpack.

She stuffed the items she took out of the small space into her backpack, put on a sports suit, grabbed the sapphire shovel, and pushed open the door.

Ho, ho ho!

Hearing the movement of the door, several zombies wandering in the corridor were attracted.

They swayed, and the roars of monsters kept coming out of their mouths, and they rushed towards He Tiantian.

He Tiantian did not use spiritual power, but waved the engineer shovel, and the sharp shovel blade slashed directly at the head of the zombie.


The head of the zombie was blown off, and the whole body fell to the ground.

boom! Boom!

He Tiantian waved a few more times, and several zombies were all headshot.

He Tiantian endured the nausea, and an engineer shovel almost swung an afterimage, finally killing all the zombies that came.

He Tiantian didn't dare to care, she didn't stay in the corridor.

She rushed while fighting, running from the corridor to the stairs, and then from the stairs to the outside of the dormitory building.

It was already bright outside, but under the big sun, a terrible and disgusting tragedy was staged.

Because everyone heard the broadcast and knew that the garrison was coming to the gate of the East Campus.

Thirty -five % of the students gathered into small groups, or waving a mop, or holding the clothes rod, endured fear, shouted in their mouths, rushed to the direction of the East School Gate in the mouth .

They are students in the end, they have little experience, and their physical quality is generally sub-healthy.

Not to mention martial arts, they would be exhausted and out of breath even after running for a few minutes.

Some people bravely rushed out of the playground where zombies roamed, while others were bitten by zombies and turned into zombies directly, and in turn attacked their former roommates and classmates.

The army of zombies keeps growing.

The campus is full of screams, calls for help, and sounds of gnawing flesh.

The once sunny and youthful campus has instantly turned into a purgatory on earth.

Some students were so frightened that they collapsed, fell to the ground, closed their eyes and waited desperately to die.

Woohoo, so scary!

It's so scary!

I don't want to run away, just let me die.

The end of the world, zombies are rampant, even if you rush out of the campus and go outside, you will still face those monsters!

Fei Hanqing, who was all fat, couldn't run, and happened to step up another step, and the whole person rolled on the ground.

His 250-pound body was flattened directly, and his heart was full of despair.

Woohoo, he really couldn't run, and the roommates thought he was a burden, so they left him and ran for their own lives.

Fei Hanqing did not resent them either.

People do not kill themselves for their own sake!

If it was him, if his teammates were too pig or too dishy, ​​he would not be willing to take them.

It's just that when he himself became a "pig teammate" in the eyes of others, he was left directly, and he was still very sad.

Forget it, anyway, his parents have become zombies, and he has no relatives.

Even if he escaped, he would still be alone, so he might as well just die and reunite with his parents in heaven.

Ho ho!

Several zombies smelled the delicious breath of living people and gathered around them one after another.

Fei Hanqing was scared to death, thinking that he was ready to die.

However, when those monsters approached with disgusting saliva, Fei Hanqing couldn't help struggling desperately.

Do not!

I don't want to be eaten alive by zombies.

Even if I want to die, I don't want to die in such a disgusting and terrifying way!

Fei Hanqing waved his limbs vigorously, trying to stand up.

However, when he fell from the steps just now, he sprained his foot, and both of his palms were covered with bruises.

Coupled with his overweight body, it is really difficult for him to stand up with his own strength.

Woohoo, obviously everyone else can explode their potential at a critical moment, why can't I? !

Fei Hanqing closed his eyes in despair, waiting for him to become the object of the zombies' feasting.

However, the expected pain did not come.

Instead, there was a bang bang bang, the sound of heavy objects hitting

Oh, and the sound of thumping and thumping heavy objects to the ground.

This is--

Fei Hanqing felt a glimmer of hope in his heart.

Just when he wanted to open his eyes to see what happened, a clear male voice came: "What are you still doing lying down? Hurry up and run!"

He Tiantian was a little speechless.

What time is it, this fat man is still lying on the ground with a corpse.

I really thought that if I met a bear, I could escape by pretending to be dead.

Not to mention that zombies are not bears, even if they are bears, they can't hide by pretending to be dead.


Fei Hanqing abruptly opened his eyes, and when he looked up, he saw a tall, thin boy with a shovel in his hand.

Brains splattered, corpses lay on their backs.

Although Fei Hanqing's heart was beating wildly, he still felt a great sense of security.

Boss! You are such a big guy!

Want to kneel, want to hug thighs!

He was so weak that he couldn't even get up.

"Not getting up yet? Do you really want to feed the zombies?"

He Tiantian was even more speechless. Could this fat man be scared stupid?

"...Big brother, I also remembered it, but I can't get up!"

Fei Hanqing was about to cry, and a fat bun face wrinkled, as if it had become a bun fold.

He Tiantian:  …

She freed up one hand, grabbed Fei Hanqing's wrist, and lifted the 250-pound man with a little force.

Note that it is a lift, not a pull!

Fei Hanqing was dumbfounded.

He was sure that he was not delusional, his toes did not touch the ground at all, but were suspended in the air a few centimeters high.

Fuck, fuck it!

This big guy, you are too arrogant.

Are you born divine, or have you inspired a power-type power? !

Fei Hanqing's eyes were shining brightly, looking at He Tiantian, full of awe and envy.

He Tiantian ignored Fei Hanqing. After she picked up the person, she pressed him to the ground.

The toes finally landed, but Fei Hanqing's knees were a little weak.

He really wanted to kneel down and recognize Big Brother.

"Okay, let's run!"

He Tiantian put down Fei Hanqing, left a sentence, and ran towards the east gate.

As she ran, she shot her head with a sapphire shovel.

I have to say that the engineer shovel Duan Yong got for her is really strong and sharp.

He blew the heads of more than a dozen zombies, but he didn't even have the slightest curling blade.

Of course, He Tiantian also poured in some spiritual power, increasing the strength of the swing.

This has the effect of 1+1\u003e2.

"Hey! Good!"

He Tiantian blew the heads of two zombies again, and Fei Hanqing finally reacted.

He hurriedly responded, then ran desperately, barely keeping up with He Tiantian's speed.

While running, Fei Hanqing introduced himself: "Hello, my name is Fei Hanqing, not Fei Yuqing, but Zhang Xueliang and Zhang Hanqing's Hanqing!"

"I'm a junior in the second class of the Marketing Department of the School of Management, I..."

I don't know if Fei Hanqing is a talker by nature, or if he is stimulated and wants to vent by talking desperately.

When he opened his mouth, it was as if there were no gates, and he babbled and talked endlessly.

He Tiantian:  …

Although a little nagging, but not annoying.

She did two things with one mind, and continued to fight zombies in her hands, but her eyes swept over Fei Hanqing.

Well, this little fat guy looks fat, but he doesn't give the impression of being obese.

His facial features are very delicate, and his skin is very white.

Coupled with the excess weight, it gives people a feeling of being fat and white.

When speaking, there are still dimples on both cheeks, but he is too fat, and the flesh on his face flattens the dimples.

However, if you look closely, you can still see the dimples.

At first glance, it looks a little cute.

This is probably what the elders said about being lucky.

"Boss, what's your name? Which academy student are you from? Are you a junior or senior!"

Fei Hanqing followed for a few minutes, his body was already puffy, and with his constant talk, his breathing became heavier.

He was panting heavily, but he didn't forget to inquire about the big guy's information.

"My name is Shen Hetian, and I'm also from the School of Management. I'm a senior!"

He Tiantian didn't want to pay attention to Fei Hanqing at first, but seeing his cute appearance and clear eyes, he was obviously a righteous person.

For a moment, his heart softened, and He Tiantian casually exchanged a few words.

"Hello, Senior Brother! Thank you Senior Brother for saving me! Senior Brother, I can't repay the kindness of saving my life, so let me follow you and be a pony!"

Fei Hanqing is very good at climbing the pole, and when he heard that "Shen Hetian" is also a management school, he directly called "Senior Brother".

People also talk about "holding your thighs" in such a grandiose manner.

It seems that if He Tiantian doesn't accept his little brother, he just doesn't want to fulfill his "heart of repayment".

He Tiantian:  …

Although a little cautious, but not annoying.

I have to say that Fei Hanqing's face is quite good.

Simple and honest, cute, inexplicably makes people want to feel close.

"I don't accept horses!"

He Tiantian replied lightly.

As a result, she was used to fighting alone.

Second, she has too many secrets, and if there is a pony around her, she will be discovered sooner or later.

Thirdly, her goal is to do tasks, not to recruit younger brothers and become kings.

She doesn't mind saving a few more people in the last days, but she doesn't want to be the "boss" and be responsible for others.

Fei Hanqing's smile collapsed.

However, he soon smiled again, and the dimples on his cheeks were looming: "Senior brother, you also go to the east gate! I heard that the garrison will escort us to the base in the north of the city!"

"Oh, yes, the base in the north of the city is an unfinished project in a villa area. Although it is unfinished, the main body of the building has been completed!"

"The provincial government has temporarily decided to convert this unfinished villa into a survivor base!"

"I hacked into the Sky Eye system and carefully observed that the unfinished villa is not bad. The government is organizing manpower to urgently build the city wall!"

"By the way, many of the people recruited by the government are superhumans!"

"That's right, it's the power user mentioned in the apocalypse, the five elements power of gold, wood, water, fire, soil, and other mutant powers such as thunder, ice, space, and healing!"

Fei Hanqing kept talking.

He is not gossiping, but trying his best to prove to He Tiantian: Boss, you see, I am not a pure waste either.

Although I read marketing, in the future I may be selling houses, insurance, and cars.

But I have other specialties, I can hack, and I'm good at radio.

I have multiple means of grabbing information.

By accepting a little brother like me, you are equivalent to having a humanoid information collector.

You are absolutely not at a loss!

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows. She was not surprised by Fei Hanqing's many skills, but felt that this little fat man was really transparent and clever.

Uh, it seems that it is really good to accept such a little brother.

He Tiantian was a little moved.

Later, after coming to the East Campus and seeing those classmates who had left Shen Hetian, Fei Hanqing's poisonous tongue skills made He Tiantian even more impressed...

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