The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 530th chapter is the rescue mission (9)

Remember [New] for a second,! "Shen Hetian, how are you-"

At the east gate, hundreds of students gathered.

In the humming crowd, Shen Hetian's girlfriend, roommates and classmates huddled in the corner in horror.

Fortunately, they rushed from the dormitory to the east gate all the way, encountered zombies, but were not injured, and reached the assembly point smoothly.

However, this process is not a good memory for them.

The roaring monsters, the shrill screams of the surrounding classmates, the blood stains, the crumbs of organs and flesh scattered on the road, etc., all impacted a few young people who had not yet left the university campus.

Knowing this time, they felt that "the end of the world is coming".

As scheming as Wang Zimo, he was also frightened by the cruelty of reality like a frightened bird.

Think about it, no matter how much he knows how to calculate, he is only a senior in his early twenties.

I know that society is cruel, I understand that there is a gap between reality and dreams, but what in the end times is too far away from them.

The zombie crisis in film and television dramas, and the bloody end-of-the-world in online novels are just a pastime for them to pass the time.

When they're really in it, it's really hard for them to adapt.

Several people hugged their backpacks tightly and snuggled together tightly, shivering like a few young birds in a storm.

Just when they were in shock and fear, they suddenly saw a person who shouldn't be there, and they blurted out in shock.

"Surprised to see me?"

He Tiantian was holding an engineer shovel in her hand, and the surface of the shovel made of jet-black stainless steel was covered in dried blood.

Between the serrations of the spade edge, there are still some suspicious debris.

Wang Zimo, Dong Lina and others didn't dare to think about what these scraps were.

But the "Shen Hetian" in front of them made them feel danger and oppression: his eyes were cold, his body was covered in blood, and he was holding a sharp weapon in his hand.

This person is far from the classmates (boyfriends) in their impressions. He seems to be an avenger who has crawled back from hell!

the Avengers? !

Uh, what, they really shouldn't have left Shen Hetian, but it's instinct to seek benefits and avoid harm and protect oneself.

They are just classmates (boyfriends),

Neither blood nor law is directly responsible.

Shen Hetian couldn't ask them to be ordinary people with the standard of saints.

"Hetian, there is nothing we can do. We are all ordinary college students, and we don't even have the ability to protect ourselves. How can we save people?"

Wang Zimo took a few deep breaths and tried his best to restore his chaotic heartbeat to normal.

With a smile, he tried to present facts and reason with "Shen Hetian".

"...I have a fever, and you think I have the zombie virus, obviously I have no contact with zombies!"

"However, it doesn't matter. You are afraid that I will become a zombie, so you tied me up just in case!"

"The broadcast said that the garrison was coming, and everyone was asked to gather at the East Campus Gate. You don't want to bring me, and you can understand. After all, you are not mine, and it is normal to leave me alone."

"But, you shouldn't continue to tie me up, and you shouldn't even close the door when you leave. Have you forgotten that there are zombies wandering in the corridor outside the door?"

"...Oh, by the way, you said, you didn't leave me alone, but came to ask the garrison to rescue me!"

"Then I just want to ask, it's been a while since you escaped, did you tell the garrison about me?"

He Tiantian was not polite at all, and told everything Wang Zimo and others had done.

Especially the last sentence, although He Tiantian has not been verified yet, but she dares to bet that seeing these people in shock, they can't even keep their emotions calm, and they can't even care about the roommates they left in the dormitory. (boyfriend).

Sure enough, hearing He Tiantian's words, especially the last question, Wang Zimo, who has always been eloquent, was choked up.

Dong Lina and the others were even more guilty: Damn, they really forgot Shen Hetian.

After finally arriving at the East Campus Gate, they finally saw the assembled army. They were only afraid and fortunate, and they had long since thrown Shen Hetian out of the sky.

"Hetian, we, we are too scared, and you don't know, when we escaped from the campus, we went through a particularly terrible thing."

"...Sorry, He Tian, ​​we didn't do it on purpose!"

"Yeah, we were really freaked out. But we haven't forgotten about you—"

"Cut! What do you explain? What if you forget it? We are just classmates, not his, why should we be responsible for his safety!"

Others didn't come to save them, why should they be judged by Shen Hetian like a sinner?

Several people first apologized guilty and guilty, but as they talked, some of them shouted in dissatisfaction.

These words sounded a little cool, but they thought that they were in the apocalypse, and when they just fled the campus, many classmates, in order to escape for themselves, did not hesitate to use the people around them as human shields...

Compared with those people, Wang Zimo felt that they were enough.

At most, they didn't save Shen Hetian, but they didn't harm him either!

"No way! No way! If you didn't kill someone directly, wouldn't it count as harming someone?"

The little fat Fei Hanqing hid behind He Tiantian, and after listening to the conversation of the several of them secretly, he roughly understood the situation.

He looked at the big boss with a little sympathy in his eyes, but more empathy - the same as the world's fallen people!

It turned out that he, like the big boss, was a poor man who was abandoned by his roommates.

However, it seems that the boss is more pitiful than him. Although Fei Hanqing was abandoned by his roommates, he was not tied up by them and left in the dormitory with the door wide open.

There are a lot of zombies in the dormitory building.

Fei Hanqing didn't have to see it with his own eyes, but just by thinking about it, he could infer the crisis of the boss at that time.

It is estimated that the boss broke out at that time.

It was also mentioned in the broadcast that, in addition to the initial virus activating abilities, people in desperate situations may also inspire abilities.

In Fei Hanqing's harmless eyes, a gleam of light flashed.

However, there was a lot of fat on his face, which made his small eyes a little small.

If outsiders didn't observe carefully, it would be difficult to notice the change in his eyes.

Feeling as if he had guessed the "truth", Fermat, who wanted to hug his thighs, did not hesitate at all, and a yin and yang anger came directly.

"It's understandable that you tie people up to prevent them from becoming zombies!"

"However, when you left, you didn't close the door, and directly exposed your brother sleeping under one roof to the minions of zombies. This is not a simple 'seeking advantage and avoiding harm', but a murder on horseback. what!"

Fei Hanqing was not polite at all, and directly tore off the disguise of Wang Zimo and others.

"What murder? Don't say it so badly!"

"Yeah, we were just too flustered and forgot to close the door for a while!"

"Yeah, yeah, don't talk about us, it's yourselves, when you are running for your life, do you still have the time to close and lock the door?"

"...He Tian, ​​we are indeed negligent, but we really didn't mean it!"

Wang Zimo and others hurriedly defended.

Although the end of the world, everyone sweeps the snow in front of their doors, this is a normal choice.

However, the end of the world has just come, and people have seen the cruelty and blood of the end of the world, but they have not completely distorted and lost their humanity.

Especially when young college students like Wang Zimo are the most shameful and considerate of their reputation.

Being exposed in public for their "selfishness" and "cruelty", although they felt that they were excusable, the eyes and whispers of the people around them still burned their self-esteem and face.

Of course, the most important thing is that they themselves said that "it is a normal person's choice not to save others", but now they still need the rescue and protection of Brother Bing.

They can even abandon their "brothers" who have lived in the same dormitory for three or four years, so why should they ask for their unfamiliar brother soldiers to do their best to rescue them? !

This is a proper double standard!

He Tiantian saw that they were eager to explain, but they were always saying: Dear, the end of the world is over, and you can't use the moral standards of the past to ask others.

Their choices are human.

Maybe it hurt "Shen Hetian", but none of them did it on purpose.

He Tiantian:  …

Well, although it's a bit far-fetched, it's not unreasonable.

"Okay, I understand you, you didn't mean to murder me!"

He Tiantian curled her lips and glanced at the backpacks of several people, "Yeah, it's the end of the world, why should I ask you for the moral code of the peaceful era?"

Wang Zimo and the others heard He Tiantian say this, but they were not at all relieved.

Especially Wang Zimo, he was apprehensive and always felt that "Shen Hetian" would still have a "but".

No, here comes the turning point!

He Tiantian sneered, "Even so, please return the supplies that belong to me!"

"After all, just like what you said, now is the end of the world, and everyone should take care of themselves. Sharing, sharing weal and woe, that's a requirement for saints!"

"I can't morally kidnap you with the standards of saints. The same is true, and you can't let me be self-denying!"

Wang Zimo and the others heard this, and subconsciously hugged the backpack in their arms.

These are their lives!

Although they experienced the apocalypse for the first time, they all understood the importance of materials, whether it was the plot they saw in the novel or speculated according to common sense.

Without food and drink, even if they escaped the campus and went to the survivor base, it would be difficult for them to survive.

"Boss, do you mean that these people 'shared' your supplies, but left you in a dormitory where zombies are wandering and the door is wide open? Or are you bound?"

Fei Hanqing was very clever, lest the people around him didn't understand the meaning of the boss, he pretended to be puzzled and re-emphasized the "key point".

Seeing that Fei Hanqing was so smart, He Tiantian felt more and more that it was really good to have a little brother and a Ma Zai who helped him swear.

She nodded slightly, "Yeah, my cousin is in the trade, and he just sent me several boxes of Internet celebrity food two days ago, including bottled drinks, chocolates, energy bars, instant chicken breasts, sausages, Self-heating hot pot…”

"After the end of the world, my classmates and roommates fled back to the dormitory. They didn't have any food for themselves, so they asked me to distribute these supplies!"

"The most ridiculous thing is that my things are not mine. After they took the supplies, they threw me directly to the zombies!"

Speaking of this, He Tiantian's face showed sadness. Obviously, these classmates of the original owner are not just normal "selfishness and coolness", but have already broken through some bottom lines, as if there is a trend of superlatives.

"No! No! It's already 2202, and everyone is born after zero. How could there be such a double-standard Bichi?"

Fei Hanqing continued to be a cosmetic onmyoji. He deliberately used exaggerated expressions and a strange tone of yin and yang to ruthlessly run on Wang Zimo and several people: "When dividing things, what kind of brotherhood and mutual help should you pay attention to!"

"While fleeing for his life, he used 'the last days are over, everyone must take care of each other' as an excuse."

"You are so double-standard, do your parents and teachers know?"

"Where's your face? Where's your face? How could you be so embarrassed to take other people's supplies, but leave them tied up and leave it to the zombies as snacks?!"

"You hurt others, but let others understand you! Now, when people want to take back what originally belonged to them, why can't you understand others?!"

"Co-author you only 'understand' what is good for you. Tsk tsk, it's your first time as a human being, why are you special?"

"Stop talking nonsense, and hurry up and return the things!"

While Fei Hanqing was full of firepower, he rushed to the front while several people were being scolded so shamelessly and unprepared.

He pulled hard and actually snatched all the schoolbags back.

Wang Zimo and the others only felt that the palms of their hands were in pain from being pulled by the strap of the schoolbag, and they reacted instantly.

"Damn fat! What are you doing?"

"How dare you rob us?"

"Return it, hurry up and return our things!"

Several people shouted at Fei Hanqing angrily.

That angry look, that eager tone, seemed to be Fei Hanqing's peerless enemy.

Fei Hanqing is the master of a fox and a tiger. He grabbed a few backpacks, and without saying a word, he slipped and hid behind He Tiantian.

He Tiantian: ...What a nimble little fat man, what an alert horse boy.

Although Fei Hanqing was a little cautious, his words and deeds were not annoying.

He Tiantian even felt that Fei Hanqing's strange appearance just now made her very satisfied.

Seeing Wang Zimo and several people break out, she didn't speak, with a cold face, she directly aimed the military shovel in her hand at a few people.

The jet-black military shovel seemed to be less powerful and domineering than something like a machete.

However, the hand in He Tiantian's hand was covered with blood, and looking at it, it made people feel the cold and evil spirits.

Coupled with He Tiantian's expressionless appearance, Wang Zimo swallowed a mouthful of spit, and couldn't help but take a few steps back...



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