The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The five hundred and thirtieth chapter is the rescue mission (12)

The latest website: The boss said, let him stay in the RV and keep him safe.

He is not a monk of Tang Dynasty, even though Sun Wukong has explained everything in every possible way, he still wants to go out of the protection circle willfully.

He would listen to the boss and hide in the RV obediently.

Woohoo, I just hope that the boss is as reliable as the Monkey King, otherwise, his little life——

There are so many zombies, not to mention ordinary RVs, even thickened and hardened tanks can be overturned and shredded!

Fei Hanqing was clinging to the carriage, shrunk into a ball, his teeth rattled, and his whole body was about to shake into a sieve.

He simply closed his eyes, as if as long as he didn't look, the zombies wouldn't find the RV and then attacked him.

In fact, you really can't see the dark zombies outside.

Fei Hanqing: What's the situation?

Does this car have a stealth function?

Fei Hanqing waited for a long time, and felt that the ho ho sound outside became a little quieter. He opened his eyes cautiously, and leaned to the car window to look out carefully.

Hey, those zombies really didn't seem to find the RV.

The group of people arrived at the RV, as if they encountered some barrier, the zombie stream was separated, and then converged in front of the RV.

This feeling is like a large rock in the river, briefly diverting the river.

The only difference is that the stones in the river are visible to the naked eye, but those zombies do not seem to feel the existence of the RV.

Fei Hanqing just thought it was incredible: What kind of supernatural event is this?


and many more--

Fei Hanqing thought of the way He Tiantian gestured his finger at the RV before, so he said that his boss is a real genius. Just move his finger and he can be like the Great Sage Monkey King? !

If it were left in the past, Fei Hanqing would definitely not believe in the myth of ghosts and gods.

But now is the end of the world, zombies are coming, abilities are activated, and there will be another warlock, mysterious door,

It seems normal too.

Fei Hanqing was only slightly startled, and then he accepted the fact that his boss is an "all-round boss"!

Hehe, he's more than just "accepting", he's going crazy with joy.

The thicker and stronger the thigh he hugs, the better his life will be.

Brilliant... Brilliant... Brilliant!

The walkie-talkie that Fei Hanqing held tightly in his hand made an electric noise.

Fei Hanqing hurriedly sat down and called into the walkie-talkie, "Boss!"

"Fei Hanqing, get ready, and launch missiles in ten minutes!"

He Tiantian's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

In addition, there are some scalp-numbing ho-ho sounds, as well as the sound of biting flesh and gnawing bones.

Fei Hanqing couldn't imagine how many zombies there were on the other end of the walkie-talkie.

Because at this time, there were still sporadic zombies on the road beside the RV, as if being pulled by something, desperately rushing towards the valley.

Thinking of the group after group of monsters I saw before, combined with the voice from the walkie-talkie, Fei Hanqing's back and forehead were all covered in cold sweat, and the hairs all over his body stood up.

"……it is good!"

Fei Hanqing changed the word "good" several times.

He Tiantian: ... As for what, I'm afraid it will be like this!

If you really let you stand on the valley and look at the zombies full of pits, it is estimated that you will directly pee your pants.

"Fei Hanqing, watch the time, don't shake your hands!"

He Tiantian was worried that Fei Hanqing was too scared and delayed the business.

She is not afraid that the gathered zombies will backlash, but she feels distressed for those spiritual springs that have been used up.

In fact, He Tiantian is most suitable to use the spirit gathering array or the evil spirit array, at most it will consume some evil spirits.

However, He Tiantian still has some illusions: perhaps, among these zombies, some have just been infected by the virus.

As long as the zombies did not turn into a zombie for more than 24 hours, they could still be rescued after using the spiritual spring water.

The probability of this is very low, and there is definitely a gambling element.

But He Tiantian felt that since she came to the end of the world and possessed a magical spiritual spring, she must find ways to save more people.

It became a zombie for no reason, and it also became a monster that devoured the same kind. This is definitely not what those people wanted.

He Tiantian believes that she is not the savior of the world, but she can't stand on the sidelines either.

Doing good deeds without asking for reward!

He Tiantian doesn't have too great sentiments, she just wants to have a "clear conscience"!

Fei Hanqing heard the warning in He Tiantian's words, he bit the tip of his tongue, the pain calmed him down quickly.

Taking a deep breath, enduring the fear from instinct, Fei Hanqing said firmly: "Yes, boss, don't worry!"

Through the walkie-talkie, Fei Hanqing and He Tiantian checked the time.

Then the countdown begins!

He Tiantian here, and sprinkled some spiritual spring water, making those restless zombies even more crazy.

She jumped up and drew a few talismans over the valley, forming a temporary circle to surround the zombies.

After doing this, He Tiantian quickly escaped.

Er, although she successfully established the foundation, she really stepped into the threshold of cultivation.

But her current cultivation base is relatively low, and she is still a mortal body.

Ordinary bullets, she can easily dodge.

Missiles or something, ahem, she still shouldn't challenge it lightly!

Ten minutes was enough for He Tiantian to leave the valley several miles away.

"five four three two one!"

Looking at the timer turned on on the phone, Fei Hanqing silently counted down in his heart.

When the number became "zero", Fei Hanqing pressed the operation button on the computer in time.


In a military base tens of kilometers away, after the end of the world, many soldiers have also turned into zombies.

The leader eliminated the zombies in the barracks in the shortest possible time.

But because of the rapid and massive loss of personnel, the base was a bit chaotic.

The missile launch system was hacked and none of the relevant personnel found it.

It was still a missile that was launched "by itself", and only after hearing the roar, did the base leader realize that "something went wrong"!

However, before the leaders could verify the situation and find out the reason, their computer received a video——

In the huge valley, thousands of zombies gathered.

A sound went from far to near, and the missile followed a unique parabolic path and landed precisely in the valley.

Accompanied by the violent explosion, the flames splashed everywhere, and groups of zombies turned into debris and ashes.

"...This is our missile?"

The base leaders seem to understand.

"It is estimated that it is a power user who is full of justice. I don't know what method I used to gather a large number of zombies, and then invaded our missile launch system..."

The subordinates around the leader watched the video and guessed in a low voice.

Leader numb face: Although it is to eliminate zombies, this kind of unorganized and undisciplined behavior is not to be appreciated.

"There's no way, it's the end of the world now, our country is okay, and it's not completely chaotic. The government of the island country and Bangguo next door is in chaos, and it has become a paradise for zombies!"

Subordinates are more "realistic".

Although he felt a little too much about the fact that civilians had masters invading the missile system of the base, he would not be too resistant.

Special treatment in special times.

As long as the result is good, there is really no need to over-comprehend the process.

Besides, their base has barely stabilized and is seriously understaffed.

Even if he wanted to settle accounts with those "hackers", he was temporarily unable to do so.

Leader: ...they stole my missiles, should I thank them?

He Tiantian said happily: "No thanks, serve the people!"

With the first time, there is a second time!

On the way to her hometown, He Tiantian found another place and killed more than 100,000 zombies in the same way.

In the surrounding area, there are no more groups of zombies, only a few scattered individuals.

"Huh? Isn't this county town with a population of hundreds of thousands? Even if there are expats who run out to work, there should be tens of thousands of people in the county town."

"But now, there are only so many zombies, it's abnormal!"

A few power user teams who passed by the county came in to search for supplies, but did not find a large group of zombies, so they couldn't help being a little surprised.

After the end of the world, two-thirds of the people were infected with the virus and turned into zombies directly.

One-third of the survivors, many of whom were bitten by zombies, then turned into zombies and joined the ranks of zombies.

Overall, the number of zombies accounted for seven or eight tenths of the population, and there were only a few survivors.

In this small county, there are not many survivors, and it is estimated that there are only ten or twenty thousand people.

However, there are even fewer zombies. Except for a few scattered around in the streets, there are no groups of zombies at all.

"It's weird! Let's evacuate quickly!"

Supplies are important, but you have to live to enjoy them.

They should not enter easily until they are not sure what happened in the county seat.

In this way, several power teams withdrew from the county town and continued to rush towards the nearest survivor base announced on the broadcast.

"Hey! It's really not normal here, brothers, do you think the weather here seems to be extraordinarily cold?"

In a certain ability team, a bald man rubbed his arms with both hands, and muttered while sucking in the cold air.

"Huh? Don't say it, it's really cold!"

The teammates on the same team felt it carefully, deliberately exhaled, and actually saw the white mist.

If he remembered correctly, it's only October, and it's still the Mid-Autumn Festival.

And this small county, although located in the north, is not "too north".

In the past, some people wore short sleeves and shorts.

At most, put on a coat in the morning and evening.

But now, he actually saw the "breath".

You know, only when the outside temperature is below zero, or the humidity is too low, it is possible to see white mist when exhaling.

Humidity or something, the experience is not very strong.

But the temperature changes, people can feel it very clearly.

"Oh, I'm going, why is it getting colder?"

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but after listening to my companions say it's cold, other teammates actually feel cold all over their bodies.

"Damn it! Of course it's cold. You are riding your horses with the windows open, and the wind is blowing in. Can you not be cold!"

The driver of the car couldn't help but scolded when he heard everyone's discussion.

"Oh! By the way, we still have the window open, so close the window quickly!"

Someone reacted and hurriedly closed the window.

The air-conditioning was instantly isolated from the outside, and the teammates no longer shouted coldly.

But soon, someone realized: "This is not right! In October, when the temperature is suitable, even if the window is open, it can't be so cold!"

Crowd: ...Hey, that's right!

The point of the problem is not that the windows can't be opened, but that the weather here is abnormal!

"So, there must be something weird here!"

There are no hordes of zombies, and the sky is suddenly cold, and there are weirdness everywhere.

"Let's go quickly and arrive at Base 3512 as soon as possible. There are garrisoned troops there. I heard that there are experts in the city. It should be safer!"

The leader of the team said with a solemn expression.

Everyone had no opinion, the driver stepped on the accelerator hard, and the car drove away from the small county town like lightning.

These people don't know why there are no large zombies in the county, so even if they feel the change in temperature, they don't think too much.

It all boils down to local "mutations".

But as the "culprit" who killed a large number of zombies with his own hands, He Tiantian knew very well that the sudden drop in temperature in the county town had nothing to do with zombies.

"Boss, are you sure it's not Mohe? Damn, it's so cold! I want to wear a down jacket directly!"

Fei Hanqing found an air-conditioned quilt from the closet of the RV and wrapped it tightly around him.

In order to save fuel, there is no air conditioner in the RV.

Even though Fei Hanqing was wrapped in a quilt, she was shivering from the cold.

In the cold, Fei Hanqing began to think wildly, and he even had the illusion that he was in an ice cellar.

He Tiantian ignored Fei Hanqing's nonsense and stopped by the roadside.

She opened the door and jumped out.

Although it is cold in the RV, it is a closed environment, which is warmer than the open field.

The moment He Tiantian opened the car door, she felt a chill coming towards her.


It's really not normal!

He Tiantian has the memory of the original owner, and the original owner's hometown is in a small mountain village under the jurisdiction of the county.

In the middle school era, the original owner was studying in the high school in the county seat.

Therefore, she is very aware of the weather in the county.

Not to mention that it is still October in autumn, even in winter, the lowest temperature in the county will not exceed minus ten degrees.

And now-

He Tiantian jumped up and jumped to the roof of the RV.

She built a pergola in her hand and looked into the distance.

She was stunned to discover that there was actually a layer of frost on the roofs of several bungalows on the outskirts of the county!

How low is this temperature to have this effect? !

He Tiantian has a bad premonition, it seems that the catastrophe of mankind has not ended because of zombies.

In this despairing apocalypse, there are more terrible things to happen!

Subsequent facts proved that He Tiantian's guess was not wrong.

But after half a day, when He Tiantian drove the RV to the small mountain village, the sky suddenly snowed with goose feathers.

Real goose feather-sized flakes of snow, not literary rhetoric.

Large tracts of snowflakes fell, which seemed poignant to look at, but it brought more and greater crises to ordinary people who were struggling to survive in the last days.

In just a few short miles, He Tiantian finally arrived at the original owner's home, where a thick layer of snow had already been spread on the ground.

When I stepped on it, my knees were submerged.

Such a big blizzard is definitely a rare occurrence for the locals in a thousand years...

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