The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The five hundred and thirtieth chapter is the rescue mission (13)

The latest website: "Oh, isn't this Hetian? Are you back? My God, your parents are about to worry about you!"

The RV parked in front of Shen Hetian's house, He Tiantian endured the shock and worry about the weather, opened the door, and jumped out of the car.

As soon as I landed, my knees were submerged in thick snow.

The aunt from the next door neighbor wore a thick cotton-padded coat and went to the yard to get firewood. Hearing something outside, worried that it was a zombie or a bad person, she hurried out to check.

When I looked up, I saw He Tiantian, and the aunt hurriedly shouted in surprise.

"Aunt Wu, it's me!"

He Tiantian has all the memories of the original owner, and naturally knows the neighbors of the original owner.

This aunt's husband, according to his seniority, was the first cousin of the original owner.

It's just that five clothes have already been released, but the ancestors are all old ancestors. When they meet each other, they always call people five uncles and five aunts.

"Just come back! Just come back! It's all messed up outside, isn't it?"

"Oh, I heard what is the end of the world? Okay, why is it the end of the world?"

"I heard that there are zombies outside? My God, what kind of monsters are those? There are several in the village next door. Oh, by the way, there are also in our village, but they were locked up by your third grandfather and the people in the clan. It's gone!"

"...Oh, by the way, Xiao Ao from West Street is also back, also driving a big car like this, pulling a lot of things!"

This fifth aunt is very talkative, or in other words, the last few days in the last days have really frightened and suffocated her.

After finally seeing the young man who had escaped from the outside, he couldn't help but keep talking.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, "Brother Aotian is back too? Is he, is he all right?"

I didn't make a mistake, the male protagonist really returned to his hometown.

However, people are different from me, they are rushing back from the more distant and more dangerous capital.

But he entered the house one step earlier than himself, and brought a lot of supplies!

I have to say that the male protagonist is the male protagonist, whether it is his halo or his real strength,

are far superior to others.

"Yes, I came back at noon. Tsk tsk, I heard that the journey was very difficult. Think about it, how many people and monsters are there in the capital?"

"But Xiao Ao is relying on one person to drive three or four thousand miles..."

The fifth aunt mentioned Shen Aotian, Shen Jiaping's most promising junior, and her mouth was full of praise.

While speaking, there was an expression of envy and jealousy on his face——

Alas, they are all raising children, their own children can't go to school, can't work, and they're really inferior to others;

Now that the end of the world is coming, let alone rushing thousands of miles home, even if you stay in a county town that is only more than a hundred miles away, you don’t dare to run back to your hometown.

It's not that they don't miss their parents in their hometown, but they don't dare to come out when they think that there is that kind of terrifying monster outside the door.

Of course, parents are also afraid that their children will have an accident on the road. When they make a phone call, they tell them to be careful and not to worry about home!

Aunt Wu loves her children, and naturally she will not compare blindly.

But seeing that Shen Aotian, who was far away in the capital, rushed home in just a few days, he couldn't help but feel envious.

Oh, and Shen Hetian next door, this kid is not bad too. As expected, he was the second most promising person in their village after Shen Hetian.

He Tiantian: ...the second thing, it's really embarrassing.

"My child, his third uncle, his third wife, your little He is back!"

After rambled on, there was snow falling on Wu Shen'er's head and body.

The rapidly decreasing temperature made her shiver uncontrollably.

She scolded: "This ghost weather, it snows in the big autumn, and it's still so cold, no wonder it's the end of the world, it's so abnormal!"

Aunt Wu shook the snow on her body, feeling that she was about to freeze.

Even if she was interested in chatting, she didn't dare to stay outside for too long. She stretched her neck and shouted at the small courtyard next door!

"What? Who's back?"

A female voice came from the courtyard.

He Tiantian heard clearly that it was none other than Xu Xiaoyun, the mother of the original owner.

"Who? Who else? Of course it's your little He!"

Aunt Wu's face is not visible, her heart is full of envy.

Alas, the child next door, still in the provincial capital, also tried every means to get back.

My son and daughter-in-law working in the county town, but——

Forget it, as long as the children are all right, it doesn't matter if they don't come back!

Pulling the padded jacket on her body, Aunt Wu chatted with Xu Xiaoyun, who was driven out after hearing the news, then stomped her feet and ran back to her yard to get firewood.

"Xiaohe?! You, are you really back?"

Seeing his son, Xu Xiaoyun was very excited.

She hurried forward, her eyes were like radar, looking up and down at He Tiantian.

Seeing that his son had all beards and tails, was not injured, and did not turn into that kind of monster, his hanging heart was completely relieved.

"Jia Mao, Jia Mao, come on, our son is back!"

Xu Xiaoyun grabbed his son's arm, turned his head and shouted at his small courtyard.

"What? Son is back?"

Shen's father, Shen Jiamao, also wore a military coat, stepped on the knee-high snow, and ran out quickly.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back! Don't worry, I will protect you at home!"

Seeing the original owner's parents, He Tiantian reached out to embrace the excited couple and said seriously.

"Good! Good! Just come back!"

"Xiaohe, your dad and I have been worried about you for the past few days. We are afraid that something will happen to you. When you come back, we will feel at ease!"

"...Get in the house quickly! It's too cold outside. I set the iron stove on fire at home!"

"Yes! Yes, go back quickly!"

Shen Jiamao and Xu Xiaoyun were very excited when they saw their son.

They had too many things to say to their son, but for a while, they couldn't say it.

In the end, he could only hold his son's hand and urge "he" to enter the door quickly.

He Tiantian didn't resist and let her parents take her to the yard.


At this moment, a timid voice came from behind.

He Tiantian: ... Hey, why did you forget about this fat man?

Shen Jiamao and his wife turned their heads in unison, and watched in a little amazement a fat head sticking out of the RV that their son drove out.

"Little He, who is this?"

Shen Jiamao had been to D University and had dinner with several children in his son's dormitory.

So, he knew his son's roommate.

But Shen Jiamao had never seen the chubby boy in front of him.

"Oh, it's my college junior. We escaped from the campus together. His house was empty and he had nowhere to go, so he came back with me!"

He Tiantian made a brief introduction.

He didn't say anything about the boss and Ma Zi, only that they were alumni.

"Fei Hanqing, these are my parents—"

He Tiantian did not forget to introduce her parents to Fei Hanqing.

Fei Hanqing is a self-acquainted and climbs the pole.

The "timidity" just now was just acting.

At this moment, I heard the boss help with the introduction, so I hurriedly jumped out of the RV, pulled away a big smile, and said enthusiastically to Shen Jiamao and his wife: "Uncle, auntie, hello, my name is Fei Hanqing, you can just call me a tip. !"

"Oh! Good!"

"Little, tip, right, hurry into the house, it's too cold outside!"

Although Shen Jiamao and Xu Xiaoyun were a little surprised, they still greeted Fei Hanqing warmly.

Especially Xu Xiaoyun, when he heard his son say "his house is empty and there is no place to go", his mother's heart flooded instantly.

Oops, what a poor kid.

"Thank you uncle, thank you aunt. Our boss is right, you are the kindest and most enthusiastic people..."

Fei Hanqing approached Xu Xiaoyun intimately, and said compliments with a small mouth.

He looks lovable and has a sweet mouth. The key is that the person brought back by "Shen Hetian" instantly gained Xu Xiaoyun's favor.

When he entered the room, he and Xu Xiaoyun seemed to have become friends with each other.

"Tip, get to the stove and make a fire. We are in the countryside, not like your city, there is no heating. However, the iron stove in our house is quite warm!"

Xu Xiaoyun greeted him warmly, and gave Fei Hanqing the fireside position again, and poured ginger water for him again.

"Thank you auntie, don't be too busy. I'll do it myself!"

Fei Hanqing maintained a sincere smile, and the dimples on his cheeks were looming.

Seeing his "handy" appearance, Xu Xiaoyun felt even more rare, "Oh, you are such a good-looking child!"

Chubby, looking blessed.

He Tiantian: ... My mother's level of praise is really as usual.

She remembered that the last time she saw an orange cat raised by her son next door, she also praised him for being "good-looking".

And the so-called "good-looking" by my mother is that it is round enough!

As smart as Fei Hanqing, he can guess the essence of Xu Xiaoyun's praise.

However, his smile grew brighter, "Hey, it's mainly because I like to eat. In my mother's words, I only know how to eat if I'm heartless!"

When mentioning "my mother", Fei Hanqing's eyes flashed with sadness.

But soon, he smiled again.

The departure of both parents was an unforgettable pain for him.

However, he is not a man who indulges in grief and cannot extricate himself.

The dead relatives are dead, but the living people still have to live strong, right?

The moment Fei Hanqing witnessed the tragic death of his parents, he secretly swore in his heart: Dad, Mom, don't worry, your son will live well, with your share!

"It's a blessing to be able to eat!"

As a more delicate and sensitive mother, Xu Xiaoyun naturally did not miss the fleeting sadness in Fei Hanqing's eyes.

The bottom of my heart is more and more pity Fei Hanqing this child.

Later, I saw that Fei Hanqing did not complain and cynical because of the death of his parents, but still maintained a positive and optimistic attitude.

Xu Xiaoyun felt more and more that this little fat man had a good heart.

Her eyes were full of love, and she greeted Fei Hanqing with a smile.

As for Fei Hanqing, he didn't just focus on talking about his own situation. After a few simple words, he started to brag about "Boss Shen".

"Auntie, you don't know, our boss is amazing. We listened to the radio that day, and we all went to the east gate to gather. I was too fat, and I slapped my foot and was entangled by zombies!"

"I'm about to be bitten by a zombie on my arm. At a critical juncture, the boss saved me!"

"Our boss took an engineer shovel and hit the zombies with a left and right click. Oh, that looks like a hero who fell from the sky!"


Holding the hot ginger soup, Fei Hanqing continued to talk while sucking.

Nine points of his words are true and one point is false. The false part is not fabricated out of thin air, but an exaggerated interpretation.

Only Xu Xiaoyun was amazed and excited: "Really? My Xiaohe can fight like this?"

Her son has been good at studying since he was a child, only a little worse than Xiao Ao on West Street.

However, apart from studying, his son doesn't seem to have any specialties.

In terms of physical quality, just like ordinary college students, they are all "sub-healthy".

Of course, in the inherent thinking of Chinese people, it is normal for scholars to be weaker.

A sports student who doesn't rely on his body to eat, why should he be so tough?

If he hadn't heard Fei Hanqing say this with his own ears, Xu Xiaoyun would not have known that his son was so mighty.

Not only can he break out of the zombie-infested campus, but he can also save people!

"Of course it's true! I saw it with my own eyes. Oh, yes, and also, the boss not only saved me, but also killed many zombies and saved many people on the way back!"

Fei Hanqing is like a little fanboy, madly touting "Shen Hetian".

When it comes to killing zombies, he didn't exaggerate, but tried to keep it low-key.

What, luring tens of thousands of zombies and destroying them with missiles sounds like a fantasy.

The key is illegal.

Although the end of the world is over, Fei Hanqing is still a good law-abiding citizen.

Hack the missile launch system and secretly launch missiles. This kind of thing can be done secretly, but it cannot be publicized.

The outside world is in chaos, but the government and the garrison are still there.

Fei Hanqing didn't want to stay in a small mountain village, but was chased by the relevant departments to check the water meter.

Moreover, Fei Hanqing observed carefully, and he found that his boss was not a high-profile and flamboyant person.

I can't say that I don't keep my name for good deeds, but I don't have all kinds of domineering leaks like a male protagonist.

I saved people on the road, but I didn't recruit or make a name for myself, I just wanted to save people.

Some of the power users saw the ability of "Shen Hetian" and wanted to take refuge, but they were all rejected.

Fei Hanqing had a hunch that the eldest of his family did not want to be king and hegemony in the last days. "He" was an all-around big man who did things in a high-profile and low-key manner.

After figuring out the character of the boss, Fei Hanqing knew it.

Even when Fei Hanqing boasted to the big brother's parents and mother, he had reservations.

While chatting with Xu Xiaoyun, he secretly looked at his boss's face.

Seeing that the other party did not show dissatisfaction, and even faintly praised, Fei Hanqing knew that he had made the right bet!

Fei Hanqing spoke more and more vigorously, and even Shen Jiamao, who was pulling his son to inquire about the situation, was attracted, and separated one ear to listen to Fei Hanqing talking about the mountains.

He Tiantian:  …

Fei Hanqing succeeded in being accepted by Xu Xiaoyun and Shen Jiamao by virtue of his "looks" and his eloquence.

Xu Xiaoyun hurriedly tidy up the room for him, and also prepared a brand new set of bedding and electric heater.

However, the next morning, Fei Hanqing was still awake from the cold.

He Tiantian looked at the temperature that Xiao D helped to measure, and fell into contemplation...

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