The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 535th chapter is the rescue mission (14)

The latest website: Fifty-two degrees below zero!

It is only a few degrees higher than the coldest place in China, with the lowest extreme cold temperature of minus fifty-eight!

The problem is that the original owner's hometown is not in the northernmost part, but rather in the central area.

Here, in the coldest time of winter, it did not exceed minus ten degrees.

But now, it's still autumn in October, and the maple leaves in the mountains have only just turned red, but the temperature has dropped to over fifty degrees below zero overnight.

What temperature is this?

Water drops into ice, and air condenses into fog.

It is difficult for normal organisms to survive in such extremely cold temperatures.

"It really is the end of the world, not only zombies, but also extremely cold weather!"

Little D didn't feel human, but when he saw the world of ice and snow outside, he couldn't help but wince.

"Sweet, do you think this small world will enter the Ice Age?"

"Isn't there a similar speculation in some apocalypse? The so-called apocalypse is actually a major purge of Blue Star."

Eliminate creatures with inferior genes, and let high-quality genes open up a new world.

Or, simply come to a mass extinction and let the human civilization of Blue Star start again.

"Whether it will enter the ice age, I'm not sure, but I know that the extreme cold weather now is a new catastrophe for the survivors!"

He Tiantian has spiritual power to protect her body, but she is not afraid of the ultra-low temperature outside.

In the early morning, realizing that the snow outside had blocked the doors and windows, He Tiantian drew a talisman to melt the snow outside the window, and then jumped out of the window.

Wearing an ordinary down jacket, she found a shovel in the yard and began to sort out the snow in the yard.

The snow more than one meter high directly buried the entire small courtyard.

He Tiantian quickly cleaned up and shoveled all the snow outside the door and window to the outside.

She shoveled a path directly in the yard,

Both sides were covered with thick snow, which looked like a maze of ice and snow.

"My God, why is there so much snow? I thought it was still dark, but I didn't expect the windows to be blocked by snow!"

Shen Jiamao also got up. He was wrapped in layers, but he was still shivering from the cold.

But when he heard his son sweeping snow in the yard, he couldn't stay indoors, so he gritted his teeth and ran out.

"Dad, come on, it's too cold outside, you and my mother don't come out!"

He Tiantian saw that Shen Jiamao was shivering from the cold, but she still found a big shovel to help shovel the snow, and hurriedly shouted.

"No, it's fine, I, I can still hold on!"

Shen Jiamao's teeth were chattering with cold, and he couldn't even speak.

But he gritted his teeth, "And your fifth uncle and seventh grandpa's house, none of them are moving. It is estimated that they are trapped in the house by snow!"

The fifth uncle and seventh grandpa that Shen Jiamao mentioned were the neighbors on the left and right of the Shen family.

Everyone is from the same village, and they are all family members handed down from their ancestors.

Although occasionally there will be conflicts, but most of the time they support and help each other.

Especially for people like them whose children are not around, they usually rely on their neighbors and villagers for help when they have a problem.

It's already nine o'clock in the morning, and as usual, everyone gets up early.

But now, there is no sound in the courtyards of the left and right houses.

Seeing the snow outside, Shen Jiamao knew that the two families were probably blocked by snow!

"Dad, I'm going!"

He Tiantian heard this, hurriedly said, and continued to shovel snow with a shovel.

In the thick snow, He Tiantian shoveled a road from her house to the neighbor's house on the left.

This is Uncle Five's house.

She pushed the courtyard door, but did not open it. It was not that the door was locked, but that there was snow behind the door.

He Tiantian simply jumped up and turned over directly from the courtyard wall.

She controlled her figure and did not let herself fall into the snow, but fell lightly.

After landing, she cleared a passage from the snow in the yard, and then came to the wing on the east side.

The original owner had been to the fifth uncle's house and knew that the two of them lived in this house.

She shoveled away all the snow that was blocking the doors and windows, knocked on the door, and shouted inside, "Uncle Fifth, Aunt Wu!"

As soon as I shouted, I heard Aunt Wu's loud voice, "Oh, it's Xiaohe. The snow outside is so heavy that the doors and windows are blocked!"

They can't get out!

"Aunt Wu, the snow has been shoveled away, come out!"

He Tiantian said, "I'll go to Grandpa Seven's house again to see if I need help!"

"Xiaohe, thank you so much, if it weren't for you, your uncle and I would freeze to death in the house!"

With a creak, Aunt Wu opened the door.

She said to He Tiantian with a grateful face.

She said this without exaggeration.

They do not have collective heating in the countryside, and they all use their own stoves and kangs.

At night, put firewood in the kang cave, and rely on the residual temperature to sleep all night.

Get up and make a fire the next day.

But last night was too cold, and before midnight, the kang became icy cold.

The two of them were covered with several layers of quilts, but they were still cold enough.

I wanted to come out and add some firewood, but found that the doors and windows could not be opened.

The two of them opened their eyes and shivered, and they managed to hold out until dawn, but they still couldn't get out.

The whole room was as cold as an ice cellar, and both their faces turned blue passively, and their breaths almost froze.

If there is no more fire, they will probably freeze to death.

He Tiantian helped to shovel out the snow, which was to save the lives of the two of them!

"You're welcome, Aunt Wu, we are all from our own family, and we should help each other. Don't you and Uncle Wu often help my parents when I'm not at home!"

He Tiantian said politely, and took the shovel to help the neighbor on the other side.

"Yes! That's right! We're all from our own family. You go quickly, I'll let your fifth uncle take it easy, and I'll go to Brother Hai's house next door to help."

Aunt Wu nodded again and again.

"Hey, good! You tell Fifth Uncle to be careful, the snow outside is too deep!"

He Tiantian didn't look back, gave a warning, and left the yard of the fifth uncle's house.

"No, this year is really evil. When have we ever had a heavy snow closing the door?"

Aunt Wu sighed, and hurriedly ran to the firewood room to grab the firewood to make a fire.

On Uncle Five's side, he walked slowly around the stove, feeling that his body was not so stiff, so he hurriedly put on a military coat, grabbed a shovel and ran out.

The family came out of the snowdrifts, and everyone in the street ran out to shovel the snow.

The villagers in one street walked out of the house, and half of the village moved.

Not to mention, Shen Jiaping not only has one "Shen Hetian", but also Shen Aotian on the other side.

He Tiantian shovels snow from west to east, while Shen Aotian, the male protagonist, travels from west to east.

Not long after, the pair of cousins, who are always compared, "meeted together" in the middle of the village.

"Xiaohe, are you back too?"

"Brother Xiaoao, come out to shovel snow too!"

Shen Aotian and He Tiantian spoke almost at the same time.

After saying this, the two looked at each other and laughed together.

"You speak first!"

Shen Aotian deserves to be the male protagonist. Although he is in his twenties, he has maturity and stability that surpasses his peers.

Like the original owner, he was tall, and he was still slightly taller than the original owner.

He Tiantian calculated that the height of the original owner was 183, while Shen Aotian was slightly taller, estimated to be over 185.

But Shen Aotian is not as weak as the original owner, but a sturdy physique that looks thin in clothes and fleshy when undressed.

The male protagonist is also more handsome than the original protagonist.

Well, I heard that the male channel has also changed the routine.

The male protagonist is not like the "ordinary people" in the ancient web articles in the past, but has begun to have a handsome ratio.

Not only the ordinary-looking male protagonist will make readers feel immersed in it, but the handsome and handsome male protagonist can also make people YY.

Besides, although the male protagonist of this book does not open a harem, he also has a few ambiguous objects.

It is said that a man, even if he has a "domineering spirit", his appearance is too ordinary, it is difficult to attract a woman's attention.

The male protagonist has become handsome, and the woman will be moved, which is more logical.

Of course, the most important thing is the temperament-

Because of the golden finger, the money, and the career, Shen Aotian revealed a kind of confidence and pride in his bones.

A little flamboyant, but not arrogant.

The chin is slightly raised, but it will not make people feel arrogant, and it will not be annoying.

He seems to be a dazzling male god, noble and kind.

He Tiantian: ...Uh, what kind of metaphors are these?

"Brother Xiaoao, I heard that you came back yesterday? Is the journey going well?"

He Tiantian deliberately pretended to be shy, smiling and chatting with Shen Aotian.

"Yeah, I got home at noon yesterday. It's really dangerous along the way. However, I activated my powers—"

While speaking, Shen Aotian gave birth to a few fingers.

He saw a wisp of blue and bright lightning lingering between his fingers.

"Lightning ability? Xiaoao brother, you are really amazing!"

He Tiantian showed envious eyes and praised sincerely.

Shen Aotian looked at He Tiantian deeply, and said meaningfully, "Xiaohe, you should have inspired your abilities too?!"

Although his words were a question, they were spoken in a positive tone.

Because the facts are right in front of you: Shen Hetian is a college student, the most ordinary weak chicken. If he didn't have supernatural abilities, he could not have escaped from the provincial capital and returned to his hometown smoothly.

Shen Aotian had heard that there was only a little fat man beside Shen Hetian.

That fat man didn't seem to be a powerful character, and he also flattered and flattered Shen Hetian a lot.

It is more like a pony of Shen Hetian.

One person also took a horse and traveled through more than a thousand miles. There were zombies and supernatural beings on the road, but he was able to return with all his tails. He was only half a day later than Shen Aotian, which showed his "strength".

Others don't know, but Shen Aotian himself knows very well that he is someone with a cheater.

In addition to abilities, he also has a plane trader. Through the future plane, he changed some black technology weapons.

In addition, he can also link to the planes such as Western Fantasy and Xiuxian, and get some magical props.

Whether it is a magic circle or a talisman, it can be used to kill zombies and fight against power users.

There is another one, Shen Aotian didn't come back alone, he also brought a team of ability users that he saw.

His teammates are not general, with a wide variety of abilities and high levels.

Of course, the most powerful person is Shen Aotian, because he is "almighty"——

There are not only super powerful abilities, but also "special channels" to obtain materials and weapons.

Not only are the partners of the power team convinced of him, but the leaders of the garrison and survivor base encountered along the way actively want to recruit him.

Shen Aotian refused.

He wants to go back to his hometown, he wants to protect his parents and relatives.

Besides, being used to being a "boss", Shen Aotian didn't want to work for others.

It's also a survivor base, why didn't he build one himself? Instead, he ran to help others as a helper?

On the second day after the end of the world, Shen Aotian had a plan—

Go back to your hometown, pick up your parents, sisters and other relatives, and find a suitable place to create a survivor base.

He may not be a "savior", but he must also be a local hero who protects one side.

He and Shen Aotian have such capital and ability.

However, when Shen Aotian returned to his hometown, less than half a day later, he heard the news of his distant cousin.

Although he wasn't "shocked", he was a little surprised: Oh Huo, this little cousin has something.

"Fortunately, it's just a little more powerful, and there are no other abilities!"

He Tiantian smiled naively and continued to say in an envious tone, "It's not like Brother Ao, who inspired such cool abilities as Thunderbolt!"

"Power-type superhuman!"

Shen Aotian was slightly disappointed. Originally, he still thought that if Shen Hetian's cousin was good, he could recruit him into his team.

However, the power-type ability, tsk, there is a strong man in their team, Shen Aotian is not very rare.

"Sweet, he looks down on you!"

"Hmph, isn't it the male protagonist, isn't there a plane trading system, what's he good at?"

He Tiantian hasn't been doing anything yet, and Xiao D's classmates have fried hair first, and said a lot in anger.

He Tiantian added leisurely, "They also have thunder and lightning abilities!"

Cool and lethal, a proper apocalyptic male protagonist is standard.

"You still have space abilities!"

Xiao D was still not convinced, it shouted in the Lingquan space, "Your space is different from those ordinary storage spaces, but a magical little world with Lingquan!"

"By the way, spiritual spring water can also cure zombie viruses. You can pretend that you are a healer!"

"The healing system is a rarer and scarcer ability than thunder and lightning. If you become a healing system ability user, you will definitely be envied by everyone!"

The more Xiao D said, the more he felt that his idea was a good idea, and desperately encouraged it.

"Lingquan? Yes, I have a Lingquan space."

He Tiantian was a little depressed, and she murmured in a erratic tone: "Spiritual spring water can cure zombie viruses. It can also speed up my practice of Wujijue!"

Xiao D didn't hear the difference in He Tiantian's words, and continued to add: "Not only! It can also let us 'physical' enter!"

Just like at this moment, little D classmates can dance in the Lingquan space with duang, duang, and Duang.

It feels so good to have a real body, little D-

"Tiantian, what are you doing? Why bring me back to the depths of the sea of ​​​​knowledge?"

Just when Xiao D was in close contact with the ground happily, he suddenly discovered that he had been expelled from the Lingquan space by He Tiantian, and returned to the depths of He Tiantian's sea of ​​consciousness in the form of virtual light and shadow!

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