The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 536 Another rescue mission (End)

The latest website: "Sweet? Sweet!"

Xiao D kept shouting in the depths of He Tiantian's sea of ​​knowledge.

what happened?

What's the matter, sweet?

Okay, why did you suddenly turn around?

He Tiantian ignored Xiao D's classmate, but continued to concentrate all the spiritual power in her body according to her own plan, release her spiritual consciousness, and tightly wrap the spiritual spring space deep in the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

At the moment when the white spiritual power net was completely encircled, He Tiantian hesitated for a moment——

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuousuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Sales \u003e

This is the legendary Lingquan space, a top-notch plug-in that may not exist in the world of self-cultivation.

A small portable world that can be physically entered, so full of pure spiritual energy, borrowing it to practice is simply more effective.

He Tiantian dares to bet that if she continues to practice in the Lingquan space, she will soon be able to break through the foundation-building stage, form a golden elixir, condense Nascent Soul, and even eventually fly to the upper realm!

Moreover, He Tiantian also dared to guarantee that such a future is not an illusory bubble, but a real reality.

But...behind all this, is the demise of hundreds of millions of creatures in a world!

Yes, when He Tiantian first entered the world, when he discovered the "space upgrade", he vaguely sensed something was wrong.

She used the spiritual spring water for cultivation, and also used the spiritual spring water pit to kill zombies. First, she couldn't bear the "temptation" of the spiritual spring water, and secondly, she wanted to confirm a certain guess in her heart.

Especially for killing zombies twice, she used a lot of spiritual spring water, and when she stayed in the spiritual spring space, she obviously felt the rapid passage of spiritual energy.

However, soon, when the spiritual energy in the spiritual spring space was about to be exhausted, it was quickly replenished.

He Tiantian can clearly discover the changes in spiritual energy, and she is more and more sure of her inner guess.

Then, the weather changed dramatically in just two or three days.

The hometown of the north, which was not considered to be the north, turned into a glacier world overnight!

He Tiantian doesn't dare to take chances anymore,

She has seven or eight points of certainty: there is a problem with the Lingquan space.

Oh no, to be precise, there is no problem with the spiritual spring space itself, the problem is people's greed.

He Tiantian's hesitation flashed by, thinking of the ice and snow in Shenjiaping, thinking of the terrifying minus fifty-two degrees, He Tiantian's heart was as firm as iron.

She tried her best, and the white spiritual power net completely blocked the Lingquan space.

Tighten up!

Tighten hard!

Under the wrapping of the spiritual power net, the spiritual spring space began to shake.

It seems to be aware of the danger, but it can't believe it——

No, no, no, is there really someone in this world who can resist the temptation of Lingquan space?

You must know that not long ago, a "host" was completely reduced to its believers.

But now, the "new host" has clearly experienced the magic of Lingquan space, how can she be so cruel to give up?

Doesn't she want to cultivate a positive fruit and set foot on the avenue of soaring?

Even if cultivation, ascension, etc. are too illusory, isn't it good to use spiritual spring water to cure zombie viruses and become the savior of the whole world, or even the "creation god" of the new century?

Even if the savior is too far away, for now, becoming a "power user" with a golden finger can make her life extremely nourishing in this apocalypse.

This is the kind of treatment that only male protagonists of the end of the world have.

Combined with the identity of the "new host", didn't "he" always want to compete with the original male protagonist.

The original male protagonist has a plane trading system, and the "new host" has a spiritual spring space.

Comparing the two, the latter's golden finger is bigger and more magical, and it can completely crush the original male protagonist.

Could it be that the "new host" really doesn't want to kill the original male protagonist and make himself the real Son of Destiny?

Do not understand!

Lingquan space really does not understand.

He Tiantian:'s right if you don't understand!

She continued to output spiritual power, as if she was about to "perish" with the Lingquan space.

In fact, she doesn't need to go all out, as long as she completely cuts off her reluctance to the spiritual spring space and cuts off the bond between her soul and the spiritual spring space with her own hands, this so-called spiritual spring space will not be able to make waves.

"The so-called Lingquan space? Sweet, what do you mean?"

Xiao D shouted for a long while in the depths of He Tiantian's sea of ​​knowledge, but got no response.

Its whole ball of hair was rattling.

Feeling He Tiantian's mood swings, Xiao D suddenly regained his energy and asked curiously.

"Little D classmate, haven't you found anything abnormal?"

He Tiantian said to Xiao D in a leisurely manner while cutting with Lingquan Space.

"Anomaly? What anomaly?"

Little D students are a little puzzled.

But soon, it stabilized its core and began to restore the calm and composure that an intelligent assistant should have.

After a long while, it also found a problem.

Little D classmate couldn't accept it for a while, and murmured: "So, so-"

Lingquan space is a virus!

"Yes, this so-called Lingquan space evolved from a virus!"

He Tiantian said firmly.

"How is this possible?"

Xiao D still couldn't believe it, and shook Xiao Yuan's body vigorously, "How dare it? Shen Hetian is the target of the writer's crossing!"

In other words, Shen Hetian is about equal to a writer.

And the purpose of writers coming to the world is to "disinfect the virus".

It's good that this virus has directly attached itself to the writer.

Is it the daring of a master artist, or is it intentional to die?

Obviously, the virus is not a brain-dead, it came to this world to steal the energy of the small world, not to seek death.

Wait, steal the power of the small world? !

There was a data shock in the depths of Xiao D's core, and it seemed to think of something.

"Little D, you guessed it right, the virus chose writers as 'hosts' just to steal the energy of the small world!"

He Tiantian felt the fluctuations in the data of classmate D, and replied softly.

However, her tone was firm.

"How could it be? The writer is not stupid—" Little D resisted such "guessing", "How could he help the virus steal energy?"

Moreover, stealing energy is easy to detect.

Even if the last writer task failed, his ability and integrity should be fine.

He will not be easily forcibly bound by the virus, and will control and coerce him to steal the energy of the small world.

"If it wasn't forcibly bound? What if there was no control or coercion?"

He Tiantian asked indifferently, "Like my trip this time, when I first came, I discovered the existence of Lingquan space, not only you, but I also 'misunderstood' Lingquan space is my space. upgrade!"

I didn't know what virus was at work.

The former writer may not have space, but he may mistake it for the golden finger that the original owner himself has been opened.

After all, this world already has a plane trading system for the male protagonist, and it seems not impossible to have a space system.

Because this time the virus is really different from before.

Moreover, including the former writers, classmates D, and even He Tiantian have entered a misunderstanding: the virus is not stupid, it will not cross the "anti-virus person" to find its own way!

However, this time, the virus really came to "do the opposite", and truly deduced what it means to be "black under the light"!

"Again, the virus did not engage in a conspiracy, but a conspiracy!"

He Tiantian's words were not only explained to Xiao D's classmates, but also to himself.

Because until now, He Tiantian still has reluctance to part with this spiritual spring space.

Alas, who can give up such an artifact?

It is estimated that it is the practitioners in the world of immortals. They can refine space instruments such as Xumi mustard seeds, but they are also very coveted for the magic of such a space like Lingquan, which is full of spiritual energy and the speed of planting is against the sky.

What's more, He Tiantian is only a mortal, a normal person who can't completely suppress greed - her space is bound to the soul, and the space has been upgraded to a spiritual spring space in the world, so will it also bring back reality? middle? !

If there is such a spiritual spring space in reality, tsk, just thinking about it, He Tiantian can't help but be moved.

Therefore, He Tiantian will say that this time the virus is conspiracy.

It is not difficult to guess that Lingquan space may be a virus.

But the real question is whether the writer can restrain his inner desire and be willing to cut such an artifact from himself!

"...Actually, even if it's a virus, this Lingquan space doesn't do anything bad, and it can help you cultivate. It doesn't seem to hurt to keep it!"

Classmate D has already believed He Tiantian's words, but she is still reluctant.

Wuwu, not to mention that Lingquan space can help He Tiantian to practice, even Xiao D, who is also very enjoying the feeling of being able to have a "body".

"Little D, don't forget, no pie will fall from the sky!"

He Tiantian, as a party, can of course understand Xiao D's feelings.

She endured the distress, and said calmly and rationally, "Why is there a steady stream of spiritual energy in the Lingquan space? The spiritual energy will not appear out of thin air."

"Energy conservation! Lingquan space itself does not generate aura, it just draws the aura from other places into its own space."

"Draw the spiritual energy from other places?"

There was a sudden pause in the depths of Xiao D's core, followed by a burst of data shocks.

After a long while, Xiao D said hesitantly, "Sweet, you mean, Lingquan space is drawing out the spiritual energy of the world?"

Therefore, although there are already zombies, this apocalypse has entered the extremely cold ice age.

The sudden change of extreme weather is because the little spiritual energy left in the small world has been siphoned away.

"However, the male protagonist's plane trading system also needs the support of spiritual energy-"

Little D was a little unwilling, and took out the male protagonist Shen Aotian as an example.

"You also said that he is the male protagonist! Since he is the male protagonist, he has been recognized and protected by the world consciousness!"

"Besides, this plane trading system itself is the golden finger that the world has lit up for him, and the world has reserved enough spiritual energy for it!"

The aura of the world is limited.

Although the male protagonist will consume a certain amount of spiritual energy, he will also subtly change this small world through plane trading.

It cannot be said that directly raising the civilization level of the world by a large level will also promote the development and improvement of the small world to a certain extent.

The development and prosperity of the small world will generate new positive energy.

In a sense, the male protagonist feeds the world back.

He and the world complement each other and achieve each other.

But now, there is one more "thief" competing for spiritual energy, which is still the kind of unilateral output that only steals and cannot feed back.

The world simply cannot afford this kind of "looting"!

"I finally know why this script changed from an urban supernatural text to a post-apocalyptic survival text!"

The world will change from a normal urban background to the so-called "end times", all because of the massive loss of spiritual energy.

The former writer's mission would fail, and he indirectly brought down a normal little world.

Fortunately, the world consciousness sensed the seriousness of the problem and directly pushed the former writer out of the small world.

Immediately afterwards, He Tiantian came to the rescue.

For whatever reason, He Tiantian used the spiritual energy of the Lingquan space recklessly.

As a result, the environment further deteriorated.

Now it's just that the temperature has dropped sharply. If He Tiantian doesn't stop in time, but continues to draw energy from the spiritual spring space, then what kind of disaster will come next.

The world consciousness is already very weak, it can throw out a writer, but it can no longer throw He Tiantian out.

Sooner or later, this small world will collapse completely due to the exhaustion of spiritual energy!

As for the Lingquan space, oh no, it is an invading virus to be exact.

After stealing enough energy, it will quietly escape.

He Tiantian will not only fail the mission, but also bear the guilt and cause and effect of bringing down a small world!

"So, this Lingquan space, no matter how magical it is, and no matter how reluctant I am in my heart, I can't keep it!"

After He Tiantian said this, there was no last trace of hesitation in her heart!


She can't hesitate any longer, she must kill the virus directly!

"Kill it! Sweet, it's too vicious to use sugar-coated cannonballs on us!"

Xiao D finally figured out everything, and he suddenly felt a sense of shame that he was being calculated.

What kind of conspiracy is conspiracy, all are the calculations of disgusting people.

It is a dignified intelligent assistant, although it is always regarded as mentally retarded by its own friends, but it is not really mentally retarded.

Now it's being played with by a virus... It's really hot just thinking about it!

He Tiantian ignored Xiao D's irritability and continued to wrap the Lingquan space with consciousness.


There was a violent ups and downs in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, and waves of transparent energy rippled out.

Then, the magical spiritual spring space disappeared, replaced by a dark energy group.

"Wow, it finally shows its true colors, sweet, eat it!"

Little D student desperately waved the flag and shouted in the depths of the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

He Tiantian didn't need the command of classmate D. After returning the virus to its original shape, he directly drove his consciousness and swallowed the dark gas in one bite.


This time, not only the depths of the sea of ​​​​knowledge, but also the outside world, seems to have been affected...

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