The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The five hundred and fiftieth chapter was beaten in the face of the male lead (15)

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"Comrade Liu Cuizhi, do you have anything to do with me?"

He Tiantian twisted the towel and wiped off the water stains on her face and arms.

She poured the water from the enamel washbasin in the yard, put the towel on the edge of the basin, put the washbasin on the ground, and slowly walked towards Liu Cuizhi.

"He, He Zhiqing, I said last time, don't call me a comrade, it's too outlandish. We are all from a production team, so let's call them names."

Enduring shyness, Liu Cuizhi still expressed her thoughts.

She didn't want to be so unfamiliar with Big Brother He. First, she called her name, then, then—

"Okay, Comrade Cuizhi!"

He Tiantian followed Liu Cuizhi's words in a good-natured manner, but omitted the surname, but still called him Comrade.

However, her tone was relaxed, even with a hint of joking.

Hearing the words "Comrade Cuizhi", Liu Cuizhi not only did not feel that "He Yuntian" did not cooperate, but had a wonderful kindness and sweetness.

It seems that this title is exclusive to her!

He Tiantian: ... Dear, you think too much, I'm treating you as a little comrade and a little sister.

However, He Tiantian didn't say too much, because she knew that a simple girl like Liu Cuizhi was deeply in love.

It's not like saying a few words can wake her up.

Besides, if one gets it wrong, the more you say it, the more counterproductive it will be.

Directly made Liu Cuizhi rebellious and insisted on chasing "He Yuntian", that would be really troublesome.

"Then I'll call you Yun Tian and Comrade Yun Tian too, okay?"

When the word "Yuntian" was uttered, Liu Cuizhi's eyes shone brightly.

God knows how many times the name rolled on the tip of her tongue.

How many times had she wanted to call out to He Yuntian in front of her.

But she didn't dare, and she didn't have the right to shout like that.

Now, with the help of "Comrade Cuizhi", Liu Cuizhi carefully called out the name that had been haunting her for nearly two years.


He Tiantian responded with a good temper, as gentle and gentle as always.

Nice sound!

Liu Cuizhi is like a little fan girl possessed, she doesn't understand the stalk of "ear pregnancy".

But hearing this slightly low-pitched and vigorous male voice made her feel that a numbness shot from the tailbone to the sky.

As expected of Comrade He, not only is he good looking, he can write articles, play the harmonica, and even say casual words, all, all are so pleasing!

Liu Cuizhi had pink bubbles all over his body, and his face was flushed with shame.

She was probably so excited that she forgot to lay the groundwork and took out the handkerchief directly from her trouser pocket.

"Comrade Yuntian, this is for you!"

Without further ado, Liu Cuizhi was about to stuff things into He Tiantian's hands.

He Tiantian hurriedly dodged, and did not touch Liu Cuizhi's hand.

Liu Cuizhi's movements froze, and the blush on her pretty face disappeared instantly. She bit her lower lip, "I know, I don't have much money, but I really want to help you!"

He Tiantian knew that the handkerchief contained money!

"Comrade Cuizhi, I can't accept it!"

He Tiantian looked into Liu Cuizhi's eyes and said seriously.

"No, I don't mean anything else, I just worry about you!"

Liu Cuizhi was flustered, and hurriedly explained.

Before she could finish speaking, He Tiantian raised the corners of her lips and showed a gentle smile: "I know you are well-intentioned! But I really can't accept the money!"

"Comrade Cuizhi, listen to what I have to say. Comrade Han Dongmei and I have already made a lot of noise!"

"I don't want to explain more about the past between me and her! But now, I do owe Han Dongmei money!"

"...I can find a way to make money and pay off my debts. If I take your money and pay it back to Han Dongmei, who am I?"

"It's said outside that I'm a little white-faced person who cheats women's money—"

Hearing what He Tiantian said, Liu Cuizhi shook her head anxiously.

"No, you are not! I gave you this money on your own initiative, you didn't lie to me!"

"Comrade Yuntian, I, I—"

Liu Cuizhi desperately tried to explain, but the more anxious she became, the more difficult it was to speak.

In the end, she was so anxious that her eyes were red.

He Tiantian took two steps back, instead of taking the opportunity to behave like a sea king who flirted with a girl, she was distant and polite: "I know you have no other intentions, you are kind!"


Liu Cuizhi nodded quickly.

He Tiantian still smiled slightly, but said refusal, "But I don't need it! Also, Comrade Cuizhi, don't give me eggs in the future, and I don't need it either!"

He Tiantian did not deliberately say some slightly ambiguous words like "keep it for you" like the original owner.

She just refused, with a clear attitude, and did not give the other party the slightest space for reverie.

"..." Liu Cuizhi's face became paler and paler, and she clearly felt the strong repulsion and strangeness emanating from "He Yuntian".

Although "his" had a smile on his face and a peaceful attitude, that kind of rejection was firmer than ever!

The three words "don't need" make Liu Cuizhi feel an inexplicable sense of shame - they don't need it! It's not impossible!

Think about it, no matter how downhearted He Zhiqing is, people are also from the city.

After seeing the big world and eating good things, why would you miss an egg or a few pieces of meat that she sent?

In their countryside, eggs are the best thing, a gift that can express one's heart.

As for people in the city like He Yuntian, it is estimated that they are commonplace, and they are not uncommon at all.

And the 30 cents that she sent by herself is the private house she has worked hard to save for several years.

As for He Yuntian, a watch from Han Dongmei alone is worth more than 100 yuan!

With a swipe, Liu Cuizhi's face flushed red.

This time, it's not because of shyness, but because of the shame of realizing that I have done a shameful thing!

"Yes, sorry, I, I really don't mean anything else!"

Liu Cuizhi stammered, but felt a little wronged in her heart. She just liked He Yuntian, and for him, she did not hesitate to save her rations for him to eat.

As a result, people simply "don't need it"!

No need for three words, it is simply too lethal.

Liu Cuizhi only felt that one of his true hearts was hurt.

At this moment, she felt even more shameless in front of He Yuntian, she clenched her handkerchief, turned her head and ran away.

He Tiantian silently said sorry, and then Void drew a koi talisman for Liu Cuizhi.

"Lao He, have you sent your manuscript?"

He Tiantian was preparing to go back to the house with the washbasin in hand. When passing by the main hall in the middle, a male educated youth saw him and hurriedly shouted.

His name is Qian Guodong and he lives in the room next to He Yuntian.

When the original owner showed off with Han Dongmei's subsidies, he followed suit.

After Han Dongmei brought the matter out, Qian Guodong was the first to distance himself from He Yuntian.

However, at this moment, his face was full of smiles, and he took the initiative to help He Tiantian with advice, "Oh, let me say, you really don't need to mess with this!"

How easy is it to submit or something?

And, what time is it now?

When you say something, you have to think about whether you are right or not, and you have to worry about where there are loopholes that will be reported.

Writing articles is even more dangerous.

If one doesn't work well, let alone earning royalties, it is estimated that you will have to give a hat.

By that time, not only the debt of 500 yuan, but even the little life will be over!

"It really doesn't work, let's some brothers help you get together."

When Qian Guodong said this, he did not forget to glance at Chen Jianjun, who was also in the main room.

Oh wow!

He Tiantian's eyes flowed, she knew it, and it was estimated that this was what Chen Jianjun meant.

And people like Qian Guodong who like to be greedy and cheap, after abandoning "He Yuntian", they returned to Chen Jianjun's command.

No way, Chen Jianjun is an educated youth, and his family is second only to Han Dongmei.

Not as good as the former owner, but also much richer than other educated youths.

A little leak between his fingers can attract a dog like Qian Guodong to help charge into the battle.

"Yeah, Lao He, writing an article is too unreliable. I still have some money in my hand. How about I lend it to you?"

Chen Jianjun took the opportunity to end the conversation, saying to help, but his eyes flashed with malice.

He didn't control the volume, so when he wanted to lend money to "He Yuntian", not only the three or four educated youths in the main room heard it, but also the female educated youths in the women's dormitory next door on the east side.

"Zuoya, He Yuntian really has no money?"

Although Liu Weihong didn't deal with Zhuoya, she just lived in the same room with Zhuoya.

In addition to a few daily rants, I will also chat some gossip.

Hearing the words of several educated youths in the hall, Liu Weihong temporarily suppressed her envy and jealousy towards Zhuo Ya and asked curiously.

"I don't know. I, like you, are just ordinary friends with Comrade He Yuntian. How can I know the secrets you don't know?"

Zhuoya held the copy of the review materials that she had copied by herself, and studied eagerly.

Hearing Liu Weihong's words, he endured his impatience and replied softly.

"normal friend"?

Ha, what a liar!

Disdain flashed in Liu Weihong's eyes, and she sneered in her heart——

Not to mention the malted milk essence and canned food that He Yuntian had sent before, the materials Zhuoya had in her hand at the moment were all sent by He Yuntian Baba.

After eating so many things, and now looking at the books sent by others, I still have the face to say "ordinary friends".

Also say "I'm just like you".

How can it be the same?

The educated youth listed thirteen educated youths and five women, but He Yuntian was only courteous to Zhuo Ya.

As for Zhuo Ya, surrounded by many suitors, she only went for a "walk" with He Yuntian to the river and the mountains.

Oh no, that was past.

Now, the person who accompanies Zhuo Ya for a walk has been replaced by Chen Jianshe.

Liu Weihong watched closely, she found that Zhuo Ya had a bottle of Friendship brand vanishing cream on her kang head.

And two days ago, Chen Jianjun and Zhuo Ya went to the supply and marketing agency of the commune together... Tsk tsk, as expected of Zhuo Ya.

As soon as He Yuntian was down, she found a substitute.

"Aren't you and him—" We're quite familiar with him.

Liu Weihong deliberately made her words ambiguous, and she kept glancing at the review materials in Zhuo Ya's hands.

The implied meaning is simply not too obvious.

Zhuo Ya was not stupid, she couldn't hear what Liu Weihong meant.

But she still said calmly, "What happened to me and him? We are educated youths who came to Qingliu Brigade together and lived in a yard."

"We're both young people, we're like-minded, we help each other. He lent me books, I bought him scratch paper—"

Therefore, she does not owe He Yuntian, nor does she have any personal relationship with He Yuntian.

Zhuoya has always acted flawlessly. When returning the counseling materials to "He Yuntian", she also specially gave him a draft paper.

Ahem, in front of several educated youths.

Therefore, although everyone knows certain things well, they do not deliberately ask them like Liu Weihong.

Some things, see through and do not reveal, otherwise, you will tear your face, and everyone will not look good.

Liu Weihong: ...Humph! Pretend!

A broken book, can it be compared with the counseling materials?

Although there is no college entrance examination now, reading seems to have no way out.

But it is not easy to get such a systematic and comprehensive high school auxiliary material.

Liu Weihong didn't look at anything else, only seeing that Zhuo Ya would rather risk dark circles and stay up late to transcribe, he knew that this information must be very important.

This person, Zhuo Ya, can't afford to be without profit.

Even when talking about an object, you have to be selective and weigh the pros and cons.

How could she be useless?

Liu Weihong suddenly had a thought in his mind, looking at Zhuo Ya and the information in her hand——

Is it?

Liu Weihong's heart was pounding, and she asked tentatively, "Zhuoya, I'm too busy right now, can you lend me your information?"

Zoya:  …

She lowered her eyelids slightly, hiding the anger and vigilance in her eyes.

When she raised her head again and looked at Liu Weihong, her eyes returned to normal, "Okay, I'll lend it to you when I'm done reading it!"

Promise so happily?

Not hiding at all?

Am I guessing wrong?

Liu Weihong was beating a drum in her heart and stared straight at Zhuo Ya.

Zhuoya did not dodge, but looked at her calmly.

Liu Weihong pouted, it's boring, it really doesn't matter!

"Okay, I'll watch it when you're done reading it!"

Saying so, Liu Weihong no longer takes data seriously.

She brought the topic back and continued to gossip about He Yuntian: "Hey, by the way, what article did you say He Yuntian wrote!"

Zhuoya shook her head and said indifferently, "I don't know!"

"I remember he read poetry to you?"

Liu Weihong said this, but his eyes were ridiculed.

Zhuo Ya's expression remained unmoved, and she said lightly, "He recites poetry for everyone, and he has also recited prose!"

This Liu Weihong is really annoying. She is so unrelenting and insists on dragging her and He Yuntian together!

"Hehe, that's right, he did recite it in public." But he mostly recited the article to Zhuo Ya in private.

Silently vomited in her heart, Liu Weihong couldn't help guessing: "Did he also write poetry or prose this time?"

Zhuo Ya was slightly startled, but she was actually quite curious.

At that time, I just saw He Yuntian was writing, but no one really knew what he wrote.

It wasn't until half a month later that He Yuntian received the remittance slip and the sample book, and everyone knew what this "talent He" wrote——

""Children's Literature"? Isn't it, Lao He, you are an educated youth, you actually write something that only children can read?!"

The heroine took the latest chapter address of the villain script:

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The heroine took the villain's script and read it on her mobile phone:

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