The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The five hundred and fiftieth chapter was beaten in the face of the male lead (16)

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"What happened to "Children's Literature"? Children are the future, children are hope, and I can bring them spiritual food. I am proud and proud!"

He Tiantian glanced at Chen Jianjun, who had ulterior motives, and said lightly.

Chen Jianjun: ... Ma Dan, you write a story about coaxing a child, and you actually write a sense of superiority?

Originally, he thought that "He Yuntian" said that he wanted to write articles and writing fees, and he was writing serious articles published in newspapers.

No matter how bad it is, it is also a professional magazine for adults.

And such an article, it is difficult not to entrain some of the author's own private goods.

Such as expressing his views on certain things, or venting his resentment towards certain realities.

However, no matter what the situation is, there will be clues in the text. As for Chen Jianjun, he just needs to find these traces and quietly write a report letter——

Between Chen Jianjun and He Yuntian, there is no life-and-death feud.

But he just couldn't get used to this little white face, and behind this ignorance, there was actually deep envy and endless envy.

Chen Jianjun had already snatched Zhuo Ya from He Yuntian. While he was happy and happy, he also felt a little uncertainty in his heart.

In particular, Zhuo Ya and him have not completely established their relationship, and they are in an ambiguous state where they have a good impression, but have not broken through the boundaries of friends.

Chen Jianjun was still worried about gains and losses, lest He Yuntian would turn over again and take Zhuo Ya away again.


Chen Jianjun felt that he had to step on He Yuntian under his feet so that he could no longer turn over!

Therefore, when he knew that He Yuntian was going to submit a manuscript, he was eager to "choose the bones in the eggs".

But now, He Yuntian has brought back the sample issue of "Children's Literature".

Tsk tsk, that's the kind of thing that only children can watch, he didn't watch it a few years ago.

The most important thing is this kind of naive little story, it is difficult to find the "evidence" that Chen Jianjun wants.

"Oh, that is, Chen Jianjun, your focus is a bit strange!"

"Yes, no matter whether he is "Children's Literature" or a newspaper or magazine, the point is that Comrade He's article has really been published!"

"That's right, that's right, there is a fee for publication. Money is the most important thing, okay?"

The other educated youths at the educated youth point gathered around He Tiantian, chatting and discussing endlessly.

Their focus is really different from that of someone with ulterior motives like Chen Jianjun. They don't care what article He Yuntian wrote, they just want to know how much money is on the remittance slip that He Yuntian received.

Regardless of the black cat and the white cat, if it can catch mice, it is a good cat!

"Lao He, let's take a look, how much did you get paid?"

"Yes, yes, this kind of short story should have a lot of words. Even if it is five yuan per thousand words, a short short story will cost three or five thousand words less—"

Maybe it will reach 20,000 or 30,000 words.

With just one story, you can earn twenty or thirty yuan for the manuscript.

Twenty or thirty yuan is equivalent to a worker's salary for a month!

"Fortunately, this time it's a six-thousand-word short fairy tale, a thousand-word ten yuan—"

He Tiantian did not show the remittance slip to everyone, but said reservedly.

After that, she doesn't need to finish talking, everyone can figure it out by themselves.

"No, ten yuan for a thousand words, six thousand words, then, that's more than sixty yuan!"

Qian Guodong, who has been following Chen Jianjun's butt for the past few days, suddenly widened his eyes, his face full of envy.


A short story with a few thousand words can earn more than 60 yuan in manuscript fees by just writing it?

Slowly speaking, the villagers who were very lively outside the hospital were shocked, and even the educated youths were a little stunned.

"In addition, I also wrote a few stories and posted them to some other story magazines."

He Tiantian didn't think it was "exciting" enough, and said lightly.

"Che, you can publish it after you write it? Hmph, you really think you are a great writer!"

Chen Jianjun saw that "He Yuntian" has become the focus of discussion and envy of everyone,

There was a sudden mental imbalance.

He whimpered bitterly.

He Tiantian didn't care, nodded and said, "Well, Comrade Chen is right, and you may not be able to publish your manuscript if you submit it. Everything still depends on the remittance slip and sample book you receive!"

Chen Jianjun: ...what I wanted to say, but Xiao Bailian grabbed it first, what a shame.

"Oh, it's good to be accepted for an essay. The manuscript fee is more than 60 yuan!"

The other educated youths are envious, but they do not have such great malice as Chen Jianjun.

They all lived in the same courtyard. "He Yuntian" carried a huge debt of 500 yuan. If there is no way to make money, other educated youths will be implicated sooner or later.

Now, seeing that "he" can really make money from manuscript fees, and it is quite easy to make money, everyone is secretly relieved.

"No! I just said that Lao He is a genius. Let's work hard to earn work points, and people can make money by shaking a pen!"

"Lao He, teach us a lesson, and let us earn some pocket money?"

"Hahaha, just you? When you were in school, an 800-word essay on a proposition could kill you. Do you still want to make money by writing?"

"I just want to give it a try, try it without breaking the law!"

Other educated youths talk and laugh, some are envious, some are jealous, some are moved.

And Zhuo Ya stood in the crowd, her smile was still indifferent, her hand in her pocket was tightly clenched.

He Yuntian, he can really make money from the royalties.

You can earn more than 60 yuan at a time, and one-tenth of the debt is instantly resolved.

Then, a few more times, wouldn't he be able to get back the IOU easily?

Also, writing is not a one-shot deal.

He Yuntian did not write too serious articles, but stories and novels with continuity.

The short stories are 30,000 to 30,000 words, and the medium stories are 30,000 to 780,000 words.

As for the long-form, it would be longer, at least 80,000 words.

You really don't need to write too many novels like this. With just one book, you can repay Han Dongmei's arrears, and then there is still more!

This is no less than holding a golden rice bowl.

And she gave up so easily!

Zhuoya tried her best to maintain a normal expression, but she was regretful in her heart.

But no regrets.

Zhuoya lived a very transparent life and was very intelligent, and knew that she could not easily eat back grass.

Otherwise, her reputation and image will be destroyed.

Even if you want to eat, you must pay attention to strategy.

Zhuo Ya originally wanted to give Chen Jianjun some sweetness, to confirm the relationship between the two, and then go with Chen Jianjun when he returned to the city.

However, it now seems that Chen Jianjun can let it go first!

Zhuo Ya remained calm, but she had already circled around several times in her mind, and had a certain countermeasure.

He Tiantian glanced at everyone, no matter whether they praised or congratulated them sincerely or falsely, he continued to maintain his image of a cold male god.

He Tiantian found that there seemed to be no Han Dongmei in the crowd.

"Of course she didn't come out to watch the fun, she's still pulling her hair and writing articles compared to Fan Wen!"

Little D classmate jumped out and said a word weakly.

Oh my god, it really lost his temper by Han Dongmei.

The last electric shock really made Han Dongmei know the fear, and she began to study hard.

It's just that talent is not something that can be obtained with electricity.

Han Dongmei is really not this material.

Even if she was given a refreshing pill to refresh her mind, she still couldn't change the fundamentals—

The articles written by Han Dongmei are too crafty.

Even if it is barely accepted, it is only once, and it is difficult to reproduce it again.

Unless, classmate D can really electrocute Han Dongmei alive.

Ahem, no more shocks.

Han Dongmei also has a task of "learning tutoring materials".

Xiao D thinks that with Han Dongmei's aptitude and patience, in that mission, it is estimated that she will be spurred by electric shocks, otherwise, tsk tsk——

I can't help it, I can't help it, it's too useless, and no serious Tongzi can help her counterattack.

"Oh!" He Tiantian only replied one word after hearing Xiao D's complaint.

Classmate D: ...I know Tiantian is watching my jokes.

He Tiantian: I really didn't see your joke.

In fact, with the help of Xiao D's classmates to guard the wild lineage, He Tiantian can also free up her hands to carry out her own plans.

"He Yuntian, remittance slip!"

The next day, another postman came to deliver the mail.

"My God, Lao He, you really did it this time!"

"Quickly take it apart and see, how many are there this time?"

"I'm going! Thirty-five dollars? Lao He, cheating, you are really cheating!"

"...What, He Zhiqing made a hundred yuan for just writing an article?"

As He Tiantian received the remittance orders one after another, the news that "He Yuntian" made a lot of money from the manuscript fee spread from the educated youth point to Liujia'ao, Qingliu Brigade, and the entire commune.

Not to mention the people outside, but to talk about the villagers in Liujia'ao, their envious eyes turned red.

Knowing that it is easy for literate people to make money, they still did not expect it to be so easy.

You can make so much money just by shaking a pen and without having to work in the fields or venture into the woods.

No wind blows, no rain, no danger yet, tsk tsk, who says school is useless?

The people who read the book are different!

Making money is easier and quicker than those peasants who dig their food in the soil.

Some parents who feel that reading is useless and do not let their children go to school will regret it after learning about the deeds of "He Yuntian".

There are also villagers with quick brains and slightly thick skin, who have directly found the educated youth.

"He Zhiqing, I heard that you wrote a new article again? Oh, my second son likes to read stories the most. Can you show him the book?"

The villager who took the initiative to speak was quite euphemistic, and asked for it without coming up.

She pushed the teenage boy in front of her, and saw that the child was wearing clothes with patches on top of each other. The clothes were stained with mud, and the tanned little face was black and yellow, and there were two strings of yellow snot hanging on it.

He Tiantian: ...Uh, no way, this is the appearance of rural skin children in this era.

In some more sloppy families, there are lice and scorpions on the children's heads.

When they are bored, there will be a few bear children sitting under the sun, helping each other squeeze and play.

If you are too particular, you will not be able to live in the countryside of this era at all.

In fact, not only the bear children, but also some educated youth from the educated youth point, who have been in the countryside for a long time, have also begun to be assimilated.

I can't wash my feet, wipe my body every day, snore in sleep, grind my teeth, fart in public... It's not that I don't want to pay attention to it, but I am tired and hungry, and I have no energy and no conditions to pay attention to it.

Otherwise, the ancients would not have said, "You know the etiquette when you have enough content";

And the great men of modern times would not say that "material civilization is the foundation of spiritual civilization".

In the end, it's all about money!

Now, this rural aunt sends her naughty monkey to He Tiantian for money.

"He Zhiqing, let me tell you, my second son is very smart, the key is to have special spirituality, but there is no good teacher, if someone teaches him, he will definitely be able to write articles like you-" Make a lot of money !

The last three words, the rural aunt still swallowed it back.

What, you can't withdraw money at any time!

In this day and age, poverty is still the most glorious.

It's just that "honor" is not very useful when living a normal life, marrying a wife and building a house.

Still the most useful ticket.

"..." He Tiantian was silent for a moment after listening to the ramblings of the rural aunt, and asked softly, "Do you want your child to learn to write articles with me?"


The rural aunt endured her apprehension, accompanied her smiling face, and said cautiously: "He Zhiqing, don't worry, my second son is obedient, he will do whatever you ask him to do!"

When it came to the second half of the sentence, the rural aunt blinked at He Tiantian.

He Tiantian understood it in seconds. What this means is: He Zhiqing, you give my child the unique skill of writing articles, and my son will help you with the work.

He Tiantian:  …

If it was herself, she certainly didn't need anyone else to work for her.

But the original owner, this one is someone who even takes advantage of women.

He's not the best, but he's just too proud and considers himself a male god.

He believes that according to his "godhead", others should give him things and help him with work.

For those people, being able to "help" him is not a love, but a gift.

Ahem, it's normal for a male protagonist to have a bit of "Long Aotian" self-confidence, right?

He Tiantian wants to maintain the original design, even if she doesn't agree with this kind of tyrannical coolness, she has to bite the bullet and pretend.

Looking reservedly at the pair of eager and anxious mother and son, He Tiantian nodded arrogantly, "Yes! I can give pointers to the child!"

"...Thank you He Zhiqing, oops, thank you so much!"

Not to mention how happy the rural aunt was, while thanking herself, she did not forget to press her son's head in a salute to He Tiantian.

She didn't know what "pointing" was, but He Zhiqing said "yes", which was a promise to teach her son to write articles.

This is a craft that makes a lot of money. Even in this era, if you want to be an apprentice to others, you must be disciplined and respectful if you want to learn their skills.

Maybe you can't treat "Master" as a real elder like you did in the past, but you should also give enough respect.

Otherwise, why would people teach you the craft of making money?

"Oh, Liu Laosi's family is too wicked, and actually sent her second child to the educated youth point!"

"Her second child can still write articles? Hmph, I can't even recognize a single word. My dog ​​Zhu'er is much better than him!"

"My third child is not bad! If the second son can go, so can the third child of my family to learn his skills from He Zhiqing!"

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