The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The five hundred and fiftieth chapters were beaten in the face of the male lead (18)

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In the evening, after the villagers of Qingliu Brigade had eaten, some people walked to the elementary school in twos and threes.

In He Tiantian's writing remedial class, not only a group of school-aged children came to listen to the class, but many young men and girls in their twenties also came to join in the fun.

There were even a few middle-aged people mixed in.

Learn the skills, and it's free, so you'll be dazzled when you come.

Even just listening to a story is better than wasting money by lighting a lamp and boiling oil at home.

Yes, listen to the story!

He Tiantian's class is not boring to give people how to write essays.

She can attract so many bear children to sit down and listen to the class, mainly relying on the stories she will tell.

She wants to tell the children her stories published in "Children's Literature", "Revolutionary Story Club" and other periodicals.

Especially in those few fairy tales, He Tiantian built a fantasy universe of the future world, and she didn't write too much fantasy.

Just writing the current situation of China 40 years later into a story in a "sleepwalking" way, and then telling it to the children, aroused their amazement.

"Teacher, is the future really that good? Will there be robots that work by themselves?"

"Teacher, teacher, can you really travel all over the country with a mobile phone?"

"What does a mobile phone look like? Is it the same as the phone in the brigade?"

"Mr. He, the world in the future is wonderful, and there is also 'Xiao Ai'..."

Every time after class, there will be a group of children around He Tiantian, chatting and asking.

The parents didn't know why, and thought that their bear children had finally come to their senses and began to learn how to study hard and work hard.

Later, some people went to the writing remedial class to listen to the class together, only to know why those children liked to revolve around He Zhiqing so much.

Gee, why do children like to write, they like to listen to stories!

But...cough, the stories He Zhiqing wrote are really nice.

The world of the future is what it looks like.

Alas, I don't know if I can live to that time, and whether I can live a rich and beautiful life like that.

I sighed in my heart that the adults were also interested in He Zhiqing's class.

So what, just listen to the storytelling.

Their Qingliu brigade was too poor, with several hundred households, and the brigade captain's house had a radio.

Usually listening to the news, listening to the radio, tsk tsk, can squeeze the yard.

However, those things on the radio are not as exciting as He Zhiqing's story.

The point is that it's incredible, it's amazing.

Although everyone thinks it is unlikely, they can't help but wonder: what the future will be like!

Of course, some parents also came to question He Tiantian: "He Zhiqing, we sent our child to class so that he could learn to write articles. You tell stories all day, but you don't hand in serious things—"

These parents suspect that He Tiantian is hiding.

Just like the masters of the past, when teaching disciples, they like to keep a hand.

He Tiantian responded with a smile: "Before writing, you need to listen, read and observe more! The more you know, the more you can write!"

"The ancients said that reading a hundred times is self-seeking. Writing is the same."


What the ancients didn't know, they didn't understand at all.

However, seeing He Tiantian's sincere attitude, clear eyes, and no guilt or dodge.

The parents temporarily believed her words.

"Then take a look. If you learn from him for a month or two, but you still can't learn anything, then you will find the account!"

"What's the matter? He Zhiqing is not even an elementary school teacher. He doesn't charge a penny when he comes to class at night. It's all voluntary labor!"

"Yes, yes, in fact, it doesn't matter if you can't learn to write articles! Children can listen to stories instead of running out and be naughty, which is better than before!"

"That's right,

My dog ​​Dan followed He Zhiqing to a few classes, and when he came back, he was reluctant to run out, but he held a book and made gestures! "

"Yes! That's right! My little girl is like this too. She even tells stories to her milk, which only surprised the old lady!"

Parents were talking.

Some people questioned He Tiantian, but more people still trust her very much and feel that it is beneficial and harmless to send their children to her remedial class.

Especially a month later, with the encouragement of He Tiantian, a naughty boy in the remedial class actually wrote a small composition.

He Tiantian directly helped him send it to the newspaper.

Half a month later, the child's parents received a remittance slip.

"Five dollars? Haha, the article written by my dog ​​was published, and I got five dollars for the manuscript!"

The parent was going crazy with joy, carefully holding the remittance slip, showing off all the way from Liujia'ao to Qingshan Village.

In less than half a day, the entire Qingliu Brigade knew all about it.

Afterwards, the parents took the household registration book and the remittance slip and went to the post office in the county to get the money back.

He continued to hold a five-dollar note, showing off around the brigade.

Not to mention how envious the villagers were when they heard it.

It's just that the parents of the children who went to the remedial class with Gou left, as if they were beaten with chicken blood, after returning, they were crazy "chicken babies".

There were still a few parents who thought it was a waste of time for their children to listen to stories, but they were about to back off.

Now that everyone is energized, why are you retreating?

Continue the class and continue listening to the story!

Gouzu is such a bear child who dislikes dogs. When he is in class, he has thorns under his buttocks, and he can't sit still at all.

As a result, it was such a skin monkey who actually wrote an article, published it, and made five dollars!

Five dollars, their family may not be able to save five dollars a month!

In fact, not only the parents were excited, but also the young men who came to join in the fun, or the big girls who secretly wanted to get in touch with the male god.

What the lads thought was: the dog left such a brat, he can make money from the articles he writes, and so can I!

The big girls with sprouting hearts seem to have received inspiration: Oh, why didn't I think of it? After writing the article, you can go to He Zhiqing for one-on-one counseling.

At that time, maybe there will be a chance to be alone.

Let’s talk about literature together, and by the way, let’s talk about personal dreams. Let’s talk, maybe we can express our feelings.

Thinking of this, Liu Cuizhi hurriedly covered her face, embarrassed to think about it any further.

However, she finally had an idea. When she was in class, she listened carefully to He Zhiqing's storytelling, and when she got home from get out of class, she began to conceive an article.

After staying in the writing remedial class for nearly two months, Liu Cuizhi gained a lot of knowledge from He Tiantian's "story".

She knew what the outside world was like, knew that there were cars, department stores, and overseas Chinese stores in the city, and also knew what TVs, refrigerators, washing machines and other electrical appliances did...

Unconsciously, she gained knowledge and broadened her horizons.

She still had a crush on He Zhiqing, but she also had other things in her heart.

Now, something in her heart is beginning to sprout and blossom—

"What? Willow Cuizhi from the deputy captain's house also published an article and received fifteen yuan for the manuscript?"

In September, three months have passed since He Tiantian opened a writing remedial class.

The Qingliu Brigade's enthusiasm for "learning" had just cooled down, and news came out again.

This time, not only the villagers were surprised, but even the educated youths who were educated youths were stimulated.

Liu Cuizhi is different from a school-aged child like Gouzhu. She is almost eighteen this year and has been out of school for several years.

I was about to talk about marriage and marriage, but I didn't see how to study at ordinary times. I just went to the remedial class with my little sister in the evening to listen to a story.

As a result, people can really write articles.

A serious person like the vice-captain, when he got the remittance slip, he couldn't close his mouth with laughter.

Liu Cuizhi's grandfather even showed off with a remittance slip.

If he hadn't used the remittance slip to withdraw money later, he would have wanted to take this thing to his ancestor's grave and burn it, so that the ancestors of the Liu family would know—

Their Lao Liu family finally released "Wenqu Star"!

"Wenquxing? Bah, I just wrote an article, and I'm too embarrassed to publicize it!"

Liu Weihong's bid for primary school teacher was unsuccessful, and he had already saved up a belly of fire.

Hearing the noise outside, she felt very unbalanced, hid in the room, and cursed angrily.

"It's a bit too much to say that Wenquxing is. However, Liu Cuizhi, who has only been in elementary school for a few years, can write articles published in the newspaper supplement, which is enough to show her talent!"

Zhuo Ya was packing things, and when she heard Liu Weihong's complaint, she replied lightly.

Liu Weihong:  …

She glared at Zhuo Ya angrily, what does this hypocritical woman mean?

Saying that Liu Cuizhi, a village girl, is talented, is she mocking Liu Weihong's lack of talent?

After all, after Liu Weihong failed to run for a teacher, he secretly submitted an article to the newspaper, but it fell into disrepair.

And now, Liu Cuizhi's article has been accepted, and he has also received a fee of fifteen yuan.

In terms of "writing", she is obviously more talented than her Liu Weihong.

Liu Weihong was so angry.

She complained that Qingliu Brigade was unfair, and to choose a teacher, she had to be local.

She complained that God was unfair, and they were all educated youths. He Yuntian had a good time in Qingliu Brigade. All day long, villagers brought him vegetables, grain, and eggs, as if he was his own.

She complained that those stinky men were too superficial. She only knew how to value a woman's face, but she didn't know how to appreciate a thoughtful and connotative woman like her...

Liu Weihong complained that her negative emotions were almost turned into reality.

Especially seeing Zhuo Ya packing her luggage and thinking that she was about to go back to the city with Chen Jianjun, Liu Weihong's eyes turned red.

"...Zuoya, you really want to go to their house with Chen Jianjun!"

"Chen Jianjun has a job, but you don't. If you go, you have a rural household registration, and you don't even have a monthly supply of food!"

"If you give birth to a child, you will have to follow your household registration. Tsk tsk, it costs a lot of money every month for food!"

"Chen Jianjun likes you and is willing to support you and the child. Will his parents and sister agree?"

Liu Weihong couldn't see Zhuoya being so "lucky" that she was able to return to the city.

She said yin and yang strangely on the grounds of "concern".

When Zhuoya heard these words, she didn't even give Liu Weihong a favor out of the corner of her eyes.

She replied indifferently: "I have obtained the certificate with Chen Jianjun, we are legal husband and wife, he wants to go back to the city, I can only follow!"

In the past three months, Zhuo Ya really regretted it and wanted to reconcile with He Yuntian.

But then, Zhuo Ya thought that even if He Yuntian could make money by writing, he would not be able to return to the city.

These days, urban hukou is not something money can buy.

Of course, the most important thing is that Zhuo Ya tentatively released some intimacy to "He Yuntian", but the other party did not respond.

Zhuoya saw the indifferent and cold face of "his", without the love and admiration in her eyes, Zhuoya knew that it was impossible between her and He Yuntian.

Zhuoya is too smart, she will never let herself be in a dilemma.

If she can't have both, she can only continue to choose what is most powerful for her.

Therefore, she completely abandoned He Yuntian and continued to attack Chen Jianjun.

After Chen Jianjun received the certificate of job transfer from his family, Zhuo Ya and Chen Jianjun got a license to get married.

Then, as his wife, she asked the captain to help write a letter of introduction, and was going to return to the city with Chen Jianjun.

Zhuo Ya had already thought about the situations Liu Weihong said.

Difficulties are indeed many.

Don't talk about issues such as household registration, work, food supply, etc., only the parents of the Chen family will not be too kind to Zhuo Ya.

However, Zhuoya is not afraid.

Chen Jianjun is the only son, and she only needs to hold Chen Jianjun to gain a firm foothold in the Chen family.

What mother-in-law conflict?

To put it bluntly, it's still a man's problem.

As long as Chen Jianjun wholeheartedly protects himself, no matter how difficult the mother-in-law is, she will not be hurt.

Zhuoya has this confidence!

And as long as she has a firm foothold in the Chen family, work, household registration, etc., can be solved easily.

It's really not good, isn't it still the work of Chen's mother.

At that time, let Mother Chen retire early and let Zhuo Ya take over, and everything will be OK!

Liu Weihong:  …

Hmph, what kind of legal husband and wife, they didn't even meet their parents-in-law, they didn't even worship the wedding wine, and they got married like this.

If she were Chen Jianjun's parents, and she couldn't bear to blame the child, she would definitely blame Zhuoya, the little vixen!

However, no matter how jealous Liu Weihong was and how distorted her heart was, she could only watch Zhuo Ya pack her luggage, take the letter of introduction, and follow Chen Jianjun back to the city.

"Lao He, Lao Qian, I'm going back and I'll write to you!"

Chen Jianjun was in high spirits.

Holding the beautiful wife in one hand and the work certificate and letter of introduction in the other, he was as excited as a general about to triumph.

Before leaving, he did not forget to show off to his former rival and imaginary enemy.

I want to see the look of envy and jealousy in the other person's eyes.

He Tiantian:  …

She curled the corners of her lips, her eyes turned around on Chen Jianjun's face with his neck raised and his face sullen, and finally fell on Zhuo Ya.

Uh, the female protagonist abandoned the male protagonist and married the male partner instead.

The main plot of the script was ruined by her again.

However, this is not the point. The point is that it is already September, and in another month, the news that the country will resume the college entrance examination will be announced.

He Tiantian couldn't help but wonder how Zhuo Ya would react when she saw the news...

The heroine took the latest chapter address of the villain script:

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The heroine took the villain's script and read it on her mobile phone:

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