The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 555 The male protagonist who was beaten in the face (End)

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Zhuoya doesn't like Chen Jianjun, and Chen Jianjun doesn't meet Zhuoya's mate selection criteria at all.

Appearance, family background, and personal ability are only above the pass line.

However, Zhuo Ya still used all her means to firmly control this man in her palm.

For nothing else, she just wanted to go back to the city.

If Chen Jianjun could go back to the city and help her get a job, Zhuo Ya would be willing to marry him.

In order to return to the city, Zhuo Ya also made preparations for a long-term battle with her husband's family.

It's just that the timing of her leaving...

Ahem, what's the difference between this and joining the Fruit Party in 1949?

Just imagine, Zhuo Ya just followed Chen Jianjun to the city where Chen Jianjun is located, and fought wits and courage with her mother-in-law, aunt and others, causing a lot of trouble.

As a result, the clear sky struck a thunderbolt - the country resumed the college entrance examination!

Zoya doesn't need to work hard at all, let alone sacrifice her love and marriage.

She only needs to wait another month for such good news.

She is smart. After she went to the countryside, she never gave up her studies.

Some time ago, I also comprehensively and systematically reviewed the high school counseling materials.

She went to take the college entrance examination, and even if she could not be admitted to a famous school in the capital, she could still be admitted to a good university.

Once admitted to university, she will be able to leave Qingliu Brigade, and she will be able to return to the city.

He Tiantian can imagine how embarrassed and regretful Zhuoya will be without seeing it with her own eyes!

However, Zhuoya is not an ordinary girl, she will not indulge in negative emotions and cannot extricate herself.

She will definitely regret it, but after regret, she will make the best choice for herself.

Because Zhuoya is a refined egoist.

No matter when, no matter what happens, she will never let herself suffer.

Such people may have flaws in character, and may be cursed as "white-eyed wolf", "without conscience" and so on.

There will also be someone who cursed fiercely "you will be punished".

But in fact, in reality, such people may not necessarily get retribution.

Instead, they'll be better off than the vast majority.

They have no bottom line, they will not be kidnapped or bound by any emotion, they only have one goal - live well!

In order to achieve this goal, they can do whatever it takes, they will hurt anyone.

Therefore, when Zhuoya chose Chen Jianjun, He Tiantian did not remind her.

Because she knows that even if someone like Zhuo Ya accidentally goes the wrong way, she can return to "regularity" by herself.

Such a person does not need He Tiantian's help at all.

Besides, why did He Tiantian help her? !

"He Yuntian" is not kind, and Zhuo Ya is not innocent when it comes to being a woman.

But people's methods are high enough to get benefits, but they don't get a bad reputation.

The money was borrowed by He Yuntian, and the things were received by He Yuntian. In the end, Han Dongmei's hatred and resentment were also directed at He Yuntian.

After He Tiantian wore it, he took the initiative to take on a huge debt of 500 yuan.

As for Zhuoya, innocent and clean, there is no stain on it.

Now, people waved their sleeves, directly leaving the once ambiguous object He Yuntian, and followed Chen Jianjun back to the city to enjoy the happiness!

In a sense, Zhuo Ya hurt He Yuntian!

He Tiantian did not take the initiative to retaliate, she was considered kind.

She really couldn't do the "Virgin" to remind Zhuoya.

Uh, well, even if He Tiantian is overflowing with kindness, he really ran to remind Zhuoya.

People may not believe it.

Perhaps, people will think that "He Yuntian" is jealous, and it is not expected that she can go back to the city and deliberately tell such lies.

If one gets it wrong, He Tiantian will bear the stigma of being careful and too caring.

He Tiantian would not do such a "thankful" stupid thing!

"Okay, Comrade Chen Jianjun, I look forward to hearing from you!"

He Tiantian's eyes flashed,

It's been going around in my head a few times.

Facing Chen Jianjun's provocation, He Tiantian maintained a smile and replied lightly.

Chen Jianjun felt a little uncomfortable when he failed to see the other party's gaffe with envy and jealousy.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

Zhuo Ya tugged at his sleeve and said softly, "Jianjun, it's getting late, don't miss the train!"

As she spoke, she winked at Chen Jianjun playfully.

It seems to be saying: My dear, it is us who can go back to the city now, why should you care about someone like He Yuntian who is destined to stay in the countryside and endure hardship?

Zhuoya's eyes are very good-looking almond eyes, her eyes are smart and wink like silk.

Just one look made Chen Jianjun's heart rippling.

He reacted instantly and nodded secretly in his heart: Yes, yes, I'm all going back to the city, so why bother with villagers like He Yuntian? !

Hmph, this He Yuntian is the most pretentious.

Looking at the clouds and the wind, I was secretly not sure how to envy it.

Thinking of this, Chen Jianjun directly put his arm on Zhuo Ya's shoulder, and with a force, he took the other party into his arms.

He deliberately looked at He Tiantian, showing his affection in public as if in a demonstration, "Wow, Zhuoya and I will write to you!"

He Tiantian smiled back, and said nothing, only replied: "Good luck!"

Chen Jianjun: ...Cut, a dead duck has a tough mouth.

He was secretly angry, and continued to hug Zhuo Ya's shoulders, and the two of them turned and left in an extremely intimate manner.

Looking at the backs of the two, He Tiantian silently offered his blessing: Brother dei, I hope that in a month, you will still be so smug and energetic!

Chen Jianjun and Zhuo Ya left, and after a brief silence, the educated youth point resumed their normal life.

While writing, He Tiantian taught the remedial class for students of all sizes.

As for Han Dongmei, Xiao D's classmates kept her in the room, desperately reviewing the set of tutoring materials.

Woohoo, she really regrets it!

Why did she bind the system?

She doesn't want to study, and she doesn't want to go to university!

For others, the college entrance examination and college are an opportunity to change their fate.

However, Han Dongmei really does not lack such opportunities.

All she had to do was call home or send a telegram, and her parents could figure out a way to get her back to town.

You can also arrange a very good job for her, and then find her a husband who is the right match for her.

Relying on her parents and husband, Han Dongmei can live a very good life without struggling on her own.

But she was bound to a Dogecoin system because of her brain flooding.

She was forced to study at every turn, and if she didn't study well, she would even get electric shocks.

Woohoo, she's about to be tortured to death!

Dad, Mom, come and save me!

"Study hard! Don't overthink it!"

Feeling Han Dongmei's mood swings, classmate D waved a little pointer, urging Han Dongmei to continue studying.

Han Dongmei:  …

Woohoo, I don't want to study!

Han Dongmei immersed herself in her studies, and from time to time in the remedial class, there will be one or two good news that an article has been published.

The learning atmosphere of Qingliu Brigade is unprecedentedly high.

The educated youths in the educated youth spots were also infected, and they picked up the textbooks and started to study again.

Their ideas are also simple. They don't want to be able to make a lot of money by writing like "He Yuntian", so don't give up studying.

They feel superior in front of the villagers, not only because they used to be urbanites, but also because they are educated and educated.

Now the adults and children in the village are busy studying, but these self-proclaimed literate people don't even touch the books, which seems a little unreasonable.

So, even if it's just for the sake of pretense, they all picked up the textbooks again.

Liu Weihong and Zhuo Ya lived in the same room for two years. When they were angry, they once proposed to borrow the set of counseling materials to transcribe.

Now that Zhuo Ya was gone, and the educated youth were busy looking for and reading books, Liu Weihong remembered this set of materials, took them out, and started to study with everyone.

Time flies so fast, and it's already October.

"My God! The college entrance examination has resumed!"

"We, we can go to university again!"

"Look, come and see, the newspapers are all waiting. The date of the college entrance examination has been set, and it's in December!"

"No, this, how is this possible? Isn't it all recommended to go to college now?"

"...See for yourself, it's in the newspapers!"

Because He Tiantian and her writing coaching class often publish articles in newspapers and magazines.

After the brigade leaders, including the brigade captain and deputy captain, discussed it, they went to the county post office to order a newspaper.

The latest newspapers are delivered by the postman every day.

Therefore, once the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination was published in the newspaper, the Qingliu Brigade knew it.

The villagers are okay, their children are too big and too small, and the college entrance examination is too far away from them.

Occasionally, there are several children who have attended middle school and are able to meet the conditions for taking the college entrance examination, but they are also a little hesitant.

Only the educated youths who are educated youths are all excited, wishing they could run and shout in the yard—

The college entrance examination has resumed, and as long as they are admitted to the university, they can leave this remote and impoverished small mountain village!

They can finally go back to the city! !

Grabbing the newspaper from He Tiantian, Liu Weihong read the news on it word by word.

After reading it over and over, she couldn't help shedding tears of excitement.

"Oh, Liu Weihong, don't cry, your tears are about to wet the newspaper!"

Seeing Liu Weihong crying with the newspaper, Ma Xinhua grabbed the newspaper for fear of getting it wet.

Chen Nanfang approached Ma Xinhua, and the two read the news carefully together.

Liu Weihong was robbed of the newspaper, but there was not much reaction.

She shed tears silently at first, and then cried aloud.

It seems that he wants to cry out all the hardships and offenses he has suffered in the countryside over the past few years.

Crying and crying, she seemed to think of something, and suddenly laughed again.

Seeing her crying and laughing, the educated youths were terrified.

"Liu Weihong, you, are you all right?"

Ma Xinhua took the newspaper and took a few steps back, his eyes full of surprise and alert.

Could this comrade be insane by the great news?

Just like "Fan Jinzhongju"? !

Liu Weihong didn't know that she had been treated as a snake essence disease. She wiped her tears hard, and said while laughing: "Haha, Zhuoya, Zhuoya, haha!"

She was so happy that she couldn't even speak.

But, strangely, Ma Xinhua and other educated youth understood what she meant.

Why did Zhuo Ya marry Chen Jianjun?

In fact, Chen Jianjun himself is very clear: he can hold the beauty back, not because of his personal charm, but because he can bring Zhuoya back to the city.

As a result, Zhuo Ya and Chen Jianjun have only been married for a month, and the country has resumed the college entrance examination within a month of their departure.

"Haha! She, she sacrificed in vain! Hahaha, I really want to see with my own eyes how Zhuo Ya will react when she hears the news!"

"Ha! Hahaha, that picture must be very interesting!"

Liu Weihong laughed until tears came out.

Over the years, her jealousy and dissatisfaction with Zhuo Ya seemed to be vented at this moment.

She suddenly regained her balance, and there was a kind of joy in "the cycle of cause and effect and the unpleasant retribution".

Ma Xinhua and other educated youths:  …

Er, the female educated youth seems to understand Liu Weihong's emotion very well.

The male educated youth, especially those two or three who had a crush on Zhuo Ya, looked a little unsightly.

They think Liu Weihong is going too far, how can they be so gloating?

However, in addition to complaining, they also have a vague expectation in their hearts——

Zhuo Ya is definitely going to take the college entrance examination. When she is admitted to the university, will she and Chen Jianjun also break up?

Just like He Yuntian before?

They are not worthy of Comrade Zhuoya.

He Tiantian: ...Okay, just be happy!

He Tiantian is definitely the most calm person among the educated youth.

Seeing her reaction, everyone can understand.

Comrade He is not the only way to go to college.

People can still be writers, and by writing books, they can live a good life.

For Comrade He, taking the university entrance exam is just the icing on the cake.

Unlike the educated youth who have no other choice, taking the college entrance examination is the only way for them to leave the countryside.

Of course, there is another person who does not need to pay too much attention to the college entrance examination in the educated youth point - Han Dongmei!

Han Dongmei: I am not as optimistic as you are!

After hearing the cheers outside and knowing what had happened, Han Dongmei suddenly had a bad premonition.

So what, the system won't force me to go to college, right?

Maybe there will be regulations for me to be admitted to a famous university, or Xu Jingcheng or something!

Han Dongmei's heart was beating wildly, and the hand holding the pen was trembling.


I don't want to be forced to go to college!

"Ding! Post the task, take the college entrance examination in December, and successfully get into the university."

"The mission is successful, and a bottle of beauty cream will be rewarded. If the mission fails, there will be an electric shock for ten seconds!"

From the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, there was a mechanical sound that made Han Dongmei terrified.

Her face instantly turned pale!

Shock for ten seconds?

It can definitely kill her!


She's had enough!

She doesn't want any bullshit systems anymore!


The string that Han Dongmei had been tensing was instantly broken.

She shouted in spite of her consciousness, "I don't want it! I don't want to do any more tasks!"

"Dogecoin system, you have the ability to kill me! Otherwise, I will never obey your arrangements!"

"Electric shock? Why don't you electrocute me now, ahhhh!"

Little D classmate was immediately frightened.

No, it drives a good host crazy? !

He Tiantian sensed what happened here, and used her divine sense to investigate.

She was pleasantly surprised to find that Han Dongmei's outbreak actually pushed out the dark energy that was tightly wrapped around her soul.

He Tiantian seized the opportunity and swallowed the energy in one bite...

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