The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The five hundred and fifty-seventh chapter persuading a good man (1)

Liu Cuizhi was admitted to Beijing University and became a well-known "female champion".

Not to mention Liujia'ao, the entire Qingliu Brigade regarded her as a pride.

On the other hand, "He Yuntian" is still a tutor, but when it comes to the real exam, he is not as good as his "student"!

We can't blame the villagers for being too utilitarian, but since ancient times, they have been using "success or failure as a hero".

He Yuntian's college entrance examination scores were average, but he was not as good as Liu Cuizhi, who was admitted to Beijing University.


You say he can write articles? Still earning fees?

But compared with the serious college entrance examination, these can only be regarded as "trails" at most, and they cannot be on the table.

The most important thing is the serious college entrance examination, and those who can pass the college entrance exam well are heroes.

Even if "He Yuntian" didn't fall off the altar, he still lost his former glory.

Even Han Dongmei seems to be more worthy of praise than He Yuntian - a charming lady who can't do anything, but it is really not easy to be admitted to a famous university in the provincial capital!

Han Dongmei: ...Is this a success? !

"Ding! Completely slapped the scumbag He Yuntian, the host has completed the ultimate task, and the system will automatically release the binding with the host!"

Originally wanted to make a direct disappearance, but seeing that Han Dongmei was still trembling and suspicious, He Tiantian decided to give her a "result".

Sure enough, when she heard the familiar and terrifying mechanical sound in the depths of her sea of ​​consciousness, Han Dongmei shivered instinctively.

However, when she heard what the system said, she was excited again: "Automatically unbind? System, you, you mean, you won't appear in the future?"

"Yes! You have completed the ultimate face slap, and this system has no meaning to exist!"

"Host, your performance is very good, and this system is very satisfied. The reward beauty cream will be distributed soon. After you receive the prize, this system will automatically disappear!"

After that, Xiao D stopped talking.

And Han Dongmei was surprised to find that a bag suddenly swelled up in her jacket pocket.

She hurriedly reached out and took out a white porcelain bottle similar to friendship vanishing cream.

"This is the beauty cream? Can it make me more beautiful?"

Han Dongmei is always in the fear of being electrocuted.

For the rewards of the system, they don't care too much.

Now that the system actively contacts the binding, she no longer has to worry about the system controlling and punishing herself in the future.

She suddenly became interested.

The previous Qingling Pill may not be too heaven-defying, but it also has a certain effect.

There are also whitening pills, which made her skin whiter.

Although it is still not as good as Zhuoya's naturally cold and white skin, it is not much worse.

At least, at first glance, she can be regarded as a fair-skinned and delicate little jasper.

Now, plus a beauty cream... oops, unexpected joy, oh no, it should be said that it is a double happiness!

Without the big villain of the system, you can still become beautiful, it's not too good!

Han Dongmei only felt that the pain she had suffered in the past three or four months was instantly comforted.

Her heart, which was almost forced to twist, was also redeemed!

Han Dongmei asked excitedly, "System, is this beauty cream really effective? Can it make me more beautiful than Zhuoya?"

The system did not answer.

Han Dongmei was stunned for a moment, and tentatively called out from the depths of the sea of ​​​​knowledge: "System! System? Hello, are you still there?"

The depths of the sea of ​​consciousness were still silent.

There was no response, no mechanical sound.

Han Dongmei didn't give up. In order to determine whether the system had disappeared, she even scolded her without fear of death: "Dog than the system, you son of a bitch, are you really getting out of here?"

Little D classmate: ...

Although it was MMP deep in the core, it still followed He Tiantian's instructions, stopped making noise, and withdrew from the depths of Han Dongmei's sea of ​​consciousness.

Han Dongmei scolded several times again, but neither heard the system's reply nor received the electric shock punishment. Only then did she believe that the system was really automatically unbound!

"Haha! Hahaha! Free, my mother is finally free!"

"No more Dogecoin system forcing me to study, no more terrible punishment!"

"Wuwu, I won't dare to easily bind any system in the future!"

"I will never take revenge or slap any scumbag in the face again..."

Living your life well and not wasting your energy on those scumbags is the most correct choice.

Moreover, now she is much stronger than "He Yuntian".

She was admitted to a famous university in the provincial capital, and she was able to return to the provincial capital with integrity and become the pride of her parents.

As for "He Yuntian", he was admitted to a university that he had never heard of before, but he still went to a province that is famous for its poverty thousands of miles away.

After graduating from university, the assignment work is estimated to be arranged nearby, and he will not be able to return to the provincial capital at all!

Compared with someone like him who is destined to achieve nothing, she has an education, a family background, and she can become more beautiful. She and he are no longer on the same level.

Han Dongmei no longer had any resentment towards "He Yuntian", nor did she care about him.

In fact, hate is also a strong emotion.

Han Dongmei's insistence on taking revenge on the other party stemmed from her inner unwillingness and reluctance.

Where there is love, there is hate.

The real letting go is not hatred, but ignorance!

Now, "He Yuntian" is a dispensable stranger to him.

She will never bet the slightest bit of attention for him again!

In addition, with this experience, Han Dongmei has personal feelings for "scumbags".

She can't say that she has become a "scumbag expert", but in love, she has become more transparent.

If she encounters someone who falls in love at first sight again, she will not plunge into it stupidly like she did at first.

He Tiantian: ...Very good, as long as Han Dongmei doesn't act like a lover, and on her terms, she won't be too bad.

It's just that it's not easy to counterattack and become a heroine.

Han Dongmei still has many shortcomings, such as selfishness, laziness, not seeking to make progress, just living by...

Mmmm, at least compared to Liu Cuizhi next door, Liu Cuizhi is more like a big heroine——

An 18-year-old junior high school graduate, who left school for three or four years and only reviewed for two months, was successfully admitted to Beijing University.

After going to university, he studied and wrote at the same time, and published several influential articles one after another, becoming a famous "beautiful writer" in Beijing University.

During college, I met an equally outstanding male god of hits with a better family background.

The two are like-minded, and the two are in love.

Just after graduating from university, Liu Cuizhi married the second generation of red.

The husband's family is the highest, and Liu Cuizhi's own ability is higher.

She is not a Cinderella, but a strong woman who can make her husband look different.

University teacher, well-known writer, with status and extra money, with her husband Qin Se and Ming, they gave birth to a pair of twins in the second year of marriage!

He Tiantian:  …

Right, right, this is the standard of the heroine of the era.

On the other hand, "He Yuntian" did not pass the entrance exam to a very ordinary university, and got along with his family members in a close relationship.

The writing thing just stopped, and I didn't become a best-selling author or a literary master who created a genre.

Feeling that the aura of the protagonist on her body began to tilt towards Liu Cuizhi, He Tiantian began to prepare to leave this world.

In fact, as early as when she devoured the dark energy, she received a notification sound that the mission was successful.

However, He Tiantian did not stop there, she continued to help Han Dongmei's qualifications and assist Liu Cuizhi to become the new heroine.

Now, the will of the world in the small world has finally recognized Liu Cuizhi, and the male protagonist has become the big female protagonist.

Although the main storyline of the small world has been destroyed in a mess, there is a new storyline.

The world of fiction becomes solid!

"Ding! The antivirus task is completed, and the reward points are 12 points."

"Ding! Get 1000 achievement points."

"Ding! Get 10,000 points from readers as a reward."

When He Tiantian was about to leave the mission world, another beep sounded from the depths of the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

"Sweet, the mission is complete, do you really want to leave this novel world?"

Xiao D student asked again to confirm.

"Well! Leave!"

The goals have been achieved, so there is no need for He Tiantian to stay.

According to the usual practice, she separated a touch of consciousness and let "He Yuntian" continue to live in this small world, experiencing birth, aging, illness and death like an ordinary person!

"He Yuntian" will no longer be the focus of everyone's attention, and it will no longer be a male protagonist.

He is just a small character in this small world, living an ordinary life like most people.

The light of the world belongs to the new heroine Liu Cuizhi.

Even Han Dongmei has a wonderful life of her own.

In her life, she is also a unique protagonist!


Xiao D responded with a sound, and then the space turned around for a while.

He Tiantian's soul was pulled away and returned to the familiar library space.

At the moment of entering the library space, all the emotions belonging to He Yuntian were pulled away.

The once vivid world of novels has directly turned into a hard book, which was placed on the bookshelf in the library space.

He Tiantian glanced at the books in that row, feeling somewhat emotional.

These are all her life experiences.

"Little D, my reward amount has exceeded 100,000 points!"

He Tiantian's emotion was very short-lived. After a while, she returned to normal and began to ask her concerns.

"That's right! You haven't used it to exchange treasure chests, and now your reward has accumulated to 105,000 points. You can exchange for intermediate treasure chests!"

When Xiao D mentioned this topic, he was very excited.

It only jumped around He Tiantian, "Tiantian, do you want to exchange for an intermediate treasure chest? I'm really curious, what kind of treasure can you exchange from!"

"Oh, by the way, according to the regulations of the system, the prizes in the intermediate treasure chests are basically VIP products in the Niang Mall. If you use points to exchange them, they are basically four-digit astronomical figures!"

And He Tiantian has done so many tasks and has been reluctant to spend points, and her point balance is only 213 points.

If you want to exchange for VIP products in the Niang Mall, you still don't know how to fight until the Year of the Monkey.

"Starship! Floating island! Mecha warriors! There is also a spiritual spring space..."

Little D was drooling, holding his fingers (ahem, if his right finger) and taking the same inventory.

"So many good things can be exchanged through the intermediate treasure chest! Sweet, try it!"

Xiao D was so excited that she wished she could help He Tiantian make a decision.

He Tiantian shook her head, "I won't exchange it for now!"

He Tiantian had a hunch that when the treasure box was exchanged, the prizes in the treasure box might have something to do with the novel world just completed.

And the small world He Tiantian just passed through is an ordinary chronology.

There is no high technology that transcends time and space, and there is no ability or golden finger that is blessed by the plot.

If you exchange it rashly, He Tiantian is worried that the exchanged prize will make her disappointed.

Intermediate treasure chests can indeed be exchanged for VIP products in the Niang Mall, but those products may not be all valuable.

He Tiantian trusted her intuition and didn't want to waste the nanny coins she had finally accumulated.

"……All right!"

Little D was a little disappointed, and responded with a sullen look.

Then, it cheered up again, "Sweet, will you continue to do the task or return to the real world?"

He Tiantian thought about it and said, "Continue to do the task!"

Although the task she just went through made her a little uncomfortable, she had a brand new experience.

If she could, she would also like to try such a task.

She had a feeling in her heart, but she couldn't say it.

Perhaps, by doing two more similar tasks, she will have an epiphany.

"I'll take a look!"

When Xiao D heard that He Tiantian was going to continue the task, the whole class was very excited.

It opened the task interface and started searching for He Tiantian.

While busy, it also took the time to ask, "By the way, sweet, which channel do you want to go to this time?"

"Also, what are your requirements for the mission?"

Although it may not be possible to accurately select tasks according to He Tiantian's requirements, there is still a direction and goal.

As He Tiantian's close friend, within the scope allowed by the system rules, Xiao D is still willing to help He Tiantian.

"The channel or something, it doesn't matter. If it can be similar to the last task, I can try it again!"

He Tiantian already had an idea in her heart, but she pretended to be indifferent.

"Similar to the last mission? Sweet, don't you feel sick?"

Traversing to the opponent of the poor victim, because of the anti-virus, I have to destroy the golden finger of others, making it impossible for them to counterattack and take revenge...

Well, as a writer with three views and bottom lines, most of them don't like such a task.

At the beginning, Tiantian was also very repulsive.

How is she doing it, and she still makes "feelings"? !

"...Let me see it again!"

Little D classmates spit out small grooves in the depths of the core, but did not delay the business.

After a while, it shouted cheerfully: "There! Sweet, this task should meet your requirements!"

"It's an original web novel written by Xingyan Channel. Although it's male, it's not a stallion or vulgar. Many female readers like it!"

"In addition, there is also a black technology with supernatural powers, which is very interesting, but some characters are not very pleasing..."

He Tiantian's eyes flickered when he heard the words "Black Technology with Ability", "Okay, I've accepted this mission!"

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