The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The five hundred and fifty-eighth chapter persuades a good male partner (2)

Hongde International School is a famous private school in the provincial capital.

From elementary school to high school, there are a total of 12 grades, and the annual tuition fee is as high as hundreds of thousands.

In the provincial capital, it is one of the best aristocratic schools.

People who study here are either rich or expensive.

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, in order to increase the rate of admission, schools use policies such as scholarships and tuition-free to recruit talents.

Another example is that he is not a rich family daughter, but he is taken care of because he has some kinks with the real rich.

Feng Yuyao in the second year competition class belongs to the former. Her family background is ordinary, but her academic performance is very good.

In the high school entrance examination, he got the second place in the city.

Hongde International School promises to free high school tuition for three years, and has 30,000 scholarships every year. In order to ease the burden of the family and get better educational resources, Feng Yuyao gave up the best public high school in the provincial capital. I chose the high school department of Hongde School.

She studies well and looks beautiful, although because of her family background, she is somewhat out of place in a campus full of white, rich and handsome people.

In fact, when she first entered Hongde High School, in her first year of high school, she was subjected to cold violence such as isolation and exclusion.

Of course, this novel world is not an idol campus essay or a little yellow essay in a campus coat, but an urban supernatural black technology essay.

The middle school era is just a small fragment of the life experience of the hero and heroine.

The heroine is not a poor Cinderella who was robbed and robbed, but a strong woman who can be compared with the hero.

As soon as he was a freshman in high school, he was targeted by the rich and wealthy daughters around him.

But she didn't just cry like a weakling, or simply leave Hongdeok High School.

She smartly collected evidence, and then negotiated with the school and the family committee. Not only did she get hundreds of thousands of spiritual compensation, but she also let everyone know: Sister, don't mess with it!

From then on, no matter how those eldest young ladies and eldest young masters felt that Feng Yuyao was not pleasing to the eye, they would not be provocative.

To put it bluntly, they would target Feng Yuyao before, not because they really disliked her, but because they thought she was easy to bully.

When they realized that Feng Yuyao was not a soft persimmon, but a hard rock, they didn't dare to bully each other anymore.

Anyway, Hongde School is not the only annoying Feng Yuyao, there are other people who can let them vent their emotions at will.

For example, Ye Beibei.

Ye Beibei's family is not good, the key is that his studies are also average.

She and Feng Yuyao are definitely not in the same situation.

Feng Yuyao may not be a rich class, but she was admitted to Hongde School with her true ability.

And Ye Beibei is the kind of "connected household" who has the cheek to take advantage of his relationship with the rich.

Her stepmother is the young lady of the wealthy Qiu family. She is qualified to study at Hongde High School by relying on the high tuition fees given by Ms. Qiu.

A girl like Feng Yuyao who "relyed on herself" suffered cold violence, not to mention a wealthy family like Ye Beibei.


Ye Beibei was locked on the roof of the teaching building again.

She was curled up in the corner alone, her eyes were empty, and she couldn't cry anymore.

She couldn't even remember how many times this was the first time she had been bullied.

She has looked for teachers, her father and brother, but they will only make her more sensible and obedient, and not to argue with those students.

And the damned phrases "A slap doesn't make a sound" and "Why don't they bully others but only you" made Ye Beibei shut up completely.

Yes, why don't they bully others, but only her, Ye Beibei?

Isn't it because she is a despised wealthy drag bottle?

Is it because she doesn't have a mother to support her?

If she bullied her, no one would trouble those people.

Of course, if Ye Beibei is willing to bend over to her stepmother, Ms. Qiu, and beg her to help him out, Ms. Qiu can solve all her problems with just one phone call.

But Ye Beibei didn't want to!

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, Ms. Qiu is a generous and tolerant woman. It was obvious that Ye Beibei was sentenced to the woman at first, but after the woman passed away, Ms. Qiu generously took Ye Beibei into the house.

Give her food, give her clothes, and pay hundreds of thousands of tuition a year to let her go to the best international school in the provincial capital with her own daughter!

Ye Beibei, as a person who has no blood relationship with the Qiu family, can enjoy all this, so he should be grateful to Ms. Qiu.

However, Ye Beibei was not grateful to Ms. Qiu, but hated her very much.

There is no other reason. Back then, his own father would divorce, not because the relationship between husband and wife broke down, but because a third party appeared between them.

This third party is none other than the arrogant and noble Ms. Qiu.

In fact, there is no need to investigate the truth of what happened back then. Just by looking at the age difference between Ye Beibei and Ye Muwan, you can know what happened.

Ye Muwan is the daughter of Ms. Qiu and Ye Cheng. If they were in a normal relationship and marriage, then Ye Muwan would be at least one year younger than Ye Beibei.

In fact, Ye Muwan was only six months younger than Ye Beibei.

When Ye Cheng divorced his wife, Ye Beibei had just turned three months.

That is to say, when Ye Cheng was still a married man, he hooked up with Ms. Qiu, and Ms. Qiu was pregnant.

At the beginning, Ye Cheng would have been so eager to force his wife to divorce, but he might have given the child in Ms. Qiu's womb a "name".

Her daughter was only three months old when she was forced to divorce. Ye Cheng's ex-wife Chen Beilei was originally an only daughter who was raised by her parents.

She couldn't stand this kind of stimulation, and she had some depression after giving birth. After the divorce, she fell ill directly.

In the years that followed, the body never recovered.

During the years of lingering on the sickbed, she resented Ye Cheng and Qiu Wanting, a pair of scumbags and scumbags.

Ye Beibei grew up listening to his parents' grievances since he could remember.

Therefore, she also resented Chen Shimei's father and the mistress who could destroy other people's families from the bottom of her heart.

When Ye Beibei was thirteen years old, her grandfather and grandmother died in a car accident, and her own mother, Chen Beilei, was already weak.

Ye Beibei is still underage and needs a guardian.

The neighborhood committee, police station and other related units found her biological father, Ye Cheng.

Ye Cheng didn't have much affection for this daughter.

If he really cared, he wouldn't leave it directly to his ex-wife.

Not to mention, Ye Beibei was a blood-related stranger to him, having not been with each other for more than ten years.

However, no matter if you don't like it, you should also pay attention to the impact.

After all, Ye Cheng is not as good as he was back then. He was the consort of a wealthy family, and with the help of his wife, he started his own business.

When you go outside, others will respectfully call "Mr. Ye"!

After all, he is a decent person, and naturally he can't ruin his reputation.

As for Ms. Qiu, she didn't know what she was thinking. Instead of objecting, she was very positive towards Ye Beibei.

Originally, Ye Beibei was studying in a public junior high school. Although it was not a top school, there was no such mess.

However, Ms. Qiu said very generously: "Let Beibei come to Hongde together and be a companion with Mu Wan. Beixuan can also take care of him in the high school department."

Ye Muwan is Ye Beibei's half-sister, but Ye Beixuan is the elder brother from Ye Beibei's mother.

Ye Beixuan is three years older than Ye Beibei. When his parents divorced, his brother followed his father and his sister followed his mother.

Although this pair of brothers and sisters are the closest siblings, they have been separated since childhood. More than ten years have passed, and their feelings for each other are not deep.

For Ye Beixuan, Ye Beibei, a compatriot, is not as close as Ye Muwan, a half-sister.

When his parents divorced, he was young. As for Ms. Qiu, maybe it was "love the house and Wu", or maybe he had other ideas.

After finding out that the child he finally gave birth to was a girl, he was very interested in Ye Beixuan.

It can't be said that it is better than treating his own flesh and blood, but he has also achieved "as if it were his own."

As for Ye Cheng and the Ye family, in order to make the family harmonious, they deliberately erased the fact that Ye Cheng remarried.

Ever since he was a child, Ye Beixuan has always mistakenly thought that his parents were his first wife, and he was Ms. Qiu's son.

It was Ye Beibei's appearance that broke Ye Beixuan's dream.

Ye Beibei cried and told his brother, "Brother, it was Qiu Wanting who seduced our father, and this caused our parents to divorce!"

"Uuuu, if I hadn't been forced to divorce, my mother wouldn't have gotten sick. If my mother hadn't gotten sick, my grandparents wouldn't have to run around to earn money at their age..."

They will not have a car accident during the rush hour, and both will die.

If the grandparents did not die, the mother would not get sicker and die because she couldn't stand the stimulation.

If Mommy hadn't died, she wouldn't have been an orphan!

Thirteen-year-old Ye Beibei thought that all his misfortunes were caused by Ye Cheng and Qiu Wanting.

And also as the mother's own son, her own brother, Ye Beixuan should not recognize the thief as his mother, but should share the enemy with her.

But... In Ye Beixuan's memory, there is no shadow of his own mother, Chen Beilei.

For this so-called biological mother, he does not have too many feelings and nostalgia.

Ever since he was a child, Ye Beixuan has never suffered or suffered, and he can't "empathize" with Ye Beibei.

Of course, Ye Beixuan was very smart. After he heard Ye Beibei's cry, he calmly investigated what happened back then.

In fact, there is no need to investigate!

Again, just looking at Ye Muwan's age, you know that Qiu Wanting is definitely not innocent even if she didn't mean to be the third child.

However, reason is one thing and emotion is another.

Ye Beixuan knew his "life experience" and understood the grievances and grievances of the year. He could no longer regard Qiu Wanting as his biological mother, but he would not hate her.

In any case, in the past ten years, Qiu Wanting has been very good to him, so good that he never doubted that he was not born to his mother.

Moreover, there is also Ye Muwan.

If Ye Beixuan's feelings for Qiu Wanting are very complicated, then his sister Ye Muwan is very pure.

Qiu Wanting may have acted as a shameful third party and bullied the weak to force her original spouse to divorce.

But the child is innocent.

Ye Beixuan watched Ye Muwan grow up. They were brothers and sisters, and they had a friendship for more than ten years.

Just looking at this, Ye Beixuan couldn't make a cut with Qiu Wanting's mother and daughter.

He couldn't do what Ye Beibei hoped, to avenge his mother, or to turn against his scumbag and the stepmother who was in the top three!

Ye Beixuan is really contradictory and painful.

Because he is the male protagonist, he has the correct three views and bottom lines.

He couldn't ignore the tragedy of his biological mother, and he also felt sorry for his sister Ye Beibei.

But he couldn't share the enemy with Ye Beibei, so he could only be caught in the middle and be in a dilemma.

In addition, one point that cannot be ignored is that Ye Beixuan was only sixteen when he knew the "truth".

Also a minor.

Even if he complained about his own mother and wanted to take revenge on his stepmother, he didn't have enough strength.

He can only make compromises, he can only make excuses.

Even if you want to cut with the scumbag, you have to wait until you become an adult.

However, Chen Beixuan didn't want to make any cuts.

He is indeed a male protagonist with a moral bottom line, but men look at problems differently from women.

In the eyes of women, a man's derailment is an unforgivable fault and a red line that must not be touched.

In the eyes of men, it's just a lust for lust, a momentary impulse, and a mistake that every man will make.

As for the pile of "what ifs" that Ye Beibei accused, Ye Beixuan was even more disapproving.

It's really shameful that Qiu Wanting destroyed Chen Beilei's marriage.

However, all the tragedies encountered by Chen Beilei cannot be counted on Qiu Wanting's head because of this.

In this world, there are too many divorced women, and I have never seen other women become depressed and sick because of a divorce.

Not only can I not take care of myself, but also my elderly parents and young daughters!

To put it bluntly, Chen Beilei would have such a miserable life, or she blamed herself for being too weak and too hypocritical.

When Ye Cheng divorced, he gave a large amount of compensation.

As for the Chen family, there are also two houses.

Both Chen's parents are retired workers and have medical insurance and pensions.

As long as Chen Beilei is just a little bit stronger, she will not end up in that miserable end!

Ye Beixuan doesn't despise his own mother, and dogs don't despise mothers as ugly. As a male protagonist, he will naturally not be inferior to dogs.

But it is precisely because he is the male protagonist that he is extraordinarily strong in his bones, and he also has a strong desire to be strong.

Women who are too weak, such as dodders like her own mother, and delicate girls, are the existence of Ye Beixuan Jing Xie Bumin!

However, the man has passed away, and Ye Beixuan will not be disrespectful to the deceased.

He will not despise his own mother.

But because of this idea, Ye Beixuan couldn't give up everything for his mother.

He was Ye Cheng's only son, and the Ye family's property should have been inherited by him.

Therefore, he will not be angry like a juvenile, run away from home, or turn against his parents and other dramas.

With this time, isn't it good for him to study hard and work hard?

After a short period of pain, contradiction and confusion, Ye Beixuan quickly returned to normal.

He was admitted to the double first-class university in the provincial capital with excellent grades, and received a full scholarship in his first year of admission.

Become a famous "children's family" in the circle of the rich in the provincial capital...

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