The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The five hundred and seventieth chapters persuading a good male partner (18)

Latest website: Ye Muwan knew from the moment she could remember that she was different from her brother——

Every year on her birthday, her mother, grandparents and grandparents will give her many precious gifts.

Jewelry, car, house.

As she gets older, the gifts she receives will become more and more valuable.

Until the age of sixteen, her grandfather simply gave her shares in the Qiu Group.

On the other hand, brother, there are only pitiful red envelopes or some items that are not very valuable.

Of course, Ye Muwan didn't know the so-called "truth" at that time.

Qiu Wanting's explanation for this was, "Mu Wan, you are a girl, of course you need to be rich."

"My brother is a boy and will have to take on more responsibilities in the future. So he has to be poor!"

At that time, not only Ye Muwan, but also Ye Beixuan agreed with such a statement while secretly feeling a little tasteful.

Both their brothers and sisters misunderstood Qiu Wanting's meaning, mistakenly thinking that she was saying: Before the daughter is married, the family should love her more and give her more financial resources, so that she will have confidence in the future;

Well, son, anyway, with the family's property backing it up, it's reasonable to get less expensive gifts at ordinary times.

It was three years ago that Ye Beibei suddenly appeared, and Ye Beixuan and Ye Muwan knew the real reason why they were being treated differently——

No wonder the Qiu family valued Ye Muwan so much, not because of the poor son and rich daughter, but because Ye Beixuan had no blood relationship with the Qiu family at all.

They give Ye Beixuan a little red envelope or a gift every year, but it's just a matter of face, and they don't really regard him as a grandson.

Ye Beixuan said: "Mu Wan is a daughter, and she needs to be rich!"

It seems that he understands the different treatment of Qiu Wanting and the Qiu family all the time, and does not feel resentment because of it.

But in fact, it is impossible for him to not have the slightest turbulence in his heart: heh, treating him as his own son is simply a lie.

He spoke of love, but he gave Ye Muwan the property of himself and her parents' family.

In the past, Ye Beixuan felt that something was wrong, and tried his best to confirm some of the guesses in his heart.

Three years ago, even if his "life experience" was not exposed, Ye Beixuan wanted to do a DNA test secretly.

... This is also Qiu Wanting's main desire to cultivate "adopted children".

In the eyes of Ye Beibei, who is unknown, Ye Beixuan and Qiu Wanting's mother and daughter seem to be as close and harmonious as before.

However, only their parties know that there is suspicion and estrangement between them.

Ye Beixuan is eager to start a business, mainly because of these.

And now, he suddenly "crying poor" with Ye Muwan, and there are many reasons—

At first, it was just a habit of the two brothers and sisters.

From childhood to adulthood, Ye Muwan was a little rich woman.

It is no exaggeration to say that her personal assets can surpass Ye Cheng, the "President Ye".

As for Ye Beixuan, he was not treated harshly. In addition to the large red envelopes for the New Year's Day, he also had pocket money of no less than five figures every month.

However, in the circle of wealthy families, even if Ye Beixuan is not a spendthrift, his daily expenses are quite a lot.

Especially when I grow up, when I have friends and buddies, I need money to go to dinner, dance or have some entertainment with my parents behind my back.

Ye Beixuan is the best person of their generation, even if he is not a leader, he is still a number one person.

As for the "big guy", not only must the ability be outstanding, but the banknote ability must not fall behind.

With too many activities, Ye Beixuan's small treasury couldn't support it.

On Ye Muwan's side, knowing that her brother was "poorly raised" by her family, while she was able to get so many good things, it was inevitable that she felt a little guilty.

She deliberately joked with her brother, looking for excuses to stuff her brother with money or lend him a villa, yacht, etc. in his own name.

Ye Beixuan also cooperated, playing tricks, selling cute, and then accepting gifts from his sister.

Second, Ye Beixuan had a grudge in his heart.

He really has three views, and has his own pride and persistence.

However, his "life experience" was suddenly exposed, and he suddenly knew that he had been treated differently, not because of the rich and poor, but for another reason.

The unbearable "truth" completely shattered Ye Beixuan's self-imposed beauty.

It's really hard not to think about him.

Of course, Ye Beixuan became a "superior" without being hit.

He thought that Ye Muwan would cry poor, and he wanted to get financing from his sister, and he didn't want to take advantage of his sister in vain.

Ye Beixuan is very optimistic about his technology company. If Ye Muwan really invests money in him, he will give his sister the corresponding shares according to normal legal procedures.

If his boxer number mecha fails to be successful and the investment goes to waste, he will also give his sister an IOU, and he will return it to her in the future with interest.

Because of the so-called "life experience", Ye Beixuan had a quarrel with Qiu Wanting's mother and daughter, but years of habit still made him willing to get close to Ye Muwan's sister.

Investing in his technology company is really a sure-fire business.

If nothing else, he is a systematic person.

Ye Beixuan couldn't say out loud that he was taking care of Ye Muwan, but as the chosen son of a plug-in, Ye Muwan's investment was really not a one-sided help, and Ye Beixuan was also taking care of his sister.

Ye Muwan: ...

She didn't know Ye Beixuan's confidence and the twists and turns in her heart.

There was only one picture in her mind: in the morning, father, brother and Ye Beibei went out together, but they left their mother and daughter in the restaurant!

Ye Muwan wanted the favor of her father and brother, but in the morning scene, she suddenly realized that the favored person had become Ye Beibei.

How can the proud and noble little princess endure this?

Ye Muwan didn't blame Ye Beixuan for such a trivial matter, but it seemed as if a thorn had been stabbed in her heart.

At this moment, when she heard her brother cry in front of her again like in the past, she subconsciously wanted to refuse——

Hmph, are you thinking of my sister now?

Aren't you closer to Ye Beibei? Go to Ye Beibei!

Ye Muwan definitely had an element of anger, she didn't really want to reject Ye Beixuan, she, she just wanted to embarrass him.

Let brother know which sister in this world is the best to him!

She pursed her lips, Ye Muwan put on an innocent and ignorant expression, pretending not to understand Ye Beixuan's "hints".

Ye Beixuan: ...

Ye Beixuan, who has the self-respect and pride of a young man, naturally can't speak too clearly.

He had to shut his mouth sullenly.

The atmosphere in the car suddenly became a little awkward.

Ye Muwan wriggled her lower lip and secretly glanced at Ye Beixuan from the corner of her eye.

【Is your brother angry? 】

【Am I getting too many points like this? 】

[Don't blame me, it's all Ye Beibei's fault, she insisted on robbing my brother and my father! 】

[...Three days, um, just wait for three more days, and I will find a way to help my brother! 】

Ye Muwan made a decision secretly, but how did she know that Ye Beixuan who knew the "truth", no matter how she behaved on the surface, still had a grudge in her heart.

Ye Beixuan didn't think about whether his sister was pissed off, holding Qiao, waiting for him to coax him when his loan suggestion was rejected.

Instead, she thought subconsciously: It really wasn't her own, Mu Wan was pure and didn't think too much, but behind her there were Ms. Qiu and the Qiu family.

Mu Wan deliberately pretended to be stupid and didn't want to help him. It shouldn't be her own intention, but someone was secretly "teaching"!

Forget it, don't make it too late.

She was caught between herself and the Qiu family, and she was in a dilemma!

As for investment, he will think of other ways.

It really doesn't work, then how much money can do as much as possible.

If he can't make a full set of mechas, then build a mecha fist. As long as he has a certain finished product, he can increase his bargaining chips.

Ye Beixuan secretly made a decision!

Therefore, in the following days, Ye Beixuan never "crying poor" to Ye Muwan again.

Ye Muwan misunderstood: Okay, I know you have changed, brother!

Didn't it just reject you once, you can come a second time.

Just like in the past, it was a joke between siblings, haha, once it passed, everything became better again!

Hmph, my brother is no longer my brother, and he is no longer close to me!

Ye Beixuan was busy making investments, and in the spare time, he also collected high-quality and cheap materials, and then nested in a rented warehouse to build mechas.

He was so busy that he wished he could have forty-eight hours a day, or that he could grow three heads and six arms, and even the time for eating and sleeping was severely compressed.

He didn't have time to pay attention to the petty temper of his little princess sister.

Ye Muwan: ... is my brother angry? Are you ignoring me? !

I-I don't care about him either!

In this way, the two brothers and sisters who were originally close were separated because of an Oolong misunderstanding.

Ye Beibei noticed Ye Muwan and Ye Beixuan's estrangement, but did not take advantage of it.

Because she no longer lacks the love of her brother.

She has a better, more dedicated, more self-loving big brother.

With the fact that Cui Yinuo was expelled to the regular class, everyone in the school knew that Ye Beibei was the one covered by "Su Hetian".

Bullying Ye Beibei is provoking Senior Su, and in the end, he will be kicked out of the class and school, and at worst, his family will be implicated.

Even the girls who had a crush on Senior Su didn't dare to anger Ye Beibei and insulted her secretly.

They are just in love, not being brought down. They are not stupid enough to know that it is a matter of death, but they have to do it.

As if overnight, Ye Beibei changed from a poor oil bottle to a little princess that everyone feared.

Don't talk about bullying, the classmates can be called flattering to her!

There are also some people with a lively mind who want to use Ye Beibei to get in touch with Senior Su.

Ye Beibei didn't care whether it was to please or to befriend.

She is used to being alone, and now there is one more senior Su, which is enough.

She doesn't want to waste time interacting with unrelated outsiders at all. With this time, she can do more questions and earn more bonuses, isn't it?

In recent days, Ye Beibei has been really happy.

Of course, she would be happier if her senior Su hadn't always whispered "Versailles" in her ears—

"My mother gave me 10 million and wanted me to start a business or invest in something!"

"My dream is to engage in art. I don't want to do business at all, let alone any investment!"

"...Alas, my mother-in-law said, I won't be allowed to go home until this million is spent as soon as possible!"

Ye Beibei: ...Senior, please, please don't say such hateful words.

Versailles or something, it's really easy to get sacked.

After complaining, Ye Beibei couldn't help but sigh: "Tsk, fortunately Ye Beixuan didn't hear it, otherwise, he must have all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred!"

Although Ye Beibei doesn't care about Ye Beixuan's love anymore, but as a "family" living together under one roof.

Ye Beibei knew that Ye Beixuan was too busy to touch the ground in order to start a business.

Even a little overwhelmed!

No way, no money!

Ye Beixuan gave up the idea of ​​pulling investment and wanted to use the funds on hand to conduct experiments.

And black technology or something, it can really burn money.

Less than three million funds were spent in less than a week.

Ye Beixuan's experiment was only halfway through. If he wanted to continue, he would need a large amount of capital injection.

Ye Beixuan had no choice. He even sold the only car in his name, but it wasn't enough.

"It really doesn't work. I'll just find a project and invest my money. It doesn't matter if I make or lose money, as long as I can deal with my empress dowager!"

Ye Beibei was secretly thinking about the plight of his cheap brother, when Senior Su's voice sounded in his ears.

"Find a random project? Senior, isn't that bad? For investment or something, isn't it necessary to conduct various evaluations?"

Because Ye Beixuan had been making investments a few days ago, at the dinner table, Ye Cheng also pointed out Ye Beixuan.

Therefore, Ye Beibei knew some details about venture capital.

"I don't understand this! Besides, I don't want to waste time!" He Tiantian put on the original owner's beautiful face, but said the words of a prodigal.

"What if I lose it?" Ten million, what a pity if it was lost? !

Ye Beibei was a little distressed, and he didn't want his seniors to suffer failure.

"If I lose, I will lose! As long as I can deal with my mother! I didn't want to make money with this tens of millions!"

He Tiantian said indifferently.

Hearing this, Ye Beibei thought: If, she means if Ha, if Senior Su really doesn't care that the investment will fail, he can invest the 10 million yuan in Ye Beixuan.

Although Ye Beibei was disappointed with her brother Ye Beixuan, she knew very well that her brother was actually very capable.

Seeing him doing experiments with confidence every day, Ye Beibei has an intuition——

Ye Beixuan, he will definitely succeed!

Therefore, asking Senior Su to invest the money in Ye Beixuan is not considered to harm Senior Su.


Ye Beibei was still a little worried. She cared too much about her senior Su, and she didn't want others to mistake her for using senior Su.

"What? Beibei, have you thought of a good investment project?"

He Tiantian deliberately pretended to be keen to capture the changes in Ye Beibei's eyes, and hurriedly asked curiously.

"...Yes! No, it's not..."

Ye Beibei was very confused, and for a while, his words were a little messy.

"Beibei, are you worried about me? Oh, I said it a long time ago, I don't understand investment at all, I have no intention of earning 10 million!"

He Tiantian increased her horsepower and continued to play the role of "regarding money as dung".

"It's Ye Beixuan, he got a technology company..."

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