The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Five hundred and seventieth chapters to persuade the good man (19)

The latest website: "Senior, I heard my dad say that my brother's project is quite good!"

"The boxer mecha itself may not have much practicality, but this research itself has applied a lot of technology, but it is very curious!"

"For example, the neuron connection technology, the flexibility of the robotic arm, and the super-capacity battery!"

"These technologies, if you take out any one of them, you can get a lot of benefits!"

"According to my dad's wishes, he wants my brother to split up these technologies, first focus on the research of one technology, apply for patents, and then get benefits!"

"But my brother is very insistent, he just wants to see the complete boxer mecha!"

Ye Beibei was impulsive and really said what Ye Beixuan needed to invest.

After she finished speaking, she felt a little regret.

However, He Tiantian didn't care about the mecha, but when he heard that there was a project that needed investment, the operator was someone he knew, and he opened his mouth to invest.

Ye Beibei was frightened and hurriedly discouraged him.

Unfortunately, the persuasion is ineffective.

Ye Beibei had to start introducing Ye Beixuan's scientific research to He Tiantian.

Ye Beibei himself couldn't tell what was in his heart——

Do you want to promote the senior's investment in Ye Beixuan, and also want to destroy it?

She repeatedly emphasized Ye Beixuan's "stubbornness", and told He Tiantian: "My dad only gave 2 million yuan. Recently, my brother was short of money, so he tried everywhere to find a way, but my dad refused to add any more!"

Look, my father doesn't support it and doesn't want to invest.

Senior Su, you should give up.

"Okay! That's it!"

He Tiantian did not listen to Ye Beibei's persuasion at all, but said eagerly, "Beibei, give me Ye Beixuan's contact information, and I will contact him!"

Therefore, in the matter of investment, you are not the one who strongly promoted it, but just told "Su Hetian" some information.

And so, you don't have to carry too much burden, let alone feel that you are using "Su Hetian".

He Tiantian's meaning is very clear, and Ye Beibei understands it instantly.

She is more and more grateful, and she doesn't want to let Senior Su invest.

But He Tiantian insisted, as if the 10 million yuan was not money, but a pile of hot potatoes.

It's hard to find a place to spend money, He Tiantian is so impatient!

Ye Beibei: ...Well, the seniors are already like this, and she seems to be a little hypocritical when she persuades them again.

Ye Beibei reluctantly took out his mobile phone and pushed Ye Beixuan's WeChat account to her senior Su.

Seeing with his own eyes that He Tiantian added Ye Beixuan's communication number and took the initiative to make a call, Ye Beibei couldn't do anything.

She could only pray silently from the bottom of her heart: I must succeed! Ye Beixuan, you have to strive hard, don't let Senior Su's money go to waste!

He Tiantian: ...don't worry, dear, your brother is not an ordinary person, he is a systematic male protagonist!

The boxer mecha, in the Blue Star era, really didn't have much effect.

It strengthens the strength of individual combat. If it is dealing with huge monsters or some interstellar zerg, it is a very good weapon.

But the problem is, in Blue Star, there is a war, and both sides are ordinary human beings.

Once the exchange of fire, the role of a mecha warrior is not as good as a nuclear bomb.

And the cost of boxing phone armor, at least tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions.

With so much money, the country can build N nuclear bombs!

The boxer number itself is a bit tasteless.

Saying that it is completely useless, but it can still make a "Mecha Warrior";

But to say that it is very powerful, it is not worth it to spend tens of millions of dollars to manufacture it!

Ye Beixuan: I am also very helpless, but the first black technology I extracted was this mecha.

I can only bite the bullet and do it!

Ye Beixuan is very clear that the value of the boxer mecha itself is not too heaven-defying, but its existence itself is a symbol that proves Ye Beixuan's "strength".

He can build mechas today, and he may be able to develop higher-end and more lethal weapons tomorrow.

In addition, other technologies contained in the boxer's mecha are also very promising for research.

Ye Beixuan had a plan for a long time, and what he has to do now is to prove his genius to investors or officials!

Unfortunately, all the plans are not worth the cruelty of reality.

No Money!

Ye Beixuan was at a loss, and if it was someone else, he might have to switch to another path.

But Ye Beixuan can't, he only has the boxer's mecha technology in his hand.

The film and television technology cube has countless black technologies, but points are required for each extraction.

If Ye Beixuan wants to get enough points, he needs enough "Praise Points".

He is just an ordinary rich second generation. How can he gain the admiration and praise of others without any achievements?

Without these, there is nowhere for the "Praise Points"!

Alas, this is an endless loop.

Just when Ye Beixuan was helpless and almost desperate, he suddenly received a strange call.

After hesitating for a while, Ye Beixuan was worried that it was a harassment or fraudulent call. Naturally, he would not be fooled, but it would be a waste of time to say a few words to these people.

Ye Beixuan hung up directly.

After a few seconds, the phone rang again.

Ye Beixuan looked at it and found that it was the same call, this time he did not refuse again.

Those harassing calls are basically made once, two or three times in a row, and most of them are really looking for him.

Ye Beixuan pressed the call to connect, "Hello, I'm Ye Beixuan!"

"I'm Su Hetian!"

A soft voice came from the microphone.

Ye Beixuan's heart was shocked, Su Hetian?

Isn't that the Su Hetian he knew?

What is he doing to himself?

Could it be... Ye Beixuan's mind suddenly came up with the picture he saw in the back alley of Hongde that day.

Could it be that Su Hetian really has something to do with Ye Beibei, so he took the initiative to call him?

Just as such a guess came up in his mind, it was denied by Ye Beixuan himself.


Ye Beibei and Su Hetian are not from the same world at all.

There's no way they could make a pair.

However, if it wasn't for "puppy love" and Su Hetian, who had no business dealings with the Ye family and Qiu family, why did he take the initiative to find him?

With such doubts in his heart, Ye Beixuan politely greeted the other party: "Hehe, it turned out to be Su Xuedi—"

Without waiting for Ye Beixuan's polite words, He Tiantian went straight to the topic, "I heard that you have established a technology company and are still conducting project research."

"Well, I'm very interested in that mecha, I happen to have some spare money on hand, I want to invest!"

Ye Beixuan: ...

Ye Beixuan was surprised to hear that someone wanted to invest.

However, when he heard the tone of "Su Hetian", it seemed that he was not really optimistic about his project.

Otherwise, the other party should be able to accurately name the black technology products he developed, instead of calling it "that mecha".

This tone is very like a coal boss who is rich and powerful but does not know how to do it.

There was a small groove in his heart, but Ye Beixuan did not refuse, but said eagerly: "Yes, I am researching a high-tech mecha. For this project, I have several patented technologies—"

Some time ago, Ye Beixuan had been dealing with venture capitalists, and Ye Beixuan had developed a set of "recommendation skills".

When it comes to projects that need to be invested, all kinds of details and many selling points, he will come.

It's a pity that He Tiantian didn't give him a chance to play, "Well, good! I voted! Ten million, is it enough!"

Ye Beixuan: ... Ma Dan, are you from the Middle East?

Such a big dog, do your parents know? !

Tucao returned to Tucao, Ye Beixuan's mouth reacted faster than his brain, "Enough! Su Xuedi, you will never regret investing in my project!"

The two soon agreed on a time for an interview.

The next day, Ye Beixuan came to a cafe near Hongde School with the contract he had already printed.

He Tiantian brought a lawyer and finance.

In other words, she acted "indifferent" in front of Ye Beibei.

However, when it comes to actually signing the contract, everything still has to follow the normal process.

After some negotiation, He Tiantian invested 10 million, accounting for 49% of the shares.

Ye Beixuan invested 51% of the shares with technology and 3 million invested in the early stage.

There are many details in the contract, and He Tiantian basically doesn't care.

She only emphasized that she invested in Ye Beixuan's "Cube Technology Company", not a mecha project.

If she still needs research funds in the future, she can make additional investments in proportion to her shares.

Little D classmate: "Sweet, you are so sinister. Knowing the boxer number mecha is just the beginning, and the male protagonist will extract more and better black technology from film and television dramas."

And the latter ones are the magic weapons that really make Ye Beixuan reach the pinnacle of his life and become a Blue Star powerhouse.

Not to mention being a genius scientist and the light of mankind, it is just the profits that these black technologies can bring...

Tsk tsk, little D classmates are all the same, just think about it, the depths of its core are full of endless "¥" symbols.

Ye Beixuan didn't think too much.

He knows that his system is very fraudulent, but recently, in order to attract investment, he has suffered a lot of setbacks.

The reality let him know that it is not because of black technology that he can become a hang-up.

He also needs a minimum of money.

The beginning of the boxer number mecha made Ye Beixuan wake up instantly from the dream of being a son of destiny with a plug-in.

The system is indeed very powerful, but it requires him to accumulate step by step in reality.

Ye Beixuan is no longer as optimistic as he was when he just got the system.

In the face of "capital", he also lost the confidence that he had.

Whether "Su Hetian" invests in the boxer mecha or his technology company doesn't make much difference to him.

Ye Beixuan knew that this younger brother Su, who took the initiative to find him, should be very optimistic about his technology company, so he invested in advance.

He is taking advantage of himself!

But, isn't Ye Beixuan dipping in the light of Su Hetian? !

Su Hetian invested not only 10 million yuan and subsequent funds, but also the contacts of Su and Zhao families and some official connections of the Zhao family.

This is what Ye Beixuan lacks and needs most.

Both sides have their own calculations, but the goal is the same, that is, to develop a boxer mecha as soon as possible, and successfully make the cube technology company survive and develop.

"Brother Su, happy cooperation!"

Ye Beixuan signed his name on the contract and pressed his handprint.

He wiped off the ink pad on his hand with a wet towel, and stretched out a hand in a handshake gesture.

At the same time, he asked casually, "Xuedi Su, how did you learn that I'm researching mechas?"

He had wanted to ask this question for a long time.

It's just that I was busy negotiating before, so I ignored it.

Now that the dust has settled, Ye Beixuan has the time to pay attention to this issue.

"Of course I heard what Beibei said."

He Tiantian blurted out Ye Beibei's name.

When she mentioned the word "Beibei", it was even more natural and close.

There is even a touch of brother's pampering in his eyes!

Ye Beixuan: ... Xuedi Su's eyes are slightly piercing, obviously he is Beibei's brother.

But he had to look at an outsider and show his brother-sister love to Beibei in front of him!

I can't tell exactly what it was like, but Ye Beixuan was just a little uncomfortable.

He Tiantian didn't seem to see the slight change in Ye Beixuan's expression, she suddenly thought of something, "Oh, by the way, not to mention Beibei, I almost forgot!"

On the contract, before she signed it, she said to Ye Beixuan, "Change this share ratio again."

Ye Beixuan was startled, what do you mean, Su Hetian regretted it?

Just when Ye Beixuan was in shock, He Tiantian continued: "I account for 25%, Ye Beibei accounts for 24%, and Ye Beixuan is still 51%!"

Ye Beixuan first breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words: Su Hetian had no regrets, nor did he embezzle his Ye Beixuan shares.


"You want to give 24% of your shares to Beibei?"

Ye Beixuan widened his eyes and stared at He Tiantian closely.

At this time, Ye Beixuan could no longer care that the other party was his own capital father, but regarded "him" as a piggy who wanted to take his own little tender cabbage!

He is indeed not too close to Ye Beibei, but Ye Beibei is his own sister anyway.

A compatriot, the person who is closest to him in the world, Ye Beixuan could never watch Ye Beibei be deceived and hurt!

"Why? Why did you give the shares to Beibei? What is the relationship between you and her?"

Ye Beixuan stared at He Tiantian's eyes, trying to see some clues in her eyes.

He Tiantian was calm, and said lightly, "Beibei has done me a big favor, I treat her as my own sister!"

So, don't look at me like a thief.

Also, even if "Su Hetian" and Ye Beibei are in a puppy love relationship, Ye Beixuan is not qualified to take care of them.

Oh, don't say "brother and sister love".

If Ye Beixuan was really a good and competent brother, Ye Beibei would not have been bullied for three years at Hongde School, and finally almost wanted to jump off the roof.

When Ye Beibei needed his brother the most, Ye Beixuan and Ye Mu played a big brother-sister drama at night, ignoring Ye Beibei.

Now, Ye Beibei doesn't need it anymore, she has her own guardian, Ye Beixuan doesn't need to pretend to be a good brother who loves his sister!

"And this time, Beibei mentioned that you need to invest. I happen to have some money in my hand, so I want to cooperate with you!"

"Well, this 24% stake should be regarded as my thanks for Beibei's matchmaking..."

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