The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Five hundred and seventieth chapters persuading good men (20)

The latest website: "What? You want to distribute 24% of the shares to Beibei?"

Ye Beixuan widened his eyes and stared blankly at He Tiantian.

He knew that the person in front of him should not be short of money, as if he was still a big dog.

However, no matter how rich you are, you will not give up your own interests to someone who is not related by blood.

As for what He Tiantian said, "Beibei helped me a lot, and I treat her as my own sister", Ye Beixuan didn't believe it at all.

Even if it's a life-saving grace, there's no need to repay it like this.

Looking at He Tiantian's posture, it seems that Ye Beibei is really her sister.

Uh, my sister or something makes Ye Beixuan a little worried.

Because Ye Beibei is Ye Beixuan's sister.

Hearing He Tiantian's words, Ye Beixuan felt a little bit of embarrassment and embarrassment in addition to his shock—

Su Hetian, who is not his own brother, gave Ye Beibei shares on the pretext that he would thank Ye Beibei for making a bridge.

Then, Ye Beixuan, as a real brother, seems to have more to say, aside from blood, only Ye Beibei helped him find such a big dog, oh no, he is the father of capital, he should thank others.


Ye Beixuan endured the reluctance in his heart, licked his lips, and said, "I will divide my shares--"

Having said this, Ye Beixuan was in a dilemma again.

How many shares should be allocated to Ye Beibei?

With 24% of Su Hetian sitting here, if he gave too little, he wouldn't be able to justify it.

But if he gives too much, not to mention the real interests represented by the shares, it is easy to lose the decision-making power over the company——

In case Su Hetian joins forces with Ye Beibei, Ye Beibei transfers the shares that Ye Beixuan gave her to Su Hetian, tsk, it doesn't need too much, only 2% is enough to change the decision makers of the technology company.

Ye Beixuan didn't want to make wedding dresses for others.

His hesitation gave He Tiantian time to interrupt the conversation: "You don't have to give it, Beibei won't want it!"

"No Beibei? Why?"

Ye Beixuan was stunned again,

Subconsciously blurted out asked.

After asking this question, he reacted: No, this is not the point!

The point is, "Why doesn't she want Beibei?"

He Tiantian showed a meaningful smile upon hearing Ye Beixuan's question.

This smile seems to be saying: Dear, you really don't know the reason?

In the past three years, how did the Ye family treat Ye Beibei, Ye Beixuan really thinks about it?

Yes, you are all excusable and have your own reasons.

But you are too indifferent to a teenage girl, forcibly turning her into a hedgehog, not close to everyone in the family.

Forget about the scumbag, the elder brother from the first mother is actually closer to the third stepmother and half-sister... Such a family, such relatives, as long as they are normal people, they will think about escaping and making cuts!

Ye Beibei is seventeen years old this year, and she already has a choice in her heart.

Since she wants to cut with Ye Cheng and Ye Beixuan, she will naturally not accept Ye Beixuan's gifts.

Even if Ye Beixuan used to subsidize her money in the past, this silly girl will probably return the money to Ye Beixuan with interest.

Do not owe each other! No more troubles!

From then on, they were blood-related strangers.

As the male protagonist, Ye Beixuan's IQ and EQ are naturally higher than ordinary people.

He Tiantian's words were not too vague.

Therefore, Ye Beixuan understood what she meant, and he became more and more embarrassed.

It turned out that what he thought was a beautiful family was a hell that he was eager to escape to his younger sister, Ye Beibei!

However, Ye Beixuan did not want to believe such a fact.

He excused himself to go to the bathroom, but took the opportunity to take out his mobile phone and pressed Ye Beibei's number:

"Beibei, it's you who recommended Su Xuedi to invest in my technology project. Well, we have a very smooth talk, and we are ready to sign a contract!"

"...Thank you, Beibei, what, I, I'll give you some shares-"

Ye Beixuan said so, but he still didn't think about how much he should give to Ye Beibei.

"No! I don't want your shares!"

It's a pity that Ye Beibei didn't even give Ye Beixuan the chance to "embarrass".

She turned it down like "Su Hetian" said!

"Why? Beibei, why don't you?"

Ye Beixuan was full of bitterness, he actually already had the answer, but he didn't want to face it.

"No merit, no reward!" Ye Beibei's tone was very firm.

"But we are brothers and sisters. In the past, I had limited conditions and couldn't help you too much. Now that I have started my own business, I can make my own decisions-" Ye Beixuan tried to struggle again.

"Brothers and sisters also have to settle accounts!" What's more, although they are close relatives by blood, emotionally, they are not much better than strangers.

Ye Beibei's response was neat and tidy.

She seemed to think of something again, "Oh, by the way, I almost forgot about it."

Ye Beixuan suddenly had a bad feeling.

Just listened to Ye Beibei on the other end of the phone saying, "Brother, for the past two or three years, you have given me 800 to 1500 pocket money every month."

"I calculated it carefully, and you gave me a total of 37,200 yuan. We are brothers and sisters, so I will take all of you and not give you any interest. I will transfer the more than 30,000 yuan later. Give you!"

In the past ten days, Ye Beibei has been able to earn bonuses from the "knowledge is money" system every day.

The bonus amount ranges from 100 yuan to 500 yuan. In less than half a month, she has saved a lot.

Of course, the money she earned by studying is not enough to repay Ye Beixuan's allowance.

However, she is still a year away from turning eighteen.

During this year, she will continue to study, work hard to complete the tasks released by the system, and earn more bonuses.

She is confident that by studying, she can not only be self-sufficient, but also save no less than 50,000 yuan in savings.

She is now temporarily embezzling the 100,000 yuan that Ye Cheng gave her to pay off her debt to Ye Beixuan first.

After a year, when she is an adult and can finally leave the Ye family, she will return the money to Ye Cheng.

In this way, she and the Ye family really don't owe each other.

She can also be confident and have a clear conscience to cut with Ye Cheng and his son!

"... Beibei, do you have to be so clear with me?"

Ye Beixuan wanted to deceive himself again, there was nothing he could do at this moment.

Su Hetian really knew Ye Beibei very well, oh no, to be exact, Ye Beibei really has no nostalgia for the Ye family and for Ye Beixuan, his own brother.

"Beibei, I'm your brother. Although I haven't seen my mother for the last time, I believe that before she died, she would definitely hope that I could take good care of you!"

Ye Beixuan was still unwilling and tried to play the emotional card.

"Brother, you guessed wrong! When my mother died, she was not sober. She only remembered the sweet love she had with her father in college, and she forgot her father's betrayal and the broken family!"

It was the first time that Ye Beibei mentioned to Ye Beixuan the situation of his mother Chen Beilei before her death.

No sentimentality, no nostalgia, and a very calm tone.

You can't blame Ye Beibei for being cool or not being filial.

It is true that Chen Beilei is not a qualified mother.

She is a love brain that has not grown up and was spoiled by her parents.

Selfish, selfish and paranoid.

Her husband cheated and was beaten by a wealthy mistress to force a divorce. After Chen Beilei was in pain, she didn't say cheer up, take good care of her parents and raise her daughter, but she was immersed in the grief of "broken love" and couldn't extricate herself.

What depression?

Why is crazy about love?

In Ye Beibei's view, she was escaping reality by relying on Chen's father and mother's favor, and refused to take on her own responsibilities.

Just after Chen's father and Chen's mother had a car accident, Chen Beilei collapsed and could not afford to be ill.

Because she knows that without her parents, no one will tolerate and favor herself without principles and bottom lines!

Chen Beilei did not die of disease, but she herself completely lost the consciousness of survival.

For such a person who is irresponsible to his children and himself, Ye Beibei after his "awakening" can't really feel any affection for him.

Therefore, when it comes to Chen Beilei's death now, Ye Beibei's heart is not disturbed.

Her plain tone seemed to be talking about an irrelevant outsider.

"Until she takes her last breath, my mother is a tender lady who needs love and pampering."

Ye Beibei continued to say lightly, "She can't seem to see me lying in front of the hospital bed, helpless and crying! As for you, brother, she probably forgot!"

Therefore, there is no such thing as "people are about to die and their words are good", and there is no end-of-life entrustment in film and television works.

Ye Beixuan: ...Fuck, my mother actually looks like this?

He was a little unacceptable for a while.

"So, brother, you don't have to worry about your mother being under Jiuquan, because for her, we will never be as good as father."

Over the years, Chen Beilei must have hated Ye Cheng.

However, whether it is love or hate, it is a strong emotion that shows that one person cares about another person.

Ye Beibei has reached the point where she has no love or hatred for Ye Cheng and Ye Beixuan, and she is really relieved.

"...Brother, don't talk, I still have exercises to do! That's it, goodbye!"

Ye Beibei felt that he had expressed his meaning very clearly, and there was no need to waste time.

She said this, and before Ye Beixuan could say anything, she hung up the phone.

There was a beeping sound in his ears, and Ye Beixuan still couldn't recover.

Then, another text message rang, finally awakening Ye Beixuan.

He took down his mobile phone and glanced at the screen. It was a text message prompting the bank to arrive.

Don't ask, it must be Ye Beibei who transferred the money to him.

Ye Beixuan really couldn't tell what his heart was like, so he opened the text message blankly.

Oh, it's really an incoming text message from XX Bank, and the amount is also the damn 37,200 yuan.

Ye Beixuan didn't give away the shares, so he returned to the coffee shop unhappily and re-signed the contract.

Soon, Ye Cheng, Qiu Wanting, Ye Muwan and other family members also knew the "good news".

Ye Cheng was very happy: "Haha, as expected of my son, he is really capable! With only a plan and a semi-finished product, I can pull the second master of the Su family to cooperate with you, not bad! Very good!"

Ye Cheng was not only happy that his son could get the investment, but what he valued more was that Ye Beixuan became a partner with Su Hetian.

Su Hetian, backed by the two giants of Su and Zhao, is the most prominent and outstanding person in the new generation.

Being able to get in touch with Su Hetian, his son's career will definitely be smooth sailing.

Different from Ye Cheng's excitement, Qiu Wanting was a little silent, and her eyes on Ye Beixuan were very complicated——

Ye Beixuan, after all, he has grown up, and his wings have become harder than Qiu Wanting imagined!

Several companies of the Ye family may be nothing to Ye Beixuan.

And the adopted sons that Qiu Wanting deliberately selected may not be able to pose a threat to Ye Beixuan.

Things seem to be getting out of control!

Qiu Wanting's thoughts were mixed, and her vigilance against Ye Beixuan became more and more serious in her heart.

Ye Muwan's focus was different from that of her parents.

She was first frustrated by the fact that her brother actually pulled in the investment!

Mingming's brother was the first to "cry poor" to her. She didn't agree immediately at that time, but she was angry with her brother.

The money, she is ready, also ten million!

As long as her brother mentioned it to her again and made her happy, she would agree directly.

As a result, Ye Muwan waited for more than a week. Instead of waiting for his brother's "reconciliation", he waited for such a contract.

No, wait!

Su Hetian?

Isn't he close to Ye Beibei?

Could it be that there is something about Ye Beibei here!

It has to be said that Ye Muwan may be simple, but her intuition is still very keen.

She snatched the contract from Ye Cheng, skipped the complicated specific terms, and came to the core details such as share allocation.

"Ye Beibei accounts for 24%?"

Sure enough, there is Ye Beibei!

She also became the third largest shareholder!

Ye Beixuan has technology and early investment, accounting for 51% is very reasonable.

Su Hetian invested 10 million and got 25% of the shares, which seems reasonable.

But why is Ye Beibei?

She actually owns 24% of the shares? !

Ye Muwan didn't think about whether this share might have been transferred to her by Su Hetian.

Because it is impossible!

Su Hetian may have taken good care of Ye Beibei in school, but they have nothing to do with each other, and the way they get along doesn't look like a couple.

No matter how beautiful Su Hetian is, and he regards money as dung, it is impossible for him to be so "generous".

Ye Muwan also doesn't believe that Ye Beibei made the investment himself!

What a joke!

Ye Beibei's pocket money leaked out of Ye Beixuan's fingers.

The Chen family left some real estate for Ye Beibei, but he would not be able to take charge of it until Ye Beibei became an adult.

Even if Ye Beibei was able to realize these two houses now, they would sell them for three or four million at most.

Senior Su has invested 10 million yuan, and Ye Beibei is only one-third of the family, but he can get only 1% less shares than Senior Su, how is it possible? !

Excluding two impossible possibilities, there is only one explanation:

The shares were distributed by Ye Beixuan to Ye Beibei!

Wow, they are really biological brothers and sisters. On the surface, they seem to be closer to Ye Muwan's half-sister.

But at critical moments, people always think of their own compatriots.

If Ye Muwan was just angry with Ye Beixuan before, then when she guessed the "truth", Ye Muwan really blamed Ye Beixuan.

The two brothers and sisters who were supposed to be intimate, also had a thick estrangement...

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