The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Five hundred and eighty-ninth chapter fake real 0 gold (10)

The latest website: Hou's house is going to hold a chrysanthemum banquet. Since Mrs. Hou, several mistresses have been busy.

Ma was a young daughter-in-law, and she was never someone who was competitive and good at taking power. She never took the initiative to get involved with the housekeeping.

At most, Mrs. Hou saw that she was really idle, so she assigned an unimportant errand and let her take care of one or two.

For example, this time, it was nominally a chrysanthemum banquet, but it was actually for Gu Jingyuan's return, and it was a matter of the third room.

Although Mrs. Ma doesn't have to undertake the main affairs, if she doesn't care about anything, it is not because Mrs. Ma is unwilling to fight with her concubine, but because she is too ignorant.

Mrs. Hou has always been shrewd and prudent, so she would not let such a situation that is obviously unfavorable to family harmony happen.

So, she handed over the task of managing tableware and decoration to Ma Shi.

Mrs. Ma was very grateful to her mother-in-law for being considerate. After receiving the errand, she worked as hard as she could.

She was so busy that she couldn't take care of the third room.

He Tiantian still took the opportunity to stroll in the yard. Several times, he broke through the blockade of the rough maid and the old woman, and ran into the yard outside.

He Tiantian was not really curious about the scenery of the Hou Mansion, nor did she really want to connect in the Hou Mansion, she was acting on purpose to attract Ma's action.

No, Ma Shi will soon make a move——

The day before the chrysanthemum feast, the little maid brought He Tiantian food as usual.

There is no deduction or preferential treatment. What is the standard of Houfu for guests, so is He Tiantian's three meals a day.

Two meat dishes, two vegetarian dishes, a bowl of soup, and a staple food.

However, Xu Shi was about to approach the banquet, and the large kitchen bought a lot of good ingredients.

Some of them were bought too much, or they were made in advance for the master of the house to eat without putting them away.

As a guest, He Tiantian also has a share.

"...What is this? It's scary to look at!"

He Tiantian came to Hou Mansion for a few days, and the initial timidity and anxiety were gone.

She still tried her best to pretend she didn't understand.

But in private, when facing her "own" little girl, she would show her master's manners.

That is more real, and will pretend to be high-profile bosses.

Little girl:  …

Hmph, I haven't even eaten crabs, what is the face of Yamano village aunt who really has no knowledge, and what kind of master's money is there in front of the aunt?

"I want Miss He to know that this is a crab! When the crabs are at their most plump in the fall, the eldest young lady specially ordered people to buy a lot of them from Zhuangzi."

The little maid flashed disdain in her eyes, and her tone was not very respectful, "Mrs. Hou said, this time the crabs are very good, let the masters in the house try it first. If it is really good, I will ask Zhuangzi to send more tomorrow!"

After finishing speaking, the little maid put the dinner plate in front of He Tiantian and didn't say anything more.

For example, how should this crab be eaten?

Is it to eat directly with the shell and meat, or remove the shell first?

Should you eat it with the meat and yellow, or go with the crab's gills, lungs and other internal organs? !

The little girl deliberately didn't give any introductions, or even helped, just looking at He Tiantian's joke.

He Tiantian:  …

The original owner has never seen the world, but the original owner is smart enough.

She would never make a fool of herself when she saw something that she had obviously never seen before.

Even if you seldom eat the high-quality ingredients that you have never eaten before, you will send people away, and you will enjoy it secretly.

I just don't know, if He Tiantian is like this, how will the little girl meet.

He Tiantian glanced at the steamed crab on the plate, and a playful flash flashed in her eyes.

"Okay, you go out, I'll just eat it myself, you don't need to serve me!"

He Tiantian said something lightly, and waved her hand to signal the little girl to step back!

Little girl: ... can't go back!

Sister Onyx next to Mrs. San Shao said that she must watch Miss He eat all the crabs with her own eyes.

If she retreats first, how should she, she answer the question from Sister Onyx later?

The little maid also put up the "maid of the big family" in front of He Tiantian. In the third room, she was a third-class little maid.

Let’s talk about the emeralds beside Mrs. Three Young Masters, which are second-class agates, pearls, etc. The little maids are only respectful and fearful!

Sister Agate finally explained the errand, maybe it was the order of Mrs. San Shao, the little girl had two courage, and she didn't dare to be scornful.

She quickly changed her smile and said respectfully, "Miss He, let the servants serve you."

Saying that, in order to avoid He Tiantian's refusal, she hurriedly found small scissors, dexterously cut off the big claws of the crab, and pried open the thick shell, revealing the plump crab roe.

She also thoughtfully squeezed out the crab meat in the crab legs, dug out the crab roe, and put them all in a clean small plate.

"Miss He, you can taste it, eat it directly, or dip it in ginger vinegar juice!"

The little maid did not dare to tease He Tiantian any more, she served me very carefully, and it could be said that she took care of everything.

He Tiantian curled the corners of her lips, she sure didn't guess wrong.

The person behind it deliberately brought a plate of crabs and insisted that she eat it.


Of course, it was because the original owner, He Tian, ​​was allergic to crabs.

It's just that in the past, the original owner lived in a remote mountain village and lived for more than ten years without even knowing what a crab was.

If you haven't eaten it, you will naturally not find yourself allergic to this ingredient.

He Tiantian has read the script, so she knows this very well.

And in this world, there is another person who is familiar with the original plot - Ma Shi!

He Tiantian thought to herself:

It seems that Ma really does not want "He Dian" to appear in front of the ladies in Beijing.

Even if he had to appear, Ma didn't want people to see the face of "He Dian".

After eating crabs and being allergic, "He Dian" will have red rashes on his face and body.

The refusal must appear at the banquet. In order to take care of the feelings of the guests and "He Dian", a kind-hearted lady like San Shao will wear a veil.

Only showing a pair of eyes may make people feel a little familiar, but it will not really give birth to any associations!

Of course, this assumption was based on the fact that the guests insisted on seeing Gu Jingyuan's savior.

In fact, in the elite circle, unless there is hatred, or deliberately finding fault, no one will get to the bottom of it like this.

Some people may doubt: "Why is it okay, Gu San's savior is 'ill', is there some inside story?"

But, more, no one cares.

After all, it's someone else's business, and that savior is just a lowly grasshopper.

Isn't it good for the female relatives to eat crabs and admire chrysanthemums?

They have no grievances or enmity with Mrs. Hou and other female relatives, so why should they be "villains"?

The most likely situation is that He Tiantian can't even touch the side of the banquet, and can only "recuperate" in a small cross hospital alone!

He Tiantian guessed Ma Shi's calculation, but did not think about breaking the game.

First, she has to maintain her character.

The original owner had never seen a crab, but was greedy for pleasure.

If she sees good ingredients, the maid will almost feed it into her mouth. If she doesn't eat it, it will be very abnormal.

Second, He Tiantian wanted to have a smooth sailing.

She hasn't figured out Ma's new plan yet, and doesn't want to be easily "exposed".

Therefore, being too sensitive and temporarily avoiding the attention of the lady in Beijing, He Tiantian did not refuse.

"Since you are so attentive, then I will try it."

He Tiantian flashed many thoughts in her heart, but her face was still vain and shallow.

She pretended to be reserved and said something, and then she couldn't wait to eat.


Crabs without pollution in ancient times are really plump, and they can really lose their eyebrows.

He Tiantian's eyes lit up instantly, her face full of enjoyment.

In addition to the performance needs, He Tiantian also really likes this kind of food.

It's a pity that the original owner's body is allergic to crabs.

In this small world, as long as He Tiantian wears the body of the original owner, he can't enjoy this kind of food to the fullest.

Woohoo, steamed crabs, spicy crabs, crab roe buns, crab roe noodles... bye!

He Tiantian is not such a greedy person, but not wanting to eat is different from not being able to eat.

After eating a few mouthfuls of crab roe and chopsticks crab meat, He Tiantian felt that the skin on her face and body began to itch.

After she finished eating two crabs, drank a few mouthfuls of rice wine, and before she could finish other meals, the little maid beside her exclaimed—

"Miss He, you, you—"

He Tiantian pretended not to notice and raised her head, revealing a face full of rashes.

The little girl was even more frightened, and took a few steps back.

The medical level in ancient times was low, and ordinary people lacked medical knowledge.

Basically, when you see such a rash, you will misunderstand that it is a strange disease or an infectious disease.

Especially the latter, it will be contagious.

The epidemic, smallpox and other terminal illnesses had flashed in the little girl's mind, and she wished she could jump three feet away, for fear of being infected by He Tiantian.

He Tiantian: ... Uh, I'm scared of you. But you can't blame me, you can only blame Ma Shi.

"What's wrong with me?"

He Tiantian was still dazed, but she quickly hissed and breathed in the cold air, and said doubtfully, "It's so itchy! Why, why am I so itchy all over?"

The little maid didn't dare to stay any longer, she left a sentence, "I'll report back to Mrs. San Shao", and ran away like her life.

He Tiantian pretended to be panic, dropped the food, and found the mirror in the room.


"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me?"

"My face! Omg, my face is ruined!"

When Mr. Ma received the news and hurried to the East Courtyard, as soon as he entered the courtyard, he heard the sound of things being thrown and women crying from the room.

A quick smile flashed at the corner of Ma Shi's mouth: That's right!

However, this is just the beginning.

You greedy and vanity, little three, scheming girl, you will be punished more in the future!

You can't really blame others for this!

Who made you full of calculations, trying to infringe on the interests of others? !

Ma was very happy in his heart, but there was no expression on his face.

Instead of rushing into the house, she cautiously called out from the door, "Miss He? Sister Adian?!"

Hearing the call, He Tiantian came to the door with the rash on her face and the anger that had not faded away, revealing half of her body.

Ma exclaimed, "My God, sister Adian, what's wrong with you?"

He Tiantian deliberately looked wronged and angry, wanted to cry, but was afraid that the tears would irritate the rash on her face.

Wanting to cry but not daring to cry, complaining all kinds of things in my heart but still trying to force a smile... He Tiantian has taken this measure quite well.

Ma was extremely satisfied to see such a "He Dian".

"I-I don't know either. My face, oh, yes, and even my body, I also have such a rash."

He Tiantian said with a cry, and rolled up her sleeves.

The fair and slender arms were covered with large and small rashes, which looked very terrifying.

Ma Shi pretended to be afraid and took a few steps back, but there was nothing he could do. As an "uninformed" ancient person, when he saw such a rash, his first reaction should be that the other party was very sick with the epidemic, instead of wondering if she was allergic!

Ma's acting is also good.

He Tiantian secretly gave Ma Shi a compliment from the bottom of her heart.

Ma didn't know the psychological activities of "He Dian", and she played a wealthy lady who lived in the inner house very well——

After a brief panic, Ma quickly calmed down.

She began to make arrangements one by one:

First, the Dongkuoyuan was sealed off, and He Dian was not allowed to go out with the little maid who served her.

Second, go back to Madam Hou quickly, and ask for an imperial doctor for He Dian.

Third, temporarily move the three children out, and when necessary, send the children to Zhuangzi.

Several orders were issued one after another, and finally, Ma said to He Tiantian with sympathy in his eyes, "Sister Adian, don't worry, you are the benefactor of our Houfu, no matter what happens to you, we will not I won't care!"

He Tiantian is not ambiguous about the other party's acting skills.

She endured fear and panic, squeezed out a grateful smile, and kept salute to Mrs. Ma from a distance, "Thank you Mrs. San Shao! Thank you Mrs. San Shao!"

Her life will be handed over to Mrs. San Shao.

While grateful, He Tiantian's face quickly flashed a touch of guilt.

It seems that she finally realized that the third young lady is a good person, and she, she should not be thinking about other people's men.

Ma Shi: ... Now you know the guilt? late!

Moreover, Ma's bet is that "He Dian"'s reflection is only this brief moment.

When she knew that she did not have a terminal illness, and when her appearance returned to normal, she would forget how good Ma Shi was to her at this time, and continued to snatch men from others.

He gave birth to children every day, and she would intensify the frame of Ma Shi and her three children!

This woman is utterly selfish, vicious and cunning.

Gratitude now is nothing but crocodile tears, all lies!

Ma sneered secretly, recalling He Dian's various behaviors in the original plot, and the trace of uneasiness arising from the design of framing He Dian disappeared without a trace!

【Deserving it! 】

[Although He Dian has not done evil yet, she is a bad person in her bones! 】

[I'm just starting to be stronger now, it's not like hurting people for no reason! 】

Mrs. Ma has done a good job in psychological construction, and on the other side, Mrs. Hou has already received the news.

She came in person and did not enter the yard, but just like Ma Shi, looking at He Tiantian from a distance across the yard.

"How could this be? Okay, how could it be—" Rash?

Is it really smallpox?

Thinking of that terrifying acute illness, as calm as Mrs. Hou, she couldn't help panicking in her heart, and a fine layer of sweat appeared on her forehead...

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