The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Five hundred and ninetieth chapters fake real 0 gold (11)

The latest website: Fortunately, it didn't take long for the imperial doctor to come!

After looking around and hearing about it, the imperial doctor came to a conclusion: "It's not the epidemic, but the food that eats conflicting food, and that's how—"

The words of the imperial doctor put everyone at ease.

He Tiantian also deliberately appeared to be relieved and the rest of her life.

She couldn't help but said curiously, "I have also learned some medical skills and know a few secret recipes, but I never knew that eating a crab would cause a rash!"

The imperial physician heard that, with his identity and self-cultivation, although he would not laugh at He Tiantian, he said lightly: "The world is so big and full of wonders!"

Therefore, don't think that you are a genius doctor because you know a few herbs and remedies.

People can't stay at the bottom of the well like a frog, but have to jump out and see more of this world.

"It's still Taiyi Chen's medical skills!"

Mrs. Hou hurriedly thanked them, ordered them to take a red seal, and sent them out all the way.

In fact, Mrs. Hou knew that this Imperial Physician Chen was not the best person in the hospital.

But more than ten years ago, he cured Princess Pingkang, the current Princess Qi, and became famous in the first battle, and only then did he gain a firm foothold in the Taiyuan Hospital.

Princess Pingkang?

and many more--

A thought flashed through Mrs. Hou's mind, but it was too hasty, and she didn't catch it for a while.

Seeing Madam Hou looking at the back of Imperial Physician Chen with a thoughtful look, Mrs. Ma was afraid that the shrewd mother-in-law would think of something, so she quickly changed the topic: "It's all my fault for my daughter-in-law's poor behavior, and then I give it to her again. The house has caused trouble!"

Hearing Ma's words, Mrs. Hou was really distracted.

"He Dian" ate the opposite food, and then he developed a red rash all over his body.

As the mistress of the third room, Mrs. Ma said that she was indeed responsible, and that she was innocent and indeed innocent.

Because of this kind of thing, no one would have foreseen it in advance.

But then, the Ma family made many arrangements, including closing the yard and sending the child away.

It's really over.

With such a big fanfare, is he afraid that the neighbors on the left and right will not know what happened to the Hou Mansion?

Of course, Ma Shi will be so cautious, but also to protect his children.

A mother's heart, it's really not good to be too reprimanded.

At this moment, seeing Ma's sincere confession, Mrs. Hou originally wanted to preach a few words, but she swallowed it.

"...I can't blame you, you are also kind. If you think that there is something good, you should also let the distinguished guests taste it!"

As for the subsequent arrangements of the Ma family, Mrs. Hou did not mention it again.

Finally, Mrs. Hou patted Mrs. Ma's hand lightly and said softly, "Just pay more attention in the future."

"Also, He Dian is indeed the benefactor of our Hou Mansion, but I have decided to accept her as a righteous daughter, and it is considered a repayment. You don't have to be too careful with her in the future!"

"She is not too small. After I recognized her relatives, I would find a kind person for her, add a dowry, and marry her in a beautiful and beautiful way, and I would be able to fully understand the cause and effect."

Therefore, He Dian will not stay in the Hou Mansion to be an eyesore, nor will it become an obstacle between you and your distant brother.

You don't have to care so much, let alone take He Dian seriously!

Marcus:  …

She knew that her mother-in-law was kind and trying to comfort herself.

However, this kind of thing cannot be solved by her "reassuring".

The key is He Dian, who is about to write his ambition on his face.

After finally getting involved with Hou's mansion, and finally living in Hou's mansion, she will easily marry according to Mrs. Hou's arrangement?

Not to mention, He Dian also has a "big killer".

Thinking of the word "big killer", Ma's mind moved slightly.

It seems that this matter will be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

She can detain He Dian in Huaiyuan, or she can eat crabs for her before the banquet, so that she will be "shameless".

However, this kind of thing can only be effective temporarily, but not for a lifetime.

As long as He Dian is in the Hou Mansion, in the capital, it is possible to meet some people, and then a "life experience" will be exposed.

Ma's has already made a grudge with He Dian, and there is no possibility of reconciliation.

She can only do it first, and eliminate all hidden dangers in advance.


Hou Fu tossed for a while, but fortunately there was no danger.

The master and servants breathed a sigh of relief.

The next day's chrysanthemum feast was carried out as usual.

Mrs. Hou acted prudently, and her three daughters-in-law were obedient and capable.

A chrysanthemum appreciation banquet was held very successfully, the guests were very happy, and the third son, Gu Jingyuan, also successfully appeared in front of the crowd.

No one mentioned Oolong at the previous funeral. Everyone congratulated the Marquis of Nanning, whether it was true or false, and comforted Gu Jingyuan.

Especially his former friends, all of them ran up to hang out with him, and they took the initiative to tell the friendship between them, and they also made various invitations to drink and hunt.

Gu Jingyuan had memories of eating, drinking and having fun with his friends, but he had an inexplicable sense of alienation from these "brothers".

However, after drinking together, the other party was very close, and Gu Jingyuan's defenses were slowly lowered.

He began to play with the crowd and reintegrated into the capital circle.

After the chrysanthemum banquet was over, Lord Gu gave his younger son a fake report to Qianniu Guardian.

On Qianniuwei's side, he naturally also knew about Gu Jingyuan's "magical experience". He knew that he had finally come back, so he needed to take care of himself and reunite with his family.

Of course, General Qianniu Guard would easily approve the holiday, also because Gu Jingyuan was optional in Qian Niu Guard.

One more of him is not much, and one less of him will not delay things, and the general is happy to be a favored man.

In this way, Gu Jingyuan received the benefits of "paid leave".

He did not rest, nor did he "recuperate" at home as he said to the outside world, but began to go to the gatherings and banquets of many friends.

It's not for a drink with Hu Peng A today, or tomorrow to go hunting in the outskirts of the city with Dog Peng B. Occasionally, if there is a red or white incident in Beijing, Gu Jingyuan will also run to join in the fun.

He was busy reintegrating into the social circle of the powerful and powerful in the capital, so he neglected He Tiantian.

He Tiantian, because of the rash all over her body, she can only hide in the small courtyard and refuse to see anyone.

After drinking the medicine prescribed by Imperial Physician Chen one after another, after a few days, the rash on her body gradually subsided. He Tiantian wanted to find Gu Jingyuan "to tell her heart", but found that no one could be found.

"Miss He, the third young master, the second son of Cheng'enbo's mansion, the sixth son of Yong'anhou mansion and other noble sons have gone to the hot spring village in the south of the city for a small gathering. It is estimated that it will take half a month to come back!"

"Also, Miss He, don't blame the minions for being so tongue-in-cheek, it's the difference between you and the third son of men and women!"

"Yes, you and the third son, Yi Jinlan, are brothers and sisters, but they are not close relatives. Even if they are brothers and sisters, when they grow up, they should avoid suspicion!"

"The three young ladies are tolerant and generous, and have never cared about these things, but you can't just rely on the good temperament of the three young ladies to act arbitrarily!"

Mo Zhu had a stern face, which seemed to be "I'm good for you", but in fact he was admonishing and humiliating He Tiantian.

He Tiantian's face was flushed from the run, and she said "nonsense, I don't have it" in anger, and ran back to the East Cross Courtyard with a veil covering her face.

Almost an hour later, the news that He Tiantian was angry with Mo Zhu reached Ma Shi's ears.

Ma sneered coldly, "I can't sit still now? Hmph, do you really think that you are an immortal, can you make Gu Jingyuan dizzy?"

In the past, Gu Jingyuan would value He Dian so much, but because he lost his memory, he had no choice but to rely on He Dian.

Now that Gu Jingyuan has returned to the capital, he has a family and an identity, and all the friends from the past have gathered around him, so he naturally has more and better choices.

In addition, "He Dian" has just developed a rash all over his face and body. Although the imperial doctor said that it was food clashing, people who have seen her "respectful appearance" will have some shadows in their hearts.

Gu Jingyuan was originally a selfish and cool scumbag. Seeing the ugly appearance of "He Dian", he wasn't sure how he hated it.

It happened that "brothers" took his attention, and he ran out to socialize around.

"He Dian" was left out in the cold, and even a servant like Mo Zhu dared to run on her, and her situation in the Hou Mansion would become more and more awkward.

No matter how cunning he is, he will not sit still.

She will do everything possible to seduce Gu Jingyuan, and then obtain the "trump card" that allows her to enjoy wealth in the Hou Mansion.

As long as she moves, Ma can grasp the handle, and then stand on the moral high ground to criticize this pair of scumbags and scumbags.

"...Not enough! I need to add more fire to He Dian!"

Ma Shi slightly raised his lips and thought of a good way to "kill two birds with one stone".


"What? You said that Mrs. San Shao often goes to Zhuangzi in the suburbs these days? She seems to have ordered her companion to buy a maid?"

With Ma's intentional release of water, He Tiantian successfully heard such a news.

He Tiantian already had a guess in her heart, but her face still looked astonished.

"That's right! The old lady also found out that the little girl that the Third Young Lady ordered Ma Zhong to find is about the same age and appearance as you!"

The one who answered was a woman who was a child of the Hou residence and was usually responsible for guarding the corner gate.

Because he was a servant of the world, he was married to a servant in the mansion, and his family, in-laws, and in-laws were all employed in the mansion.

Therefore, the mother-in-law's news is exceptionally well-informed.

He Tiantian stuffed money several times and got some news.

This time, they even gave a big melon, which is definitely worthy of the status of "servant of the world", and also worthy of the money given by He Tiantian.

He Tiantian:  …

What, if you sell information, you sell information, what are you doing with such a sympathetic appearance?

He Tiantian secretly spit out a small groove, but she also understood where the old lady's sympathy was--

The third young master has attracted all the attention of his friends outside, and now he has not come back for several days.

Miss He wanted to find the third young master, but was scolded by the third young master's confidant.

Miss He's situation in Hou's mansion is getting more and more difficult.

At this time, Mrs. San Shao found another person who was similar in age and appearance to Miss He. Smart people could guess what she was going to do.

Although all the time, everyone believed He Tiantian's words and believed that He Tian and Gu Jingyuan were brothers and sisters.

But the ambiguity between them can be seen by anyone in the house with eyes.

The third young lady has a strong relationship with the third young master. They have three children, so they don't want the third young master to be seduced by He girl.

The third young lady deliberately found such a maid, probably because she wanted her to replace He Dian and give the third young master some comfort!

Now that girl He knows that she has a substitute, she will definitely be sad and worried.

Alas, although this man was born from a bad background, he saved the third young master in the end.

The relationship between her and the third young master should also be sincere, but—

What a pity!

The old woman made up her mind to the fullest, and felt more and more that "He Dian" was a poor woman who was let down.

He Tiantian:  …

If she didn't know that Ma Shi was a wild writer, there might be such a guess.

But, no if.

He Tiantian not only saw through Ma's true identity, but also knew that she was familiar with the plot.

When other ladies find a woman who looks similar to the mistress, they have the idea of ​​letting the other party replace the mistress.

But Marshall—

and many more!

Ma's not necessarily thinking of letting that person "replace" He Dian.

It's just that this replaces not that.

He Tiantian narrowed her eyes and suddenly guessed Ma's plan.

"It turned out that she wanted to use this method to deal with the 'big killer' of He Tian's real life experience."


He Tiantian, who has one more advantage than Ma Shi, has all the memories of the original owner!

Therefore, something is not as shown in the plot, but there is another inside story.

"Well, it's time for Wei Yong's family to appear!"

He Tiantian had insight into Ma Shi's calculations, and was not going to waste time in Hou's mansion.

She wanted to solve the biggest trouble as soon as possible, and then follow Gu Jingyuan back to the road and the bridge back to the bridge.

As for the Ma family, hehe, she and Gu Jingyuan should continue to be a loving couple who respect each other.

He Tiantian's mission this time is to expel the wild writers.

But after she came to the Hou Mansion, she had close contact with the Ma family, only to realize that although this person was a "stowaway" identified by the Dianniang system, he was not a bad person.

People have at least three views, and their actions are within the scope of morality.

And Ma Shi is not a simple virus, but a living person.

He Tiantian can't directly kill such a big living person who is not a bad person!

Alas, tangled.

He Tiantian finally realized what the contradiction and struggle of "you and I are selfless, just because each has its own master".

The only thing He Tiantian can do is to destroy Ma's mission and let her be ejected from the world.

She really has no grudge against the Ma family, but she can't do the "sacrificing herself and fulfilling the other side" as the Virgin Mary.


Sorry, let's do our part!

He Tiantian sighed and started the layout.

She seemed to be very anxious about her "embarrassing situation", but she couldn't find Gu Jingyuan's figure for a while, and then began to "seek another way".

"You said that Mrs. He secretly gave money to Mrs. Hou and the confidant of Mrs. Young Master?"

"Even the second young lady Wei didn't miss it?"

Ma stayed in Zhuangzi, and his expression changed slightly after hearing the news.

"Yeah, the people in the Hou Mansion are secretly laughing at her, saying that she can't hold back, that she has a scheming face but is still smart..."

Jade continued to talk about the scandal that He Tiantian made.

She is the confidant of Mrs. San Shao. Knowing that Gu Jingyuan and He Dian became husband and wife when he disappeared, she naturally did not like a slut like He Dian.

Hearing that she had made a fool of herself and made a joke, she was even happier than Ma Shi.

Ma's focus is not "He Dian" making a fool of himself, but: "She went to the Yingyuan in the second room?"

Did she meet that old lady? !

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