The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Five hundred and ninetieth chapters fake real 0 gold (12) make up

The latest website: "That's right, He Dian took the medicated meal he made and sent it to Yingyuan!"

Feicui didn't notice Ma's abnormality, and continued to say in a contemptuous tone, "She doesn't even look at her identity. What kind of good things can a poor girl from the countryside make?"

"Who is the second young lady? She is the young lady of the Dongchang County Prince's Mansion. She wants to eat medicated meals. The imperial doctor in her own palace is dedicated to serving her!"

"...Haha, she has never even eaten crabs, and she doesn't even know about food clashes. Imperial Physician Chen even laughed at her as a frog at the bottom of a well, but she still has the cheek to run to the second young lady to show her eyes."

What a shame.

The more she talked, the more angry she became. Although He Dian was the one who did the wrong thing, she was the "guest" of the third room.

She has lost face, and her third young lady's face is not good-looking!

Oops, I was just joking about He Dian just now, but I forgot about it.

Thinking of this, Jade suddenly lost the thought of joking, adjusted her expression, and looked at Ma's solemnly: "Mrs. Three Young Masters, He Tian's actions are too inconsiderate, and it will inevitably affect our three rooms!"

"Or, I'll go back and beat her? Don't think that if you save the third young master, she will be able to act recklessly in the Hou Mansion!"

Ma's family didn't care whether "He Dian" was disgraced in the Hou Mansion, let alone whether the second young lady Wei Shi would dislike it.

Ma's only concern is whether He Dian has ever met the old woman whom the Wei family was dowry.

However, she still listened to Fei Cui's words, "It's really time to remind her that the Hou Mansion is no better than their hometown, it's a place that obeys the rules!"

"You, forget it. No matter how humble her background is, she is also the benefactor of the third house."

Ma Shi glanced at Jade, she didn't mean to dislike her servants, but told the truth.

"That's it, I've already dealt with Zhuangzi's affairs. We'll go back to the manor in the afternoon."

When she returned to the Hou Mansion, she would "beat" the He family well.

He Tiantian: doesn't matter, my goal has been achieved anyway.

And it's still overdone.

He Tiantian not only met a key character in the plot - Wei Yong's family,

He also successfully let Wei shi eat the medicated food he boiled.

As Jade said, the Wei family is a noble daughter of the royal family.

Although the Duke of Dongchang is only the half-brother of the current emperor, and he is not reused, he is still the prince of the dignified county.

As the direct daughter of the prince of the county, the Wei family grew up with brocade clothes and jade food since she was a child.

Maybe not as lucky as the eldest sister to get the title of county head, but she has never been slowed down.

It cannot be said that it is not bad to eat the delicacies of the mountains and seas all over the world.

She was raised in the boudoir, and after she was married, she married her favorite Tanhua Lang.

Her husband is handsome and elegant, and she is very affectionate with her.

The mother-in-law is not the wicked mother-in-law who scolds her daughter-in-law. The elder sister-in-law, younger brother and sister-in-law are all very easy-going people.

Wei lived to be in his thirties, and he basically suffered no hardships, let alone setbacks.

The only regret is that they have been married for more than ten years, but their knees are empty.

It's not that she can't have a child. In the first three years of her marriage, she once conceived a child, but she had an accidental miscarriage when she was four months old.

The imperial physician was very skilled and rescued her, but she lost her body and could no longer bear children.

The Nanning Houfu is kind, and of course it is possible that there is no shortage of male heirs, and it has the face of the county king's residence.

Wei shi has been holding it for ten years, and some can't hold it anymore. Recently, he was discussing with the second young master, Gu Jingcheng, to choose a good concubine for him.

Gu Jingcheng said "absurd" in his mouth, but he was also very moved in secret.

He has passed his thirties, but he doesn't even have a child. Naturally, he feels regretful.

But he has a good relationship with his wife, and he knows that his wife has deep affection for him, and he does not want to hurt the couple's relationship for a child.

Originally, I was thinking of adopting a nephew from the eldest brother or the third brother, so the couple could count as a support.

However, the adopted ones are not as good as their own.

If possible, Gu Jingcheng also wanted to find a woman with a clean family background and a healthy body to give birth to a son and a half daughter for their second family.

Wei shi took the initiative to speak, which made Gu Jingcheng heave a sigh of relief. He was about to turn down once or twice, to fully satisfy his relationship with his wife, and then agree to go with the flow.

At this stall, He Tiantian held a medicated meal and begged to meet.

He Tiantian said it very clearly: "The second young lady is a noble person, and she has seen all kinds of good things."

"I was born in the countryside, and I have no long possessions, but my ancestors left a few remedies, which are quite effective!"

There has always been a saying in the folks that "home remedies cure serious illnesses".

Even the Wei family, after seeing the imperial physicians in the Imperial Hospital and the famous doctors around Gyeonggi, secretly searched for divine doctors and remedies in the folk.

In addition, "He Dian" has a successful case in front of him - Gu Jingyuan!

This one was seriously injured by a mountain bandit and fell off a cliff.

Such a serious injury, it is no exaggeration to say that he was dying, but he was rescued by "He Dian".

Wei didn't know what "plot needs", but only knew that He Dian was Gu Jingyuan's life-saving villain.

Rounding up, He Dian should also be an expert with some medical skills.

Of course, the most important thing is that Wei Shi is really desperate.

A dead horse is a living horse doctor!

As a woman, a woman of noble birth who loves her husband deeply, if there is a glimmer of hope, she is reluctant to let her husband interfere with other women!

In this way, Wei Shi's head became hot for a while, and he actually drank the medicinal meal sent by He Tiantian.

Afterwards, He Tiantian gave away for three days in a row.

With the first time, Wei Shi regretted it later and did not refuse again.

After a few days like this, I don't know if it was an illusion, Wei Shi was alert and his complexion seemed to be much better, and his hands, feet, buttocks and other parts were not so cold.

Wei Shi ordered someone to find an imperial doctor, and after a consultation, he found that Wei Shi Gonghan's problems had improved.

The imperial doctor also said very optimistically, "The second young lady will continue to recuperate as it is. After a while, there may be good news!"

This imperial doctor often checked Wei Shi's pulse, so she knew her heart disease.

At this moment, I found that Wei Shi's body showed signs of improvement, and I was sincerely happy for Wei Shi.

Wei Shi:'s just stunned, isn't it? !

I thought it was just a dead horse that became a living horse doctor, but I didn't expect it to be rescued.

"This He Shi, still, there is something special about him!"

Wei was very grateful to He Tiantian, and immediately ordered some gifts to be given to He Tiantian.

Coincidentally, this time, in order to show the importance of "He Dian", Mrs. Wei actually let a more respectable nanny beside her come out in person.

The maiden's maiden surname was Qin. When she was young, she was a maid in the palace. She was assigned to the Prince of Qi's Mansion by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and then came to the Prince's Mansion of Dongchang County.

In the end, she married Wei Zhong, a small butler in the palace of Dongchang County, and had children and a large family.

When the Wei family got married, the county prince's mansion gave the whole family to the Wei family as a dowry.

Wei Zhong took care of the dowry shop for the Wei family outside, while Qin mama was waiting for dispatch in the inner courtyard.

She has taken it in the palace and the Qi Wangfu. She knows the rules and has a lot of knowledge. She has really helped the Wei family a lot.

Wei Shi highly regarded her.

Usually, errands like running errands and delivering things will basically not let Mother Qin, that is, the Wei Zhong family, come forward.

This time, the Wei family was so happy, and wanted to get the secret recipe for having a son from He Tiantian, so he sent the Wei Zhong family.

He Tiantian: ...hehe, don't take me so seriously. The secret recipe for having a son, I really don't have it!

After all, it is not the woman who decides whether to have a son or not, but the man who decides!

Wei Zhong's family was ordered to come to the East Branch of Huaiyuan, and saw "He Dian". After seeing this "VIP" who has been in the limelight recently in the Hou Mansion, he was in a trance for a moment.

so similar!

This person looks so much like the noble person in her memory!

Of course, the Wei Zhong family knew very well that the village girl named He Dian in front of her should have nothing to do with the nobles she knew.

But... if you really want to get involved, it's not impossible!

Wei Zhong's family's mind was spinning fast, she just saw He Tiantian's side, and she already had the prototype of a plan in her heart.

However, today was the first time she met "He Dian", and there were some things that she couldn't say directly.

Officially, according to Wei's instructions, the Wei Zhong family's politeness carried the pride of a world servant, and said, "I want to let Miss He know that our second young lady has eaten the medicinal food you sent for a few days, and her complexion has improved a lot! "

"Today, I specially invited an imperial doctor. The imperial doctor said that the prescription of the medicated meal is very suitable for the second young lady's illness!"

"The second young lady was so happy that she said that you are her 'Guan Yin for Sending Sons'. "

When referring to "Send Son Guanyin", Wei Zhong's family deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of "Send Son".

The implied meaning is simply not too obvious.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows and smiled humbly: "Don't dare, don't dare. The main thing is that the second young lady has a good foundation and is good at taking care of herself. My medicinal diet is just the icing on the cake, it's not a great achievement!"

"As for 'Sending Son Guanyin', it is absolutely impossible to do it. It is a blessing to have a boy or a girl, and it is difficult for ghosts and gods to decide, let alone I am a country girl!"

He Tiantian answered appropriately, and politely expressed her refusal.

Hearing her say this, Wei Zhong's family nodded secretly in his heart: He is a smart person, so she will feel more at ease!

The Wei Zhong family did not persuade him any more, but took advantage of the situation and left.

However, before leaving, the Wei Zhong family still expressed their kindness appropriately, as if they wanted to continue their friendship with He Tiantian.

She whispered to He Tiantian, "Old slave knows that the girl just said that, but she doesn't want to be too ostentatious. You do have some good remedies in your hand."

"As for me, I'm getting old, and I'm a servant who waits for others. I often have a headache."

"If the old slave is not feeling well that day, please don't be stingy with the medicine."

"The old slave has thanked the girl in advance. The girl is kind, and there will be good rewards!"

When she said "good intentions are rewarded", she meant something with obvious meaning.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, such a bold and cunning old woman, the first time she saw "He Dian", she had already started to calculate!

No wonder in the original plot, she would set up such a big game, and even the dignified royal family was pitted.

However, she calculated the human heart quite well, causing trouble, but she was not liquidated.

Instead, the whole family followed He Dian's chicken and dog to heaven.

"Mummy is too polite. If you need my help that day, just say a word!"

He Tiantian endured the complaints from the bottom of her heart, but she still had to look surprised.

After all, during this period of time, she jumped up and down in the Hou Mansion, in order to get in touch with a few masters, er, people who were needed by the master.

Mrs. Hou and Mrs. Young Master are kind on the surface, but in fact they are very disciplined.

It is very difficult to get close to the people around them.

It was Wei Shi himself who wanted something, and He Tiantian could prescribe the right medicine.

Now, seeing the goodwill released by Wei Zhong's family, He Tiantian, who maintains the original owner's design, is naturally very happy.

Wei Zhong's family twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled, and after saying two more polite words, he said goodbye and left.

He Tiantian diligently sent people out of the East Crossing Courtyard, and then out the gate of Huai Courtyard, knowing that watching the back of Wei Zhong's family gradually disappear, she reluctantly returned to the room.

Wei Zhong's body is straight, and she walks with a royal style, but she can always use some subtle movements to secretly look back at the people behind her with the corner of her eyes.

Seeing the earnest and respectful appearance of "He Dian", the Wei Zhong family became more and more satisfied.

Very good, she was not mistaken, this He Dian is an ambitious person who is greedy for wealth.

She has the deepest desire for power.

Such people are the most suitable for "cooperation".

If it was just a flash of inspiration just now, but then discovered the greed of "He Dian", the Wei Zhong family felt more and more that their plan was good!

So, after a few days, the Wei Zhong family secretly went through the whole plan over and over again in their minds, and after confirming that it was indeed feasible and that there was not too much risk, they found an opportunity to come to the East Crossing of Huaiyuan.

At this time, Mrs. Ma had returned to the house and was closely watching He Tiantian's every move.

Hearing that Wei Zhong's family was coming, Ma was shocked and secretly came to the East Crossing Courtyard.

She let Jade stand outside, and touched the window by herself.

It's not that Mrs. Ma doesn't trust Jade, but that what she is about to overhear is too terrifying and too secret, Mrs. Ma must be very careful.


Just as Mr. Ma approached the window, he heard a dull kneeling sound.

Ma Shi's heart also followed slightly.

This, is this the beginning?

"Mother, what are you doing? Are you going to break me?" He Tiantian pretended to be frightened, and hurriedly dodged to the side, avoiding the Wei Zhong family's kneeling.

"No! Girl, listen to the old slave, the old slave and the old slave deserve to die!"

"At the beginning, I blamed the old slave for being confused for a while, and actually did something wrong, making you a precious and noble daughter of the royal palace, but living in the mountains!"

"Wuwu, I'm sorry, old slave, old slave, and I'm even more sorry for Princess Qi!"

He Tiantian's eyes widened, "What? You, you mean, I, I am the daughter of Prince Qi's mansion, and you secretly replaced me when you were working in Prince Qi's mansion?"

Steal the dragon and turn the phoenix?

Oh no, Princess Qi has a son and a daughter under her lap, but only the daughter, the Princess Yongping, is about the same age as He Dian.

So, it was the civet cat for the prince, and a real and fake daughter came? !

Ma: ...The Wei Zhong family really came to a showdown with He Dian!

However, before Ma Shi was secretly anxious, he heard He Tiantian say in a determined voice, "Impossible, I absolutely cannot be the child of Prince Qi's mansion!"

Ma's \u0026 Wei Zhong's:  …

PS: Hey, make up for Saturday, please continue to support!

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